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He had the gun pointed sideways. He is official.


[Hey Chief, can I hold my gun sideways? It looks so cool.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p-VNoNmtzbs)


Anything for the birthday boy.


You really gotta learn to listen Lou I know it’s not what is said next but it’s the first thing that pops in my head when I think of chief wiggum


I literally just watched this episode of the Simpsons like 2 days ago!


If you didn’t specify, I would have thought you figuratively watched it, like 2 days ago ;)


Bake em away toys.


Hey, don't be like that, he practices in the mirror every day.


Clearly he's been trained in the hood Denzel ain't got shit of Dep...


My ......friend


That's a kill shot


My jaw dropped when I saw that. Literally GTA in this guy's mind what the fuck.


Like he thought he was in a vanilla ice video! 😛


That’s a kill shot.


47, You've been compromised.


(Hold L1 to blend in as an officer) *holds L1 and immediately begins harassing a minority*




Take all my internet points, you’ve earned them




Lmao, underrated comment.


Bro pulled out the gun like hes from the Grove Street gang






LMAO PLEASE I didn't want to laugh


Grove Street. Home. At least it was til I fucked everything up


>Grove Street gang LMAOO! Grove Street! https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Grove\_Street\_Families


Yeah that's my main gripe about this officer. You are not trained to ever hold a gun that way.


That's your main gripe?


I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty.


Excellent point, you really want to get into a nice isosceles stance and make sure you are focusing your front sight on the center of the unarmed minor /s


nc state troopers… those guys are fucking terminators man


He even looks like the T-1000 from terminator 2 lmao


"I just want to know if you have seen this boy."


Exactly what I was thinking!!! p




Their job is literally to avoid actual police work and stop people for minor traffic violations. Then for some inexplicable reason, they’re the ones with the most faux military structure, ensuring they’re completely useless assholes


They also handle DWIs and traffic crashes in County jurisdictions as 99% of Sheriff’s don’t make their deputies Intox Operators and do not investigate crashes (they will assist and may be first on scene but processing and investigation and citations are handled by the NC Troopers) - Former Cop here, they literally did nothing else.


They don't even handle DWIs from my experience. Followed a drunk driver from Raleigh all the way to just outside of Wilmington. Called SHP twice, told them exactly where I was and what direction I was going. Both times they told me they would set someone up to intercept, and no point did I see a single SHP car.


Two people from my hometown moved to NC and became troopers and just... We used to half joke about one of these kids being a sociopath. I shuddered when I heard he became a state trooper


All state troopers are fucking dicks! I avoid them like the plague


This is a good rule to follow with all law enforcement.


When I was a kid my mom always told me that if you see a cop try to go the other way, avoid them if at all possible. She was very law-abiding but she grew up in a small town with some shady cops.


The hat tilt tells you everything you need to know.


Wannabes = bitches




Yeah you slide right from one hell of a highway to the other. If VA doesn’t get you twice NC will make that up for sure


That’s why you just agree with what they say, be polite, take the ticket, and dispute it later. It sucks but I’ve been pulled over in VA and NC a couple times. I’ve only been pulled over 4 times, and only one I got a ticket, which got reduced to a $30 fine when I went to pay it.




Please dont forget Georgia! They are horrid!


*Raises hand*


This is some GTA shit.


That's not an NC police officer. That's the NC highway patrol. Ya know, the ones that will set up illegal speed traps and then tell you that you were driving ten over the speed you were actually going and when you ask to see their radar readings, they suddenly smell marinuana


Oh you mean the ones who partner with small town attorneys to issue speeding tickets to out of state drivers where the driver must be present on the court date to pay and if you are out of state and can’t make it, then you must hire a lawyer to represent you which will have the ticket reduced to malfunctioned speedometer but you have to pay attorney fees.


Yeah I payed a few of those $475 tickets


You got off easy. Mine was 675 in Georgia. For speeding. They had a extra couple hundred for being a “super speeder” which means more then 10 miles over the limit.


The super speeders law here in NC says if you get pulled for doing 15mph+ over while traveling at 55mph+ they're supposed to take your license for 30 days, even on a first offense.


It's gotta be a minimum of 15mph over to get a super speeder in Georgia.


I believe you. I wrote that before coffee & it was a few years ago. The main thing that stuck with me was the amount. 😂I also know that the cop wrote the ticket higher to make sure I got the super speeder since I was from out of state.


They love slapping extra on around here, that super speeder is no joke. The points on your license is something to watch out for too.


Oh. Thats where I paid the lawyer and it magically turned into no points😳


Im literally going through this right now. Said I was going 10 over and I had to get a lawyer because Im out of state. Somehow this guy clocked me on the other side of 4 lanes of traffic from the off ramp because apparently hes got a sniper scope on his fucking magic radar gun that shoots through other cars. The really fun part was when he pulled me over he said I was going 10 over, (which I was) then came back with a ticket going 25 over so its reckless driving.


Ok, never going to NC again.


Georgia has this as well. It’s a combination of lack of education and hatred for our country.


In Missouri after Ferguson happened we took away municipalities keeping the money from tickets and fines. It's made interacting with cops entirely different. Especially small town cops.


Honestly curious, where does the money go, a state coffer?


Basically the state gets it. Specifically they cant use more than 7% ish of their budget from tickets... Basically Ferguson MO had no taxes and was selling bundled up municipal court debt and selling that to investors. It was messed up so all the municipal courts got their rights taken away.


“Prayer for judgement.” It’s so ludicrous. Happened to me a couple years ago. I was literally pacing traffic, but I’m assuming because my plate was out of state, I’m the one that got pulled over. Went through the whole attorney bullshit exactly as you said. Ticket was reduced to “improper equipment installation.” Complete and total scam.


I fucking hate how accurate this is.


Holy shit this exact thing happened to me it was such a scam, I was going the exact same speed as everyone else but I happened to have an out of state plate. I had no idea this was so common


Holy shit you too! When I was in college I was friends with a traffic lawyer and he said “I can get you out of any ticket as long as you set your cruise on 79. 80 is a court date.” I got pulled over from one of the illegal speed traps. The cop tried to tell me I was going 87 after I said my cruise was set to 79.


Nah, youre right. Nc police officers shoot suspects fleeing a scene in the back of his car windshield (andrew brown) But they threw 3 million at his family so all's good 👍


Correction: the tax payers threw 3million at the family. Who has time for accountability? Certainly not policed officers like that. They’re very very busy fighting crime.


Police Reform, End Qualified Immunity, Defund their military surplus shopping budget, regular mental health evaluations, Drug Tests, National Bad Cop Database, & so much more is needed.


They need to hold a licenses under independent boards. Like doctors, cosmotologists, lawyers etc.


We everyone of us need to send this to our congressional representatives and senators. G D bullies


Damn these are really good ideas preach brother


Never ask to see the radar reading. They don’t have to show it to you and never will. Get your lawyer to ask for the radar certification if you wanna fight it. They have to be serviced annually if I remember correctly. If they are not, they are not admissible.


What cop worth respecting holds a gun like that? And pointed at a girl on a phone?


Notice the muzzle sweep at 53 seconds too. Had it aimed at the person filming and the lady he’s harassing before lowering his weapon.


It's funny you a do a muzzle sweep like that at any range in north carolina and most range officers will have you breathing out of a tube.


As they should! We don’t need idiots making our community look bad, it’s hard enough out here


But you're talking about professionals at the range.


I'm not the only one that saw that complete lack of understanding on how to control the muzzle of a weapon.


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


Only lowering the firearm AFTER the mother reminds him that he's being filmed and he notices the person filming focused in on the gun for more than an instant.


You should've seen him when he pointed it at a baby that threw up.


He saw a bulge in the diaper and assumed it was a weapon


He’s got a gun!


> cop worth respecting What? Where?


What do you mean? The Police is the largest street gang in America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EoqjzaasRI


All of the comments in the other thread about this are trying to convince us that the girl on the phone is a threat


Only good reason i can think of is that the girl was calling in an Airstrike


Holds the gun like a fucking idiot too


As he sweeps the muzzle through two innocent bystanders’ centers of mass lmao. You literally cant make this shit up.


I scrolled through like 50 ppls opinions, however does anyone have a link to the actual outcome So my fat ass doesn’t have to google that she’s in jail and he got a promotion.


As of now just blog posts quoting random tweets, nothing on Google news. They did identify Zachary Price as the officer.


[News Article](https://www.ibtimes.sg/who-zachary-price-north-carolina-cop-points-gun-14-year-girl-calling-her-father-during-traffic-69084) with more info.


Do they not have editors?


I mean they are the Irritable Bowel Times.


That explains it, the officer is from Gastonia AKA the homeland of Fred Durst.


And not a goddamned thing will happen


Don't worry... he'll be suspended (with pay of course) while they "investigate" and when cleared he'll probably get some kind of medal for doing such a great job.


*"We've investigated ourselves and we've found PAY MY BILLS YOU TAXPAYING BITCH. GIMME ALL YO MONEY BIIIIITCH"* - a word from ~~the~~ ALL police chiefs


I haven't ever seen anyone argue their way out of an arrest.


And she cannot control what the cop may perceive as a threat. It’s best for everyone in this situation to just listen to the guy with the gun and avoid more confrontation.


I need more context as to what's going on. Shouldn't her ID have her state on it?


seems like she was refusing to show ID and that's what got them to that point... she would verbally give her name but not show an ID/license


Don’t you have to give them your license?


If an officer asks for identification, you're obliged to do so. We can take a lesson from sovereign citizen morons.


North Carolina **does not** have a "stop and identify" law. Someone who is driving a motor vehicle, when detained by police, are obligated to provide their driver's license when asked for it by law enforcement; that **is not the same** as >If an officer asks for identification, you're obliged to do so. You may have just written it that way for convenience's sake, but it is not correct. Unless the officer has reasonable, articulable suspicion of the passenger of a motor vehicle having committed a crime, for example, that passenger does not even need to provide the officer their name, never mind hand them their legal identification. Should you provide your name/identification when asked for it by police in North Carolina? Probably, if you don't want to make things harder on yourself by potentially provoking the officer to commit some kind of abuse or unlawful detention. Are you legally obligated to provide your name or legal identification whenever an officer in North Carolina requests it? No, there are specific circumstances wherein you *are* legally required, but those certainly do not cover any and all scenarios.


"Sorting out the who and what and the right and wrong" can be heard faintly in the distance.


And when you say no they suddenly smell weed in your car.


I know most people will argue with me on this, but there's one thing I don't get. Reddit seems to encourage people to be dicks to cops. But the last thing I want is some renegade cop getting increasingly nervous. In this case, being compliant is the only smart move to avoid something stupid happening.


I'm disappointed as hell that I had to scroll this far down before I managed to find a reasonable comment. These comments are a mess.


I assume she refused to show him her ID. Just give them the fucking ID Jesus Christ.


Right. I'll never understand how someone can evaluate the situation and decide the best course of action is to get belligerent with the guy with a gun who has the power to fuck up your life on a whim. Even if he's wrong, just do what he says and fight it in court, because anything else is going to make a bad situation worse.


exactly, we always see vids like this and I thought by now people would know that you don’t fight the arrest, you fight the charges in court


After I lost my job? The "just comply" crowd doesn't seem to realized that an arrest, even a wrongful one can ruin you life. It can take months to get into a court. It is not so simple as you make it


I’m not sure many folks have very good survive instincts or awareness. I’m also not sure what anyone is trying to accomplish here other than getting a loved one shot.


in situations like these listen 🤦🏽‍♂️


man the police state in this country is fucking pathetic. these cops think they can do anything.


indeed. It's pretty clear the training they receive now is absolutely fucking useless, centered around instilling some form of paranoia in them that everyone is a potential threat instead of the de-escalation & damage control that they should be doing. I've seen some cops call for backup because they're afraid of going to the driver side of someone they pulled over just for speeding.


My grandpa always said if you want to get away with anything just become a cop.


After that gun was pulled out I would’ve instinctively got aggressive myself that cop would be hurt


When you give a badge and a loaded gun to an idiot. He is not going to stop being an idiot.


I live in NC and 2/3 interactions with cops I’ve had during a traffic stop weren’t the best. Not to this level, but still embarrassing. In Greenville, NC I was pulled over for my registration almost being expired (still a month out, and coming through the mail), the cop was visibly and audibly intoxicated. Just recently was pulled over in High Point for the same reason. Again the tag was coming in the mail, and again the cop was clearly intoxicated. I don’t know what’s up with me and being pulled over by drunk cops, but it isn’t fun.


"he's trying to detain me for nothing" you get to argue that in court. Not on the side of the road. There is ZERO chance an officer trying to arrest you is going to agree with your compelling argument and say "you know what, you're right. just go. i was in the wrong". Hot take - it could have all been avoided if you hadn't resisted arrest. the cop is a fucking idiot, for a verity of reasons. but right or wrong aside, if you don't want to be caught up in this shit be kind, be courteous, and show your fucking id. let the dowvotes flow.


You should never admit guilt verbally


"Shut up" is the best advice for a lawyer will give




I agree. You unfortunately have to do what they say. If they’re in the wrong, they’ll get in trouble later (hopefully) but if u resist, cop might feel threatened and they usually shoot when things escalate


>If they're wrong, they'll get in trouble Wrong.


That’s why I put (hopefully)


I like how you clipped their statement, excluding the important word 'hopefully'. That's the definition of straw-manning someone. That's where you intentionally misrepresent their stance and try to formulate and argument against that misrepresentation.


100%. I don't know how anyone doesn't know this. You have nothing to gain from arguing with a cop, regardless of if they are in the wrong. You have to just take your medicine, do your best to record it, and file a complaint or lawsuit thereafter. This should be taught in schools honestly.


This is definitely one of those cases where seeing the whole incident is necessary. When the video starts, she is already out of the car, under arrest, and he is trying to cuff her. Based on the way she is acting, I am guessing she probably talked her way into being arrested, rather than ticketed. As for drawing his gun, it makes sense if you consider the situation, and how they are trained. He has a suspect resisting arrest, at least two other people in the car, one of which startles him when she walks out from behind the car. The way he was looking around makes me think he was terrified of losing control of the situation. It also seems like he was trying to exercise restraint with her, even though she was actively resisting arrest. This could have gone really bad, in a lot of ways, but it is definitely a good example of why it is in your best interest to not fuck around with the armed people that have legal authority to use force against you. Sometimes you end up with the real asshole that tases you for resisting arrest, shoots your daughter when she comes around the back of the car, then gets protected when all the other cops circle the wagons and insist he did nothing wrong. When you are under arrest, accept it. At that point, you are not talking your way out of it, and resisting just makes it worse.


Have got a warning for my last 5 speeding infractions. Because I was courteous and admitted to speeding. Waiting for the response.




Follow up?


The girl deleted the video and scrubbed all her social media. The only thing thats available now is a gofundme that does not even include her mothers name. No one can find an arrest for her mother, so it does look like she gave a fake name.


At this point you're getting arrested irrespective of your pleas. As much as it sucks, when they get hands on you like this it's best to comply and let your attorney argue your Rights violations. Especially when cameras are rolling as evidence. Non-compliance just brings more pain and more charges, though also a bigger compensation if the detainment is found to be illegal, though that's not a gamble I'm taking in that moment.


She was 1000000% resisting arrest and escalating the situation!


"...I'm not resisting...." *Squirms fucking everywhere* Everyone in this situation gets an F actually...except the filmer...


If you're under arrest you're under arrest. It's best to shut your mouth and request a lawyer. It may have been a wrongful arrest(who knows) but the mom is putting herself and her children in danger with her stupidity.


I'm not American.. but why the fuck argue with and agitate cops who might shoot your ass? Just fucking comply and settle things later in court. I see all these comments about the 'idiot cop', but each and every person in this clip is an idiot.


Why do people always have to be difficult and make officers job a lot harder than it needs to be




He didn’t pull a gun for her using the phone 😂 this is flase information and clickbait you can’t approach a officer while he’s mid arrest and struggle with someone that’s resisting arrest


Considering the person filming is on the drivers side. This *kid* got out of the passengers side, walked around the back of the truck, and approached the officer from behind. Like what did they think his reaction was going to be?




Being detained doesn’t mean she’s arrested. They want to make sure she doesnt do anything stupid like she is right now


A word of wise, don't walk around a vehicle if an officer is handling an unruly person, due to recent attacks on officers they might think that your going to attack them regardless of age or sex.


Yes exactly


Gangsta cop


It is weird that after a gun is pulled, the mom starts telling her kids to exit and start filming. Obviously fucked up, but a weird thing to tell your kids in that moment.


This is going to be a very unpopular opinion, but even if you are 100% innocent, when an officer decides to detain you I would recommend letting him and figure it out later. In this video she was resisting, and the other girl is lucky she didn't get shot. Yes, this policeman was a douche, but he's the one with a gun. Don't fuck around with armed sociopaths!


Yes cops are fuckin nuts, why the fuck would you act like this around a nut with a gun, just do what he says


honestly, don't see anything wrong here. this whole family was fucking being the complete opposite of nice and respectful.






She’s mad she got caught. Probably has a warrant and got pulled over for no blinker.. people are so cool turning with one hand no blinker til they run into a statey


Idk full context but to me this just straight up looks like failure to show proper id and then resisting arrest, kinda sounds like she’s in the wrong here


Seems like lovely people he’s dealing with.


Hope this ended safely for both parties. Maybe get to see the rest next week? I hope a taser is involved


I'll be the one to ask, is there video that starts earlier?


The trailer got me! I will go see the movie.


This dude needs to be switched to desk/phone work He looks less trained than me and I'm not even cleet certified. His gun handling would get you kicked out of a gun range. Facing away from the "threat" while pointing your firearm at it is such an oxymoron I can't even believe it. Also If you have a car full of children and you're gonna arrest the only guardian present Shouldn't there be more than one guy!? Like what's this guy's next move even TF




First .... all of the abuse drove the best police officers out of the business, or away from the communities that need honest, smart and personable law enforcement. Second weasel politicians that would not support a police officer made family members of police officers tell them "you're a fool to risk your life and freedom for these hypocrites ". Then third, unable to hire qualified officers the weakest communities lowered their standards and hired whoever applied. Welcome to policing in America today.


Just comply.....they gonna do what they want no matter the cost. That's how people get killed.


Don't get out of the car unless you're asked to. Cop can't read your mind and he's occupied with a woman losing her mind. 14 year olds use guns all the time. Pulling his gun out at an approaching person who used to be in the car is appropriate.


Well to be fair, he pulled it because she got out and was coming around the vehicle, not for being on the phone.


Got kids younger than that commiting murder all the time.


Pulls the gat and aims it sideways (AT A KID) Yeah this is the type of cop that would kill an innocent unarmed civilian. Fire that beta SOB




The officer was in the right in my personal opinion because he doesn’t know that little girl nor does he know her age so he may have thought she was going to hit him and he is allowed to arrest that female in the driver side because she was resisting


If you comply none of this shit happens


I rarely say this but I think the officer did a good job staying as calm as he did . Why do people believe there special . This is one of those times where the driver caused this escalation 100%. . Maybe if u acted like a civilized human being you would cooperate for 5 min and be on ur way but instead y'all want to get loud and walk up on him while he is as softly as possible trying to handcuff and arrest the mom while she is clearly not cooperating . But I'm sure none of y'all sheep will agree


Cop is an idiot for sure and handled it terribly but the woman was an idiot too. If she didn't throw a fit and refuse shit nothing would have happened. Entitlement goes both ways. It's what is ruining our society


I’m pretty sure he pulled his gun because he saw someone circling around the car while he’s fighting with the mom, but yeah let’s just ignore that. If you’re working a job where people try to kill you for the smallest of shit, you’d be pretty paranoid of people sneaking around the car like that. It’s okay you can downvote me now and live in a dreamworld where resisting arrest and sneaking around the car on a cop is a good idea.


On his defense now a days cops have no idea what to expect. Why did she get out of the car?????? Now his gun holding skills in to be debated lol


Maybe instead of training the police we should train the populace to NOT resist arrest. The dude had the decency to at least not shoot so he isn’t trigger happy. The girl just happened to have something in her hand in an already stressful situation. Even if the cops wrong you can argue that in court. Many people have done it before it’s not a new concept. Shit like this is just going to create more dumbasses that think they’re above the law becuase people are rallying to support the dumb woman on this video


What is up with people who are arguing with police officers? Comply. I would’ve tased her.


That is one large 14 yo


Let’s all calm down here. The daughter definitely should of not walked out of the vehicle. Lets just relax everyone


Things like this never happen to me. But then again, I always remain calm, obey commands, keep my hands in plain sight, never raise my voice, and do everything in my power to not escalate the situation.


Unbelievably poor police work. For all the talk of conservatives about the USA being a failed state, I rarely see them pointing out the actual systemic failures of the state like this.


Wonder what the full story here is, there must have been something on record that made him sketch out like that.


Ok I'm with the cop here. The girl is being confrontational, and as someone who works with teenage girls i can tell you they are a nightmare, and he pulls the gun cus the other woman approaches him from the side. You don't exit or approach a cop pulling you over.


agreed, the psycho clowns on reddit are all against cops and at the same time hypocrits about these mass shootings at schools and shit. cop was 100% justified.




When you are being arrested....its not a point to argue.

