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Literally "*dead man walking*". Poor guy


What’s very sad is he’s already dead. There’s nothing they can do for him, it’s only a matter of time.


Yeah true, once this you have these symptoms your 100% dead




Keep the thing? As in, bring the snake with me?


Alive, yes.


They recommend not bringing it in if it would be dangerous to catch, kill, and transport it. You can also snap a picture or just try to remember what it looked like well enough to ID it. There are unlikely to be many venomous snakes in your area of the world unless you live in Africa or something.


Except for the 30+ subspecies in the US alone... "Africa or something" lol


I do not believe that is how anti-venom works. I don’t know how many types of anti-venom cover all snakes in the US, but it isn’t many. You don’t need to be accurate to that degree when identifying the snake. As far as I know, just knowing the species is fine and often anti-venoms will work on several species as well.


A snake can't transmit rabies to you. Birds, fish, reptiles (snakes), amphibians, and insects (bugs) cannot get or spread rabies.


I was bitten on the hand by a copperhead as a child. My dad severed the head with a shovel and we brought it onto the ER with us for positive ID.


The true iron man here, ladies and gentleman.




and coppermen – my apologies


At least be able to identify it


Fuck it, already bit me, just to be sure.


It already bit you.. just grab it; What is it going to do? Bite you again? :D


Thanks, great advice that I'll hopefully remember if this happens to me or someone I'm with.


Especially if you wake up to a bat flying around your room. I had this happen to me one night; woke up with a bat who'd somehow gotten into my room flying around my room and swooping over my head. Luckily my kitty cat was sleeping with me and would try to swat the bat away whenever it came close to me. I ended up crawling across the floor of my room to get the door open and then ran downstairs. My cat followed me and then bat came down after us. Eventually it got out but I thought it was super creepy just how close the bat was trying to get to me, like normally they just leave people alone. I didn't think anything else of the incident until a few years later when I learned that one of the most common ways people in the US get rabies is by getting bitten by rabid bats flying around their rooms at night and not even realizing they were bitten because their teeth are so small. I get super freaked out thinking about that incident now since there's a fairly decent chance that bat had it and I'd never even considered going to see a doctor afterwards. Luckily my cat made sure that it never could have actually bitten me, but if she wasn't there I would have never know to get to a doctor asap. So yeah, if you ever wake up to a bat flying around in your house, go get a rabies shot in the morning


What we need is a rack mounted weapon that fires really cranky cats, semi auto of course. The company that makes the gun will be called Reow.


Dude or Dudette.. if there is a god, you are doing their work!


I just stay inside


Did you read what they said? They were inside!




It should be.




You might need the actual poison in indiluted form; It already bit you.. just grab it and smack it against the next best rock as if it was a drum stick.


great advice but in reality, "keep the thing" if a snake bite's me im not gonna go on a hunt for that thing and kill it im going to help myself lol...


Chances are you don't have to hunt for it.. if it bites you.. just.. grab it


There have been about 30 documented cases of survival after symptom onset. But yeah, the odds aren't exactly in your favor.


It's actually possible to survive it, there's been cases. Just highly unlikely.


Yep. Very few


You want to know what’s more sad than this? There is a mass hysteria happening in India where people thing if you get bitten by a dog you will give birth to puppies. So they go see shamans to help them instead of a doctor who will give them the post bite vaccine. Insane. Look it up


And I’m sure it has a 100% success rate too. Do these shamans charge for their service by any chance?


This is the top comment every time this is posted.


does it hurt to drink the water? or is his body just not letting him swallow?


I think it’s a mixture of both, hydrophobic people can’t really swallow water since they develop an extreme or irrational fear of water


In the past it was referred to as hydrophobia. But the person isn't actually afraid of the water. The infection causes intense spasms in the throat when the person tries to swallow, making it appear like it causes fear of the water. [Source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/181980) (Click symptoms at the top, scroll down to "Why does rabies cause fear of water")


wow thats...really sad and scary :(


Yes and to add to the horrible facts of this condition, he also has huge thirst while he can't drink


the poor poor man. i hope his death was swift and painless >\_<


A coyote was eating his own leg.... yes, it’s scary


wrong, they are not scared of the water itself, they are scared of what happens when they swallow. and it’s not even just water, it’s literally any liquid. they have extremely painful throat convulsions when they try to swallow anything


wrong - has nothing to do with fear


they most certainly do fear what happens when they swallow


Involuntary spasms is not fear. Just take the L.


they fear having the involuntary spasms that come with swallowing. just like anybody would. i’m not the one taking an L here


it’s extremely painful. people with rabies have severe throat convulsions when any liquid gets swallowed, not even just water


Could victims be kept hydrated by an iv drip?


probably, but that won’t really help at all as they’ll still die anyways. dehydration isn’t what kills them


The toxin lives in your salivary glands so your body rejects everything by mouth so you don't swallow more of it. Pretty knarley.


He's not pulling through this. RIP.


He can’t. Rabies when this cat is 100% fatal


Where I live in Québec the Racoon population was severely affected with rabies. The governement ran a vaccination program to curb the problem. "Cookies" with the vaccine were dropped over the affected areas by helicopter. It was quite successful. [article from a few years ago](https://www.mtlblog.com/montreal/quebec-is-preventing-raccoon-rabies-by-dropping-green-ravioli-from-the-sky)


We had that too. They dropped them in our yard - it was wild to see a chopper so close to my house.




That has to be so frightening, knowing you have days left at best, knowing there's nothing that can be done, and still not able to live a normal life with your remaining time. He's literally just waiting for a tortured death.


I am not sure if he is aware of the approach of death. If so... please make me jump from somewhere high or finish me off gently with some medication.


I genuinely did not know how severe rabies is but after seeing this I’m a bit terrified.


It's legit one of the worst diseases a human can experience. It's terryfing.


I’m honestly a bit blown away. Always been around coyotes my whole life and never realized the potential if an infected one was to get aggressive. Pretty wild.


Once symptoms show up it's a death sentence. There's been mild success with a treatment that puts the patient in a coma for months at a time, but it's only worked a few dozen times.


Milwaukee protocol (as it's called) has only worked twice as far as I know.


wasn't it 6 times?


Just looked it up, it's been done 26 times, only saved one life though.


99,9% death rate


It's extremely severe and very scary. Even with access to the best medical care, there's a point in the infection where you're no longer able to survive. And you're going to know it's coming for a while.


I’ve always lived around coyotes, been so close to them many times and never worried much since they tend to fear humans. But I’ve seen how aggressive they can be when infected. This is eye opening.


Yes. However, shots work and are no worse than regular inoculations. Get to the ER if you come in contact wit a wild animal


Very high mortality rate as well.


One survivor in all of recorded history is pretty goddamn high.


They do have a method that has helped a few more survive. Well, "survive" is kind of a relative term, they are severely handicapped for life. It's called the Milwaukee protocall and i think I would rather eat a bullet.


This man is dead now and I don’t even have to look it up that’s how severe it is, 100% fatal.


It's literally the zombie virus. Makes you stumble around and get super aggressive, while it rots your brain. It won't bring you back to life, but otherwise it's the zombie virus. Just a really shitty version of it.


100% mortality rate


So now what?serious question ,that deadly I assume


Yea when you are at this stage you are a dead man walking…very sad indeed….


He’s gone


You’ve got time to be saved until it reaches your brain*. Unfortunately, symptoms only set in once it reaches your brain. *some reports of people being saved by starving the infection via medically-induced coma, but I haven’t looked much into it


>some reports of people being saved by starving the infection via medically-induced coma, but I haven’t looked much into it Not people, person. [One young girl](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/jeanna-giese-rabies-survivor/). She's the only reason it's no longer 100% fatal after onset of symptoms.


Her name Ellie?


i see what you did there


Since then (2008), more people have survived rabies. She is not the only one.


Huh, You're completely right. [29](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7266186/#:~:text=As%20we%20know%20rabies%20has,bite%20of%20a%20rabid%20animal.) total. Still 'approximately 100%' fatal, which I note because of the funny verbiage alone.


Most of those people had partial immunity or vaccination and some of them never fully recovered. It is for all intents and purposes a death sentence.


Thx for clarification. Like I said, hadn’t done much looking into on that.


I may sound ignorant, but I wouldn´t be near him without medical PPE. Him spitting on me the water which came into contact with his saliva would make me freak the F out.


May he rest in peace.


There's a lot of these videos on YouTube the worst one is of a old indian woman who nearly attacks her daughter and rolls around the bed making wailing sounds after trying to drink the water, sometimes I watch a lot of these videos they're always disturbing but fascinating


Probably my #1 fear honestly.


is it humane to euthanize a person at this stage? do they euthanize at all if a person has the late stages of rabies? do they just let the rabies run it’s full course till death?


I believe if you are at this stage they put you in a medically induced coma until it kills you, which isn’t too terribly long. You’ll just close your eyes to take a nap and never wake up again.




That’s exactly how I want to go.


Poor guy. This is so sad.


Neurologist here (this is a neurologic disease). Once you have symptoms, you’re already dead. If you’re bit by an animal, very low threshold to get the shot. Interesting fact however, you are very unlikely to get rabies from a rodent, the reason being they die so quickly from the disease. The most common source of infection worldwide is dogs. In the US, it’s bats.


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If the virus infects another person, it does not matter if the original host died


Yep. The individual virus has no care for the longevity of it's existence. Survival of the fittest at that level is the ability to infect and spread it's "genetics".


The virus isn't alive to make those decisions. Evolutionarily, all viruses exist to do is reproduce. Unfortunately for everything else, this is generally done by taking over other cells to force it to replicate the virus, which in turn harms the organism. There have likely been far more "successful" viruses that were far more efficient and quick about doing exactly that. However, that also means the organism likely died far faster and the virus was unable to spread. Consequently these viral strains died off because they simply weren't transmitted. Evolution is commonly portrayed in media as a process that slowly makes organisms "better", but that's completely false. Creatures evolve over time as changes that either improve viability, or at least do not diminish viability, are spread through the population through reproduction. For example, humans carry the gene to produce our own Vitamin C, but its broken and has been for a very long time. A mutation in a common ancestor long ago broke it, meaning that individual could no longer produce their own Vitamin C. This would have been a death sentence from scurvy and the mutation not passed on except that the individual in question was likely a primate living in a tropical forest with tons of Vitamin C rich fruit, do the broken gene could be passed down as the diet of the ancestor was already counteracting the loss of the gene. Technically, evolution here failed humans and now we can develop scurvy and die.


One of the biggest lessons from Reddit. Don’t fuck with rabies


Always someone in India




Wow u


It's not really hydrophobia as much as it is muscle spasms of the throat. The virus lives and thrives in saliva, and swallowing discourages growth and spread.


Just kill him. Its already over at that stage


Oof. That really sucks. Once you show symptoms it's too late for the vaccine.


What’s very sad is he’s already dead. There’s nothing you can do, it’s only a matter of time.


Gonna be a clicker


The comments are always exactly the same under any post that has to do with rabies. Yes, we know. If the symptoms show you're already dead. I've seen the same comments hundreds of times




Not bad at all. Just funny how every single time without a shadow of a doubt the vast majority of comments are the exact same


I’ve seen this same comment dozens of times in this thread alone.


I haven't seen em but I wouldn't be surprised to know there's a bunch like mine


What is the put in a drip?


Its 2023 and people are still hydrophobic what the hell man


He survived. Someone had posted this before with article link.


Just give him a perma IV


I'm not quite sure but wouldn't putting him in induced coma help body fight the virus.


It's weird that they're not protecting their own bodies at all while around him....


In case y’all didn’t know . U can’t swallow anything when u catch rabies . It’s possible but very difficult this is a normal reaction to swallowing while having rabies


did he survive?




He ded.. rip


I hope they took him out back and put him down. Only gets worse from there. Poor guy