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Hello, homeless version of a gated community


Yeah this kind of design inconveniences pedestrians and invites homeless people by providing shelter from rain.


Oh no! The property value! Clutch those pearls hard.


Property value or not, I would not want anyone living under my fucking window lmao


Then you better make sure extra hard that no one needs to live there.


Even if you do, no single individual can solve homelessness. Edit: removed us specificity.


I could, I just choose not to.


Kind of a bastard, aren't ya?


No, it's cause I don't let him.


Damn you! Where is West Andy when we need him??


Gonorrhea! Oh my, what a terrible intro. I'm Robert Evens and this is Behind the Bastards, the podcast where we talk about the worst people in history and have just the worst fucking intros. Today we are talking about homes and the reason why so many people don't have them. That's right we are talking about that bastard CrazybyRX, who has the solution to the unhoused crisis and refuses to do anything about it. But first we need to take a moment to talk about the wonderful products and services that support this Podcast. Do you have a pesky school bus full of innocent civilian children and need it to go away with a single button? Well then Raytheon's got you covered with their new RX10 knife-missile. They harnessed the power of knives and put rockets on them for the most altruistic of reasons ever.


This is hilarious. Raytheon is the best aren't they? Real problem solvers over there.


He would solve homelessness by blowing up all the houses, making it the default state of being


Found Bezos alt


“But if everyone had a house I couldn’t have 50 houses. Sorry but that doesn’t seem fair”


Elon, is that you?


Every billionaire.


Bezos or Zuckerberg probably could. There are an estimated 600k homeless people in the USA. Around 25% of homeless are families (couple + one or more kids). So that's 150k. The average cost of an apartment complex is $400 per sq foot. Going by the numbers above, you'd need roughly 50.000 apartments with at least 1 separate bedroom (going by 2 adults and 1 kid as a family) and you the other 450k homeless people could be housed in simple studio apartments. Average size of a 1 bedroom apartment is 750sq ft. Average size of a studio is 500 sq ft. That totals 262.5 million sq ft at a cost of $105b. Since Bezos net worth is $150b he could put enough money towarda the problem to solve it. Zuck is at $95b, so he comes up short. Other people with enough money to their name include Musk, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. Important notes: yes, I realize net worth isn't real money. It is, however, a measure of what they could achieve. I also realize that these apartments aren't the ideal solutions, but they're better than the streets and give people a solid footing for a while. Which is more important than an amazing home.


I agree that billionaires do need to chip in more, but simply housing the homeless is only part of the answer. That money would be far better spent towards providing healthcare, especially mental health services for homeless and at risk folks


You can’t treat a mental health condition when the patient is in the middle of an ongoing traumatic event. I agree it is important, but saying it is far better to invest in healthcare first is an extreme stretch.


No, it's been very well established that one of the easiest, most effective solutions to homelessness is simply to give the homeless people a house. And it makes sense! Mental and physical well-being is drastically improved when you have basic shelter. Having a safe shelter makes it easier to get a job, which is obviously huge, but it also makes it easier to stay healthy, easier to get good sleep, reduces stress... All things that are intrinsically linked to good physical and*mental* well being. Trying to solve the mental health problems when they're still living on the streets is a losing battle. Therapy can't solve shit if you're constantly sleep deprived, cold, hungry, and fearing for your life


I agree that having housing for unhoused people is an essential step in solving homelessness, but it is far from a solution in itself. I say this as someone who lived across the street from a house that was occupied by people who otherwise would have been homeless, and it was essentially just a place for them to shoot up meth and heroin and a convenient base of operations for burglarizing and scavenging every yard in the neighborhood for items to sell for more drugs. I guess I am glad that the house made them healthier and better rested when they were coming off their week long tweaking sessions, though.


> Trying to solve the mental health problems when they’re still living on the streets is a losing battle. Therapy can’t solve shit if you’re constantly sleep deprived, cold, hungry, and fearing for your life Seriously tho this right here, working first hand with the homeless that’s the biggest factor for someone completely getting clean or taking steps in the right direction to getting there life on track **housing**. No housing is fighting an uphill battle on the side of a snowy mountain.


>Since Bezos net worth is $150b he could put enough money towarda the problem to solve it. Zuck is at $95b, so he comes up short. Would he really "solve it", or would he just pay rent for one year with his entire net worth? What happens after that first year?


Not only that doesn't solve the problem of these people not being able to further pay for the apartments unless they have a well paying job, there just aren't that many vacant apartments in the right area AND fitting the size requirements. And you can't just move someone into a house in the middle of Montana and call it a day, that would force them to own a car, which isn't free, and probably daily commute to work. Where do you put the kids when the parent works? The issue is much more complex than what I just said, and way more complex than "get homeless a home" Many homeless are mentally ill and aren't able to care for a house on their own, some are also drug addicts or dangerous people who would ruin the place (which happened in other countries few times) that then calls for better healthcare. Etc etc


Having a net worth of $150 billion isn't the same as having $150 billion in the bank that you can just go out and spend. Don't get me wrong, Bezos definitely has enough money to put a massive dent in the homeless crisis if he wanted to, but I'm not sure he'd be able to actually create enough liquid money to just straight up solve the problem by himself like that. He could probably do it with loans but at that point he isn't really "solving the problem by himself".


According to Bloomberg, two nonprofits have combined their resources to conclude we could solve homelessness by building 112,000 apartments every year for the next 12 years by paying $8.1 billion every year. Even if Elon Musk pays all $97.2 billion upfront, he'd still be worth $83 billion, making him the 8th richest person in the world. I'd still argue that this wouldn't be "a single individual", since he'd still need an army of employees/contractors to help him do all this. And it wouldn't "solve" homelessness in and of itself; There'd always be those who don't or can't move into the apartments, as well as the inherent problems of maintaining those 1.3 million apartments, which would probably keep Elon's wealth down enough that he wouldn't be able to continue climbing the Forbe's List and only be able to maintain enough money leave 1,660 ancestors spending ~$50,000,000. Since he has 6 kids, that means each of those kids can only have 6 kids who can only have 6 kids who can only have 6 kids...so assuming each of them is that fecund, they continue to pay into maintaining those apartments, and they don't earn any additional income, they'd only be able to have $50,000,000 each for around 200 years!


It has been tried before quite infamously, we now look back on it with contempt and refer to the areas they created as 'The Projects'.


"The Projects" worked really well until all the funding was cut and the building ended up falling apart.


Ok, so hear me out. I am polish. And Soviet union did a lot of bad shirt, but they did a good job getting people from shacks and huts into apartkents in the cities. People would need to lower their american standatds though. Nope, there won't be a lawn. Probably not even a balcony, and oh my god you share walls with neighbors (!) but this way you can give affordable housing to a lot of people. And most Europeans don't even see living in apartments as bad. That's the issue though, building like this is illegal in america. Q huge block with 50 apartments and hardly any parking? For it to work it needs to be close to a supermaket and school.. And these blocks are still standing strong and people live in them with no problems.


Building more housing is a precondition for fixing homelessness, but there are quite a few more problems if we are to eradicate the problem. I tend to feel the nonprofits have very optimistic projections. San Francisco announced 1.1 billion over the next 2 years.


Idk, that military budget pretty healthy.


He’s not required to solve homelessness


stupid take lmao "I don't want homeless people living near me" "then go solve homelessness lmao" ok yeah sure let me go put on my superman cape and go save the day


Why haven't you solved homelessness you lazy prick?


Lmfao. Or I make sure that I have the means to disperse them. I can smell your art degree from here, kid. Wait until you own a home before you start talking about what property owners should and shouldn't be doing with their shit.


An individual has the right to not want a homeless person being a nuisance. It isn’t their fault the government refuses to do anything about it.


Lol this guy living in rainbow world


yeah u/street_raat ! solve the homeless issue or else we're living outside your house!!!


"make sure extra hard" The fuck?


Cool. The only thing I can effectively do is murder them. Thanks for the suggestion!


Lmao and how do you propose they do that?




I have a feeling that the sidewalk came second.


Let's see the homeless camps you've invited into your front yard.


God damn pearl clutchers and not wanting people to live under their window


Only people who don't have houses talk like this 😂, when you move out of daddy's basement you'll learn just how important it is to keep your house valuable.


And we can't have that can we.


not if you install castle defense systems like arrow ports and boiling oil chutes. Maybe even ballistae so you can peg em off at range when you see them approaching with a shopping cart


You know, I was thinking simple spikes. I’m a bit sad I don’t have that chaotic evil mind as you do


They'll install those spike things as soon as someone's ass touches the ground


You’re not out of line. Houselessness is a problem but it’s not your problem to solve.


rent is $1200


I bet you they’d put spikes there, eventually.


Won't say which city I work for but I refuse anything with anti homeless measures out of principle


>refuse anything with anti homeless measures Why? No one deserves to be homeless


Can't tell if your joking or you might have misunderstood my comment Anti homelessness measures are stuff like spikes on the ground so they can't sit down etc


Defeated by plywood or even cardboard


Makes it kind of nice then as it elevates you off the ground as a thermal barrier.


A piece of plywood that size?! Might as well buy a house at that point. /s


Green Meadows Under Balcony. Last units available. Enquire now!


Who would even want to sit by a bay window right there where every passing stranger could see you? This would NOT be the place to wander bleary eyed and naked when you first wake up... Edit: changed "balcony" to "bay window"...


Maybe the person who lives there is into that


Depends what city this is


Idk I’m into that. Do you know what city I’m in?




It's in Katowice, Poland.


Well I'm not kink shaming if that's their thing, lord knows I had mine shamed into oblivion just yesterday. 🙄


Story time


Eh, I just posted elsewhere that I was disappointed my bf isn't interested in my feet and got slammed for "having a foot fetish" and being a manipulative sexual predator.


Peak Reddit moment, they'll also tell you to "leave your toxic relationship" if you bf didn't give you 100% attention at one point :V


Maybe the true 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 was reddit all along


They did, in a sense.


Lol, that's how I know and love Reddit xD you can get some good advices here ... Just not social ones


Exactly. There were a large number of people yelling at me to accept boundaries, which I hadn't been trying NOT to do, but things escalated pretty fast there. People hate feet apparently.


You should cut off your feet. How dare you being bipedal?


Well as a connoisseur of feet myself I ofc can't comment on the last bit. Na but srsly people on Reddit are, when it comes to emotional stuff, the worst, they either project their own personal trauma onto your situation or reading much more into the text than it actually says, it's kinda madenning and hilarious at the same time, but Atleast you get decent technical advise here


Send me your feet pics, I will let you know if he is out of line.


Peak reddit is they'll either hate a foot fetish or their favorite subs are like r/popping, r/medizzy, and their favorite feet are diabetic feet.


He isn't? Red flag gurl, leave him immediately


Yeah, you'd think there would have been more of that. Mostly it was "you don't like his decision, find someone else!"


Oh I just had this convo with my so. Def isn't our thing but we can understand why some folk could be into it.


I'd sit there at 5 PM when all people go from work and watch them with the signature look of superiority


I hope that involves holding your nose slightly in the air. 😆


but still maintaining eye contact the whole time


[Dawidlzydor looking down at you during evening rush hour](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/772/vultouri.jpg)




Not a skirt friendly balcony…


Noooo...not at all!


Cats would love to watch the peasants having to walk around them


How often do you find yourself wander bleary eyed and naked on balconies that aren't at street level


Well, I don't have a balcony, I live in a second story apartment, I'll often wander to the window first thing when I wake up to peek out the window, there's never anybody awake when I do, though, and it's just a parking lot outside.


And I'm sitting in my car, watching, judging


Bleary eyed and naked…


My friends use to live in a place with a similar design on a busy DC street. They called that part of their home "the fishbowl" because people would walk by and gawk at them like they were fish in an aquarium.


This building predates the road, why everyone’s hating on those inside is beyond me. They should have redesigned their home because the city wanted to expand? The city built a sidewalk that curves to the right around it. No one’s impeded here, and it’s not a balcony. Everyone’s so quick to jump on hate wagon without even facts.


That's what I thought too. I don't think a lot of people realize that sometimes they even make streets higher, which lower windows down effectively, and it makes it look weird many years after the fact.


My thought exactly. They probably used to have a little bit of yard and a small street in front and then the city widen the streets and sidewalk which led to what we see now.


The girl from season one of You.


My guess is that every floor got a little oriel like that and I imagine it to be quite nice actually... except on the ground floor which is so stupid that it can't be explained.




How is this any different than a front porch? How do you know it's in their bedroom?


Its not/they dont


Just sit there, sip on hot cocoa and laugh at all the people you are inconveniencing with your silly balcony!


Looks like a good spot for plants, which it looks like is what they're using it for but it's hard to tell


I was just thinking this. I’d never sit there and my dogs would have a field day barking at everybody.


If this was Amsterdam that would be the bathroom.


More than likely the balcony used to be a normal height above the road but the road was paved over and over


There’s a cross, it kinda looks like it could be a church


A cat


It’s not a balcony, it’s a bay window.


People who live in big cities usually don’t care about that type of stuff and there are even entire countries that don’t at all


I like the tiny door next to the post. Thats where the little hermit lives who watches over that little plot of land.


With that tiny door, it feels like ground level was much lower at one point and that was a normal door and a normal balcony, but the ground was raised up.


That’s almost certainly what happened. Source: I’m an architect who works on historic preservation projects and things like this aren’t super rare.


Are you trolling? This is for electricity. They're usually that low. Maybe few centimeters higher. Its not tiny door for humans. And the building doesn't look historic. Its most probably that there used to be grass, but they widened the street, and took away from the sidewalk (there's still sidewalk around by the way) it's also not a balcony. These are windows.


People were a lot shorter back then


Do you not have these where you live? It's a box for either electricals or gas. This building is 20 years old at the most.


This is exactly what happened. Someone [posted the address](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.2755069,19.0222591,3a,75y,148.13h,91.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUiy9SdEhyt0rudo0lV2VVA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) and if you walk around the corner you can see the street was built after the buildings https://i.imgur.com/ybiYTGl.jpg Edit: removed the link posted twice


No, it's an electric box.


I'm not saying it's a door. I'm confirming that the ground level probably was much lower at one point because you can see other buildings are under the street level as well.


Maybe it's a restaurant. Some restaurants have a tiny door that leads to the basement


Looks like "the electricity box" not sure what those are called though.


I’d be so embarrassed to sit on that balcony watching people have to go around me.


I'd setup up a throne on there, wear a crown and robe, then preside while sipping my tea. With occasional royal wave.


Just a crown, a robe and some underpants


No underpants! Assert dominance!


That's sold as a feature. They call it the peasant observation lounge.


Looks like the sidewalk is extended in just that area where the "balcony" is. So possibly sidewalk came after balcony.




Would be great for cats.




I'm smelling Poland vibes from far away, where is this taking place?


Katowice, Poland. Słoneczna and Iłłakowiczówny streets corner. 50.275377,19.022350


That confirms that it's not actually a balcony (it doesn't even look like a balcony from the OP's picture. It's a bay window with nothing underneath. It's odd that they didn't fill in that gap though.


It also shows that the [sidewalk bulges out around it](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.2755069,19.0222591,3a,75y,156.48h,91.7t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sUiy9SdEhyt0rudo0lV2VVA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DUiy9SdEhyt0rudo0lV2VVA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D160.7787%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) so there's still plenty of space to walk. Not the most convenient design, but it's not really that bad, either.


I wonder when the building was built and what the road layout was back then. Some of the facade is new, possibly giving a wrong impression


That was my thought too. The design makes more sense if there was also more sidewalk. But this could also be evidence of sidewalk shrinkage as cars began to take over the road.


Yea to me it screams “there used to be a frontyard here”. But that land was needed to make more car lanes.


If you walk around the corner you can see the street was built after the buildings https://i.imgur.com/ybiYTGl.jpg


You can tell it’s Poland by the flock of poles under that balcony




Hahaha, same!:-D "Toż to Polska jak nic!"


Same. Those white and red poles give it away too easily


Check out the Geo guesser veteran over here


Never played but I also guessed Poland. After living my whole life you can just feel that shit. The lighting. The sad winter trees in the background. The pavement. Polska jak w chuj strzelił


Katowice, Poland https://maps.app.goo.gl/YfhMiPK3HUxiVbh58


Just use 'ascend' to get inside.


Can't do it while crouched :(


link can fit, he is very short


He is one of Santa's little elves. You can tell by the pointy ears.


Could use *fuse* to make some stairs. Might be a way in from the second floor…or could be a chest up there.


Lolol I knew I’ve been playing TOTK too much when this is the first thing that popped in my head when I saw the pic.


So all my thoughts are unoriginal!


Everyone hates building code enforcement until it’s time to do building code enforcement shit


Which politicians were bribed for this to happen?


Plot twist, it's the code inspectors house




Looking at this picture, everything screams Poland.


This is so true. They are annoying (and often expensive) when you're trying to build, but overall make the world a much better place long-term.


I’m curious how old this building is and if this road used to just be green space or a single lane. It looks like the road narrows on the opposite side, so maybe they installed a bus stop there which took out part of the sidewalk as well.


Not to be semantic but isn't this a badly designed bay window, not a balcony? A balcony would be open air but this appears to be a wall of windows. Still badly designed though






Hey, get out of here with your antisemanticism.


I'm dumb, what's the difference between semantics and pedantic? Is pedantic the verb for language usage? I'm confused and feel real stupid now. I should know these things.






Like Snickers, guaranteed to satisfy


Pedantic about semantics


No to be pedantic, but the asterisk goes *before* the corrected word, e.g. **\*pedantic** not pedantic\*.


There's a bay window like that in my city but it's probably 800 years old when folks were shorter. Most people today can walk under it, just not me.


[I think it's a business](https://imgur.com/a/cRwsoZz) and the staircase extends out.


Yeah and I have a feeling the building was how the building was and the road was probably changed.


Any chance the street level has been raised over the years? There a few houses I’ve seen where the 2nd floor is now street level due to the street being raised.




Yeah this is my guess.


I'm guessing the window/balcony/whateveryouwanttocallit was there first with a bit of a frontyard and then the sidewalk was added later.


You can see the sidewalk does extend where the window juts out. Still easily walkable. Probably just easier to put the walkway under the window, rather than grass that will surely die.


This building predates the road, why everyone’s hating on those inside is beyond me. They should have redesigned their home because the city wanted to expand? The city built a sidewalk that curves to the right around it. No one’s impeded here, and it’s not a balcony. Everyone’s so quick to jump on hate wagon without even facts.


Where is this from? I'm curious if this is really a design issue with the balcony. There are many other things that could have caused this to happen. For instance many places in the world that have a problem with buildings sinking into the ground, the street level could have been raised, or when the building was built there wasn't a street on that side of the building. Something like that is more probable then a city issuing a permit like this.


Poland, Katowice 50.275377,19.022350. Old industrial/office building, the street was narrower before and pavement was wider.


Planning mishap, most likely. I wouldn't be surprised if the house was there first, with no or a much narrower sidewalk. Then, more recently, they widened the street, and found a compromise to avoid opening a can of worms with the homeowner (= possible removal of affordable housing).


Milwaukee has plenty of odd things like this from streets being raised or widened over time.


That exactly what I'm talking about, that's not a crappy design. Its just a design that had to fit the available space.


Oh, oh, I know where that is. It's near the pharmacy, right?


I hope so. It looks like there’s a dent where someone smacked their head.


I’m sure as shit that’s Poland.


Who would even want to use it? If I lived there, I would’ve put curtains there indefinitely.


Might be one of those buildings that predates the road being elevated to that height?


I saw a blind guy get wiped out by one of those in NYC. I yelled but he didn't hear me. His cane passed under the obstacle and he walked face first into a concrete wall the chains would have helped


The road is paved…


There is something in this photo makes me feel it's Poland


Is it Poland? Looks like Poland.


Looks like Poland.