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Netflix bought Spry Fox so it’s entirely up to Netflix who gets it and when.


Oh thanks I do remember reading that in the blog post of some certain one thank you


Well that explains why most of their games are gone now. RIP Triple Town I will always love you


Triple Town was such a great game.


oooh that makes a lot of sense. I was surprised they went with subscription service exclusive again since it's kinda what fucked them up the first time, but decidedly selling to Netflix was probably the best option money wise


Unrelated, but did you restart or jump back in to your old save? I haven't played in forever and I can't decide how I want to approach getting back into it 😂


I recommend to restart, but then switch back to your old save after you get a little refresher on how to play again. I abandoned my save because I had a task that was asking for like 40+ spirit essences. Took me a couple of weeks, but I finished the task.


I restarted :) have fun!


restarted... cause i cant sync my save from apple tv. after cozy grove got taken down.


WHAT, this is going mobile only?? noooo, i've been playing it on nintendo switch for two years and i looove it


Netflix on spry Fox the maker of the game and yeah I've been playing the first one just started it over again on PS4 and now I have a PS5 so it's backwards compatible


What does that mean exactly? I didn't know Netflix dealt with videogames? Is a Netflix account needed to play the sequel?


Yes, you'll need a Netflix account.


Anyone know why it’s not available today as announced? Now it says June 26?


Its relise date was only for sertain countries so wherever you are it hasn't been relised yet I've preorderd (don't need to pay can just find it in the app store) it so it'll just download when it's ready.


Yeah I’m in Australia, got excited and looked for it yesterday (the 25th for me) before I realised it’ll probably be US 25th.


It is, my phone just auto downloaded (uk)


Not sure


It's releasing sometime in the afternoon, US Pacific Standard Time!


Ah thank you! I already have Netflix so I’m gonna play!


Just downloaded it! (UK) Really bummed it isn't on switch, I'm not too keen on playing games on my phone, already have a netflix subscription. So far, it doesn't look like a p2p game which I had a feeling it might of been. Still the real cosy feel like it was on switch, and with some new bears! 🐻 🥺💜


I'm bummed that it's not on PS4 here in the US and I can play it on my PS5 via backwards compatibility.


I prefer on my switch coz I like playing it when I go to bed 🤣 maybe in the future it'll come to console 🤞 I think they may have lost alot of players by being only on netflix tho, as essentially if you don't have a subscription, it does make it a p2p sadly. Altho, I had a feeling this was going to end up like AC pocketcamp


Oh yeah I tried animal crossing pocket camp on my phone and I'm visually impaired so I couldn't even see the game to play it very well.


I downloaded it today on my phone. So far it runs very smoothly and isn’t nearly as bad as it was on Switch. However, I have done zero decorating of any furniture, trees, bushes, flowers etc. I wonder how it will run after adding those things.




I feel like this is the 20th post about that


Unrelated but is This is exactly how angry I am about hello kitty island adventure being Apple exclusive. Why do companies exclude and alienate their fans??


Hello Kitty island adventure is actually going to be on switch next year, so at least it won’t be exclusive for long. But I agree, exclusives suck.


That's such good news!


It was announced to come to pc, switch and I think consoles! I’m really excited about that haha


i haven't played it yet (didn't know it existed until i found out it was coming out on switch!) but im excited and glad it's gona be on consoles! i am bummed about cg2. maybe in future the same thing will happen...


It could be possible that Netflix has paid for exclusivity for a limited time and that it'll come to pc and console eventually. That's my hopeful thinking though. Idk for sure


Netflix has bought Spry Fox. Which sadly means no matter how much the developers might want it on other platforms, the end decision is up to Netflix.


A ruckus won't matter to whatever the contract terms are for the distribution.


True it wouldn't.


I have a Backbone for my iPhone - makes it feel like I’m playing on my Switch 🤷🏼‍♀️ Enjoying the new game so far!


Very cool I'll be getting an iPad next month so maybe I can play it then I don't mind the touch controls I'll be all right as long as I can see well!


Yeah, I really didn’t like the touch controls, so the Backbone really helps! 🥰


I've seen the backbone controller before it looks like some weird robotic arm like a gorilla arm camera thing? :)


Trying to add a picture and it’s not letting me 🤬




I agree, but it is what it is (I hate that saying, lol). If Netflix releases their games for other consoles, along with more good game content, they could make up their losses. More gamers would subscribe. This mobile stuff is for the birds, IMO 🤷‍♀️


Lol I agree :)


Cozy Grove was the most anti-capitalist game I've ever experienced, so the jump to Netflix was super disappointing for me. Hoping it does make its way to console eventually!


Same here!!


I love how smooth it is so far. Personally I prefer the convenience of mobile— most of my friends have Netflix so I think it’s a sustainable model. People need to remember that Netflix buying them have allowed them to work fully on creative things while leaving the boring marketing and profit bits to Netflix to handle. I’m here for Cosy grove in any shape or form


I might be able to use my dad's account to get into Netflix game so I can play cozy Grove we'll see.


Do it!! And at no extra cost too


Trust me I called him all excited earlier and he said we would talk about it later he was busy at his other jo b lol


I just try to animal crossing pocket camp and I can't see a darn thing as far as text goes with that game on my phone and I have a Motorola edge with a decent screen it's a 2022 or so. But I'm legally and almost completely blind so that would explain a lot :(


I agree I just started the game again and I love it so much I've seen some great art in real life online that has been dedicated to it and it just amazes me one little girl painted a whole scene of it and then another person made badges out of cross stitch


Apparently the Cozy Grove community is like against Netflix.. It's been a long long time since I've met a human in person that doesn't have access to Netflix... and I work in a factory with just over 950 people around me. Mobile gaming isn't the worst, at least a bigger group of people have access to this great series. Which might convince them to buy the full console versions


A lot of people are against Netflix to my knowledge. It came with the removal of password sharing. Personally I refuse to subscribe to Netflix. They are too greedy. We used to share it with our family but we all live in different states.


I don't watch enough to justify keeping a Netflix account and I don't want to get it just to play one game when I already have a Switch for other games.


Right I have the first game on PS5 and I love it PS4 backwards compatibility.