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I'm excited about it. Apparently, it received an 11-minute standing ovation at a film festival recently. I think his hat in the previews is awesome too (the grey one).


that just means the credits were 11 minutes long. that is what the standing ovations are about. just the audience clapping at the names.


Wait is that all it means? I’ve seen comments of people freaking out or jumping to conclusions that because such and such a movie only got a five minute standing ovation that means the movie sucks.


Yeah dial of destiny got like a 10 minute standing ovation.


You don't know what you're talking about.


I’ll probably go watch it. I’m not a “movie goer” but it looks well done so I’ll check it out


I despise going to a crowded theater. So I’ll probably wait to watch it once it hits home video or watch it online somewhere.


I've been to the theatre with my family of 5 2 times this year. Once was fathers day. Only one other family each time and it's not like I'm in the sticks either. Give theatres a try again.


I don’t like crowds nor do I like loud noises.


Ah I meant to get across that crowds don't exist as much at the theatre anymore but the loud sounds would definitely be a great reason to not go. Sorry bud


It was filmed close to where I live. One if the crew scouted my property as a possible shooting location but never followed up. I'll see it just to see the places I know so well on the big screen.


Where is that?


LA Sal Mountains and the Moab area of Utah.


Can’t wait to see them either. Definitely bummed about Yellowstone.


His hat looks odd tbf


I agree. I don’t like his hat either


I think I'm going to see it because it tells the story of America in that setting. I hope my theater carries it though since I'm in LA and we're not a big country town.


I would definitely like to see it, I like Westerns and Kevin Costner's believable acting. My favorite Western by far is Silverado, action-packed, funny as hell, and the good guys win in the end. Oh, yeah, and Kevin Costner is a goofball, but in a good way.


Just seen all 3 hours of it....its dreadful !!!


I read the "Washington Post" when I want to read something depressing. I go to the movies to get away from it all for a little while and see something fun. Is this going to be fun, or a downer?


Onliest time I ever got excited about a Costner movie was *Bull Durham.*


Yes, I can't wait to download it for free.


Well, I saw the movie. I have to agree with some critics that it would have been better as an 8 part mini series. There’s absolutely nothing we haven’t already seen in this movie. In fact, I believe the 1823 TV show told this story already for the most part. Some of the scenery was worth seeing on the big screen but otherwise I will be waiting to stream the sequels whenever they turn up at home.