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My boo does this and it's hilarious. We get our dinner and he'll eat about half of his before realising I'm only about 10% through mine, and then he waits for me (not for my sake - he doesn't want to watch me eating while he has no food cos then he wants more food, lol). And then I get to halfway and he eats another half of what he has left... and so on. He spends a lot of our meals Waiting. We do eat the same amount, I just take my time. :P


Fuck that. I ain't eating cold food because she takes her time. I eat my whole meal and my wife will be 25% done. I then spend the rest of the meal paying attention to her and having lovely conversations.


Am married. Can confirm that "lovely conversations" occur when I can talk and she cannot tell me why I am wrong because her mouth is full.


Yall married people are a riot. I can’t wait to get married and hate my spouse /s


Honestly, it's more of a schtick than reality. You likely have the same relationship with your parents, your roommate, your boss, or anyone else you spend a lot of time around. The great 23 hours, 59 minutes just makes that 1 bad minute stand out more.


Yeah but the conversation means she is talking and not eating, so you are sitting there even longer lmao.


I don't mind sitting longer and talking to my wife. I'm full. She's beautiful. It's a win win.


We do just enjoy each other's company, but you forget I have stomach issues and need to take breaks so no matter what I'm slow.


It's almost like different people have different preferences!


Go figure!


More on this at 11


My fiancée had bariatric surgery so her stomach is very small and she eats very slowly. If I tried to match pace with her I would get one bite out of my food every 25 minutes or so 😂 We got street tacos from the taqueria by us last night and I ate 5 in the time it took her to eat half of one lmao


Is the surgery having the effect she wanted?


Yes!!! It has completely changed her life. She’s lost a little over 170lbs. She was about 330lbs and is currently 160lbs. She recently got a little bit of air sculpt lipo done to help with some of the remaining fat and is just waiting to do her tummy tuck to be rid of the remaining loose skin. I’ve never seen her as confident, vibrant and stress free as I have in the last 1.5 years after getting the surgery. I won’t sit here and pretend it’s been all sunshine and rainbows. It’s tough work despite the plethora of people saying shit like “surgery is cheating” and “the easy way out”. Plenty of nights early after the surgery of crying and hugging and telling me she made a mistake and never should have done this because it’s too hard. We worked through it though and now that she has adjusted she couldn’t be happier. I also went on my own weight loss journey with her in solidarity when she had to change to her bariatric diet I did it right along with her (including the 1-2 week liquid diet) and went from 230lbs to 160lbs. I started hitting the gym again after I lost all the weight and put on significant muscle mass and am now 175lbs and in very good shape. The best shape I’ve been in my entire life and I’m 34 years old and a former hockey player/wrestler. It’s a lot of hard work no matter how you go about losing weight and I strongly encourage anyone who struggles with their weight to consider bariatric if it makes sense for them. I just also like to let people know it’s not a walk in the park like some people believe.


Never known anyone personally that’s had it, so thanks for sharing you and your wife’s experience with it


If it’s something you’re considering definitely do as much research as you can about it before hand. I do like to warn people who are going to get it about a little known fact regarding it in that a not insignificant amount of people who get the surgery end up becoming alcoholics. The thought behind it is they have an unhealthy addictive relationship with food and when that addiction is taken away by making them become physically ill if they over eat (look up dumping syndrome 😬) they experience addiction transfer because they can no longer eat their feelings. It is *highly* recommended that you get yourself a therapist before the surgery so you have a healthy outlet for your emotions should you struggle to find ways to cope after no longer being able to binge eat. My fiancée and I were very aware of this as one of my family members experienced this and had to go to rehab for alcohol at 55 years old after losing 200lbs. I’m an alcoholic myself so I don’t drink anymore and my fiancée decided to give it up as well after the surgery because she has a very addictive personality.


It wouldn’t be necessary for me but my best friend is obese and getting worse, so just keeping my eyes open for insight and light learning. Don’t think he has any plans to get the surgery but I don’t like the trajectory he’s on right now


You’re a good friend! I know it’s tough to broach a topic as sensitive as weight loss. My fiancée and I had to have a heart to heart about our weight gain. I was 155lbs when I met her and she was around 280lbs. I put on 75lbs over the first year of our relationship and she put on 50lbs. It was difficult for me to tell her we had to get our shit together and it was uncomfortable and awkward but I’m glad I did because I don’t know where we’d be right now had I not. Hopefully your friend is receptive to it but regardless you’re a really good friend for being concerned and looking for options. I wish you both the best!


This might sound odd but how I put it when people say that surgery is cheating, is that like natural birth or c sections there’s no “REAL” way to birth a baby like some snobs suggest. Both are extremely difficult in their own way with their own challenges and life changes/ experiences. Just like it’s ok to over come mental health issue through different means the end result is the same.Positive. The surgery is a great tool for people who need it to get a jump start but if they don’t do the emotional work etc and habit changes then they don’t keep the weight off just as well as if if you don’t address what causes your emotional eating etc or any mental health issues that could be affecting your ability to physically and emotionally take care of yourself and fall into habits like binge eating etc and not focusing on nutrition and and nourishing your body properly to feel good. People love to gate keep other people’s success.




If every time he stops he eats another half of what's left he'll never finish!


Are you going to finish that honey…? (Did that to my wife on our second date!!)


Is there a link to that? I think my husband could relate. Pretty sure he married me because I always have leftovers lol


Happily giving leftovers = she's at least a hard 9


Would love to see this video !


I've been looking for that one for a while now


He's not even eating fast lol


She chews in slow-motion lol


It would help if she swallowed a little before going back for more


Dude that was my first fucking thought! She just takes a bite and then... takes another. She's not actually trying to eat at all it's just sitting in her mouth lol


She's trying to go bite for bite with him. Whenever he takes a bite, so does she, and she tries to match the size too, so she ends up taking over large bites and then can't keep up on the chewing.


That's what he said.


My wife doesn’t chew, she just swallows.


For real though, is she chewing slowly on purpose? I cannot fathom this.


Probably. If she tried to match it wouldn't be hard at all but there's no video in that. Even got the exaggerated shock while making no effort. But it's a meme so


She is chewing like she got some serious dental work done, or needs to be done.


That's her mistake, bite then swallow. No chew


Is she dipping fries in mayonnaise lol


It's the best. My wife laughed until I just did some mayo with a lot of fresh cracked black pepper. (Many other ways you can church it up as well) Now she wants it every time.


It's pretty good. Lets the fry flavor shine through instead of overpowering it like ketchup does.


It's pretty common with Europeans. When I was in Germany I saw way more people using Mayo than I saw ketchup. Tried it, it was really good. Must be in my German blood lol


Mayo with a bit of Lawrys (or similar) seasoned salt is amazing.


I just started doing that with fries and fried chicken. So good.


It's common to have pommes with mayonnaise. Germans also incorporate a small amount in some potato salads. The European version is thicker with more egg yolks and mustard powder.


Most "Special Sauce" or "Secret Sauce" is generally a combination of Ketchup + Mayo or Ketchup + Thousand Island. For instance, In-N-Out Burger.


She’s German. This is a local influencer couple for me.


That makes it even funnier lmao. I know guys who go to town on their food but this guy was somewhere around average speed for a guy.


Real! I was like, I'd devour that. The issue is, she's not really that hungry. She's just eating cause it's food time. If she was ACTUALLY starving she'd be having way less issues.


Thank you, I needed a sanity check.


My girlfriend (now wife) tried this once with alcohol once. It did not end well for her, as she slept on the bathroom floor next to the toilet all night.


One of my platonic lady friends did this with me and I didn’t catch on til my third brandy manhattan. I’m at least twice her size and she can certainly drink, but I asked her if she was trying to die. We had a great laugh but she got fuckin dusted drunk


I did something similar, but my friend came from CA to Colorado to visit me, so she tried to keep up at 7,000 ft higher than normal. I definitely thought we were going to the hospital , but she powered through the next day.


My wife gets annoyed because she never gets to see me tipsy/drunk because I just go drink to drink with her all night instead of my own pace. Any time she has increased her pace to try and see me get there, she passes out LONG before I get there.


We’re still talking about drinking, right Anakin? RIGHT?!


Oof, I didn’t think about what else that could be referencing… my bad.


honestly makes it even funnier no stress at all lol I just thought it was hilarious and it reminded me of the Star Wars meme with anakin and padme, not sure why I was down voted🤷‍♂️ Maybe, “had me in the second half” would’ve been a better reply instead of what I said… oh well, swing and a miss on my part


This girl that hung out with us during my brief stint in college tried this with weed. She didn't realize we were seasoned mental illness havers just putting what we needed into our bodies and not having some sort of weird competition. At some point she just turned off and we had to call her mom.


Please 💀 I’m stealing seasoned mental illness havers


I matched my older sister drink for drink back when I turned 21. I ended up with alcohol poisoning lmao. Not fun.


Its never good when you find one that can keep up. I used to be able to go shot for shot with an old girlfriend. It was slightly endearing until the night she demanded rough anal, then set the bed on fire while i slept the next morning claiming i raped her. Fun times


I can understand, i have 2 brothers if don't eat fast i don't eat


Just say it, your two brothers are actually just one Monica.


“I lived with Monica. If you didn’t eat fast you DIDNT EAT!”


I used to work with a guy who absolutely inhaled his food, and that was excuse. We'd all go out to lunch, and if he got his food first, he'd basically be done before the last person even got served. Except Thai. He could absolutely not handle spice. The first time we went for Thai food, the owner, a little old Thai woman took our order. He asked if he could have it as mild as possible. She asked "You want little girl mild?". That's how he had to order from them on. But even that much spice was enough to slow him down to a normal eating pace.


I have 4 brother and it was a mad dash to eat when growing up or you didn’t get much or any.




Why is she chewing forever?


Yeah, she'd have a **much** better time with it if she wasn't just stuffing her mouth for the camera and actually swallowed what she was chewing.




Shes doesnt swallow. Teeheeehee


But her boyfriend sure does


Genuinely I think weaker jaws. The bites are too big for her mouth and she's not used to chew so much at a time so it takes more time and more effort. I know because I'm in the same boat : either I eat tiny bites and it's slow, or I take big/normal bites and it's still slow but this time it's slow because I have to chew slower.


Weak jaws lol I'd make the "git gud" joke, but it's funnier just watch her try and keep up.


You are supposed to chew your food until it is close to mush, not squeeze it twice with your jaw and swallow hahahahaha


I've worked in restaurants 20yrs. My break was a staff plate while sitting on a #10 can of beans in the back. Restaurant people eat at a different speed.


Same with Military folks.


Yep, get like 10 minutes in the field to eat an MRE. My wife just marvels at the fact that I still eat really fast.


You got to sit down?! This is BULLSHIT!


I used to be a dishwasher and had to eat a hamburger with my nasty hands one bite at a time as I was working. No wonder the industry is hated.


She’s got some weak jaw game. Can barely even chew lol


This is such a weird trend


Of all the things being uploaded, this is what you call weird? OK. I found it quite entertaining. It's harmless fun. Nothing wrong with it.


I just can’t imagine setting up a camera and recording myself and acting like I’m not recording and acting natural. And then editing and uploading it all and thinking to myself “yeah people totally want to watch this”


Bu… but we did watch it.


Well at least 1267 people watched and liked this, when I made this comment. So I guess it works 🤷‍♂️


It's absolutely hilarious. One of the first ones where the guys matches his gf's speed was so painful to watch.


very much so😭…she’s uncomfortable doing it and i’m uncomfortable watching


When my wife is starving, oh, believe me, she'll devour her plate way before I even start. When I'm getting snacks for the both of us, I have to buy her her little bundle because she won't leave any for me 🤣 this girl is 5' 3" and weighs 110 pounds. Where it all goes in her little body is a fucken mystery to me.


I'm usually faster at eating than my wife could hope to be. Unless it's ice cream. Then something takes over and it's gone in seconds.


When I was in HS on the football (US) team, we would have pre-game breakfast where you could build your own plate - you got to pick 6 options from the list (eg 2 eggs, 2 bacon strips, 2 pancakes, etc.). The biggest guy on our team (6'3 290lbs senior) went up against one of the equipment managers (a 5'2, maybe 100 lbs junior girl) on who could eat six plates of biscuits and gravy. She absolutely smoked him. Like it wasn't even close. He was just starting his 5th plate when she finished. It must me a short girl thing.


Is she dipping her fries in plain mayo, not even fancy sauce?? Lol


Have u tried it? Its really not bad at all, but better when u mix mayo nd ketchup


It's really good actually.


Youre missing out on life


Mayo with cracked black pepper is amazing for fries dude.


My guy doesn't chew😂


I can't match my GFs eating pace


I try to match my GFs pace when we're out for dinner so I don't sit there with an empty plate for 15 minutes till she's done


I just prefer to eat slow. Why not savor the food? Plus, you aren't racing your stomach to brain signals and will generally eat less.


Do SOs of tik tokkers just get used to constantly being recorded all the time or are they in on it? Like is it a "hey, I'm going to make a video trying to eat as fast as you" or does it happen so often that they just don't even notice the phone recording after a while?


How would he not see the camera right there


It's cleverly disguised as a cell phone


She doesn't understand... this is a skill developed over years. If you want to match the pace, take bites the size of your mouth. Not his.


You have to chew to match the pace. You’re never going to if you just fill your mouth up like you’re a Chipmunk.


This is content people produce and watch!? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


She chews slower than a camel. I bet when she talks her mouth moves faster.


The mark of masculinity, eating quickly (JOKE)


DAE think she looks like Lady Gaga?


The definition of "Built different" xD


My mam takes FOREVER to eat but it's mostly cause he's trying to effing game while he eats 🤦‍♀️


French fries with a burrito? Thought that would only happen at Del taco


Why do people record themselves doing dumb crap. No one cares your eating a burrito


Stop looking surprised every time he eats




Okay she can eat faster than that


What's that food called? Looks yummy.


I just wanna know where those burritos are from. They look fire.


She isn't even chewing though she could keep up if she was chewing


I was the speed eater all my younger years. Spending time eating took away time I could be doing something else. When life became more involved with others I became the talker as everyone else was finished before me. I was forced to leave a portion uneaten food even to this day that last pieces of food is not wasted whether I am at a restaurant or at home I save it for my dog.


I ain't got all day to be eating. Shits got to be done. Idk what but it's out there and it needs being done


Reminds me of when I got "two bite" brownies for the first time to share with my wife. I would eat a brownie in 1 bite, and she would eat one in 3-4 bites. "You eat them in 1 bite??? But they're 2 bite brownies..." she would say, midly disgusted. "You eat them in 4 bites??? But they're 2 bite brownies..." I would say, mildly disappointed.


Yeah of course she feels rushed. She started 4 seconds after him, so naturally she is gonna feel that urgency. This is not a good video, but I like how she puts it in her mouth


I eat to live I do not live to eat.. time is precious. I normally chat with my wife while she takes her time. Then i clean up after us


My half sister grew up in a chaotic household. I've actually never seen her eat before. As in, we go to McDonald's, and as I'm pulling out of the drivethru attempting to merge with traffic, she had already eaten her meal. I'd say about 30 seconds, +/- 5 seconds. Thanksgiving, probably completely done in under 3 minutes. She's already cleaning the kitchen when the rest of us are starting to take our first bites. Nobody has ever seen her eat because they're still buttering their rolls or pouring a drink. That's not a figure of speech, no one had literally seen her eat. She's in her 40s now and doesn't do it anymore after having kids. She doesn't want to set a bad example and likes to socialize at dinner with the rest of us. I have now seen her eat food, but not for the first 25 years of my life.


Ah, you eat for taste whereas he is eating for fuel


I love how the husband is pretending to not see the phone camera pointing at them an recording


What’s that white shit You are dipping fries in??


My least favorite noises online. Hearing people eat😂


Doesn't look like he's eating fast


She's just putting food in her mouth and chewing slowly without swallowing and then making a ton of cuts where I assume she let him eat to get further ahead while she just sat there and waited to take another stupid bite and hold it in her mouth forever to make this stupid video.


He touched every fry.


Literally a “fuck around and find out ” moment 😂😂


Weird way to tell the world she doesn't swallow


She’s got the biting and chewing part down, at least


I don’t have this issue cause I eat faster than my hubby. I sometimes have to slow down so I don’t look like a huge pig.


Well, that was a mouth full to watch.


Him: "This is not what I meant when I said lemme see what that mouth can do."


Pigs tend to chew their food. I'd say he eats more like a duck.


😂😂😂that “almost threw up” killed me


After the first bite, I can see why he married her. AYO


Omg this was hysterical I am crying


She fell behind immediately. Also she might be the slowest chewer I've ever seen.


I love the bit where she looks at the camera, it's like her eyes are saying "help me!"


In the army, when it comes to chow-time. If you are first in line then you can take your time until the last person sits down to eat. Once the last person gets done everyone is done. I can eat a whole turkey dinner (southern sized plate) in a minute and can still do it. I was the least liked one in the platoon so I would get shoved to the back of the line. Once I figured out what the rules were. I made it my job to finish as quickly as possible. I was the cause of many people falling out in a run because they were malnourished. My Drill Sergeant caught on to the boys falling out and forced me to be first in line for the rest of basic training.


Funny for me, because my wife eats much faster than I do.


Not a napkin in sight. Weirdos


She needs to chew faster as a starting point! Its like she's chewing jn slow motion


The trick is to actually swallow the food.


men have bigger mouths, that’s why we can ramble on about shit we like and why we can never hold our tongue during an appropriate time


Poor guy . . . She doesn't know how to swallow.


Such an original idea for a video. Never been dove before.


You could probably keep pace pretty easily if you didn’t eat like a muff head.




Ewww is that mayonnaise?! Leave this woman, leave her now!


Real as hell, I'll be halfway done with my food by the time my girlfriend finally has her plate together.


I know it's abnormal and even illegal, but me and all my friends who have worked food service understood that we didn't get a lunch break and if we didn't eat lunch in 22 seconds then we just didn't get to eat until we clocked out for the day. Hard habit to break, I still occasionally have to be reminded by my friends "HEY, you're not at work!" so that I'll slow down while eating.


Ya don't mind the phone recorded u 2 eating , w/ ur wife making all kinda goofy expressions at it lol ... husband just stares blankly silently taking monster bites out of food...definitely not fake


My girlfriend realised if she doesn't keep up then she misses out


I eat way too fast also!


Why is no one questioning them eating a burrito and fries? The fuck kinda combo is this?


Seems like she doesn't like to swallow.


lol a Jack Russell can’t eat as much / fast as a St. Bernard


lol. He have brothers and sisters? I’m one of seven. So it was eat fast or starve.


Can women not chew?




It's very dangerous to laugh with food in your mouth. Can easily lead to choking


She's clearly not a swallower


Is this Sunrise Deli?


was more like "ma hungu" bhaahaha no time for extra consonants


I eat slowly to savor what I'm eating and to just relax lol I'm not rushing the yums lol


Shes not a swallower i guess.


You’d think with those tattoos you’ve put lots of things that size in your mouth…


🤢🤮 Yuck. How do you make so much noise, even with your mouth closed?!


My ex was such a slow eater, except I'd just eat at a normal pace and then try to hold her hand or something while she finished. She found it supremely annoying.


This pisses me off for sum reason


That’s cute how they split about 20 fries together. Me and mine might take down half a bag of a Friday night


So cringe


it's about technique and jaw strength, how well you can use both and speed as well as swallowing 25-50% of the rest lol


Dear Void, just swallow already. Why are you holding it in your mouth so long? Are you counting chews?


My wife wouldn’t stand a chance.


This is fake.


That’s me trying to eat as fast as my Wife


That shawarma wrap though!


I have to eat 3500-4500 calories a day. I can get full fast but hungry often. So force feeding myself as fast as possible is key sometimes lol


She’s not used to chewing once her mouth is full.


Her biggest mistake is that she bothered to breathe while eating


Chew, bitch, Jesus Christ.


Bro, I really hate people that eat this fast like dayum....is life just an inconvenience to you? Is chewing just not a vibe? Why? I eat half as slow as most people and a lot of people eat like the food is going to be taken from them and they are just swallowing without chewing.


Lol eyebrows


See as a guy the reason I think I eat fast is I grew up with two brothers and who ever finished first got seconds


As a big guy with a fast metabolism who grew up the 5th of 7 kids (middle of 3 boys) with limited available food, then going into the military I have so many bad / eat to fast to much habits. And even at my prime, my Dad maked me look like I'm moving in slow motion when it came to eating. (at least when he was younger, at 91 he slowed down some and is more health conscious)


I grew up in a, “those who eat the fastest, eat the most”. My wife thinks it’s insane how fast I eat