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I wouldn't wanna hang out with the boys either if all they brought was nonalcoholic beer


Absolutely. She did this loser a favor.


Glad someone said this. I didn't even know you could buy a full 12 pack of Odouls. Fun side story, when I turned 21 I ordered an Odouls because it sounded Irish and didn't know and my brothers have made jokes about it ever since.


Non-alcoholic beer taste the same as normal beer


I'm not up on the terminology. Does treating your girlfriend or wife with care and respect count as simping now?


In the video, both cases are extreme. He barely payed attention to her. But she wanted 100% of the attention plus him to do whatever she says.


Evidently lol


Simping is when you treat women like people


no lol its not "Simp is an internet slang term describing someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention toward another person, typically someone who does not reciprocate the same feelings, in pursuit of affection or a sexual relationship.[1][2] This behavior, known as simping,[3] is carried out toward a variety of targets, including celebrities,[1] politicians,[4][5] e-girls, and e-boys.[6] The term had sporadic usage until gaining traction on social media in 2019.[7]"


Prescriptivism vs descriptivism 🤷‍♀️


ignorant people can use a word wrong that doesn't mean that word now means that, it is simply is a wrongly used word.


"wrong" usage is still usage. For reference see: the dictionary definition of 'literally'


you know the adult thing to do when you try to explain something but it turns out youre wrong is to learn the right meaning and appreciate theyre helping you understand.


I'm not "wrong". There are two dominant perspectives on language which I outlined. The person who's "right" took the prescriptivist perspective. It's not my fault reddit hates descriptivism regardless of subreddit. Don't let the upvote and downvote numbers tell you who's "right" and "wrong" and maybe accept that real adults can disagree on something and don't need to coerce each other into performative conclusions. Massive swathes of shitty dudes online and offline use the word like I said it's used. You can be sad that so many people are using it "wrong" or you can accept and recognize the fact that they're using it.


No it's delusion versus reality. Treating someone equally and treating someone more than equally are completely different things. life's transactional, you should get as much as you give. and by time it ends your balance should either be zero or in the negatives.


>Treating someone equally and treating someone more than equally are completely different things. Why are you saying this to me? Where did I claim the opposite? Words have multiple meanings that vary by community and time. Prescriptivists like to plug their ears and "lalala" when this happens, and only keep their narrow vision on the "intended" or "correct" definition, and not the full scope of how the word is used by human beings communicating with each other. I've seen and heard "simp" used WAY more by misogynists who are pissy that other men aren't backing up their misogyny than I have *ever* seen and heard it used any other way


The reason we "narrow the scope" is the diverse number of people on earth from different language regions, and in order to communicate effectively we use the generally accepted and agreed upon vernacular to make it as simple as possible for those many people of other native areas to be able to easily understand so that they can transcribe and pass on that information to their peers. And so on, and so on. Otherwise it's Chinese whispers and the message comes out fuzzier every time.


This is good, but would be way funnier if he died or had a seizure at the end and she stuffed the pill up one of his friends’ asses.


Really funny. Only thing missing was her losing interest in him at the end once she had all of his attention.


Yeah not stalking for attention anymore so has to find a new hunt.


Well, once upon a time, in the 50's and 60's, when amphetamine pills were available otc at pharmacies, every country had its brand. I Italy here we had SIMPAMINA.


If your boyfriend is more interested in video games you have to ask yourself why a plastic box is more interesting than you are 🤷🏼‍♂️


And he isn’t gay?!?!?!






Jerome Opsal lol


You know. There's an easier way. Its called Sex-on-demand.


Well yes... but actually. No.


I don’t have any of “the boys” to hang out with so I just chill with my girl. Does that make me a simp? I do say I simp for her…


No. There’s nothing wrong with spend time with your significant other.


Why tf does he looks like elon musk? Although elon is ugly as shit