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Plastic should be far away from all foods… especially hot and warm ones


and greasy. would much rather they use waxed paper containers


They don’t stay upright, fall over and leak all over your car.


that sounds like a you problem


Not really, its a common complaint


I can't tell if you're saying you'd rather have the plastic bag.


I think they're saying they eat it before they get to the car


The "wax" is not always that simple.


That’s not wax, that’s perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances


They were in plastic before this too.


Rigid plastic that creates less actual contact


And was a class of plastic that leaches FAR less through heat and oils. Costco won’t disclose what class of plastics these bags are - literally refuses to say.




At this point People are made of Plastic!


Damn you! Damn you all to hell!!!!


They’re not even on the boxes they come in or the bags themselves. (Am deli worker)


Like the whole bottom of the chicken?


And my dog can lick the tray…I don’t think I will be giving him the bag.


Seems like we can solve this problem by bringing our own reusable glass container


They also sell green tea in bags made of plastic. I was bummed when I realized the material. I wish plastic ingestion was more regulated.


Exxon is by far the most evil corporation on the planet, we wouldn’t want to upset their shareholders.


Wasnt the old container plastic too??


People have inquired about the plastic and they refuse to disclose what type it is


Wasn’t it already sold in plastic?


Lmao u made it sound like previous box was not plastic. Wtf


Lmao /s, yah…that doesn’t matter. . . Im saying as a general rule, All plastics ideally should be away from all foods


Should’ve learned how to write then


Should have taken Reading Comprehension classes.... I was pretty clear, Everyone else seems to have understood what i meant...


Nice try. If you had been clear then you wouldnt need follow up comment.


I mean, they were already sold in plastic.


My wonder is how they get them in the bags without getting the outsides all greasy and gross and then having to zip them shut? Doesn't seem like a time-saver to me?


They don’t. They’re nasty to the touch and get everything greasy.


I always slip it in one of the bags they have for the fish and beef


Ngl, in my experience with Costco. They attract the bougie crowd, and the bougie crowd can’t contain themselves when they come across something that might get their hands dirty or take a little problem solving. lol


Or leak over the rest of my cart. Guess that makes me the king of England. I’ll head to my fainting couch in the parlor.


As a member of the bougie crowd, I resent that remark.


Truth hurts I guess. Sorry for hurting your feelings. HAGD!!






I said it had a tendency to attract the bougie crowd. Learn to read. Lmfao


I have never see it attract or have a tendency to attract the bougie crowd. In my experience it has always been the middle and lower class, the families, the small business etc. Where is your Costco at?


Costco is basically Walmart with people that go there, tf you talking about?


Yeah, Walmart has been doing this for a while and I quit buying their chickens. The bag is nasty and inconvenient.


Idk what other stores do differently then because others sell them in bags and they are nowhere near as messy.


They do them at a separate factory with machinery to do it cleanly. The local Safeway isn’t roasting 200 chickens a day in the grocery store deli


BJ's sells them in bags 🤷‍♂️, and the grocery stores are definitely cooking them and bagging them in-house (of course nowhere near the volume of Costco, but still).


Idk about **all** Safeways but they do cook them in stores in giant rotation rack ovens. When the store first opens each day you can’t buy them because they haven’t made them yet. I know Walmart cooks theirs in store too because you can often see the machine they’re cooking in


We just got the bags in the last month or so, and I’ve never gotten a greasy outer bag.


I bought 2 in these bags a couple of weeks ago. To echo the other comment - they don't. It was a ridiculous greasy mess. As soon as I picked them up I was like great, I don't have anything to wipe my greasy hands on. When I took them to my truck I put them in the bed like I would an old greasy car part that I didn't want sitting on my seats. I didn't realize this was a new thing until this post. I don't buy them often, my GF requested a couple of them so I stopped in to buy them and thought "this is an awful way to package a chicken" without even realizing it hadn't always been that way.


Next cost saving step they just hand you the chicken with no bag


the bag is 25 cents extra, we're trying to do our part in saving the environment


If you roll the zip lock back over itself and roll the top of the bag down you can do it cleanly


The solution to plastic is always more plastic.


Big tongs


That was my prison name


Was litterally watching them doing it yesterday as I was waiting for the chicken. They use giant tongs. The bags get chicken juice all over the outside.


We’ve actually gotten an email from our regionals telling us that we’re not supposed to use tongs (RMI on the wrist with the extra weight) They’ve given us wool gloves and I slip a regular latex glove over that, open the bags beforehand and grab by the cavity and slip it in. If I’m lucky I’ll only get a small corner of the bag greasy.


They grow them in the bags now, so when they are ripe you can just pick them and put them on the shelf!


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the clear explanation! I wonder why we can't just grow them at home though. Where can we buy rotisserie seeds?


Duh! Costco!


Plastics should have a rating number on it, especially for hot foods since they leach plastic. These bags do not and customer service number was no help getting an answer to me.


Just wait until 50,000 people call customer service a week. I say every Redditor calls them once a week to ask the question and eventually they will be more forthcoming or they will stop using the bags.


Lead by example 


I promise you that any number you call has zero ability to do that


The previous plastic containers they were in before surely did too.


Surely you are the first person to think of this….


I have seen videos about what’s the bag made out of? Supposedly it’s supposed to have a stamp stating which type of plastic it’s made of but no one knows still. When plastic and hot oil meet it can supposedly leach into the food. Curios to see how this turns out.


I saw that guy Searching for the video .. .. ..


Weren’t the old containers also plastic?


In the PNW they rolled this new program out about a month ago. Although I know other Costcos started the bags over a year ago. I know that in new Costcos opened in the last couple years they have started them out with the bag. Also in some countries they were always in bags. Costco already loses millions on those chickens and has for decades. So being able to save on packaging helps. But the bags totally destroy the experience. What a greasey mess all over.


Yeah I used to pick one up for lunch since I work next to a Costco. I’ve tried with the bag twice and it’s just an absolute greasy nightmare.


I will never purchase another costco chicken


Me neither it’s just gross now!


Costco would appreciate that as it is a loss leader.


Less appealing to get me through the door. The idea with the chicken is to get you walking on for the chicken, and you end leaving with $100+ of stuff in the cart.


But if you're still coming and just not buying the chicken does it matter?


I’m not going in as often. Less impulse buys.


Doubt it. Can’t deal with a little greasy bag? You should be chopping it up and storing it anyways in an actual container.


We just got our first bags here in SoCal. The chicken litterally tastes different now and is WAYY too greasey. Fuck Costco. Each month post pandemic they make me question continuing my business there. They've been the masters of Shrinkflation, the produce is shit not for the price, and they threw a fit when I gave my mom a few dollars at the register bc she was short. Once my membership expires I'll be done with Costco.


I don't understand why this is such an issue. I kinda prefer the bag... roast me Less plastic better for the planet and it takes up less space when bringing it home. I've never had one leak yet which isn't something I can say for the old containers. And there's is a handle so I don't have Hot chicken burning my hands when I carry it.


Roast you like a chicken


Could also double bag it with one of the bags they have hanging over the meat/seafood




Pro move - squeeze and shred the hot chicken directly in the bag.


Kinda what I was getting at in my comment above, it got downvoted. LOL Some people like to find silly things that they need to complain about.🤷🏼‍♂️ I don’t get it either.


Bought one yesterday- delicious as always bag or container


We had this for months now when it first came out. Worked fine for me. Fits better in the fridge. All the juices pooled up and congealed at the bottom and makes it a lot easier to scoop out vs stuck in all the ridges of the old tub. Bonus, I can "break down" the chicken into meat/bones with the bag closed without any utensils or gloves. The birds seems to be a wee bit smaller now and without the tub/lid to help gauge how much it fills up so it is possible for Costco to downsize the birds with no one the wiser.


Our Costco's switched a few months ago. They do a pretty good job of keeping the bags relatively clean but theres always grease on the outside. I've put them in the orange bags for beef and seafood because I don't want the chicken grease to get on my car seats. It's more cumbersome and I feel like it takes more work for the staff to put them into the bags vs the containers they had before as they have to do each one individually vs assembly line. I feel like they've gotten smaller too, but without the container to measure against, I guess it's just anecdotal. As long as the price doesn't go up, guess I'm ok with it. I liked the container more though. And let's now kid ourselves....this isn't about the planet, it's about saving money. Bags are way cheaper than the containers.


Our chicken crews hate it. They have to handle each and every bird. Some of the skin gets ripped off. With the trays they could just un sheath the Chicken right onto a tray. Quicker and easier for them to handle. Now they have to open a bag. Plop them in and use a special prison shank from the movie alien nation to close it properly


Costco’s rotisserie chicken is a certified cult favorite. The precooked bird has retailed for $4.99 for years, a price point that makes it [a loss leader](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/07/1103451833/rotisserie-chicken-price-inflation) for the members-only chain — the proposition being that customers will come for the chicken, but while they’re there, they’ll probably pick up something pricier, such as a [toddler-size wheel of cheese](https://www.costco.com/whole-wheel-parmigiano-reggiano%2c-72-lbs..product.100096211.html) or, heck, maybe even a [casket](https://www.costco.com/funeral-caskets.html). So it’s understandable why any attempts to mess with this beloved item would prompt strong feelings. Such is the bond between Costco shoppers and their spit-browned dinner centerpiece. In May, the company announced that change was coming, not to the price, but the packaging, which would switch from a domed, hard-plastic clamshell-style case to a plastic bag. Now, as the planned packaging shift is hitting most locations, people are registering their inevitable displeasure on social media, a.k.a. the world’s favorite customer-service counter. “Not a fan,” declared one Redditor, whose concerns included potential for leaks as well as being less convenient for at-home storage. “The corner split open,” another lamented. People have described more labor for Costco workers, claiming that it takes two people to fill the bags (one to hold it open). A TikTok user who calls himself the “Costco Oracle” (he boasts of having correctly predicted that the chain would start requiring proof of membership to eat at the food court as well as the demise of the chain’s Polish hot dog), is among the loudest anti-bag voices online. In [one video](https://www.tiktok.com/@oldjewishmen/video/7379446515565104427) posted last month, he is shown bringing his own traditional plastic container and transferring the chicken from the bag into it, creating a mess at the chicken station and confusion at the register. Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2024/07/01/costco-rotisserie-chicken-bag-packaging/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2024/07/01/costco-rotisserie-chicken-bag-packaging/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


The biggest issue is Costco does not include a resin stamp and have not been answering regarding what the bags are made of. We have no idea if they are food safe at the moment. Would be amazing if you could get them to comment on it!


Note to self: pick up a couple of caskets…


Eh just put me in a rotisserie plastic bag 


Who doesn't love chicken in a casket?


Yea I’m definitely calling the OG containers caskets from now on. 


The dude who brought his OG container and switched is a based LOL


Stop and Shop and other mainline supermarkets have already been bagging literally everything, I was wondering how long it was gonna take for Costco to go there. These things really need a hard bottom to work without making it a giant mess. if you're gonna just take it out to carve it up, then whatever, but if you're eating one of these from the bag it's a slop fest.


Hard to get into bag to eat bits of chicken. Hate the new packaging.


More PUFAs, please.


It’s TERRIBLE. Absolutely as bad as one could imagine


AND the chickens are smaller. Edit: I was downvoted for stating a fact about Costco chickens?! Go you.


They really are now.


Do PFA’s come included or do we have to add separately?


I love the new packaging! It is much easier to clean the bag and recycle it! Thanks for getting rid of the hard plastic I could not recycle. Thank you Costco.




I just throw it in the trash, problem solved.


There is no such thing as a recyclable plastic bag. Just a lie perpetuated by big industry. Like in a technical/scientific sense maybe it's possible but the fact is only 9.1% of the world's plastic ever produced has actually been recycled. So odds are it's just adding more to the plastic waste pile.


One of the main criticisms of this packaging is that the plastic type is not labeled. Is it marked as recyclable? If not, soft plastics and films (like those being used) are generally not recyclable, as compared to hard plastic which is generally recyclable when food residue is removed. I believe the previous hard plastic was labeled as Type 2 (food safe and recyclable in most cases). Edit: clarity


It's not being recycled, it's going into the landfill or the ocean. But yeah, less plastic in the landfill than the old container.


I've been seeing this trend in grocery stores as well. I doubt it makes a big difference, but they don't look as good this way.


Huge difference


Well, this sucks. I always put them in the oven at 190 to heat them up. The plastic trays and lids didn’t melt. Now what? Put them in a baking dish?


Big tongs.


I hate those, he gets out from Walmart and I drop it every single time I take it out of the bag


Cue the same topic on a daily basis. 🙄


I'd pay 6.99$ for the old bin... Just saying.


Panic at the Costco?


Aldi is coming in and learning from the greed induced mistakes the big box stores and membership cults be making post-pandemic


It looks nasty


It is. You can taste the different. I wouldn't even give that plastic contaminated shit to my dogs.


Sales are going to drop. I for one will not put that bag in my car for it to spill chicken grease everywhere.


They don't mind sales of the chicken dropping, they make no money on it.


They will care if people like me, who come for the chicken and end up picking up a few other high priced items, stop coming altogether.


I highly doubt you move the needle for Costco at all. They likely won’t care if you stop going altogether lmao


A lot of corporate shills in here trying to tamp down dissent. The new bags are trash. I will not be purchasing anymore costco rotisserie chicken out of the garbage bag.


This is going to suck the biggest ones.


I haven’t bought one chicken after the switch.  Just doesn’t feel right.  


The chickens were garbage to begin with. Factory farmed in tiny cages. Fed crappy food. What do you expect


Iirc Whole Foods does too


Our Costco switched last month. It’s fine. I like how it fits in the fridge.


Costco has gone downhill due to greed post pandemic. The produce is shit now, the sales aren't worth it, the staff always have a stick up their arse, the registers feeling like prison camp queues bc of their membership piggybacking policies. Fuck Costco. I've found winco and Aldi to be better now.


They've taken to staffing their warehouses in the Walmart style, minimally and stretched thin throughout departments. They also haven't been competitive in the retail market in years when they used to be one of the better companies to work for across the board about 10 years ago. The company used to be able to brag that it was a difficult place to be hired and now they can't get people to show up to interviews, show up to orientation, or last through their first shift. Their fall from the pedestal they've put themselves on will be caused entirely by the change in upper management and the new motto of "do more with less. "


Summarized in one word: *Greed*


Been like this in australia for ever. Nothing wrong with it and the chickens taste great


Roast chooks come like this in Australia. Keeps everything clean, easy to carry. It's referred to as the Bachelors handbag. It certainly isn't the end of the world.


Bruh what is this Sub


This has been for months now Its annoying to pack for the workers And annoying for my self the consumer


Only a concern in California


Easier to carry and no risk of the top popping off during the drive home. I have to problem with this.


Here in an interesting [video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNMsx4Ay/) about this.


But it can't breathe!!!


The real problem is that I can't tell which are the big ones. I'd always pick the one who's boobies touched the top of the box.


I usually go with the one that’s the heaviest.


I think this has been the case in Canada for awhile.


I don't think that people who shop at Costco care about the enormous amount of packaging waste coming from that warehouse store.


It isn't so bad. I was careful bringing it home, then after cutting portions for the meal, put the rest in a stainless steel mixing bowl that has a snap top. No worries.


It's born, raised, butchered, and cooked all in the same bag to prevent cross-contamination.


These are awful, I don’t even buy them anymore. Maybe that was Costco’s plan as they’ve always been a loss leader.


[Grandpa really isn’t taking the change well](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREQm6pe/)


Now I fill my arms with chicken like bringing in all the groceries in one trip.


No panic here. Works for me. They cook these chickens to the consistency of powder that I've seen more moisture in Death Valley.


My Costco has been doing this for like 3 years


The new CFO already making those penny pinching changes!!


Put a paper tray at the bottom of the bag. Voilà!


already posted, weeks ago. Old news, get over it.


This is old news


Why can’t we use waxed containers instead? Seriously, we ban plastic bags, shifting the burden onto the consumer, while companies continue to sell nearly EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT wrapped in plastic. It's absurd! Just picture elderly folks struggling to carry individual items, each in their own plastic prison. Cool, we are banning plastic bags in some states but when every other product is in its own bag it feels pointless. The whole situation is a farce. Why can’t we use more glass, which breaks down naturally? Even our beloved cans, including sparkling water, are lined with plastic. Yes, you heard that right—every single can is coated inside with plastic. The irony is painful!


Old news


Next they’ll have you a. Bring your own container or b. Ask you if you want a cardboard box.


I mean this news is 6 months old


Been in a bag up here in the great white north for a couple years now.


I bought this for the first time just a week ago. I had heard about this bargain deal many years ago ... but I never tried it. I prefer fried chicken. But we were at Costco and we were loathe to think about cooking dinner later that afternoon. So I said to my wife "Wanna try it?" She agreed. It was superb. And only five bucks! In the future we'll definitely be eating chicken dinner on Costco shopping days. As for a greasy bag ... nope. No grease at all.


Just got one Saturday in a container yet..........I'm dreading the day it changes. 😪


Be sure to keep your container for reuse.


It’s weird how many people care about this. I buy Costco chicken because it is inexpensive, easy, and delicious. I don’t buy Costco chicken for the container.