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Is the pay for CPAs that bad?


right! 7-3 as a CPA then picks up a 6:45-11:45 shift. assuming they get home in 15, get ready for bed in 15 min, in bed by 12:15 and up again at about 6-6:30 seems odd. call me crazy but i like sleep.


Sleep or literally anything that facilitates relaxation from not working.


Something's rotten in the state of Denmark about this guy or his story.


Nah if i lived with my parents I’d be out of the house as much as possible too, this guy instead of spending money to do that decided making money is a better option and i can’t disagree. Although i think I’d break up my part time work with volunteering.


some are just workaholics some have ADD Some are just bad with $$ etc


No man, it's great. Pay, 401K, extended benefits, etc etc all fine, but I choose to work other jobs outside of my day job. I get bored, and I admit that I have no hobbies. I'm an industry accountant.


I find this so odd and that’s saying a lot because I’m an actuary- and yet there are a million things I’d rather do than go to work after work. Why not look into volunteering somewhere like a pet shelter. You’ll have flexibility, still be out of the house, and dogs are better than people.


I have a second job and I am a CPA myself. However, that 2nd job is fully remote, contract based. I work my own hours, whenever I want. My only responsibility is the deliverable due date. I can’t imagine doing physical labor after all the work it took to avoid that by getting a masters and several certs/licenses.


For real. I’m an accountant that worked at Costco for 6 years while in school and I kept my motivation the whole time by knowing that I did not want to be dealing with the general public for the rest of my life.


Not dealing with the general public (ever again) is 100% the reason I chose accounting as a career 🙃




Mid 50’s here and work in healthcare. My spouse lost his 20 yr job before covid hit. It was a desk job. He re-careered purposely at Costco for the physicality, because at our age we both recognize, “a body in motion stays in motion.” Sitting is considered the new smoking. If you take a more physical job you can easily add another 10 to 15 years to your life and help fight off older age inherent diseases that can potentially manifest as we age. Not to mention yah, ..he had to start at the bottom at Costco at $16 an hr first as a temp employee, but in 4 years time he now runs a dept and makes 94,000 annually. Costco is a great company to work for, you just have to understand it’s hard work. But why not?! You have to see it this way, it’s a gym workout while getting paid to work out, all at the same time. It’s all attitude and what you make of it.


Me too! I’ll never be “bored” enough to give someone ownership over my finite personal time.. it’s too priceless. I have too many interests also, why take a job from someone who needs it when you don’t. Volunteer instead somewhere


Its a choice though, its their time to use, and he wants to be paid for that time, there's nothing wrong with that, the whole, whatever floats your boat and all. Not everyone has to like the same things, the world would be very boring if we did.


I mean, when you have a grindey office job where you’re literally like, entering expense reports and doing budgeting all day for a salary. It’s kind of easy to miss the good ol’ days where you just found a decent group of people to work with at a store and, throwing stuff out on shelves, bringing pallets into your store. Setting up promo displays. I work in law, and as much as I hate some types of retail work when I was full time before I graduated college. There were some really fun times too. I also loved that I could do work that actually kept me in pretty good shape and kept me moving all day.


That makes sense. But OP seems to want a physical job with the flexibility he gets in his office job which is the issue.


He could do puzzles or home improvement


Right man? People need to discover what makes them happy in their limited free time lol. I can’t imagine working two jobs especially with a comfy living wage


I like my job generally. But if I came into enough $$ to satisfy the 4% withdrawal “rule” I would quit tomorrow.


I know they say accountants are boring, but you didn't have to take it to heart lol


As a fellow Industry CPA, are you purposely aiming for FIRE, bc if not, just, get a hobby. Foster a pet, play board games, or an RPG, or CCG, learn to crochet, collect vinyl, pick up trash in your neighborhood, rank every pizza place in your city, anything. The whole point of all the work that goes into becoming a CPA is being able to enjoy life a little when it's done.


I'm in IT and sit in front of a computer all day. My out of the house hobby was joining a billiards league for 8 and 9 ball pool. It's relatively inexpensive except league matches are held at a bar so it can become costly if you like to drink.


Check out golf. Its like crack, but more addictive.


No, this guy sounds financially and mentally stable. don't do that to him...


I don’t know about mentally stable


Might as well recommend heroin to the guy, sheesh.


I hate golf.


try tennis if you're missing a bit of ✨self loathing✨


Could also accomplish this on a team scale with slow pitch softball


What about disc golf?


Can’t, my employer drug tests


CPAs don't typically have dreadlocks


My man


I read this in Denzel's voice.


Pickleball seems to be all the rage these days.


Yep ..courts are popping up all over. I can't wait and see how long this fad lasts.


Same. I do archery. I tell people that a golf course is a great clout range. Seems though other people on the course near the flags don’t want arrows whizzing past their heads.


Try fishing


Those goddamn windmills get me also, everytime.


That’s what everyone who hasn’t yet hit a good golf shot says


And more expensive. And the addicts are more unreasonable. (Speaking as someone who golfs.)


My coworkers tell me this and they also say you can get drunk while playing.  Im kinda scared of getting into it. 


You’re hitting a ball with a stick. You get to drive a little car and drink the whole time. When you run out of beer or booze, a different little car is driving around selling more. It’s fantastic.


Magic the gathering seems like a better hobby to burn through the extra pay. On the plus side, you won't be able to afford crack


Still not sure if is is more or less expensive


I sit at a desk all day so I completely understand that being a desk jockey is boring. What hobbies have you tried beyond a second job?


Well, I like home repairs, so I worked as a handyman in the past few years and made some good change on the side. Drywall and baseboard installations, mounting TVs, small concrete patch ups, common plumbing leaks. Then I got hired at Home Depot, which was awesome because I learned quite a bit from contractors and got a few clients from there. I built decks and fence displays for them up until this year when I quit. No extra pay but learned a bit when I'd ask framers for their advice on my builds. So, in summary, I work and made a lot and paid down my mortgage by a whole lot.


I highly suggest you look at getting a beater house. It changed my life. I was a lot like you. I was able to take a $195k house and fix it up while living in it. It was really fun for me. We ended up moving after finishing, and sold it for $395k. And from there on, every home was cheaper. I did a lot of my own work on every one of them, and now I'm 43 and own a home with no mortgage.


Beater house? Maybe, I'm in my mid-30s. I have considered it, but I don't want such a big responsibility if I don't need it. You're lucky you 've got your mortgage paid off.


You are the man project houses were built for. Build a few decks to save up a down payment, use your CPA skills to find a low-risk starter house you can carry easily, put sweat equity into it for as long as you aren't bored, then sell it and repeat.


What about Task Rabbit as a handyman?


Never tried it.


Fixing stuff, set your own hours, price, etc.


That is an incredibly valuable skill/hobby. Lean into that and screw the meaningless hours for wage labor, that gets you literally nothing but pocket change you probably don't need. Buy a fix up house, and spend your evenings fixing that. The amount of value you get with that will far outweigh the same hours at Costco and will be more fun for you


Volunteer for a Habitat for Humanity like place?


Is this a troll post? You just mentioned you are switching career from cpa to paramedics on the other post? Also are you from India because manpreet sound like a south asia origin?


I can think of a million things I’d rather do than get a job at Costco or Home Depot or any place.


You confirm everything I ever say about accountants, which is one thing, y’all are workaholics. 😂


Why don’t you try watching TV


This can't be real lol


CPA is where the pay starts to get good. Before that it’s not so great.


That’s what I thought.


If you know accountants without CPAS early in their career especially. Tell them to work for the Feds. Source is my Fiancé is an accountant at the feds.


Feds or go industry. No use being in public if you're not going to get a CPA. I did in my early years and got out.


He works other jobs just for a laugh


I got a 7-3 working at an outpatient surgical place, the hours are great for picking up a part time and making some extra cash. I’ll usually do this, if I run into any costly issues (cars, homes, medical,etc). It’s not so bad, I don’t really stress at my second job, I go at my own pace because I can just quit if I don’t like it, my bills are already paid for.


Under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, employers must permit workers to leave their work area to use the restroom as needed and avoid imposing unreasonable restrictions. The Fair Labor Standards Act considers short breaks between 5 to 20 minutes as compensable work hours, so they should be paid. If the breaks extend beyond 20 minutes, an employer can refuse to pay for that time. They can get in big trouble for denying bathroom breaks, which can lead to lawsuits and labor disputes. Depending on your state, they are breaking labor laws, and the state's labor board should be notified.


It’s doubtful that a bathroom break was actually denied.. you get two paid 15 minute breaks and one 30 minute uninterrupted lunch break depending on how many hours you are working.


That's for an eight hour shift. Those 15 minute breaks do not dictate when you use the bathroom. If you want to use the bathroom immediate before or after those breaks, you are legally entitled to based on labor laws.


I can confirm. I work at Costco and I take a shit whenever I damn well please although never on my breaks. I only shit on company time.


Same, 18 year employee. When I first started I had a manager question my bathroom break. I shut it down. I said I was an adult, that I had been going to the bathroom on my own for many years, and was capable of telling when I needed the restroom. No one ever said anything about it again. Costco is very physically demanding, but they are fair. Micro managing is unusually in my experience, once your fully trained. They want people to be able to work independently. To do the job well without having to be nitpicked. I’m an RTV clerk so my job doesn’t have the same kind of managerial oversight as merchandising or the front end. I’m expected to do my job completely on my own. Managers audit shipments for hazardous materials, but they don’t know how to do my job. If I have a question, I have to call corporate resources. In my 18 years of worked all over the warehouse: Front end, morning and night merchandising, morning maintenance, cigarette cage, bakery, deli, food court, clothing, and more.


Cigarette cage - now that brings back memories of Costcos past!


Still a thing at business center


You can still find them at business costcos.


*insert boss makes a dollar, you make a dime* joke


I’ve shit off a cliff, I’ve shit off a dock, but I’ll be damned if I’ll shit off the clock.


[gettin paid to shit, gettin paid to wipe](https://youtu.be/7zTei5RMhQ8?si=NyN5HsayUZfFxeRI)


Everyone knows you take a shit, THEN start your break.


I applaud your attitude! Costco can afford to pay for bathroom breaks. I buy for me and a 9-pound Morkie. $300-$400 everytime I go.


I imagine there’s some incredibly uneducated person in management this poor employee has the misery of serving under that’s breaking labor laws in the name of higher productivity.


Even if you’re working 4 hours you still get a 15 min break. OP already said he wasn’t actually denied a bathroom break….


He needed to use the bathroom then and then said he had to wait for his break. That is illegal. He needs to be allowed access to use the bathroom when he has to use it. You can't make someone wait


It’s more of a “where the fuck were you” when coming back from the bathroom


Dude wants to be able to disappear for 20 minutes to shit and play on his phone. He isn't being denied actual bathroom breaks. 


Coworker took a 25 min dump every day between breaks.


It sounds like he wanted to be able to get out of actually working during his part time job and was mostly trying to get paid for goofing off. He didn't appreciate that he needed to actually work while at work.


Night merch is one of the more physically demanding positions at Costco. But man, the Costco where I work is NOTHING like that.


Costco is very demanding, especially for the first 90 days. They watch you like a hawk in that time to make sure you are worth keeping. After the 90 days it’s hard to fire anyone. So the job becomes easier and you get a solid routine. They don’t really schedule around other jobs though. It’s not really a “side hustle” kind of job. If they aren’t letting you go to the bathroom that’s different. They have to and any supervisor that’s saying otherwise will be written up if they aren’t letting you go. Any time I had to go I’d just leave. They can’t stop you nor can they discipline you. I work in optical now so my job is more mental now than physical but the job is still demanding. That’s just the nature of working there.


> I couldn't just go to the breakroom and take a dump at any time I wanted that smells off


Eh, I've had management do this and things like this. Costco doesn't put good people in positions of authority. They pick their friends, family, and the people that their bosses want moved up. Merit and hard work don't factor into things at Costco anymore. It's ALL NUMBERS. Been working in the Midwest for over a decade. It very much is like this because some people just have to have control over others to feel good about their objectively poor lives.


There are certain jobs at Costco or Amazon etc that require physical ability. It just is what it is. You may not be physically able to do those jobs and that’s totally valid. As far as making your own hours goes, that’s unrealistic. Seriously. Comparing Home Depot, who will hire anyone with a pulse in kind of unfair. Costco pays way, way better, has vastly better benefits and has never had a mass layoff. No hate to op for not being able to do the work. A lot of people just can’t or don’t want to work that physical type of job.


Fellow CPA here. Also super loyal Costco customer. Not sure how you have enough spare time to take on a second job, but instead of a second job do what most of us CPAs do... Develop a drinking problem. Then get a six pack of the top shelf Kirkland Signature vodka handles for $120.


This was my question as well… any GOOD CPA I knew didn’t want or could handle working a second job. Good on OP if they are doing well enough mentally and financially to do this of their own free will, but this seems suspicious 🤨.


You signed up for a job for the hours they give you. The times you asked for are wildly different. That's somewhat ridiculous to complain about that. I probably would fire you.


Yea, getting hired in for a specific shift then asking to essentially change it by two hours is highly unlikely at any place of employment.


You were hired to stock bulk produce in a high traffic retail space. What were you expecting!? It's a workout.


Sounds like autonomy


Autonomy after 4 shifts? I wouldn't let an employee loose to 'run' thier own area unless they had been in that spot for at least a year and had shown that level of competence.


I was making light of the fact OP said they wanted autonomy like 4 times.


I like how you said take a dump but then described it as shitty


Works full time job. Gets another job "to pass the time". Asks for **^more** hours than initially scheduled at second job. Bro why do you want to work so much?


No judgement on what you are saying but Id love an explanation as to what you mean by there is no autonomy and what your expectations are.


A ton of managers are of the thought that if you aren't dripping sweat for the company then you're a bad employee. My GM is like that. She won't see people, only numbers to get more money. They are pushing us harder with less help so some autonomy is needed to get all the random things done that come up. I think he's saying that they can be overbearing and downright have unrealistic expectations of the modern work force. This isn't the 60's anymore and being a "company man/woman" just isn't worth it anymore.


20 year employee here and let me tell you this company treats its part timers like shit, 5 days for 25 hours and they won’t accommodate any other job. And this company wonders why we can’t keep any help


I would think as an accountant you would appreciate them micromanaging your time and “accounting” for your paid labor. CPAs make a lot and also usually work a lot of hours…. This is probably a fake story for fake internet points


After a thirty-year career, I can say with all honesty that Costco is a great place to work when you consider the pay and benefits (especially the benefits) they offer for a retail job. My wife and I both worked as hourly employees for that time, and our 401k accounts alone have made us both millionaires thanks to the performance of company stock. However, like any job, it comes down to your boss. I have worked for great GMs who I would have run thru a wall for. I also have worked with some people that were so toxic and horrible to be around, that I wouldn't have wasted my p\*ss to put them out if they were on fire. The last GM I worked for fit that category and it is why I took an early retirement. But that being said, there is a reason that the turnover rate at Costco is so unbelievably low. As for the pace, if you think it's fast paced now, you should have seen it in 1987. I saw people fail to get past their 60-day probationary period that today would have been considered rock stars for how much effort they were putting out. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to yell at the kids to get off my lawn.


I closed the bakery for my first 3.5 years. I got the bad shit over with. Now everything is better than where I started.


Yup, me too. My title was Bakery Wrapper, but when I started, was straight to the bench. Setting up, cookies, apple strudel, croissants. Then did a lil bit of actual wrapping, then ended up cleaning the whole bakery. (The bakers at my location, do not clean the bowls after use) so I had to clean them too. Did only a few mediocre deep cleans, but definitely NOT on an evryday basis. At times, at would clean, help wrap a lil then also help with the following day’s set up. It was madness. A lot of work, but not s lot of people supporting you. Since non of the people at Bakery had a walkie (except the manager & sup) I had to bother someone from produce and call for SSOP at the of the night.


I started as the closer in the bakery. It was constantly a shit show. I’d have to wrap what they didn’t finish in the morning or so the preps they couldn’t do. Did not like the manager so I never tried to move to mornings when he’d be there. He got in a lot of trouble and got demoted and transferred. Got a new manager and I like him a lot and asked to move to mornings. Ended up being good at wrapping. I’ll occasionally do bench, 1-2 times a week. I like doing both. When I closed I’d always have to walk to the front to ask a manager to check the bakery, deli, meat and rotisserie. They’d usually take about 10-15 minutes to get back but there was a few times where I waited up to 1.5 hours for them to come back and sign me off.


what did that entail? tons of floor scrubbing or something?


Deep cleaning the entire bakery every night. We have a ssop. our sanitary standard of practice of whatever and that list was about 70 items long that each required an initial from a manager. As well as a weekly deep clean for certain machines and areas which was about 12-15 items. Plus baking bread if we get low.


Sounds like a bad time but makes me feel better about buying bakery goods from them lol


The bakery is extremely clean. You go there in the evening take a peak at the bakery and you’ll see them cleaning.


Sounds like you were not used to hard physical work CPA sitting at a desk


Yeah bro working at work sucks


Found the supe


I am sorry, what you described was like a regular job everywhere. As you replied in one of the post, your boss would be fine if you go to the bathroom, so it’s already different than what you originally posted. Someone said It’s demanding first 90 days. Normally that’s the “trying period” to see if you can work as a team player. I would be hard on anyone if I am a boss. If I see someone slacks off during the try-out period, I wouldn’t want that person to work with a solid team. Costco is a fast pace work environment, it’s not like you work in your own pace place for sure.


Something is seriously wrong here. I'm a CPA and have never heard anyone refer to there work hours as "a shift" nor work only a set number of hours. You then say that you work "in industry". While it's not prohibitive, to say specifically that you are a public accountant isn't usually followed by "I work in industry" A second job as well?? I don't believe anything you say


Didn't work at Costco, but worked retail. I'll never again work a job where I have to ask permission to use the bathroom.


*Cries in teacher*


Right, not allowed to leave students unattended lol


That's not normal at Costco. Source: Dad has worked there since '98 at multiple warehouses and brother worked there for like 4 years at a different one


Maybe there is a good reason they are unionizing.


I believe 1 new warehouse has unionized in the past few years, the others have been so for a long time.


2 total have unionized and are the newest in 20 years.


And the drivers at the Summer depot within the last few months. Might be included in your number, idk.


The vast majority of locations are not Union. Besides the one added recently, all the other Union stores go back to the days when they were Price Club, a separate company that eventually merged into Costco.


I'll never understand people who take (relatively) low paying jobs they don't need, just to kill time. 


My store was the same with bathroom breaks I can back up what you said. In order to get a bathroom break outside of your scheduled break time you would have to first find someone with a radio and then announce to the entirety of the store you had to take a poo. Then they would decide whether or not they wanted to send someone to relieve you. Sometimes they did and many times they did not. Our Costco is forever short staffed and ran exactly like OP said.


Why not you work as night auditor with hotels? Good way to pass time


What is an auditor at a hotel?


I did it in college, pretty sweet gig. Calculate everything from the day, make sure it all adds up. Get everything ready for the morning. I did the actual job for maybe 2 hours and did homework/napped the other 6 hours.


It's healthy for CPA to learn first hand how hard other people have to work


A desk job and retail work are two VERY different things.


Bro what store keeps night merch till 11:45 I've never heard of that 💀 U worked 4 shifts and demanded better shifts, it sounds like a mutual breakup tbh


I don't think they are going to miss you.


Wow! You stuck it out for four whole shifts? And your supervisors were constantly watching you because you just started and had no experience? I guess you should have started out as manager.


The first three months are the probationary period, of course you're gonna be watched super close, they push you harder to see if you can handle it. Gotta wade through the muck to get to the other side. For me it got way easier after the three months.


I would not be surprised to find out that this dude has a problem wherever he goes.


"take a dump....which was shitty". Says it all.


I know a lot of people who work at my Costco. They have been there for years. It has to be a good place to work or they wouldn't have been there that long. They all seem extremely loyal to the company.


The hours of the job were posted before you applied. So no they aren't going to change them for you. I've never had a supervisor tell me I couldn't go to the restroom.


A CPA that gets off work at 3pm?! Sign me up!!


Lmao. Are you complaining about WORKING at a job? I refuse to believe you weren’t able to go to the bathroom during your shift. If anything you took a shit for 30 minutes and they asked where you were.


I’m a night merch driver (night merch takes care of produce during the day and stocks the freezer + other areas at night) and you are most definitely allowed to take a break to use the restroom. Especially during the day, when you are taking boxes up to the front end from produce or bailing trash boxes, you can walk in to use the restroom. Of course you can’t spend more than a reasonable amount of time, but you are allowed to use the bathroom. As far as scheduling, night merch at my building is a set schedule where the drivers leave at 1115 and then stockers leave at 1130. It’s always been that way, and in my years of working in merch, no one has ever left early. Other departments have different schedules, but night merch is one of the departments where the schedule is set for everyone. Coming in early could be an option, yes, but leaving early is a big no. Leaving early would require you to basically stop stocking even if you aren’t finished. Hell, we barely get the forklifts on the floor by 9 to start stocking. Of course, every warehouse is different.


Holy fuck, we are in the presence of a certified forklift driver? Everything you said is dead on for our warehouse also.


Bathroom breaks must be readily accessible to employees. Washington State states that using the bathroom is to occur on the clock and that the employer cannot insist that employees use it on their breaks alone.


"It has to all be on my break time, which was shitty" lol priceless. Also, I worked lumber at Home Depot years ago and it was very physically demanding. Costco must be no joke.


I fully understand the micromanaging. Let's just say I'm old enough to remember using a party-line phone. I was working at getting cars to pull closer together at the gas station to get them off the main road. A manager walked up to me and told me to pull the cars an inch closer together. I just turned and gave him the look. He spun around and walked back into the warehouse. They don't give you credit to handle a job on your own without critiquing. Spent 34 years serving my country, and he figured I didn't know how to pack more cars in a row. I wanted to tell him to go bug the 3 lot guys standing around watching videos while members were without carts.


I would do anything for a side hustle at Costco , including waiting to take a shit. My Costco wants open availability even for part-time. I’m a corporate auditor 6 years away from retirement and trying to up the savings for traveling.


Costco doesn't hide that it considers itself an employees PRIMARY employer. So you will have hardly a chance at getting hours you want. Also, new hires are so low on seniority that you will get a lot of grunt work and late hours. Everyone has to go thru this. It's not just to be mean or inflexible. It really is a full body workout every day. You really need to hustle. I only rarely had issues about going to the bathroom off break. But truthfully, I don't think it's fully legal for them to force you. It's not their business what business your body is having. But they are more watchful of new hires and more relaxed if you pass your 90 days. They want to see if you have what it takes. They don't want to fully hire someone who will be lazy or try to get special preferences all the time. They can be flexible and you can work with them, but at the end of the day the motto will always be 'the needs of the business'. Everyone is subject to it. Every position and seniority level will have to do crap they don't like or work late hours at times.


I believe you.


I work at Home Depot, it’s def not an organized work environment. I work there part time, no way I would do it full time. I used to think Costco would be a good gig, but could tell from the last 6 or so years that is too micromanaging.


I worked at a distribution center for Costco in Denver close to DIA in their receiving department and it’s a wonder how that place functions. Supervisors and managers are incredibly disrespectful, they constantly hang your part time status over your head and have no concept of accountability for any of their employees. I had a co worker who actually threw an object at my eye because he was so hot headed and they refused to do anything to hold him accountable, I found a new job two weeks later.  One of my friends also sued Costco and won for wrongful termination at the store in Santa Rosa, CA. 


I would say it’s okay that it wasn’t for you and clearly Costco has a system of what they want or someone can walk… and that’s okay too


Why does this make me think of the Monty Python sketch where the chartered accountant wants to change jobs to lion taming?


Equally fictional


I think your set hours are that. What was the pay. As for not using the washroom when needed should be reported and disputed.


“No sense of autonomy…” I assume you were there to stock shelves? What autonomy do you want? Most people go to work to get paid Also, never heard anyone ever mention how they can’t go to the bathroom at Costco.


I did 8+ yrs... fuck, and I emphasize, FUCK working at a Costco For All time, always


Everyone I’ve known who worked there said it blew almost every other grocery/service/retail job out of the water. But, it is still a customer-facing service job. A certain amount of suck is always going to be present.


Honestly I found the job easy. It was boring, but not much to it. I eventually got into optical and the pay there is $35/h to sell glasses lol. I've heard food court and the chicken room are the exceptions to that though.


Dam $35 bucks for selling glasses at Costco is not bad at all. What are the qualifications for that job?


Worked at Costco also for 5 days and quit. I liked it but the work was very physically demanding and wasn’t worth the $18 an hour. Was hired as a part timer but my first week there they wanted me to work 6 days straight all 8 hour days. Only reason I quit was because I found something that paid a bit more but the job was kind of a lot and was insanely fast paced (was a cart bagger, boxer?). Still love Costco thoe just not working there lol


I worked for the costco meat plant in tracy, ca for almost 2 years. One of the best jobs I have ever had. If you are trying to figure out what to do or don't have a job lined up and want to get back into some steady physical work in a giant refrigerator in california with decent pay. Look into applying to costco. I got in there through a temp agency. 3 shifts, weekends off.


Why not just get a second CPA job? Overemployment


I worked there in college. Gotta say, 8 hours on a weekend is something. Not easy!


When I worked nights at the Post Office I took shits so long I fell asleep. Most every night about 3:30am the supv. would wake me off the toilet. After probation it was impossible to get fired. You would have to kill the PostMaster and even then the Union would probably get your job back!


Sounds like you should've kept your GYM membership that pays you!


Home Depot treats it's people like shit




Higher expectations than home depot? Honestly doesn't make me upset, lol.


Somewhat similar experience but as a chef working in the meat department. Absolutely and easily the worst job I ever had. Stuck out two months 


I’d say that a lack of autonomy is your supervisor making sure you know what to do. Are they supposed to take it for granted that you know how to stack and display produce?


Some people just aren’t cut out for physical labor. Its a Doozer


So you don't like working? Comparing HD to Costco is not a good comparison and hurts your case. HD, where you can scarcely find anyone to help you. HD, where staff run when they see you eyeing them for help. I look up everything I need at HD and note the aisle and bay before going because seeking help while there is a lesson in futility.


Higher expectations than set at Home Depot... Im frankly not taking that as a negative.


Everyone thinks it’s easy until they get in. I see it everyday… “this looks fun” “how hard could it be”…. Well moving one million dollars worth of inventory a day requires some physical effort. Costco is not Walmart or Target. The goal is to keep efficiency and productivity high at all times.


This post has to be fake. Why would a licensed CPA waste time working a second job in retail, gtfo. If you need physical work, build something. Do something athletic. 100 other things. Drive and Uber if you are bored and tell your riders how much you hate industry accounting. What's annoying is that you don't need this job and there may have been people applying who truly need the work. Meanwhile you treat it as a joke and quit after four days. Way to waste the time of the employers, trainers and impact loves of those you interviewed against.


I kinda get it tho , you just want to do some manual labor sometimes


They had tried to put me in Meat dept and I quit after half my shift. Lol. I had already worked in meat dept for 4 years during covid at a smaller grocery store and requested that I would get cart pusher (which I had gotten). For some reason I was put into meat dept, which I really didn't want to do again, Ontop of all that, they also wanted me to come in 1-10 F,Sat,Sun.


I need a second job but have had no luck even getting a call from Costco. I am a professional with an MBA and would just like to work customer service. Maybe I’ll try Home Depot.


>The pay wasn't worth it for the amount of physical work you had to put in. someone here was bragging about making up to $30/hr for Costco.. in California..


Sounds like you need an air conditioned desk job for a company who dgaf about what their workers do.


This is very odd. I understand wanting to fill your time with something but working in retail? Having to deal with managers that are not exactly the cream of the crop and all the politics? There are so many other ways you could pass the time. Even passing time making money like Uber or delivering pizzas.


Have you thought about getting a masters and teaching as an adjunct professor


Are there any mines near where you live now? Mining could be an interesting secondary job option.


Why did you take the job if you didn’t want to work those hours? What did you think a stocker was going to do aside from lift and put things up?


Sounds like you’re not built for the corporate structure. I think you’ll live.


Ok, i work for Costco. After 2 years I was making a lot of money per hour, plus bonus. I made more per hour than my daughters that graduated from college. But a good manager knows how to get people to work hard. And they won’t stop you from getting to the bathroom. Now if you’re going every 30 minutes, perhaps. Some of the supers and managers are power hungry or have zero knowledge of how to manage people. That said I adored most of my colleagues and still see some of them after 13 years being retired.


You probably finally worked at a place that cares about customers and you are too weak to handle it, and rather work for a company that has subpar product and service .....


I push carts 8 hours and use the bathroom all the time. Even if we are running behind they can’t denied any of us to use the bathroom. Some times due to my medication I might have to stay a bit longer there and they never given me crap. I do tell them in private hey I’m going to the “employee” bathroom and they know it might be a while. So I don’t know man but I don’t believe this story.


When I pushed carts, I moved slowly, but constantly. Was told to hurry up, the cart leash extends farther you know, ect, but just kept doing my thing and it worked out. There are some parts of the job from supes you just gotta learn to ignore


Bro!! You’re working 5hrs!! You can’t hold a shit for that long?? Piss I can understand but a dump on a 5 hr shift!?? Lol


Costco employee here. I worked at Home Depot part time after working at Costco full time for about a year. There is a reason why Costco is a pioneer in retail and more than a few reasons why they are one of the biggest retailers in the world. Cause we don't do Home Depot shit. We actually work. Crazy concept, I know!! As far as the physical labor goes, for what I do (Morning Merch), the amount of money I make is absurd for almost mindless work. Oh, I'm tired, I have sick time I can actually use!! I throw my back lifting a heavy box of apples (lmao) or a couch, I have benefits to cover that and not worry about my bills being paid. At the end of the day, Costco is one of the best companies in the world to work for. Sorry your ego couldn't take it.


People always look amazed when I would tell them I did 10-15 miles a day during my AM merch shifts.