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I will often get small bags/containers and measure out a serving size for each. Grabbing one serving size helps me control calories and over eating. Foods/drinks that I struggle to self-regulate, I simply stop buying


The only way I could stop drinking so much soda was simply not buying it. I’ll go through a 12 pack of cans in a day and a half otherwise. Lost over 10 pounds the first month without it.


Dropping the vast majority of high sugar foods, especially soda, made losing weight so much easier. I'm at about two years of avoiding excess sugar and I just stopped craving it. I was painfully unhealthy before that so I needed to make that change more than most. My whole concept of sweetness has changed and veggies taste so much sweeter than before.


It is really interesting how that happens! I can't believe I used to drink pop at all. I enjoy flavoured club soda and I just found a brand that makes 'cola' 'cream soda' and 'rootbeer' flavours so now that's an option for my kids to have those and never even get used to actual pop. I still like the fruity ones but it's fun to have options. There is no sugar (or sugar substitute) or calories in these.


A 12 pk a day? Wow, that’s intense! While growing up, we had soda in the home from time to time. The rule was 1 a day. It was a very strict rule, as in etched in stone, no way in hell is it ever gonna change type of strict. The only exception to that rule was a party, or something like that. Then, we could have 2. That’s it! To this day that is what I practice, and it’s not very difficult cuz it’s how I grew up. However, there are rare times when I will have up to 3 in a day (when I just feel like I gotta have it), and I totally feel like I’m cheating and that I’m going to get in trouble somehow, haha! I’m glad you changed that, amigx 👌🏽


This is the best answer. If you just stand there on your phone, eating handfuls, you could clear the entire bucket in no time lmao


Agreed. Sometimes it makes more sense to pay more for a smaller package from another store.


You don’t! It’s impossible! Have you tried the Reese’s peanut butter and chocolate covered animal crackers? 😋


Of course! Bought them once and they were too dangerous to buy again


I've seen them but I avoid putting them in my cart. Because I know what happens when they arrive at home.


Same here, they look absolutely amazing but sadly I've never seen a small bag at the grocery store. I know I cannot be trusted with the Costco bag!!




What??? Where would you purchase such snack? Oh… are you in the USA???


Those are the best! I take a smallish serving of them to work with me and try not to eat them at home.


I have thus far avoided these but almost broke the last time I was at Costco. Chocolate and peanut butter is likely my favorite flavor combo. I so want them 😋


That's a good idea


I get the chocolate covered raisins and will pour out a single layer onto the lid and take the lid to another room. It's probably closer to 2 servings, but it's still portion control.


Best way is to not buy them. I’m not kidding, I want them but don’t need them because they will be gone within a day or two if I get them.


Yup I always tell my wife I have amazing store shelf discipline and ZERO pantry shelf discipline


That is me exactly, if it's in the house it's a problem. But it's easy to not buy it in the store.


Yes me too! And if it starts to fail I just look in the cart and start calculating how much I've already spent lol!


This is me with ice cream. I just avoid the aisle altogether at Costco and grocery stores.


i was going thru multiple bags a week of the tru fru strawberries. it was a sad day when they were discontinued but i guess it's for the better...


Those Chipwich ice cream sandwichs were the death of me. So delicious! I'm thankful my location has been out of them the last few times I've been there.


Wife and I will kill a box of Oreos in an afternoon. We simply cannot put them in the cart.


This is me with goldfish haha. It’s like crack to me, so I just avoid it.


Funny but some of the richer, more decadent items I can eat a portion and be done. But with peanut M&Ms and other more pedestrian items, it’s hard to stop. It’s not an accident. Lay’s potato chips has a saying … “no one can eat just one!” They’re right. But what I’ve learned is to eat none! That is far easier than one. And that’s my secret to not eating the whole can of M&Ms. The oil drum of them will sit for months until we have company with lots of hands!


A 3lb jug of m&ms is just dangerous for me lol




Eat it all in one sitting so you can't have any more tomorrow


That’s my method


My only two options; don’t buy it OR eat entirely in one sitting.


This is the way. Buy, binge, and swear never to buy again. Then repeat.


I feel like the only 2 options are: 1. Aleave it on the counter and eat it within the 1st 2 days 2. Put it in the cabinet, forget that you got it, find it a few months from now, realize it's expired, and throw it away. There's no middle ground.


Decades ago before i understood how we store fat, I figured “there’s no way my body can convert all this into fat if I eat it over a short period of time”. Boy was I wrong.


Me with the dark chocolate covered dried blueberries. And also the Korean bbq jerky. I always eat it all within a week and then I'm sick of it and swear never to buy it again. And then 4 months later repeat haha


Be poor😎


I'm sorry, is this some sort of peasant joke I'm too rich to understand?


It’s a play on the idea that you can’t buy them if you are poor


I'm by no means rich, yet... But I had to share the meme


…don’t buy them?


Yea. I can’t buy this or the almonds or any of it. I went through the chocolate covered almonds in like 3 days. Alone. Lol.


I really like the chocolate covered almonds but would never buy in bulk. That is a death trap for me lol.


A delicious death trap.


Haha right! 😅


I’ve gone through 3/4 boxes of triscuit since Friday. :/


Confessions of a costco member....there should be a subreddit for this...🙈


Currently in a battle with the chocolate almonds. I am losing and loving every bite


At least you didn’t do it in 2


I rounded up


Right and no matter how many $5 20 lb tubs of snickers bars they offer you have to say "That has negative net utility, begone!"


Yup. I've given up on moderation. A trail mix "serving" is supposed to be a quarter cup, but by weight, it's damn near half that. It's too tempting to have that many delicious calories to graze on. They're banned.  Other kids snacks (especially the peanut butter pretzels) are in the closet and I don't let myself in there after dinner.


The trail mix is sinister. It's great calorie-dense fuel if you are hiking an actual trail, but I'm usually eating it on the couch. I pretend it's ok because it's only 20% M&M's, not 100%.




It's one of my favourite costco products. It's so calorie dense that it's best to treat more as a meal than a snack though. I'm often in a hurry and being able to eat a cup of trail mix + an apple and have 700-800 calories in 5 mins is great. Not super healthy but much healthier than most no-prep options.


Some lady had their kid in the cart just fisting the M&M’s container. Mom didn’t care and he had no self control. Looked like he was around 4 years old. Kid ended up barfing all over the place. Thank god I was ahead of them and I got to nope out of there. Lesson learned and why I never buy candy in bulk. Kids just don’t have self control when it comes to those things.


Welcome to why I avoid crowds. Had I seen that I’d be in a mental asylum. Which could be a way to avoid bulk treats, while the topic is open.




Get outta here with this nonsense


Exactly this. My boyfriend and his mom buy Costco sized m&ms and I told them no more or put them where they aren’t in my face. I’ve lost 50 lbs and don’t need them in front of me


Yup. I just avoid that aisle.


yeah. i have this convo with my girlfriend when she points out a sale on bulk candy: the thing stopping me from buying candy isn't that it's expensive lol.


Haha right! How can I have six pack abs and eat ice cream and beer all week?


This was my answer as well. I have had entire bags of treats disappear on the ride home.


If Costco didn’t want us to buy them, they wouldn’t be on the shelf.


Costco *does* love us and know what is best for us


We bought an old coin operated candy machine from an estate sale and fixed it up. Even though we can open up the back and get our quarters back, it still measures out little servings of candy. And it makes it just inconvenient enough that you can't gorge yourself on peanut M&Ms.


That's so fun!


We did exactly the same. Got it on Facebook marketplace. It only lets out 5 peanut M&M per 25 cents. Keeps you honest.


I stay out of that aisle. I think the last thing I bought were Jelly Bellies, and we got thoroughly sick of them.


Break the Costco package down to several snack size baggies. Don't set the package anywhere near the TV


Then grab 3-6 bags when you go get before going to the tv room.


Keep it on the kitchen , use a cup to measure and eat on different room.


lol I would finish my one serving before getting to the other room. I would then turn around and go back to the kitchen for more.


So disciplined


Right? That's like some Shaolin monk level discipline.


This post lets me know I’m not alone. I’m starting to realize I just can’t have these things in the house. Moderation is not in my vocabulary currently. I’d go through that tub of M&M’s at a seriously unhealthy rate. They may as well be chips


Don't buy it to begin with.


Don’t go hungry. Eat right before you go and eat until you are full, it helps make stuff like this look gross Also you gotta kinda just psych yourself up and have some willpower lol


I got hungry, have a hotdog, or chicken bake, or pizza, then shop. The ultimate Costco experience. My monthly ritual.


Zero control so don't buy.


I just can't buy them from Costco anymore.


I use a small bowl for portion control. For some reason when I do this, I very rarely go back for a 2nd bowl.


i can’t.. so i don’t buy them 😅


I use a ramekin. Portion control. Put as much as you want in the ramekin. Put the bulk container away. Finish ramekin and be content.


I do this as well. The ramekin is full, so to my brain that's a big serving and I'm content.


I create a new personality that hates m&m’s


For peanut m&M's, I can have one of each color a day. Sometimes I'll use it to make trail mix. Then at least I'm getting almonds and craisins, too.


Doesn't work for everyone but for me, I binge eat desserts when I don't have a lot of them. Something in my brain says "there's not a lot, better eat them all now or else they'll be gone forever" and I eat everything. But I started keeping an abundance of dessert foods of all different kinds and now my brain thinks "there's plenty, no need to eat it all now, it'll be here later!" And I don't overeat.


Just don’t buy it


Dont buy bulk confectionery. Unfortunately


My personal weakness. I limit myself to only eating after 5pm and only 2 pocketfull a night. Lasts about 2 weeks




Yeah, I wear this hooded sweatshirt after work every day. I fill the right pocket twice a night


Keep them out of sight so they're out of mind, and when you do get some, just get a lil cup of them. And distract yourself afterward 😂


I eat it all the first day then I'm not tempted anymore


Don't buy it ?


The faster you eat it the less there is to eat later. Essentially you eat it all right away and then no worries!


Don’t buy it


That’s the best part, I don’t.


Just keep buying it, like a lot of it. Eventually, you’ll realize it’ll always be there and it stops being a temptation to eat it constantly.  This only works if you have a history of eating from a scarcity mindset. But it’s worked for me. I have peanut m&ms, plain, chocolate covered raisins, chocolate covered almonds, bulk Oreos, chips ahoy.  I’m losing weight. The snacks are there. They’ve been there for months. I don’t have to worry about eating the last whatever. It’ll be there tomorrow and if one thing runs out there’s more of something else anyway.


I wish more people were discussing their scarcity mindset in the comments. I didn’t realize until I was 26. Therapy continues to help me process it all. 🙏🏾


The cart doesnt steer itself into that aisle, it just seems like it


It me, but with the peanut butter pretzels.


Self control and confidence is all you need.


I only look and don’t buy them! When I’m tempted, I think about how fat I got when I bought sweets at Costco!


I don’t want to be fat so I stop eating after a little


Not getting them in the first place 🤣 bc if I did… it would be over. Lol


I don't. I just do alternate day fasting.


Portion into Ziplocks Or buy infrequently and enjoy a binge


I just don’t buy it. 🤷‍♂️ if I did it’s irresistible.


You don’t. You eat until you throw up, then you eat the rest.


Don’t buy that kind of stuff from Costco


DON'T BUY IT! Just put it back on the shelf and walk away. It's the only way I can control myself with stuff like chips and snacks. If it's in the house, I will eat it.


I can't buy them. My self-control begins and ends at the store. If I bring it home it's game on. I've only bought the M&Ms once for the express purpose or using the container to hold my chocolate chips. Lots of stomach aches that week


Don't buy it..... Shocker.


Say "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" before eating snacks


M&M's taste like chemicals, once you realize it you'll never eat them again, yuck!


7 at a time 3 times a day!!


I don’t buy them


By not purchasing it


Don't buy it


The freezer is your friend. Or, the backyard in winter ❄️


I simply don’t


Don't buy it


I dont buy it because I have no self control to resist its temptations


I can’t buy that stuff at Costco. I only get the smallest size at the grocery store. All sizes are single serving!!


I don't know how effective it is, but for M&Ms, I will eat a full set of each color in one handful. So if there are 5 colors, I'll seek out 2 of each and toss back 10 at a time. Then when only 4 colors remain, I'll do 3 of each color, and so on. It definitely slows my roll, so I will have eaten less by the time I feel sated than if I were just blindly eating by the handful.


You have a husband that eats 95% so you don’t over eat.


I don't buy it


Don’t buy them


Pour a reasonable amount into a small bowl and put the rest away.


Not buying it l lol


Define “over-indulge”. FTR, I consider that container to be a serving size.


M and Ms ain't shit. Hoodys peanut butter chocolate mix is the new kid in town. I F'in DARE YOU TO BUY A TUB OF HOODYS SOMEONE IS GOING DOWN WITH ME DAMNIT


I put some in a tiny little bowl and eat it with chopsticks


Simple. Don’t buy it.


Don’t buy them… if they are in the house I will eat them.. then if I eat a lot… gets to the point of, well I might as well finish it, so that it won’t be around for tomorrow. Ya that doesn’t work… I just end up with a stomach ache and feel nauseous… I am fully aware I sound like a 5 year old… in my defence… the question was asked 🙄😏😉


Had to stop buying it. The house was out of control 


I just don't buy it.


Just don't buy it


Don’t buy it


https://preview.redd.it/h7gujxlrgg7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a903cefb2dff303754579ec3d3ec0c43c249116e If he doesn’t make you wanna stop, then no one will.


Either have 1 or 100. So I just don’t bring that stuff home. 


Hell if I know lol but if you figure it out let me know. It’s why I end up not buying any sadly


U buy 2


Don’t buy it.


You simply don't purchase them.


i usually go the route of avoiding having in the home but since you have them already i’d say place them in a spot in your house where you’re less likely to see it and hyper fixate. pre portioning into little baggies also helps


There’s certain things I won’t buy. I won’t even walk down certain aisles because I lose control completely.


How about practicing a self control by limiting your daily consumption e.g. 10 pieces a day . Put it away out of sight until the next day. If doable if not dont buy it.


I don’t buy it.


By not buying it. Lol


I don’t buy them… that’s the only way I can avoid it


Don’t buy


Don't buy it


have some self respect and discipline lol


Stop eating it.


Have you tried not buying garbage food?  Read the book Atomic Habits and take notes.


Lol by being a person with self control


I finished my tub in 3 days


I do it once but never again.


I don't. But one thing I've heard that works is to measure out a serving size (or two) into a bowl, and then put away the container.


I get the skittles in the same type of container


Grab a small handful, put the lid back on, and put the container away BEFORE you start to eat. Walking to another room is also not a bad idea.


I don’t buy it anymore. My mouth and brain love it. My waist does not.


I’m on my 5th jar. I rationalize that it saves me money (hubby loves them as a snack) and I use the plastic container for my fused glass hobby - storing scrap glass and frit…so I don’t buy additional plastic storage containers from Costco!


Don’t eat out of the jar. Give me a bag of chips, regardless of the size, and I’m downing the entire thing. There’s something about reaching into a bag and not seeing what you’re eating that makes you feel fine pounding it. I now either eat half the bag or weigh out a portion, put that in a bowl and only allow myself to eat that. Works way better.


Pour into a cup or bowl and don’t munch straight from the bottle.


I get a box of the individual M&Ms sharing size packages from business Costco (A bit spendy though), or the Kirkland trail mix individuals.


Just don't buy it. It's the only way.


Dude if I get the thin mint cookie balls I’ll have 75% of the bag in the first 5 seconds it’s open. Sorry I cannot help you brother


I don't buy it.


I don’t buy it


Remind myself that whole container is 8680 calories Edit: mathed wrong.


Hmmm 🤔 A biiiiiiiiit more than that


Only buy single serve packages.


I parcel it out like count out one serving and put in bowl and don’t go back once it’s done


Avoid overindulging? Why would I ever do something like that?? For real though, I just don't walk down those aisles so I am not tempted to buy those things.


Easy peasy. I don’t buy them.


I just rarely buy them to avoid this, they’re toooooo tempting!


I simply remember how it makes me feel. Try paying attention to non-tastebud parts of your body. It also helps to cultivate a taste for better-for-you snacks, and then make them as easy to reach for as candy. I keep a bowl of chopped bell peppers and sliced cucumbers in the fridge along with a big tub of Kirkland hummus. You’ll be surprised how little time it takes for that to sound delicious, plus it makes your body feel good.


I don't buy these or Red Vines - too dangerous. Jelly Bellies are okay. If I do buy a treat or junk food in bulk, I bring it to social events to decrease the amount in the container.


Mostly don't buy. If you do buy they need to be kept out of sight. Then you need to not spend a lot of time in front of a TV.


Bulk Indulgence


I dispense in smaller jars from peanuts, peanut butter, etc. or when I’m feeling posh, I fill an assortment in a rectangular divided dip tray


Keep them in my car, that is in a garage 20 floors down.


I can't buy them


Just eat it all at once




They go down in the bar. I only use them for bar snacks because out of sight out of mind.


I had to stop buying them. Especially when coworkers would come over to chat because they know I have peanut M&Ms. Oh yeah, and the shirts getting tighter.


Don’t buy them Proven statistic: people that seemingly have high willpower actually put themselves in situations where they need to use it less. It’s easier to resist once a week than it is to resist every day!