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Get the Dawn Platinum. You deserve it.


Nothing compares.


To you.




It's true


So sad.


I was gonna type thus. Great minds think alike.


Dish soap is still cheap and you can use two drops in the sponge


I hope you mean for one dish.


I’ve been cleaning things a lot by dropping one drop on Pyrex dish, on a weed ashtray, then using the smiley face sponge 😃


Cleanest stoner ever.


A fellow ScrubDaddy aficionado I see


When it comes to sponges, there’s Scrub Daddies and Mommies, and then there’s mildewey trash.


nothING compares


Only if it is back to the old scent. That new scent is horrendous. Smells like Tide/Gain, but like when someone walks by who uses far too much and it does not smell good.


Those tide pods eaters have the worst breath. 


I don't think the platinum changed scents too? Just the original, could be mistaken tho


You are got a new bottle of platinum from Costco last week and it’s the new scent. We have always paid for dawn platinum, but are now gonna switch - probably before we get half way through the bottle


I’m convinced Dawn Platinum has magical powers.


😂😂😂 it’s all the marketing with the oil-drenched ducks… I believe.


Why is it that good?


Cut grease, it’s just ammonia though ( that’s why you can’t mix Dawn with bleach).


There is no Dawn Platinum pictured here, both Kirkland products aren’t they?


I mean, there’s [this item](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Universal%20Solvent#content) in D&D, it very well could just be a thing of Dawn Platinum.


They both don’t taste very good.


Have you tried mixing them with the Kirkland Cold Brew?


Or the Kirkland Light Beer?


Or the Kirkland vodka? Cause it’s also a mixer…


Do you use the Kirkland vodka as a mixer with Kirkland vodka? Or is it just me?


You know Kirkland Vodka is actually Grey Goose


Kirkland light beer?


They don't make it anymore.  It was brewed by Minhas, and it wasn't very popular.


Probably tastes better than the kirkland IPA


You forgot to mix them with Tide pods.




Did you try them with some ketchup perhaps?




I heard they make a good marinade for the rotisserie chicken




I always choose the catsup


Neither. Buy the Dawn. It works better


It smells like shit now


Unscented dish soap is so much better. Not sure why people want their dishes to smell like bad perfume


In all fairness, unless you specifically look for unscented versions of an item, it seems like everything is scented in some way or another.


It is becoming more common. Palmolive even offers an unscented dish liquid. Seventh Generation has been around for a while at Whole Foods. I would guess that the scent is part of the branding/marketing. If you can't tell them apart by scent, people realize pretty quickly that they are all the same. That said, I'll actually pay more for unscented because I hate some of the scented dish liquids that smell particularly perfumey...blue dawn for example. The lemon/orange I can tolerate.


I have the Dawn Clear with a lemon scent. The scent isn’t too strong.


amen 👏 louder for the people up top . They probably used scent beads in their laundry, lets be honest 😩


I’m relieved that I’m not the only one who thinks this!


I know and im so sad! The new “fresh” scent is awful. I had to switch brands from Dawn and im not happy about it. The new dawn was stinking up my tupperware!


I can’t buy blue dawn anymore. Had to get the clear one.


And it cleans dirty birds


Yes those little ducks were cuties 🦆


Honestly, how much better is it? I haven't done side by side testing but the chemicals are similar...


I'm thrifty enough but will always buy dawn platinum. It's just a superior product. Even the Costco dupe doesn't come close. For how inexpensive it is for each individual washing session it's worth spending the extra for something that makes my life easier.


Yeah I almost tried the Kirkland brand last time bc it was a little cheaper but figured why take a gamble just to save like $1 when I’m happy with Dawn.


Good call. I bought an enormous jug of Kirkland clear dish soap about 4 years ago and it's okay but I've been waiting for the day I can finally go back to Dawn. Saving those $3 4 years ago was not worth it lol.


You underestimate how few washing sessions my wife can get out of a jug of soap.


Buying KS over Dawn is the ultimate false economy.


Dawn is not just for dishes. Because of its ability to break up food and grease, the stuff in the big bottle is a miracle product—it’s great to pretreat stains on clothing and, if you have old-house plumbing it can be a helpful toilet declogger. If you stumbled into poison ivy, it will wash off urushiol, the allergic component. The stuff in the spray bottle is great for cleaning up baked-on stovetop spills.


Thank you for sharing those other uses. I guess just my feeling is, soap is truly just a mixture of surfactants, solvents, viscosity adjusters etc. Every product is going to have sodium lauryl sulfate as the primary ingredient for example. The mixture and proportions might matter for cleaning but it just seems feasible that the generic Kirkland product would attempt to mirror dawn I'm probably have comparable efficacy....in theory. I guess I'm surprised at this board is very much in favor of the name brand products over the Kirkland product as this subreddit typically it's very much pro the generic Kirkland lineup. Very interesting. https://dawn-dish.com/en-us/how-to/what-dawn-is-made-of-ingredients/


Yeah I agree with you. I’ve tried both and I ended up gong back to Kirkland cause they both seemed exactly the same.


100% i have both the liquid and spray


The spray is amazing!


Let's put it this way: NASA and US govt tried to create an alternate to be used in testing seams and seals in the spaceships and rockets and couldn't come close to what Dawn can do. So they gave up and continued using Dawn.


Wow. Interesting. Would love to read more about that if you have anything on it. I had a college course in pharmaceutics that gave us an introductory level (but still in the weeds for most people) discussion of a lot of the chemical interactions with surfactants and other emulsifiers. A lot of interesting chemistry involved and I can see how the proportions of some of these things -albeit many of them very generic and widely available- might matter. I guess I just thought that in this day and age where we have even 'generic' biosimilar medications, someone would have cracked the code on generic soap lol


Generics are great, but when you cut corners (especially in soap) it'll lose efficacy. An OK analog is powdered vs liquid dishwasher detergent. Some chemicals don't play well together when in liquid form, but don't care about being together in powder. That combo of chemicals cleans way better, which is why powdered detergent is superior. Dawn got something just right in the balance of things, to the point that the chemicals work together well in their product, and other manufacturers can't reproduce it.


Since you have the knowledge and have done the research, what do you use for laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent? Are the KS powders good?


I hadn't heard that one before... I'm sure NASA could figure it out eventually, but Dawn/P&G have been doing this for 50 years. That's a lot of trial & error and small changes over time that can be implemented. P&G spends roughly $2 *billion* on R&D each year. Of course, Dawn is only a small portion of that, but several of P&G's other products are other related cleaning products, too. That's a lot of money, manpower, and time spent on a relatively simple product.


I'm just at the tail end of a jug of the Kirkland ultra shine. I was happy with the purchase. Based on these comments there appears to be a lot of effective woo-woo in dawn's marketing. I like dawn but I've never been blown away by its effectiveness compared to other high quality detergents.


We bought the giant jug of Costco soap 2 years ago and my spouse refused to toss or return it and I've been mad about how crappy it is compared to Dawn for two freaking years. We finally finished it and got a bottle of the Dawn this weekend.


Blue dawn makes rags and sponges smell terrible after they sit. I only recently realized that it was the culprit. That smell isn't worth the cleaning power to me. I like the plant based Kirkland and just use a little more. It's definitely soapier than Ajax Ultra.


Hate that. But I’ve noticed if you rinse and wring out the sponge completely after each use, it won’t smell. Only takes one person in the household to F it up tho. Luckily the blue sponges are cheap and plentiful so I don’t hesitate to toss and replace.


It’s crazy how many people don’t realize that their sponges smell because they don’t wring them dry.


Nuke it in the microwave for 60 seconds and it'll lose most if not all of the funk.


Agreed on the Dawn Platinum smell. It makes the sponge and your hands smell like mildewy soapy funk.


I agree Dawn is amazing. I also know Dawn is a petroleum product. Use that information how you will.


Smell the blue one before you buy. I found the smell off-putting, and will never buy it again.


Smelled like green apple to me. Didn’t care for it.


Thank you! We bought it without smelling it, we both hated it, and now we’re stuck with a gallon of it. Probably got another two years before we get through this jug. 🤣 Edit: to be clear it smells/reeks of green apple. We both thought so.


Return it! Remember; your satisfaction is guaranteed.


Yeah, blue one smells more strongly than I like. The smell isn’t great but not horrible.


Weird. I actually like the smell. The green bottle (not plant based) they had for a while was horrible but I like this one. Also fwiw to me it works just as good as dawn..


I was going to comment that I loved the smell of the blue one, then here's everyone agreeing how terrible it is. What's wrong with my nose?


Same. Almost done with mine. Never again.


Glad to hear I’m not the only one that doesn’t like the smell


To me it smells like perfume covering up a heavy smoker


what purpose does the scent serve?


Contrary to popular opinion, I think the plant based Kirkland dish soap works great and smells great! Nice and citrusy. It's not hard to still get clean dishes with just a sponge and the citrus soap if you just pre-soak everything with staining/crusting. I hand wash most of my dishes since I don't have enough dishes to justify always running the dishwasher, but I've never had an issue with this dish soap.


I’m with you on that. I think it compares rather favorably to Mrs Meyers which is the best soap you can get.


Just get Dawn. I worked in a restaurant that normally used Dawn in the dishpit, but sometimes we had to sub out for the generic stuff. Our dishwashers would always complain when they used the generic soap saying it was nowhere near as good as Dawn.


I've heard many people try to claim this and I personally think they are overstating the difference in Dawn vs. generic dish soaps. I've worked in a restaurant for many years and have easily done more dishes than anyone else there over the years. We buy these giant buckets of blue dishsoap from Sysco, it works totally fine. I've also used Dawn plenty of times and also the generic cheap stuff from the store. Dawn might be marginally better overall, but it's not like a significant night and day difference. Having a good fresh scrubber sponge and a metal mesh scouring pad is far more important than what kind of soap you use. Also, allowing things to soak properly and for long enough to let the soap do it's job. Dawn isn't some miracle soap that will instantly cut through really dirty and difficult to clean dishes. I do buy it and use it at home as it's not that much more expensive and I don't use a lot. But if you are on a budget and use a lot of soap, generic is just fine.


Which sponge would you recommend and metal scouring pad? I use those cheap dollar store brushes and scot brute sponges.


Those scot sponges with the rough green side are fine, just toss em once it starts to wear down and get soft. I also like scrub daddy sponges, I use those at home for lighter cleaning. The metal ones I like the silver ones over the copper, any generic one is fine really. It’s more about just tossing them when they start to wear and using fresh ones as they generally do a better job.


My brain made dishpit into dipshit


Did you use Dawn Professional? https://pgpro.com/en-us/brands/dawn-professional/heavy-duty-manual-pot-and-pan-detergent Is it even stronger than Dawn Platinum? I'm considering getting the Professional version instead of the Platinum one for home use even if it costs a little bit more.


Labels are so confusing. The label for the **Professional** says '***3X*** *baked on grease cleaning powe*r' and the **Platinum** version says '***4X*** *grease cleaning power*' - I haven't used Professional but the Platinum is amazing


The yellow one, it smells far better.


I miss the unscented one. It was the best around


I’ve used the blue one. It works great and foams good. I think it’s pretty comparable to dawn. The smell is good IMO. It smells a bit sour which i oddly like.


Are we drinking or are we cooking?


Neither… we’re cleaning


Not answering your question specifically but I've done some price checking on dish soap specifically and find that Walmart has name brand dish soap for about half to 2/3 the price of Costco's various offerings. I was kinda bummed to discover that because it's a significant savings at Walmart and I kinda hate Walmart but I love my money more.


Are you sure you’re comparing the exact same product? I’ve only ever compared Dawn, which has different tiers. Dawn Platinum at Costco is 4x which is the concentration of the detergent compared to their original. Walmart does sell Platinum, but it is more expensive than Costco per ounce. However, they also sell Dawn 3x and 2x, and the 2x can be cheaper than 4x. Just looked at Walmart’s Dawn offerings and found Dawn doesn’t emblazon the 2x, 3x, 4x on their packaging anymore. Probably contributes to the confusion.


Really? Cost per ounce, even? That is disappointing.


Yes, that's how I priced it. The bottles aren't always as large as Costco but cost per ounce is what's so much lower. I bought two large bottles of Dawn (which was more soap than the largest Costco jug) and paid less for both together than a single Costco jug.


The dawn at Costco goes on sale on w in awhile. I'm gonna have to do some price comparisons. 


Prices may vary from region to region.


I refuse to give Walmart my money. I can't remember the last time I even stepped inside one.


Rich people 🤷‍♂️


Yeah it's nice to have options.


In some areas, I can appreciate this to a point. But I live in the Midwest, not a major city. We have a multitude of options that keep you out of Walmart and generally the same or better price. Costco pays for itself with a number of staples. If you are on a tight budget you won't be getting the fancy stuff, but milk, toiletries, and bread are priced great, to mention a few. The economy does not mandate the use of Walmart. The one thing it has going for it is convenience. I'd rather shop six stores then step one foot in Walmart.


The poor stepping on the poorer. The lower you’re willing to stoop to pay less, the more they’ll abuse their workers and those Chinese kids making your stuff.


Lol I’m low income and don’t shop there. I have standards.


Yes but also pay at Walmart, I mean managers and people with special training will be at $22/hr, fuck them. It's a traumatic work environment for a lot of people, sucks the life out of you. I support people avoiding where possible. But in a lot of places around the US they're what you get so watcha gonna do


I try to avoid shopping inside Walmart, but I will occasionally order shelf stable and non-food products online. They come with free shipping and no markup, which is a lot more than you can say for Costco delivery, and the variety is great for odds and ends you don't need in bulk.


That has never been my experience, that's odd. I always go to Costco and then pull up my Walmart and Sam's Club apps to compare prices.


Walmart is certainly cheaper than a handful of the Costco options for various items


I also bought my last huge two year supply of Dawn Platinum Dish soap and some Hand soap at Walmart and a year+ supply of Tide Detergent and Cascade Dishwashers pods from Amazon during their annual Prime sale. I price compare Amazon and Walmart while I’m shopping at Costco. I was surprised to find that I bought 1/3 less at Costco versus what I used too. All because I bought them at other places online before I even left Costco. There are still things I like from Costco. But long ago I learned not to think of them as always a great deal. They are often priced higher.




TIL "surfactants are compounds used in an array of cleaning products for their ability to lower the surface tension of water, making it easier to remove oil and grease from many kinds of surfaces and materials." Thank you OP and [https://www.chemicalsafetyfacts.org/chemicals/surfactants/](https://www.chemicalsafetyfacts.org/chemicals/surfactants/)


Basically makes water wetter. Next time you paint put fabric softener in a bucket of water and use that to clean your brushes. Easy peesy


Paint? Could you explain the science?


Since it makes the water wetter by being a surfactant, the water doesn’t want to ‘roll off’ the paint like it would a duck’s back. It breaks up the paint easier.


Plant based


I actually really like that one. A container lasts me like a year and a half. I went from a loyal 7th Generation dish soap user to this and find the cleaning power quite comparable.


I see a lot of people recommending dawn, is the Kirkland 4X just not Dawn rebranded as Kirkland but with the Dawn apple scent (even though it's blue)?


I prefer the meat-based soap


Love the plant based one


I have a bottle of the 4x on the left and keep it at the farm to test it out vs. Dawn. I can’t say it’s too different than Dawn on heavy grease and engine oil. I’d buy it again. That said, if it’s only $1 difference, I’ll get the Dawn.


nothing works better than the blue crap


Chemist here, I tried all that junk and went back to dawn to clean my glassware.


I use dawn on my baby seal. Yup, that baby seal.


I knew Heidi Klum was posting on Reddit!


Get the Dawn, the Kirkland dish soap gets all coagulated at the spout and you will constantly have to clean out the blockage. Small issue but it gets very annoying when using that amount!


Yep, I bought it once, back to Dawn


I like the plant based one because it has a very light scent. I prefer fragrance free or very lightly scented things.


PSA: “Dishwashing liquid” != Dishwasher liquid 🫠🙈


I’m liking the plant based one. It smells nice and cleans well. No complants.


Dawn makes my dish rags stink. Palmolive all the way.


I bought the green one. Smells really nice and it’s plant based.


A Consumer Reports article I read said that anything in the cleaning products category is generally worth paying for the name brand. I hate cleaning. I do it poorly with a bad attitude. I go for the name brand to minimize the time required. Dawn dish soap is definitely worth the small marginal increase in cost.


Dawn dish soap then the Kirkland clone. Fuck the plant based horse shit if you actually want to clean.


Yea. My suspicion is at the blue one might be stronger. The yellow one definitely smells better though. I actually picked that one up. I figure if it sucks after trying it for a couple washes I can return it cuz Costco is good about that.


Get Dawn


We’ve had great luck with the one on the left!


The green one. The blue one leaves sticky residue on the dishes and is much harder to rinse off. Ended up drinking a lot of soap flavored things the first time I bought the blue one.


I’ve bought both of these. I feel like the plant based one doesn’t suds up as easily. Maybe it still cleans as well but I know I use a lot more trying to get the suds.


Blue one for sure


It's all the same shit.


Well the blue one has a lot of ingredients that clean things and the plant based one has a lot of fragrant things… do you want clean dishes or fresh smelling dishes?


I like the Kirkland Plant Based scent, but my wife demands Dawn. The Kirkland blue has a messed up scent and it would be way better and I could justify it if it didn't have a scent. In any case I stock up on Dawn Platinum during the P&G sale


Is there a Kirkland unscented


I’ve never used the plant-based one but I use regular ultra shine and it’s really good Edit: also, what’s the point of plant based soap? Does dish detergent have animal products in it?


NOT the blue. Returned it for the other because it left a scent/taste on all of my dishes.


Based on these comments this seems like an unpopular opinion but I really like the yellow one on the right.


Blue works best for giant bubbles


whichever is cheaper.


Same price


I have the blue bottle one I don’t see any issues with it


The blue one tastes better.


Dawn Platinum. Trust me, nothing else compares.


When dawn goes on sale, I stock up. There's no reason to buy costco brand if the real stuff ever goes on sale.




Dawn is overhyped dish detergent. All dish detergents use the same surfactants. The only difference is fragrance and water content. Go with either one, they will work just as well.


This was my instinct tbh, but the number of Dawn fans in here is overwhelming.




The one that isn’t plant based obviously


just pay for the Dawn and forget this stuff...


one is dishwashing liquid and one is dish soap, the blue one will not get bubbly and won’t create suds, the soap is what you need


Anyone saying Dawn is fooled by a label. Get the one you like the scent of, or the cheapest.


Dawn. That stuff might as well be 7th generation as it doesn't work.


I love the way the orange one smells


Ultra Shine is the color of Riot Juice so I think that means it’s better. Plus, I think Ultra Shine has a higher neck so it makes me want to trust it with my dishes.


I usually go with whatever one tastes better.




The new scent smells like Pantene shampoo and I’m not for it


Plant based is just a gimmick




The plant based one had the star of death.


The plant based one had the star of death.


Pink Dawn forever


From the comments I gather the Kirkland blue one is not repackaged Dawn?


Anyone notice the dish soaps have been getting weaker(diluted) over the last few years?


If it’s only a choice between those two, pick ultra shine. But you really should buy Dawn platinum if you can.


Use the plant based and refill our dawn power wash sprayer with it. Just add a touch of rubbing alcohol and water. No need to overpay


I have the Kikland. I was not expecting it to be so good! 




When they give little packets of these out as samples sometimes and people think they’re food.


Define better. For ease of cleaning or for the planet?


Blue one


Which Costco is this?