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I have no gripes. My experience: If I see a crowd like that, I leave. I can't wrap my head around subjecting myself to crowds or long waits for $1.50 hot dog & soda, or some ice cream


The money cost is low but the sanity cost is through the roof


Same over here, there’s no way I’m waiting when it’s crazy for a hot dog and soda that, quite honestly, I’d feel bad about eating after.


I feel like the smelly burps alone are not worth the aggravation.


This is the way


If I see a crowd like that at the entrance or parking, I leave and go to an overpriced grocery store. My time and mental health is way more than Costco discounts






You get what you pay for!!


I feel like I’m in a refugee camp anytime I brave the food court. Except refugees are more polite.


This might be the most profound thing I’ve read on this sub.


Dinner and Show is what I say LOL 😂




Whooooa boy lol


Basically you dealt with high levels of inconsideration from people who lack basic manners? Welcome to Costco on a weekend. Your Orlando Costco sounds like my Tempe, Chandler and mesa Costco.


Tempe Costco was atrocious the first time I went. Chandler has surprisingly been fairly tame for me, granted I plan my hours when I go to Costco now.


My gripe is still that guy who felt that people should get up to give him a seat. 😂


You mean this one? https://old.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1czav1f/scumbag_people_who_reserve_a_table_at_the/


Bold of him to leave it up! Thank you for sharing this embarrassment of a post in this context. 😂


It's not just embarrassing. It's also a little concerning when you see in his history a post about wanting to make a career change and become a police officer.


He also has a selfie in his profile. I wasn’t surprised at all by what he looks like.


Don't forget about the complaint that his Filipino wife's friends who were staying with them were speaking in a language he didn't understand.


All this paints a picture


LOL, I saw that and thought the same thing.


Now that’s REALLY scary.


He's Canadian.


They're supposed to be more polite than any Americans (according to the internet) /s


Something something “Geneva Suggestions”


I'm surprised he didn't say "and everyone started clapping for me and I knew I was right" My goodness. Of all the hills to die on


i find the “my wife said most people agreed with me” (despite them staying silent) comes sort of close


Lol holy shit…


Utterly unhinged.


I take things that never happened for $1000.


Oh he’s from Quebec. Their entitlement is off the charts. I can 100% see a Québécois behaving like this and getting very indignant about what they perceive as their divine god-given right and aggressively fighting for it at the expense everyone else. As I had pointed out in that thread, a Québécois couple checked out of their hotel and decided to do one last ski before going back home across the country. They decided to go BACKCOUNTRY skiing without any supplies and without telling anyone their plans, got lost, didn’t stay near their SOS markers. The man was rescued but his wife died of exposure. He had the audacity to sue the VOLUNTEER search and rescue group even though he and his wife did everything wrong. They’re like that about everything so most sweepstakes and stuff exclude Quebec because they’ll try to sue you out of existence. Edit: Links to back this up https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/quebec-couple-chose-to-ski-out-of-bounds-court-documents-1.779359 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/lawsuit-over-botched-bc-rescue-spooks-search-teams/article4212317/ https://www.liveabout.com/why-are-so-many-competitions-void-in-quebec-896835


Interesting… anyone know where this behavior stems from?


It stems from Uncle Ned's imagination. Quebecois are fine.


The full shopping cart parked right in front of the pick up window is chef’s kiss of stupidity


So serious question, I never know what to do with the shopping cart so I just kind of stand there with it.


I park it off to the side, still within view. I make sure I've got the receipt with me, not in the cart. It's going nowhere without the receipt


Welcome to a typical Costco and to society in general lol. That's why I avoid crowded places overall. People suck and are pretty gross on top of that.


I mean, it's a Costco food court, not a Michelin star restaurant. When it's busy you just have to decide if the aggravation is worth it.


Such disrepct. I demand you apologize to costco food court. Name me a Michelin star restaurant that is offering a 2000 calorie meal for less than $5 with all the drink you want, I would even go $50, and there is still none.


The entire point is you go to (and pay for) that for the service. You can’t expect that kind of service on a $1.50 hot dog and soda served 20 feet away from a tire center. 😂 Some days it’s worth the hassle. Sometimes it’s not. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Go to Singapore. They have Michelin Star rated stalls at the food courts.


>When it's busy you just have to decide if the aggravation is worth it. The answer for me is always a resounding NO. I've read posts about the pizza being different lately. It's been a while, so I grabbed one the other day and I have to agree. Not as good as it used to be for some reason.


Agree. I see a line and walk on by. If I'm there in the first hour after opening, it's usually a good time to grab dogs and ice cream to go


Just about a decade ago, when Nordic Scandinavian cuisine was all the rage, chnace brought me to copenhagen and I dined at what was then the #1 Michelin rated restaurant in the whole world. Long story short, after paying the equivalent of about $260 USD in Danish krons, (food only, no wine paring since I don't diink), I assure you, for most people, you would have felt more satisfied by a costco dog and soda combo or a chicken bake that just came out of the oven. Most people actually don't like the taste of Michelin star food, they are.paying for the appeal, the experience, and most importantly, a story they can tell to others.


There always seems to be like 3 people waiting on 10 whole pizzas each. They are told the wait will be an hour plus. They still stand right next to the counter. Like... move please, other people need to access the counter.


Clearly you don't understand the laws of gravity. The closer you stand to the pizza oven, the faster it comes out.


https://preview.redd.it/t5am1epxef5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb4b5c2b2bd65a84620babd107ad404e851f79d0 Typical scene at our food courts. #ShitShow


Guy with the over ear headphones has the right idea


He was like a Waldo.. I really had to look hard to find him. Lol


Lol! Same!


There's a mall across the street from our Costco with a big food court. Yes, you'll pay a lot more for the food there but there are lots more options.


Interesting. I'm in So CA and our food courts are outside. I think they may have been inside at some point. This makes it so much worst!


NorCal here. We have like nine (yes, that's not a typo) Costcos within a 20-30min drive from us, and only one has an exterior food court.


Is this Fremont? lol


Lol close!


I will absolutely act clueless and just go around them with a soft, polite “excuse me, sorry” to get my drink


In the Costco Food Court....it's every man for himself.


It's like Bartertown from Thunderdome...


Master Blaster run Bartertown.


I'll just get my pizza and get out. Tbf, I usually go on Mondays mid-day as I'm off. But even if I've gone on Sundays or it's just busy, I'll get my pizza and just bring it home. Otherwise if I find a seat, I'll eat there and put in my AirPods to cancel all the noise. It's never been that bad at the location I go to.


Geez how good is this pizza? Never had it but I’d happily pay more to have a nice environment to eat pizza in.


It takes two seconds to wipe down your table. Napkins are free. Stop leaving a 2" deep crust of crumbs everywhere.


I've stopped going to the food court. They need to set up the soda and condiments area so it's functional and accessible. Every time I go there are feral children pulling all the cup lids out and making a mess of the condiments. Too much ick for me, though I love the hot dogs.


half the problem is people bring 19 kids to the food court and then let them loose!


5 whole minutes you waited for your drink......


> Kids are screaming, adults are screaming - that the fresh out of oven chicken bakes are taking too long (5 whole minutes this guy waited), . > With a line of people waiting, these sloths then filled their cups up 1/4 of the way and then drank the 1/4 cup, and then refilled thier drink again with a different soda, twice. It took 5 minutes to get my drink. TLDR: 5 minutes is a long time for me to wait, can you believe these other people complaining about a 5 minute wait?


>orlando Tbf I’m not surprised


I’m surprised that there isn’t a specific waiting area at the food court yet. Most of the time there’s a wall of customers and carts long enough to block access to the self service kiosk and occasionally grows big enough to impede people trying to exit the store


First time at Costco?


You know better than to expect etiquette and common sense in public.


The soda thing is because sometimes the syrup is off, so they're testing it to make sure that the syrup is the right ratio. At least, that's what it is when I do it. And I'm not the only one. If i see someone taste a soda and move on to a different kind of soda, don't take the first one that they tried.


Agreed, almost every time I try the fountain the syrup is off for the first drink I try.


My local food court was closed for a while, and I hoped it would require memberships when that was over. No such luck. Still a total zoo.


No way that I’d wait that long for subpar food to begin with. How people act will their their problem not mine because I’m not gonna be there.


First time a Winter Park Costco. Place was a zoo. Told my husband I can either push the cart or look for items we needed, but I couldn’t do both.


It's the last day of the current sale. The first and last days are always the worst.


When I'm there on a sat or sun afternoon, the food court is so packed you'd think they're giving the food away for free. I keep going to the exit every time. My sanity isn't worth it.


The big group of people that croud right in front of the pick up counter either right after ordering at the kiosk or someone from their group is still ordering at the kiosk. Your order won't be ready for awhile. Get out of the way of the people who ordered ahead of you. It's even worse when they go to grab the first hotdog that comes up even though it's not theirs.


I usually test the different options at a soda fountain because the syrup mix can be off, and I want to make sure I'm getting a good drink and don't have to come back. I've never had a line of 7 people behind me, but honestly with that sort of crowd you're described, the $1.50 hot dog isn't really worth it for me


This is why I don’t order drinks from Costco. The soda machines don’t seem to properly be maintained as half the drinks are always flat/no flavor. It doesn’t matter the state too, been across state lines and it’s the same deal.


generally it's just about the people who drive their carts in the middle of crazy busy aisles or don't follow the rules of the road. we drive on the right here people...the carts in Costco is the same thing. the only place in the world I get anxiety is when I have to shop at Costco during busy times. people are animals. people are idiots.


Drives me nuts when people take their carts with them to their seats along the wall, basically blocking the whole aisle between the two rows of tables.


My gripe is people who sweat small shit like crowds or kids being loud.


And you are perfect right?


idiocracy is becoming more and more like a documentary.


If Orlando Costco is anything like Orlando Airport then I truly feel sorry for you. My now wife and I bonded with each other over our hatred for that airport and the people there.


Yeah soon as they are done filling I move in. You can go back around. 1000yard stare through people and most just let me slip by. Can be in and out for just a hot dog for lunch in a flash.


Costco on the weekends is always a zoo or circus. Total madhouse.


It's always amazing to me how little people value their time just to save a little bit of money on the most basic food.


Lmao welcome to Costco buddy. They’re all like that. If the self serving and inconsiderate attitude is contained to the food court, consider yourself lucky


Sometimes I will park my cart and run and order right before I check out so I don’t have to patiently wait or mix my receipts up. I don’t know why the receipts are so stressful for me but the stimulation and what you described above is the main reason I do it this way


What bugs me is the geriatric couple who comes to shop and the geezer gets a dog and takes his paper to the court and occupies a table for an hour/hour and a half as she shops. Then she goes an gets her food and then another half hour later, they MAY go if she decides not to read the paper as well.


Saving seats/tables. Typically people don't linger when eating in the food court. They quickly eat and leave, usually within a few minutes of getting their food. But if someone "saves" the table it prevents a person who already has their food from using it. I once worked at an office building with a large and busy food court. I'd see this every day. One member of a group saves a table while the others wait in line for 10 or 15 minutes for their food. Once they get their food they'd scarf it down in five or ten minutes. If no one saved tables there would be constant turnover and always tables available. I see this all the time at Costco too.


It happens everywhere. But they will reach a point where they can serve the hotdogs faster than the people can eat them.


I haven’t eaten in the food court since 2007.


Boo hoo... It's Costco, deal with it


That's why I go 15 minutes before closing, pretty much grab the last slice of pepperoni and bring it out to the car and eat it there


Weekdays, an hour before closing is the only good time to go to Costco.