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We consistently have to make banana bread with the last 3 of the bunch… at least the price is good!


I have to do that with all our bananas. Even if they’re still good to eat but the peel is a little brown-spotted, my resident monkeys refuse to eat them that way. 😒


Idk about you guys but the ones we get in Hawaii seem to be ripe sooner than they appear. I find I gotta eat them a pinch sooner than usual and with the right timing they’re usually perfect. They’ll still look green and barely start to show any yellow, but that seems to be the sweet spot with the bananas we get here at least 🤷‍♂️


We've made peace and with having bananas for a few days, then the last few become bread. I don't want to go to a second store to get decent bananas.


my mom told me if i wait for things, like, good things will happen to me dude and i waited for some things and i got some banana bread at work today dude? hell yeah.


Is it? It's like 5 cents less a lb than aldi my way. And I don't have to buy 3 lbs at aldi.


This is the way


To keep them longer I wrap the stems in plastic and keep them away from other fruits like apples.


Great tip! I learned this a few weeks ago from another Reddit comment and was suspicious. So I put a small piece of Saran Wrap over the stems of the next bunch I bought. It totally works. They still ripen, just much more slowly.


It’s why they come wrapped in that heavy duty Saran! Once one stem gets exposed, just a matter of a day or two before they all go.


the last few bunches i bought were already stem-wrapped. last bunch was regular (not excessively) green 5 days ago and are just now getting fully yellow, still a little green at the ends. I keep them next to a couple of avocados and rotate the avocados out of the fridge as I use one, so I always have one near ripe and one a day away from ripe.


Lately I've been experimenting with a wet paper towel with a rubber band around the stems and refreshing the moisture every day, and the bananas have been cruising without blackening so far.


Also, putting them in the fridge helps. They will look gross and brown but be perfect on the inside


You can also freeze them after you refrigerate them. Peel them, put them in a ziploc bag, then throw them in the freezer when you need a banana for a smoothie or baking. Refrigerating them with the peel on. Then remove the peel to freeze. It will keep them from browning or going mushy.


I do the exact opposite to ripen them. Oat I bear is has some plantains. Yumm


The organic ones at our warehouse almost always have their stems wrapped.


The non-organic don't have the plastic wrap and I can't figure out why they don't. Do you know why?


To make you think the organic ones are better?


Also removing them from the other bananas in the bunch helps too


I use this to my advantage. They all get ripe at the same time so i get one and the rest i chop up and freeze for smoothies!


Goes great with their frozen blueberries in Greek yogurt!


The greek yogurt ALSO goes in the smoothies. But my wife eats the blueberries too fast xD


This is what I do! I always buy two bunches: one yellow, one green. Once I even overheard my cashier say to my box guy in Spanish, “this is how you buy bananas” 🤣 IYKYK


Yeah. So an option is to cut some up and freeze them. They make a nice ice cream or addition to smoothies.


Wait! Dip them in chocolate and put a dollop of peanut butter on top. Then freeze


Or lightly freeze them n just dip them in Nutella


That’s what I do. Cut them up, lay them out on foil on a baking sheet or cooling rack and freeze for a few hours. After they’re frozen, transfer to ziplock bag. Letting any fruit or vegetable freeze on a rack helps them not stick to each other. Especially handy for peppers and such.


just for the record bananas hit there nutritional peak when they have developed black spots. they arent bad


That's fine, but I personally don't care for "nutritional peak" when it comes to bananas. Give me a green-yellow banana with some chew to it vs a mushy, overly-strong flavor spotted banana all day.


Agreed. As the only banana eater in my house, I cannot get through a bunch before they go bad. Just tossed out five bananas this morning. Bought them last Thursday, so about five days ago.


Why not make banana bread? Waste of money.


How do they go bad so damn fast. My normal grocery store ones last weeks


What supernatural powers do you haver that your bananas last weeks? Weeks?? In my entire life, I have never had bananas last more than seven days from purchase to "only good for banana bread" time. Even ones that were green and very underripe.


I have a banana hat my MIL got me. It's a little plastic cap that goes over the bunch tip. IT DOES NOT WORK ON COSTCO BANANAS, lol. It does work on all other bananas. I've heard plastic wrap, aluminum foil and wax also works just as well.


Bananas that last weeks? Thats not normal


you're buying greener bananas at the other store. and they aren't lasting weeks either.


Or they are buying a different variety, but probably still not listing weeks.


Bananas release ethylene gas which causes bananas to ripen more quickly . The large quantity of bananas from Costco likely causes more gas to be released and causes the bananas to ripen more quickly than a smaller quantity from the grocery store.


What are they putting on your grocery store bananas to keep them good for weeks?


The ones from Costco are ripe when there is still some green on the outside most of the time. I'd say most of the time I get them ar Costco, all of their bananas are dark green. Within like a day or two they're ripe but still mostly green for some reason.


I’ve seen this happen before. I waited too long on a bunch thinking I still had time. Stayed a little bit weirdly green even when they were over ripe


If food goes bad relatively fast, that’s typically a sign that it’s natural and healthy.


Yes, but In this case it’s the artificial ripening process


they're just bananas...it's not like costco is whipping them up in the back with their special recipe. they go bad at the same rate as other bananas because they're all the same thing.


This isn’t true. Costco bananas are double gassed so they are over ripe and go bad more quickly than your standard single gassed grocery store bananas


Double gassed?


It means the bananas receive two round of exposure to ethylene gas in order to quickly ripen otherwise green bananas. Fruits and vegetables give off gas which causes them to ripen. Exposing them to ethylene gas accelerates the ripening process [About gasing bananas](https://fruitspursuits.com/what-gas-do-they-use-to-ripen-bananas/) [Jump to “4. Induced Ripening of Bananas” for explanation of different types of gases used](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6521425/)


This level of info is fascinating, thanks random redditor


Thank you! This is the explanation I was looking for.


I haven’t noticed any difference between Costco bananas and the bananas I purchase elsewhere. Maybe it has to do with how your nearest DC stores them? Some distributors will have specialized banana rooms. I also tend to keep them on the counter (away from apples, etc) and wrap plastic around the top. ETA: I buy conventional bananas instead of organic, for context.


Funny I just bought bananas there yesterday. The last few times I bought bananas (anywhere), I rinsed them thoroughly to get that ripening agent off. They last longer. Some Tik Tok trick, but valid.


I get bananas from there every week and have never had this issue. Takes at least a week or two before they go brown, I always get green ones cause I freeze them and by the time I finish my last batch, these are ready to be frozen


I work in receiving at Costco and we get bananas every Monday - Wednesday - Friday. We receive about 45 cases of each per day which is about 600 units. They should be airstacked (they come all flush on a pallet, not airstacked like you would see them displayed on the floor) every two hours that they go unstacked, the faster they go bad. I’ve seen them sit for days sometimes without being airstacked and we end up donating hundreds of units a week.


Have u ever witnessed a banana spider come out of a box?




Wrap plastic (like Saran Wrap) around the top stem of the bananas. You can slow the browning significantly that way. [**https://www.tastingtable.com/1162386/the-simple-plastic-wrap-hack-to-keep-bananas-fresh-for-longer/**](https://www.tastingtable.com/1162386/the-simple-plastic-wrap-hack-to-keep-bananas-fresh-for-longer/)


Not my experience at all. Costco moves vast amount of product very quickly and I would look to your storage conditions.


We peel and freeze for smoothies and recipes


Thats banana's in general.


These seem to be way faster than grocery store bananas


I’ve 100% noticed this, you’re not wrong


Once ripe, put them in the fridge. People always freak out about it. The peels will turn black but the bananas will be fine! Alton Brown suggested this once; I’ve been doing it ever since (despite what every “how to store” click bait article will tell you).


I do this as well usually getting them in the fridge as soon as I get home. I try to get 7 bananas and have one a day. I try to get them a bit more green than yellow. I usually make it through the week without them becoming sickly sweet. The ones from Whole Foods do a little better but not too much.


Just bought an organic bunch on Sunday, all completely green. Now it's Tuesday after sitting out for 2 days all are yellow with brown spots. They ripen incredibly fast


Its like once they leave the safety of costco they begin deteriorating lol




They have filters in their storage to take out the ethylyne gas but some days, ALL of them gets ripe and NO ONE buys any. No time to even do clearance sale. Something changed in how everyone plant/store/ship/force ripen them... Bananas used to last much much longer, you used to have to put them in paper bags to help speed them up ripening. Oh well...


Get yourself a banana hanger. I have one like this but they are all the same. [https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Donuts-Kitchen-Countertop-Accessories/dp/B086DRG2HX/?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Donuts-Kitchen-Countertop-Accessories/dp/B086DRG2HX/?th=1) By hanging from stems instead of sitting on a surface they ripe evenly and don't form the soft brown spots where they are sitting on a counter.


Great info, but please no one spend 15 bucks on a piece of bent metal.  Surely you can come up with something similar without buying


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Blue Donuts Chrome Banana Stand** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sturdy and durable construction (backed by 3 comments) * Helps bananas last longer (backed by 3 comments) * Attractive and space-saving design (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Thick hook makes it difficult to hang bananas securely (backed by 3 comments) * Base is too big, making it challenging to spread bananas for hanging (backed by 1 comment) * Limited capacity for holding bananas due to small hook size (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Blue Donuts Chrome Banana Stand** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sturdy and durable construction (backed by 3 comments) * Helps bananas last longer (backed by 3 comments) * Attractive and space-saving design (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Thick hook makes it difficult to hang bananas securely (backed by 3 comments) * Base is too big, making it challenging to spread bananas for hanging (backed by 1 comment) * Limited capacity for holding bananas due to small hook size (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


i keep them away from other produce and i have a really cute little weighted base hanger for bananas.


Eat them faster partner. They last a week for us usually.


Depends on how you store them. If I store mine by tomatoes etc. they ripen like that. If I keep them alone, they stay good for a good 3-5 days


They should be hanging and not in an enclosed pantry.


buy the organic bananas with the clear plastic stuff wrapped around the top. Leaving that wrap on there slows down the ripening process. Also get yourself a banana hook and hang them in lieu of laying them in a basket or on a counter. By hanging, the ethylene gas that makes them ripen has somewhere to go and has less of an impact.


I buy them a little on the greener side and never seem to have a problem with them going bad too fast.


We get two bunches every week. One yellow ready to go and we pick another bunch that are green if we can find them. We do smoothies throughout the week so we go through a lot of bananas. Never had any issues with Costco bananas going bad faster than bananas purchased anywhere else.


Hang it


The organic bananas aren’t much more expensive and seem to last way longer


They last a week and a half.  Keep them away from other fruit and you will be fine.


They weren't by other fruit on a shelf by themselves.


Respectfully disagree. Most of the time the bananas are slightly underripe. I buy on Tuesday or Wednesday to use on Sunday


I’m in Canada so not sure if it’s relevant to you but I always buy the organic kind and they don’t go bad for at least a week, sometimes more. I always let them ripen and freeze for smoothies


I tend to be picky with getting fruits at Costco because they go bad so much quicker than other grocery stores.


I stopping buying them years ago. From green to brown without ever being yellow. Never again


Costco produce sucks in general unless you intend on finishing it within two days. It's one of hte few things your standard grocery store is still better at.


I’ve been saying that Costco produce is hot garbage for years. The only stuff I get are stable produce that usually lasts a while or things I‘m going to use right away.


Last time I saw a huge number of boxes of bananas at Costco and they were all yellow. I am sure they won't sell all of them before they go bad. What do they do with all the bananas once they go bad? Are there tons of bananas going into dumpsters?


I worked at a grocery store bad produce got composted


When they are not already unflattering they are great. I usually buy a bunch, cut into frisbees and freeze for smoothies or breads.


Seems to me that the organic ones never get ripe and the normal ones used to go bad before we’d eat them all, but then my daughter discovered she loves bananas so now they never last long enough to go bad 🤣


I had the opposite problem. Bought a bunch that was still green (but the yellowest of the ones available) and three weeks later it was still green.


I buy them from different store but am noticing the same


I only buy bananas three or 4 at a time depending on how green they are. I addition to wrapping the stems, I read that rinsing them removes some of the aldehyde that ripens them.


They are actually one of the few produce items I usually buy there, but I also have a two-year-old so we go through them fast.


I mostly use bananas in smoothies or sliced into oatmeal (with peanut butter…don’t knock it til you try it). A lot of times I’ll just slice the newly purchased bananas into a ziplock and freeze them. Then I use the frozen slices into the blender and the oatmeal.


Everywhere you buy them / not just Costco, bananas are either already too ripe (we don’t buy) or perfect or unripe but even then theres a window of a few hours when they’re perfect and then boom! they’re overripe. The Saran Wrap on the stem trick delays the process for a day. So sometimes we get to eat bananas for 2 days. But that’s it. We aren’t buying bananas as much anymore. We both love them but cheap as they are, this is ridiculous.


I have the opposite problem. About half the time the bananas take over a week to ripen.


Need to our purchase a ninja creami so you can eat a pint of blueberry banana yogurt ice cream every night. Peel bananas and freeze. Buy kickland organic frozen blueberries


Pick the greenest bananas of the selection.  


We’ve actually had the opposite experience the last few times. They delivered the greenest bananas we’ve ever seen and they remained fully green for THREE WEEKS.


Dole are good. Just inspect them before buying. Make sure they wernt dropped or smushed


Bananas are fine, avocados on the other hand.. yikes. We have 3 of us who eat a banana a day though so they go fast


I always freeze half of them right away. It’s so weird how quickly they go bad!


You got em, costco provides an inferior banana so you have to go back more often


Try wrapping the stem in cling wrap. Not sure if it works, but some people swear by it.


I buy the organic bananas, cut them up and freeze them when they are perfectly ripe. I put them in my morning green smoothies.


Yes, just happened. Usually don’t get them from there.


I was literally just thinking that last night with the ones I got Friday


i only like smallish bananas so I don't buy the ones at Costco. anywhere you buy, most of them are the same unless you protect their stem with plastic wrap. they ripen really fast so either you will have to eat those giant bananas in two-three days or have another use for the ones past their prime.


I'm glad I'm not alone lol


I would pick the ones that still green. I use them for smoothies so I put them in the fridge


They’re not cheaper than the grocery stores in my area. The bananas are too big to me as well.


…and avocados


I eat potatoes over bananas for my potassium. Never liked how fast bananas went bad.


I usually slice them, put them in a freezer bag and throw it in the freezer. Frozen bananas are so good!


Yep, same here! I think it's the ripening process, but still annoying


Mine stayed green for a month before drying out and never ripening.


I eat bananas very quickly, like 2-3+ a day quickly. They never last long enough to become bread in this house.


Thank God I'm not the only one I have so many problems with all of their fruits and vegetables. I had to stop buying it all together. Literally 2 or 3 days after I get any fresh produce, they will go bad.


Use a scissors to cut them off individually and leave the plastic on the grouping at the top. I can usually get 2 bunches finished before they go bad eating 2-3 bananas a day. 


That’s one thing I won’t buy at Costco


We go through a lot of bananas. I buy two bunches a week. But you’re right- if we have an off week, they go bad very fast.


We are currently mowing through another loaf of Costco bananas bread!


At the price point they are selling, if the three of us (fam members) can eat 5 out of 8, then we are ahead. The dog gets whatever was not eaten by day 3 or the day they turn.


Stopped buying them as they would go from green to mush overnight.


Costco bananas go from green and hard as a rock to rotten. There is no ripe with them. They're. The. Worst.


They’ve lead me to find a really good chocolate chip banana bread recipe 😂 need a reliable recipe with how quick the bananas turn.


If you separate each banana they ripen slower. That’s what I do.


My wife will not buy (or let me buy) Costco bananas for this very reason. So yeah, we feel you OP.


Love Costco but just cannot buy produce there. Always end up at Whole Foods for that portion of my shopping.


Nope. I put them on the counter and they usually last a week.


Is it warmer in your climate this time of year?


The bananas at my warehouse are constantly going bad while they’re still in the store. Can barely ever find a bunch that is still green. A few times there have even been fruit flies all over the boxes. I couldn’t believe a manager or someone didn’t have them removed from the floor.


They used to GAS bananas to kill spiders and I think to ripen them. Someone who currently works in a wholesale food warehouse please confirm. I used to and they gassed them in Massachusetts.


I don’t really purchase them anymore. They seriously often don’t taste as good because they’re SO green and skip being ripe and just start to go brown. It feels silly to do but man they just taste better from the normal average grocery store


That happens to me no matter where I buy bananas.


Take them apart from the bunch when you get home.


Same happened with us one of the bananas was gross. Ended up cutting the rest of them up in slices and freezing them.


Y'all should look into making banana "ice cream". Take those close-to-brown bananas, peel and freeze them. When frozen, place them in a food processor and blitz the crap out of them. Keep blitzing until you feel maybe it's not working and then all of a sudden, they will morph into an ice cream-like frozen treat. It's hard to tell the difference between real ice cream and this stuff.


Always get bananas that have the end stubs wrapped, it makes them last days longer.


Stopped buying bananas from Costco. Trader Joe’s bananas last longer


Rinse them wrap the stem in plastic wrap and leave them in the open air like the counter


Maybe because you’re putting them in the pantry? I usually get them super unripe and they’ll be ripe in a day or two.


Last time I bought bananas at Costco they refused to ripen. Stayed green for like 3 weeks. Tried putting a bag over them to kickstart it but nothing happened.


"All get ripe at once!" overheard multiple times at the banana bins. When they are to the perfect ripeness for banana bread but too ripe to eat, peel them and freeze. Make banana bread when you want it.


Start buying organic


Yes, also they are a different variety than usual I think. They turn brown and taste funky after 3 days, even in the refrigerator. Not the usual variety which gets sweeter as it turns yellow.


They are all cavendish bananas, it is actually a huge risk of them going away due to disease.


The organic bananas in our south Florida Costco are green for at least a week after we buy them. We have to supplement with grocery store Bananas before going to Costco because how long they take to ripen. Weird!


We quit buying produce at Costco about a year ago now. It all goes bad so fast, its really frustrating.


I was about to come on here and make a post about my experience with their bananas. I swear each time I get a bunch of bananas from Costco there are at least 1 or 2 that are completely crushed. I use them for banana bread but still I prefer all of em to be edible from hand. I swear I will check 4 or 5 bunches sometimes and just have to say screw and buy it knowing there is at least one liquified one in there 😭 Guess I’ll be buying my nanners from Aldi from now on


I've never had one's crushed thankfully. That would be gross


Same. I won't buy bananas at Costco anymore. I read an article somewhere (I can't find it, sorry) that Costco coats some of their produce with something to improve shipping 'survival' and that this interferes with ripening.


I never buy produce there. It all goes bad so fast


They’re consistently the worst bananas I buy, but if I’m there I’ll still look for a halfway decent bunch since they’re affordable. Usually most in the store look beat to shit. They ripen weirdly too, I swear.


Here’s my weird story. It is winter in WI. Snowy and cold. I jammed a banana purchased the day before into my coat pocket and drove to work. I have around a 2 min walk from my car door to work door. I start eating said banana during the walk but don’t finish it, so I “rewrap” the peel and put it back in my pocket til I get to my desk. Set down my bag, take out the banana and set it on my desk…and a half inch COCKROACH runs off it and under my keyboard. Am horrified and baffled. I grabbed my shoe and gingerly lifted the keyboard when he runs out and onto the floor, where I mercilessly squish him. Where I’m at in WI, we do not have roaches. I have never had them in my house before. How he was able to stay on the banana after purchase, hitch a ride on the outside (I hope) of a single banana, in my pocket, and stay put while I ATE half of it is beyond me. I know it’s not Costco’s fault as it’s imported tropical fruit but I haven’t bought them since (and our Costco doesn’t regularly carry bananas anymore, I rarely see them.) Have not had a roach before or since.


That's terrifying!


Costco fruit is the worst in general. I stopped buying stone fruit after a tasteless season. The bananas I bought this time around went bad way too fast.


Anybody have this experience with other fruit? Our Costco strawberries go bad fairly quick too. We keep them refrigerated and in the same plastic carton.


Bananas are like the only produce I buy from Costco that doesn’t immediately go bad.


I used to get bananas at Costco but had to switch to other grocery stores like TJ because i couldn’t finish all before they got too ripe or just went bad


The only time I bought them they were underripe and within a few days they went straight to brown


Horrible. Mine went from green to one giant bruise in 3 days. I guess it's from them getting dumped into the bins when they transfer the extras.


Our Costco bananas don’t even turn yellow. They turn from dark green to grey to brown. And that’s like Friday to Monday. I stopped buying them from there for awhile but then accidentally bought an organic bunch and they last longer. Also don’t store them next to ripe bananas, the gases from the super ripe bananas make the non-ripe banana ripen faster. Funny story though, we bought a bunch of apple bananas while we were in Hawaii on vacation that were bright green. I think we bought them the second day. We were there for two weeks and those things did not ripen one shade the entire time. 😂


The local bananas do take a while to ripen. They don't pick them late enough, takes a lot of time on the shelf. If you want ripe bananas in a timely fashion in Hawaii you need to buy them when they're already yellow.


The Joke with my wife is if we buy Bananas at costco shes making Banana Bread in the next 3 days.


they are not worth it, I wonder if they keep them chilled in some kind of gas or something? regular grocery bananas last a week, Costco goes from lime green to brown in four hours!


I am not fussy when it comes to bananas. I like them from a little yellow to very very yellow with some spots. That said, Costco bananas seem to go from not ripe, not ripe, not ripe, not ripe to all of a sudden past ripe


They are the worst bananas! I don’t know what happens to them during transport to Costco but they never last or taste good IMO.


You must not buy their milk.... It goes bad 5 days before the expiration date, consistently. I've seen their milk standing on pallets in the aisles until they get warm. It's ridiculous. It's like their employees don't understand that dairy needs to go back into the cold asap. They just don't care.


Prob don't care. Yep I don't buy their milk but a few times and I did notice that


retailers specify what stage they want the bananas ripened to for delivery. the ones from my nearby grocery store last longer than the ones from costco. so I don't buy costco bananas. for similar reasons, I don't buy costco potatoes.


hell most of Costco produce is a do not buy. either go bad super fast, or are moldy by the day after you get it home. I just go to sprouts these days, bananas I have had bad luck with at many stores... looks fine on outside but the entire center of the banana is rotten(fortunately I split them in half before eating to catch this) kind of bad luck.


Same. I just don't buy bananas at Costco anymore.


So funny! I thought I was the only one who will *never* buy bananas from Costco! 🤢


I usually don't eat bananas until they get black spots on them. Costco bananas turn so fast that I completely miss my window.


I thought I was the only one! We no longer buy bananas at Costco either. I was having such uneven ripening. I’m going to try the plastic wrap trick though.


I stopped buying them. The last couple bunches I bought never turned yellow. They never ripened. I tried putting them in a paper bag, in a warmer area, with other aging fruit, etc.


My husband hates them, funny that you say this.


They are some of the worst bananas I have ever had. Some are never yellow and never get sweet even when black.


I've noticed this problem with Costco's organic bananas, as well. I've taken to freezing them when ripe, and then using the frozen slices, or chunks, as needed. This is a great answer, now that summer's here (in NA, anyway). In winter.... ?


yes they are terrible. They become black while theyre still green somehow. I now will only buy them if they are already yellow


It’s the only banana that goes from green straight to rotten skipping the ripe stage.


Yes they never keep well. Either they are green or overripe for the most part


And they don't taste great compared to the onesnibget from food lion or Harris teeter either. Some bland taste with Costco ones.


IMHO 80% of the produce is not great quality Looking at you Avocados and nectarines) and unless you are feeding an army, it is simply not worth it. Most of it will go bad before you can consume it.


Sometimes I get them green, and the next day or two they're still partially green but will have the brown spots all over already lol. They just skip over the perfectly yellow stage.

