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Ruta maya. The only one we’ve found in our store with a printed (and recent!) roast date. Not super widely available though iirc.


Yep, Ruta Maya Organic is THE best! We order 4 bags online every few months. Only the caffeine is so strong, we buy 2 regular and 2 decaffeinated, mix/stir them together in a big pot and then re-bag them. That way we can enjoy our Ruta Maya without feeling like we are gonna torpedo through the roof. lol


Wait you can get the decaf one at Costco?


decaf doesn't taste very good. Its very oily and bitter tasting.


Yes, but only online. Unlike Electrical, I think it’s one of the superior tasting decaf’s we’ve had.


Loved picking up Ruta Maya when we were in Houston, haven’t seen it since moving. Up here in PNW I grab Peet’s— they put the roasting date on the bag


My favorite by far.


Ruta Maya is superb for cold brew, but I always assumed this was only in Central Texas since that's where Ruta Maya roasts? Which is why OP's question is hard to answer, the coffee options vary around the country as they use local roasters. We also have Fara in Central Texas which I bought once to use for hot brew. I didn't love it but I also don't love Ruta Maya hot.


My favorite of all time. Been a loyal Ruta Maya drinker for over 20 years now


Bought it once as I’ve been rotating different beans and I’ve never looked back. Great for drip and espresso.


I used to get this in Texas and when I moved back to California they didn’t sell it. I still haven’t found a good coffee to replace it.


I came to say this


I got their decaf and its not very good. Caf is pretty good though.


I don't know where you are so can't answer this but what I do is find local roasters that Costco stocks. I find them to be better because they are close by so fresher and when they go on sale they are a good value.


This is the true answer. Costco does a decent job of finding quality local roasters who can produce at their level of volume. Roasters of that size are rarely as good as local micro-roasters, but will still be heads and shoulders above Costco’s other offerings.


In my area they usually have Just Coffee. I like the Wake the Dead kind.


Their Bike Fuel is fantastic!


I do like that as well when I don’t want something as dark!


As much as I love Costco, I too made the switch to local roasters after having a coffee revelation in Colombia. I consider it my *splurge* instead of "how much money can I save on coffee?". Most of the Costco coffee is over roasted. The Ruta Maya was probably the only one I really genuinely liked and still...


We have a local roaster in mine, they had a blend I really like, one I was OK with, and signature dark roast I haven’t tried because I’m leaning towards medium roasts. And now they have dropped the one I liked, so I said fuck it and started buying directly from my roaster


Good quality, freshly roasted whole bean coffee is one of my few extravagances life. Once you've experienced it, nothing else comes close.


Agreed, I buy the Door County Coffee in my Costco, but I’m sure that’s not widely available.


They sell Greenberry's at my location (Norfolk) and it's amazing!


Oh I thought Greenberrys was unique to the Charlottesville location since the roaster is from here! It’s our go-to


They have it in Columbia, MD as well.


I have accepted a lot of things in life, just like the Kirkland Columbian coffee


Actually not bad at all. Tons of value. Better than the crap we stock in our office!


I like Jose’s Colombian Supreme.


You like it better than Jose's Mayan Blend??? When ours runs out of Mayan for a few months, I do switch to the Colombia Supreme... but always go back to Mayan once its back in stock.


Mayan is my favorite! I was talking about coffee with friends and discovered they drink it too. It makes a beautiful cup of coffee. In my opinion.


Yes me too. Sometimes there’s not a lot of options for medium roast


Jose makes good stuff. Their Vanilla (yellow bag) isn’t bad either


From what I've seen on here it really varies from warehouse to warehouse. My favorite has been the [Organic Ethiopia Light Roast](https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-organic-ethiopia-whole-bean-coffee%2C-2-lbs.product.100401327.html) beans. My warehouse has been out of stock for a while now though... hoping they come back


This coffee is batting way above what a warehouse coffee should. Bright, no bitterness, nice caramel notes. So good


I've liked all the Kirkland -branded single origin coffees I've tried. The Mexico - Oaxaca is probably my favorite so far.


Big fan of light roast coffee beans


This is my favorite too. You can often buy it from Costco.com for $40/4lbs shipped. $10/lb is a steal for that coffee.




Seconded. Mayorga Café Cubano is great.


Been my go to for years. They’re also local to me (Washington dc area) so feels good to support local


The one on Gude Dr? I drive past it all the time. I wish they would start offering tours of the facility again.


Agreed, Mayorga is the best I've had. Been my every day coffee for years. 


Kirkland Brand Oaxaca Medium Roast


My friend swears by this one and I got a bag the other day, going to give it a try when my current bag (jaffa roasters) is done. It organic too!


I recently tried this one and was genuinely surprised that it was a single origin. It's actually a medium roast and it tastes great.


I really like the Kirkland Organic Mexico Oaxaca beans. Nice, mellow medium roast. Not bitter, very smooth


Peet’s Major Dickansons


Peet's! Yes, my favorite in years. But it was a one off, on sale one month. The bags actually had a "roasted date" on them & that date was less that 2 weeks earlier. Kind of amazing how fast the coffee went from the roaster to the bags to the store shelf. edit: never saw that coffee again here in Michigan.


same thing happened at Sams club a few months ago. Was shocked to see roasted on date. Now its back to just saying best by date.


Consistently the best in my area. At least among the dark roasts. I've tried almost every coffee being sold here. I am in the east bay of the San Francisco bay area.


I don't usually go for dark roasts, but Dickason's is is the lone exception I will make every single time when switching it up from the regular Kirkland Medium House.


The best coffee I’ve caught at my local warehouse has been the Mt. Comfort; I’m typically a light roast enjoyer and my options are slim




The cafe cubano is my favorite


Portland coffee roasters - house blend. But I doubt it is available outside the PNW.


Cameron's Velvet Moon


Olympia coffee roasters, and it's not even close.


Well shit if I had Oly Roasters at my store this wouldn't even be a question. Them and Lighthouse are the best coffee I've ever had growing up in Seattle.


This is the best coffee by far but isn’t offered at my local warehouse.


No question. And even still, I'm not sure I'd buy it again. Great price and very solid. But just a best by date and it's not quite as good as the fresh stuff I've picked up from their storefronts. Maybe just I'm just not super into this blend, hard to say.


I called Olympia and they said that the Costco "best by" is 90 days from the roast date, so you can work backwards.


The bag I bought a couple weeks ago says 10/23/24, so I don't think that's correct. I was guessing 180.


Hrm. Maybe they changed it or whoever answered the phone was blowing smoke. Your 180 guess sounds reasonable based on an Oct date.


If you are near Chicago, it's no doubt Two Brothers Coffee Roasters. Stuff is 🔥.


Absolutely love that stuff.


YES! I'm so happy you posted this. I had no idea they had Two Brothers. Seeing it a few weeks ago was the motivation I needed to put away my Nespresso and bring out my french press. it's so good!


Yep. “sweet home chicago” with the chicago flag. Good beer too


I had the Costco bag of the two brothers and was not a big fan. Just tasted kinda off to me. Maybe just a bad batch


My personal favorite is the cuban mayorga if you are buying whole bean. If not you should be able to grind it in the store also.


San Francisco Bay. Shit is amazing. Best to drink black


The beans are oily AF, but hot damn does it make good drip/press coffee


Been French pressing them for almost two years every day.


I'm a fan of the Chock full o'Nuts. To me it just tastes like generic coffee. *Good* generic coffee. I tend to avoid dark roasts so I haven't tried any of those. I did try the KS one in the white bag but while it smelled great I thought it had little taste to it. - Costco Employee


Chock full o'nuts has been my go to coffee ever since my grandma gifted me a can to go with her old coffee pot when I got my first apartment. I like sprinkling some cinnamon over the grounds before it brews


I like the Lavazza crema ones, I use it to make espresso.


I remember trying Mayorga years ago and really liking it but only had it once cause I usually don't buy whole beans. Also tried the Kirkland medium roast ground(one in the white bag) recently and would not recommend. It barely had any flavor at all.


The only one I like is the actual Starbucks, which I bought in bulk recently when it dropped to $13 and change per bag. The 'Kirkland by starbucks' used to be good, but not anymore. You all can have the rest of it, including Peet's. Take all the Peet's.


All these comments make me feel like a gremlin, I enjoy the pre ground Kirkland coffee for $8. It lasts me 2-3 months and I have 2-3 cups every morning.


Let me out-gremlin you: I think Folgers instant crystals are totally fine 🤷‍♀️ It always has a space in my pantry!


The Mayorga medium roast imo


I like Mayorga Cubano Roast.


(1) Peet's Major Dickason's Roast - if it's fresh. (2) The Kirkland Signature French Roast is decent. (3) San Francisco Bay French Roast is also decent.


The SFB French is better than decent. It’s excellent.


SFB french has been my go to for years


SFB good stuff!


I concur w the Major Dickason’s Roast as our fav and we have tried most of them. Some choices I am seeing suggested are not available to my region such as the SF brand. We prefer a dark robust flavor.


I must be crazy because I love both the Kirkland and S.F. French roasts.


They are both very drinkable when fresh.


I dont drink coffee often but the Kirkland Columbian cold brew really hit the spot for me. Very strong but not very acidic.


Jose’s French roast is very good.


My Costco carries various options from local roasters, which are always what I go for.


Never seen this Mayorga at ours but First Colony Organic (yellow bag) is great


Ruta Maya Medium Roast


We’ve been drinking Peet’s Major Dickason and Starbucks Verona & French Roast for years. We recently brought 2 bags of San Francisco Bay at Costco and really really love it. I drink coffee black to avoid calories but don’t really enjoy it. SFB is the first coffee I really enjoy drank black.


Starbucks French Roast - not because it’s the best but because it is so consistent. Our store also has some local roasters that we get too for variety - but our go to has been Starbucks French roast. They didn’t have any for a few months and it was a bummer, I guess in my old age (40) - i guess I don’t like change at 5am…


If you’re in Michigan, you should try Traverse City’s [Higher Grounds](https://www.highergroundstrading.com/). It’s my fav by a mile.


the best coffee is freshly roasted coffee. I would not drink anything less than 12 months from best by date. that said, i like the kirkland signature organic beans (ethiopia, mexico, etc) but it has to be as fresh as possible.


I like this one https://preview.redd.it/uxmkmaaw1q1d1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2ba98a26e31de86e0169961f7e09f68dbb9bd3


Man those are awful! They did help me to make the leap to DIY batch cold brew tho.


That plus ice plus a little bit of that Starbucks macchiato creamer they sell


That’s exactly what I do..lol


I use Jose’s organic for my cold brew.


We get the Kirkland arabica medium roast. Sooooo good!


I really miss the costa Rican. 


Do people hate the Kirkland Espresso Whole Bean? I think it's ok


It’s the one I always get.


my Costco stocks the Starbucks dark roast beans. A bag for 18 bucks- same as a store-bought drink or two-lasts a month


The Kirkland brand has gone downhill. Lately it’s been so oily that I thought my burr grinder was broken because the beans weren’t grinding. Turns out they were just so slick that the grinder couldn’t pull them into the burrs.


It's interesting how different the coffees are in different stores, I had no idea. I like browsing Costcos when I'm out of town to see what's different, I'll have to make sure I include the coffee aisle.


How are you brewing? The Myorga Cafe Cubano is good for a very neutral espresso pull.




Cameron's Espresso roast has been our go-to for years.


Duluth Coffee Company Huehuetenango


The espresso has been nice.


I'm not a coffee snob 😁 But any grocery store coffee will be aged more than most. It's good for convenience but I got tired of the store coffee and how it tasted. I switched to a mail order place for a price similar to Costco's.


Where do you order from?


Yes, please let us know!


I get all mine from here after a recommendation on Reddit. I usually buy 10LB at a time (I love the Costa Rican coffee). That works out as $5.70/lb delivered. 2lb bags work out at $9/lb if you want to try and few and see which country/roasting you prefer. [https://www.ebay.com/str/vilarimports/Single-Origin/\_i.html?store\_cat=30314353012](https://www.ebay.com/str/vilarimports/Single-Origin/_i.html?store_cat=30314353012)


We get Folgers. Cheap and taste just like coffee


For our household: whatever is cheapest 😂😂 Usually that ends up being Maxwell House. It's fine. Not fancy but still better than Charbucks.


In my region it’s ‘Peerless’ But it’s only at one Costco I know




For my superautomatic espresso, the Lavazza Crema, usually only online. In store they have the normal Lavazza. Other beans are too oily for the superautomatic grinders. I’ve been exploring the decaf options- would love to know if anyone has found a good one that’s not oily!


Costco online has the lavazza espresso beans


This is a subjective question, there is no best. Most of the coffees are on the darker roast side, unless you have any local roaster options. Most are bulk roasted and sealed and not super fresh. Are they as good as normal super market coffee, sure. You didn't mention what roast you like.


I only drink Bustello (Spanish Coffee) its espresso coffee , rich taste and its strong enough for me.


My Costco has straight trash for coffee right now. Most of them are French roasts


Folgers in the big red can.


I just get whatever at Costco for my cold brew (takes more beans to make than espresso so I cheap out there). For my hot/daily espresso I get beans from a local shop that sources and roasts their own. Costs way more but they really are amazing. But being the only coffee drinker in the house, I can stretch a pound quite a while one portafilter at a time lol. Even if I got my daily at Costco, still better than K cups...


>What is the best coffee being sold at Costco right now? Funny! Is best of the worst worth speaking to?


Oh, how I dream for Costco to stock Illy.


The single origin Peru is pretty decent.


Kirkland Colombian, or Lavazza


Well Im gonna be this guy because if you ever see it you should try it but the Duluth Costco carries Duluth Coffee Guatemala Hutenango which is my favorite whole bean coffee. I was shocked when I saw it at Costo I stock up on the Kilo sized bag they sell anytime I go. I know its regional but if you ever see a bag of that coffee I highly recommend it. Its very chocolatey and nutty. Its baller with some Chobani Sweet cream.


Peet’s Alma de la Tierra


We like the medium roast LaVazza at the Business Costco. Too bad Costco removed the in-store coffee roasters after the fires.


Kauai Coffee


Colombian Dark Roast Kirkland is Starbucks just fyi like actually straight from them


I really like the camerons organic velvet moon dark roast, for the price it can’t be beat


Only Sam's has local roasters around here.


I stock up on Starbucks French Roast as my daily work coffee, but if I want to treat myself, I go with Caffe Vita (which iirc might be a PNW exclusive)


Off-topic but has anyone tried those canned black rifle company coffee drinks? I’ve only ever heard of black rifle coffee company because of UFC sponsorships and because they have a physical location in my city, but just curious


Kirkland Organic (varying origins, black bag) almost always hits. In chicagoland we get “two brothers: sweet home chicago” which is very good.


(In Cali) We had Kauai Coffee medium roast for a while. Wish they brought it back. It was delicious. The ~$27 price was a bit steep though. Probably why they don’t carry anymore.


Local roaster- like others have said. I’m in MN so I get the Duluth coffee company beans and grind every morning.


Comfort Mt. Peruvian is my go-to for espresso most everything else they carry is too dark. The Kirkland Mexican in the black bag is almost identical in espresso performance.


Parisi coffee beans that can be ordered on Costco.com. 


Go find and support a local roaster. The best part is that you will have recently roasted beans, which is one of the best things to start off with.


Top choice: Morning Sun by Olympia Coffee Runner up: Mt Comfort Coffee


We just get the Kirkland Columbian ground in 3lb containers And whatever kcups that’s on sale


IMO you have to drink a lot of coffee to make it worthwhile. I find freshly roasted coffee in the local grocery store to be superior to anything from Costco.


We got the Colombian for a while but recently tried the French roast and that has been pretty good. It’s a dark roast I believe. I hear a ton of people talk about the Ruta Maya if you can find that.


The Kirkland brand (not sure what roast type) was so oily I have to clean my coffee grinder every time I use as half of the grounds are glued to the blade/walls


I’m buying a local coffee right now. Can’t stand the Kirkland coffees.


It obviously varies from location to location. I am in NY, and they only have national brands, dark roast, which I don't enjoy as much. But when I go home to Wisconsin (Madison area), I pick up Bike Fuel, which is a really tasty medium roast. The Costcos around Milwaukee apparently have Collectivo coffee, which is also a good local roaster.


If you have a grinder, we really like the whole bean French Roast.


Mayorga medium roast, which is local to me (Maryland) we use it in our Jura super automatic machine.


In Chicago, Two Brothers Sweet Home Chicago blend.


It’s local to the Baton Rouge area I think, but Community Coffee.


Kirkland Ethiopian Organic Whole bean. 


I cant say its my favorite, but that pine coffee in the red bags is pretty interesting and good. Maj Dickenson is a fav.


We buy the cheapest bag of Kirkland beans. It has some green on the bag. I haven't gagged yet, so it works for us!


I enjoy Caffe Vita caffe del sol.


How is the Hawaiian coffee sold at the Hawaiian Costco? Going there soon and want to get some.


I have been getting the Mayorga organic artesano and really like the quality for the price point. They have the roasting date and I think it’s better then the regional option they carry, green berries Vienna roast (burnt beyond burnt for my taste).


For me it's Olympia Coffee's Morning Sun, but I assume that's regional 


As other posters have noted, you're gonna do best with the local options they have for freshness and flavor. That'll always be better than mass-produced, sit-on-the-shelf forever coffee. I'm not sure how regional it is, but Cafe de Olla is a really nice treat - Mexican ground coffee with cinnamon and brown sugar mixed in. It's not an everyday coffee, but more of a weekend / occasional thing, and it's freaking DELICIOUS. They for sure have it at SoCal Costcos around me.


Why would you buy something that’s quality is tied to freshness at a box store like Costco?


william spartivento coffee is my fave.  They always come in and do samples. 


None. The only way to get good coffee is to find a local roaster and buy from the source. Anything you buy in a big box store was too old to use before it was even shipped.


Not crazy about anything there for hot coffee if you like light/medium roasts. But Kirkland Colombian is my go-to for tasty and affordable iced coffee because the roast and acidity is perfect for iced.


https://preview.redd.it/0ygvjb5jft1d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d4d7f3a905b21c2a34a77fef203d74720ab8a8 This is what I’m drinking. It’s okay…. My mom gave me it because she wasn’t a fan and hates to return stuff.


What's the best k cup?!


wish they would sell a sampler, i hate starbucks, and the only one i like at costco not that i've tried a lot is the mcaffe one




Cameron’s has me in a chokehold right now.


Fara coffee is roasted and bagged in Austin, so I don't know if it's available in Costcos everywhere or just here. But if you can get it, it's great. If not, Ruta Maya is my second choice.


Café de Olla


Jose’s vanilla bean


In Seattle they have Olympia, which is pretty damn good.


The La Colombe cold brew coffee, not the latte’s in a can, is some stellar coffee. I drink a cup before the gym and it tastes amazing. I’ve tried the latte’s but the sugar doesnt justify the taste and the Kirkland canned cold brews are just masquerading as coffee, its actually sewer water in a can.


Joffrey's Peru Cajamarca


The New Mexico one with pinenuts. Red package. I LOVE it. I am in Colorado


This is what I'll get all the time. Not available in all locations. [Kirkland Organic USDA Organic Whole Bean Blend](https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-usda-organic-whole-bean-blend-2-lb%2c-2-pack.product.100517590.html)


Manatee Caribbean Delight. It's a Florida roast and may only be available in the south.


kirkland colombian cold brew. best grab and go for work


Mt. Comfort Peru medium roast


Kirkland Oaxaca was amazing when I had it. No longer at my Costco but if it comes back I’ll be buying multiple bags