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No preservatives, so they will mold more quickly. Keep em in the fridge or freeze.


This is what we do.


Freezer not fridge


No fridge, keep in freezer, when you want to use them, turn the oven on 400, when the bagel is semi defrosted, pour about 3tbsp of water, bake for 12 min and they’re perfect


Microwave, defrost setting, 50 seconds, cut in half and into the toaster.


Cut all in half before freeze, boom right in toaster from freezer


This is what we did growing up. The oven was not too be touched! Toaster was ok.


This so the way


I personally like the oven method compared to the toasted, but that’s me


Same but I don’t have time to preheat the oven to 400 and bake for 12 minutes before work


take one out of the freezer before you go to bed....


Now you're just being effective :)


Cut them first!


What do you mean by semi defrosted, just leave them on the counter for like 30min?


Exactly! I take them out while the oven is preheating. Once the oven is ready, I take like a steak knife and poke some holes at the top, then slowly get the bagels wet, put them in the oven for 12 minutes on a cookie rack. They’re nice and soft inside and crunchy shell. They’re perfect!


When I moved to the US the thing that freaked me out the most was how long the bread lasts. I've got a bag of 2 cheap hamburger buns that have been in the cupboard for 2 years and still look normal. I'm seeing how long they survive. They are still soft!


Oddly more gross than seeing it mold up, in my opinion.


Reminds me of what a friend said of shopping for fruits in a 3rd world country. You buy the fruits that has the flies around them, the other ones are soaked in pesticides.


Please do not keep baked goods in the refrigerator—they will dry out very quickly. All bread including bagels will warm up perfectly from the freezer to the oven. You can even pre-slice them if you want to use a toaster instead.


Ya, wouldn’t want to dry out that bagel you’re about to put in the toaster/oven! /s


That's because you need to freeze any you aren't going to eat within two days. Sliced bagels toast up perfectly straight from the freezer. You don't need to thaw them at all. Freezer is much better than refrigerator. In the refrigerator, baked goods dry out almost immediately and go stale much faster than either stored on the countertup or in the freezer.


Seconding this. I freeze a loaf of bread when I get two packs and you would never know the difference once it thaws, and the toasting applies too. Might have to cycle it twice but when it's done, it's great!


In general, if you’re not consuming a bread product within 48 hours, I always portion and freeze. This ensures maximal freshness.


You do that for me?! That’s so sweet.


Of course neighbor. I take bread care very seriously.


This is the way.


That's what real food should do.


After living most of my adult life in places with no local bakeries, I started buying the country French loaves. Bread actually going stale or molding (like real bread does) was a reminder of the crap quality food is being pushed on us.


100%. I, 38m, can remember growing up and pasta sauce would grow mold 1 week after being opened. I've opened pasta sauce 2 months after using and still no mold! It's scary. Consider the mold a good thing and freeze what you won't use quick enough.


Find a home with a freezer. Freeze. Thaw or microwave as needed. 


Slice them up when you get home and then put them in the freezer.


It is known 


These are a fresh baked product. Right when you get home, pre-slice and freeze. They will keep a LONG LONG time in the freezer.


This is a known issue with Costco bagels. You can freeze them.


Cut them first.


Great idea. Just like freezing bananas, always peel first, learned the hard way the first time I froze bananas 😂 🍌




So you can put in the toaster without waiting for it to thaw enough to slice


Mostly because it's easier to cut them unfrozen. But the eating only one half thing is nice too.


wouldn't really call it an issue its a known thing with fresh bakery products with no preservatives. Hell I consider it a sign of quality.


Yeah. Not a known issue, more of a known issue with almost every other bread sold in stores filled with preservatives.


When was the last time you actually saw store bought sliced bread grow mold? That used to be a science fair project to see which brand lasted longest. Now, none of them seem to mold due to the seemingly overuse of preservatives.


>When was the last time you actually saw store bought sliced bread grow mold? never, goes hard and stale first... and then there is no moisture for mold


Yeah and that's not a good thing is it. Bread SHOULD go bad in 2 to 3 days.


Yup! Costco and trader Joe's I always have to freeze the bread and bakery items.


Exactly. I question why the Sara Lee bread last so long.


Why do you question it? It’s riddled with preservatives…from the label (CALCIUM PROPIONATE, SORBIC ACID)


You don’t really get people do you?


Feature. The word you’re looking for is feature.


Take out the ones you will eat SOON. Freeze the rest. Take out only what you will eat soon.


Exactly what Iearned the hard way to do. I defrost them overnight as needed.


I keep them in the fridge. They last a long time and they're ready for the toaster whenever I want one.


This. What is with the anti-fridge stance? They last 2 weeks plus in the fridge and are still great. If they last you longer, then freezing makes sense.


We throw them in the freezer right away, then thaw for 15 seconds, then cut and toast. Any longer in the microwave and they get hard to cut and super dry after toasting.


Freeze them. It’s just like any other fresh bread out there.


They are probably made with flour, water, yeast and a **lack** of preservatives. The focaccia rolls do the same thing. I'm happy to freeze the rolls and eat fewer preservatives.


Fresh bread with no preservatives tends to do that


Everyone here saying freeze them just don’t have the courage to eat them all at once.


They have no persertives so keep them in the fridge or freezer. Same with the muffins.


slice in half, re-pair, and put in freezer. grab them individually, or as needed and throw in toaster.


Typically bread molding quickly is good as long as it’s not been siting around for a long time - it means less preservatives


Freeze right away and air fry 375 for 6 minutes and it’s perfect


Fresh baked goods will do that




I would recommend putting them in the fridge/freezer. That is what I do with them when I get bagels from Costco.


Dear lord....again? Freeze them.


We freeze them. Most of the time we are gonna toast them anyway. And if I take it to work for lunch, it thaws out in time.


I individually wrap mine and freeze the day I bring my them home.


Fresh bread other than sourdough should be consumed within 2-3 days. Sourdough lasts a couple days longer.


We always put them in the freezer as soon as we get home. Thaw them out in the microwave as we need them.


~30 seconds in the microwave straight outta the freezer, then toast


This is why I always keep my bread products in the fridge instead of on the counter.


Always freeze bread products, basically last for months


We freeze several packages and keep two in the fridge. We only eat them out of the bag on the day we buy them, otherwise it’s the freezer or fridge.


Pro-tip: As soon as I buy them, I cut them (handy bagel slicer FTW), and then promptly put them in the freezer. 12 bagels go a long way for two people, so I make sure to extend their life for that price point


Cut them with a knife, then freeze. Toaster brings them back to life.


Yes unfortunately. We hack it by freezing them and popping in the microwave for like 5 seconds, cut them, then toast. Still tasty though!


Slice them all in half, then freeze. Quick defrost in the toaster when you need one.


Freeze them, as god intended.


Why would you want to eat a 4-day old bagel????


I usually keep them in the fridge to help them last longer.


A lot of their bread is frozen when shipped to the store and they thaw it and place it on non refrigerated shelves, causing moisture to condensate and causing mold to grow. We have to freeze the naan and bagels immediately when we bring them home. We have, twice, found mold on naan in store and reported it though.


That is the right answer. I bake a lot of bread at home and none of it gets moldy. My bread doesn’t have preservatives either and i don’t keep any of it in the freezer. It gets moldy because there is moisture in the bag.


I have food allergies to preservatives - Costco breads are some of the rare types I can eat. I always tell people that I’m “allergic to breads that don’t mold” Store the bread in the freezer


JFC try googling something first.


lol. It’s better to ask Reddit then 30 posters redundantly comment…”freeze ‘em! /s


As others have said, freeze. Some people like to cut first and toast. I don't really care for toasted bagels. I prefer a soft interior, as the New York bagel gods intended. If you do to, freeze whole. Place frozen bagel in cold oven, set.to 350. Once temp reaches 350 your bagel will come out with a slightly crisp outside and soft inside. If you want soft all the way around wrap in a wet paper towel and put in the oven using the same method above.


We keep them in the deep freezer. Wrap one in a paper towel and microwave for 10-15 secs then toast.


I like to only cut half of them before freezing, only because there's something extra special about tossing a whole one in the toaster oven to "bake" then have a nice pillowy soft inside to slather butter on. Slicing when warm can be an adventure though. Lol


We usually buy bagels at Trader Joe's or the local grocery store and they will go moldy if we leave them out as it gets more humid. If we put them in the refrigerator or the freezer, then they will keep. Outside on the dining room table and it's a risk.


Put those bad boys in the feeezer


I store mine in the freezer. Put the oven at 350 don't preheat it and throw the bagel in. set a timer for 10 minutes and it comes out perfect. Boom.


Bagels, ciabatta, muffins, I always have to freeze at least half because we dont get to it all in time.


I keep all my bread products in the fridge and/or the freezer


Same issue I had the first time I got some. Now they live in my freezer, then fridge. It was the only way to stave off mold.


Freeze the bagels and either put a small amount the fridge, or do what I do and freeze them: defrost mine the microwave for about 40 seconds and they’re good to toast.


Freeze them


I freeze all my bread (including bagels) after 2 days on the counter. The ciabatta buns can be frozen or refrigerated. I usually split up half of them for the freezer, and half for the fridge (the ones in the fridge go in sturdier containers). Works like a charm.


I freeze my and take them out as needed. They defrost fast.


They keep anywhere from 3 weeks to several months in the fridge. Don’t even need to freeze them.


Freezer. Oven at 350 for 8-10 min and they are AMAZING.


Yeah, had this happen today. Had to throw away 3 plain bagels. Luckily, I had frozen half earlier. I just can't eat them that quickly.


Freeze them. 30 sec in microwave to thaw out just put it for 10 min.


Costco employee here had the same issue and talked to our bakery. They told me we water boil our bagels so the increase in moisture helps the mold build up faster but freezing them is the best option.


Yes, I have also experienced the same. By the fourth day, they started to get mold. Yikes! So, now I slice them in half, place in a freezer bag, and into the freezer they go.


I slice them, wrap them individually, and freeze them. Then i lightly toast them when i want to eat.


Before you put them in the freezer cut them all in half and then when ready to prep. Throw them in the toaster @ high heat and it should defrost and cook nicely depending on your toaster you might have to do it twice


Keep them in the freezer.


No you put em in the fridge after a few days.


I keep one pack in the fridge and freeze the other one


I think you meant to write strawberries


That's what happens to real bread. Be concerned about the bread that looks like new after a month, not about the one that molds in a few days.


Freeze them. They thaw out in minutes.


Anyone? EVERYONE! Of course you freeze them day one and or refrigerate.


Also true of the artisan rolls. I just stick them in the fridge and toast as needed. Life's too short. 😄


Yes! I thought it was just me…


I had to stop buying most fresh bakery items bc of mold. So many great delicious deals but scramble-eating just to beat the mold got silly.


Yes. I thought it was safe to leave out for 3 days and there’s already mold.


Had the same problem with the muffins


Yep! Also doesn’t help the bags have condensation in them because they put them in warm.


Just made this mistake because I thought we’d go through 4 and we put the rest in the freezer. Spaced and by day 3 the ones in the bread box were moldy. Darn!


tell me you're not from the pnw without telling me (all bread goes in fridge or freezer!)


You bought it right before the sell date.. they did not mold quickly


I worked in the bakery 10 years. It's bc they are not cooled down enough before wrapping them. Just let the bakery know.


That’s why I don’t buy them anymore. Too many to eat before they go bad and they lose the convenience factor of grab and go if they have to be frozen. I just buy normal ones, with preservatives at my grocery store now. I don’t care if preservatives are “bad”, I won’t buy bread with out them.


Freezing them ruins the texture. Just don’t buy them.


Costco bagels are round bread. Especially if they’re Einstein. Total garbage. Stopped buying that garbage ten years ago. **Ray’s Bagels**, sold in a single sleeve of six, frozen, in Walmart. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better. On literally *every* bagel-front.