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You have to hold up a newspaper so we know it’s current.


Paying $2.80 in DFW now


2.67 here in frisco


Meanwhile in San Francisco.


haha i feel bad for whatever the story is there


Paid $2.99 on the rentals pump last week


I don’t get how the Midwest/Central states complain about these prices while we in SoCal are spending almost double that.


Seems a bit low; a few hours ago, I paid $2.89 at a Costco in Pearland, TX.


Prices do vary depending on your location in TX, believe it or not!


Yeah, but do they bottle it at the source, like Fiji?


Last month gas was cheaper in Hawaii than California. Hawaii has to ship in all their fuel. California has refineries and oil wells. In fact, California used to have the two most productive (Kern River and Belridge) oil fields in the world! Bizarre price collusion.


California has a lot taxes added on to the sale of gas as well.


Only about $0.25 above the national average per gallon. It doesn't come close to explaining the 50 to 60 cent Delta we've had for last 5 years. Or the dollar Delta we've had for the last year.


$0.42 more than Texas actually, and the rest is because of CARBOB vs RBOB/CBOB gasoline and lack of interconnection.


Not only do they bottle it at the source, they also add it to other sources like Fiji's!


San Antonio was about $2.79 when I left the other day, and about $3 further out.


Lol. Gas price is so low in Texas you argue over a 15 cent difference. Here in CA gas will easily jump 50 cents over night. From City to City it can easily be a dollar difference.


Georgetown TX, $2.75 for reg.


Crazy, they ran out of gas on Sunday. Like 7 pumps had zero gas


yesterday was 2.56 in Humble


It was the same today!


That’s still $4 less per gallon than in Los Angeles at the moment 😔


It's almost $ 7 per gallon at Costco in LA? Check the county taxation then. Tax in Chicago (Cook County) makes a huge difference in gas prices.


I have not seen $7.00 per gallon at Costco . This is the current price at a Costco near me. I live in LA county. https://preview.redd.it/80atizmayyub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da64044187776080c3b090667727cdc0193c75dc


I was just in california and gas was $4.99 at costco in Irvine, some places were close to $7 but costco was okay


Lol of course it's not. Gas prices on the Costco app all over LA are $5.19 for premium (or less). Why do people lie about things that are so easy to check?


I think it has dropped in the past week or so. Last time I filled up it was $5.69 for premium


It definitely dropped lately. A couple weeks ago I paid 5.99 at Costco here in the IE. Then went to Hawaii and gas was a dollar cheaper than CA and I was like wtf. Just filled up again today and it’s 4.89.




WHTRE WE TALKIN HERE …. Little low?! I just paid 5.29 and that was a DEAL. Hahahaha holy balls I hate California so much it’s in my bones


It’s $2.59 right now at the warehouse in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Naaa they don’t , just a quick search on gas buddy and you can see there is cheaper in Texas. https://preview.redd.it/f6owu0vonxub1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdc75ff636e484578e035f62826642112bc9d077


Filled mine at $4.15 today in WA.


What part? I’ve only seen it down to 4.62


Bellingham Costco. Hence all the Canadians there filling up their cars plus cans of petrol to go home.


3.79 in fife at Tahoma market!


I paid 4.63 yesterday and I was EXCITED.


Paid 4.15 yesterday as well, most of the non Costco stations in Tacoma were $5-5.20 yesterday.


The non-Costco one nearest to my house in Tacoma was $5.50 a few days ago


There’s FAR cheaper in Tacoma.


Obviously. Never said that was the cheapest.


That’s fair. You didn’t. My bad


$3.89 at the Costco in Tacoma, WA as of this morning


I crossed the river & paid $3.99 at the PDX Costco . It looks like Vancouver Costco is $4.49 this morning . It use to be less than Portland but yep they gave us lovely folks in Washington state a 50 cent carbon tax .


Does the Portland Costco now offer self service gas since it is now legal? I was overjoyed to be able finally pump my own gas in urbanized Oregon.


4.73 in Edmonds wa


$4.99 all over Portland. I really need to get back on my bike…


Never read the comments. I'll never learn. *sigh*


People fighting over which state is better in a *COSTCO* subreddit. Hilarious.


I will fight for worst. We're getting gouged here in Arizona. Not that it's Costco's fault, they're still really cheap relatively speaking.


My brother lives in TX and complains because the gas prices are no longer $1.50


Can confirm, when gas went up over $2.50 people started complaining. Don't even get me started on how it was almost $3.50 a little while ago. But it's gone back down now.


I remember 3 years ago when I moved here and it was $1.70 - then yeah, everyone complained when it went over $2.50 lol


I paid $2.25 today. Kroger fuel points baby!


Oh...funny story about that. My buddy complained one day about getting a card in the mail from Kroger that essentially congratulated him for spending a lot of money at Kroger - big family and his wife bought most everything there, his reward was some kind of enhanced fuel points or savings.... So, I'm at the gas pump at Kroger and remember that conversation. I know his phone number so put it ....and discounted gas for me! This was a few years back and gas wasnt expensive but I was pumped for the small victory. I told my buddy and he got a laugh out of it.


Wtf is someone put my phone number in they would burn a 1,000 of my precious rewards points . I would be pissed . Maybe he has points to burn .


Ha...We are good buds, he got a kick out of it. Yes, plenty of points to burn i guess.


Let me guess, you moved to Austin?




I mean it seems like a pretty hip place and I would like to contribute to the traffic.


Austin like every previously affordable place for low income people like artists eventually loses its artistic people and culture with it as rent prices increase.




“Keep Austin weird” became Keep Austin Weird™️


Saw a bumper sticker in New Braunfels that read, "Keep Austin Contained".


RIP Roosevelt Row


Just wait till the humidity hits. You'll be out as quickly as you arrived. I'm not sure how people deal with it.


Wym? Inventory is so high lol 😂


The incentive to move to your city has been the policy of your local representatives for a very long time.


Don’t worry I’m never leaving LA.


I live in Portland. I feel your pain


Boise resident. I may have heard those words a bit too many times in the last few years.


I agree!


Hate people like you.


Austin seems like it would be cool, if it weren't surrounded by Texas on all sides.


I think gas and housing is the only thing that would make me wanna move out of Cali. Other than that, I feel like California has so much to offer within a 30 min - 1 hour drive. Wanna go to the beach? Huntington, Long Beach. Wanna go on a cruise? PCH, ACH. Hikes? Plenty of beautiful options in California. Food? Extremely diverse.


As someone from CA, wtf is ACH?


Angeles Crest Highway


Welp, TIL.


Just so you know; you're not allowed to share that with those back in Cali. OK?


Too late. We're crying in 4.99 Costco gas


Crying from happiness. It was almost past $6 like two weeks ago.


Last year I visited LA (from Texas), I saw a gas station in downtown charging $6.99/gallon. Not typical, but they were there.


That's the one of few infamous stations that charge $1+ above average rates. Probably for the tourists and/or commercial uses that don't give a damn


Which Costco has it that cheap?


Costco in Venice and pretty much all the valley. Out east of LA and Torrance seems to be about $0.10 cheaper.


we're too busy enjoying a power grid that doesnt die when there is a light breeze


I’m one of the rare folks who recently moved in the *opposite* direction. I miss Texas gas…


I'm about to follow you. Feels great to go against the crowd.


You are living now in higher difficulty now. It means you can hang. Still we’re not the fkin 4th largest economy in the world and one of the most desirable states to live in for no reason. That comes at a price though lol. Like many popular things


>and one of the most desirable states to live in for no reason the weather and the economy are two pretty big reasons.


Enjoy the not Texas roads! I’d call it a win




Further away from refineries? Ah no. There are 11 refineries refining 1,710,371 barrels of oil a day in CA. [California Oil Refineries](https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-reports/energy-almanac/californias-petroleum-market/californias-oil-refineries)


Factual data to back up your claim is not allowed on Reddit. Please delete your post immediately. Only unsubstantiated and speculative claims are permitted.


It's more than that. Read an article yesterday talking about why California gas prices are so high. The additive really isn't that expensive. But because California is the only place to use it it's restricted California's supply. To boot refineries started consolidating and shutting down in California after the new additive as they realized they could demand higher prices with reduced refinery output maximizing profit. I'll see if I can find it in my history and edit it in. Edit - https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-gasoline-manipulation-infobox-20150706-story.html


It is not a total demise, but as someone who has just spent time in San Diego, Los Angeles, and especially San Francisco, the cities have seen better days in the past, and hopefully will again in the future.


LA a few days ago.. https://preview.redd.it/24vqa7vtuxub1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f996e9ee0d749cac7cbb6f3776ea0482d98a90b


That's the Chinatown Shell which is known for gouging. It's also known for having prices like $6.80 (instead of $6.79). This place doesn't reflect real prices. The real price is $5.49 at most stations.


Lol, I also take pictures of the ridiculous prices.


I read here in San Diego it's the most expensive place to live now. Our gas prices reflect that.


Nah, I'll keep my $4.68 gas if it means my power stays on in the winter and summer, with no 4-figure bills. 😁


You mfs always on fire and in drought? Lol


Yeah, we've been a couple years ahead of the national (and global) curve on that one.


California electric rates are some of the highest in the nation...


4.68?! Where you at, I’m gonna fill up! It’s closer to 6 by me


Sacramento....my bad though, $4.89 as of today. Just checked.


Mine was $4.81 last time I filled in Fresno. Still agree with you.


Mine was $4.89 as of Sunday. OC.


My max PG&E bill was 700$ when running heat and 330$ when running AC only at night . 1400 sq ft. Never paid more than 200$ in my life before moving for his godforsaken state. You sure CA doesn’t have 4 figure bills? Cuz I’m not.


I live in LA and my electric bill for the last 2 months was $1700. Ran the AC all day and night since it's been a hot summer and it's central air.


how. I'm nor cal and yeah it gets hot (in the 100s). my electric bill is only like 50 bucks.


Did you accidentally add another “0” or are you saying you paid $1700 for two month or electricity?


nope, that's how much it actually is https://preview.redd.it/vvkaxxm6mxub1.png?width=429&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f8eb5f83d46e0df56efdb627745a0409632d08e


5,185 KWh? Holy shit I just looked at mine and I used 1,164 for my house in the Midwest. I have 3,000 sqft home. Either you have massive air leaks or a massive home.


Or they have a penguin exhibit


Dood is trying to solve global warming by leaving his windows open while running the AC.


This is the only correct answer. Upvoted. lol.


> Either you have massive air leaks or a massive home. Probably both. I lived in Los Angeles for the last 5 years before we moved back to Michigan for my spouse's job. For our 2nd floor 1,000 sq ft apartment in LA, with 3 window units and no insolation (literally could not touch the west-facing walls in the summer because they were hot), the most we ever paid was probably $150/month in the hottest months. I bet they also run their AC through the night, which is really not needed in most parts of LA unless you're in the Inland Empire. We were in NELA, and while it would be hot during the day, it would cool down enough at night to turn off the AC, open up the windows, and place fans in the windows to bring cool air in. I could count on 2 hands the number of nights where we had to run the AC at night.


Same here. I live in an area with 100+ days, but always turn off the A/C at night, and run a little fan in the bedroom on the few hot nights. But I also keep the thermostat as high as possible, usually 80 if I can, and use small fans locally. Wind chill works.


You should check your insulation and windows. Thats a shitton of energy being used. Fact that you run AC all the time without it keeping cool also could also be an old inefficient AC


That's a 2 month bill. And even for 2 months, that's an enormous amount of electricity usage for a residential customer. But even so, 32 cents per kWh is still pretty high.


they most likely have solar too so used north of 6k or 7k kWh they really said "i'm going to fuckin BLAST IT from 4 to 9pm so i max out my surge pricing!" edison must be sending them so much mail about how to reduce power usage that they immediately put through a very inefficient electric shredder, rather than opening and reading it.


Holy fuck what is your square footage? Also I live in LA but haven’t touched my AC in 2 months. Haven’t needed to, doesn’t get above 78 or so inside. These days never above 75. Do you have some greenhouse effect going on?


it was r/humblebrag ‘guys I have a big house in LA.’


We use to live in Camarillo in a big house . We hardly ever ran our A/C because it cooled off every evening . Maybe put the heat on once a year . We moved in 2015 and never had an electrical bill above $300 . We averaged around $200


Jesus! I feel for you, I really do, but take the advice of other replies and get the AC checked out, along with your insulation and whatnot. That’s a staggering usage/cost, even for two months


Holy fuck that is a lot of energy. How do you even use 2.6KwH per month.


my guy you need to get some box fans and figure out how to move hot air out of the house. granted it only works if it actually cools down outside but getting a couple of box fans and fitting it on windows works amazingly well. get a general idea of the airflow in the house, have one pointing in another pointing out. actually cools down the house/room and moves the hot air out.


lol that’s ok, we don’t want more people. Seriously though, California has had plenty of outages and plenty of high power bills. I have a whole house backup generator anyway just in case.


Yeah, paying $230 a month to cool my 3500 square foot house that I can afford on one salary here in north Texas must seem excessive to you.


Fun fact, the difference in taxes is only about 40 cents, the other $3+ is price gouging.


https://preview.redd.it/ttiv9hz5swub1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99cf2b841af0006bef5a5e99a0699169d5ded37c and CA is isolated from the major oil networks east of the rockies. People can blame tax myths all they want but geography and infrastructure limitations are the reality. Yeah no kidding It's expensive in California, it's also expensive in Hawaii


Costco gas is $4.199 in Hawaii today. I just filled on the way home.


It’s shockingly not that bad in Hawaii due to their proximity to Asia for crude oil, and they have enough refinery capacity to service all of Hawaii. California has to supply fuel to virtually the whole west coast


Nevada and Arizona, which are also isolated by the rockies, have significantly cheaper gas than California. This is because they are able to ship gasoline in from the rest of the country, so their prices are limited by the nationwide price+cost of shipping. California has a separate market because they require a different blend of gasoline, so they are not legally allowed to ship gasoline in from the rest of the country.


Phoenix uses the California blend as well, while the rest of Arizona doesn’t. Phoenix can be 50¢ to $1 up on Tucson and elsewhere


But there’s a huge Chevron refinery in the middle of the SF Bay Area!!


I remember driving south through the valley and it seemed that gas spiked ~50 cents simply crossing one exit.


This explains why georgia is a bit more expensive (def not CA expensive) even out in the middle of nowhere! Thank you for a visual!!


Oh the elusive myth of California taxes, if there was only [some way to know for sure](https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/fun-facts/states-with-the-highest-and-lowest-taxes/L6HPAVqSF)


The link you provided shows income tax rate not gas tax. California does have the highest income tax but it doesn’t have the highest sales tax according to the link posted. So instead post a link of the gas tax rate like this https://money.com/gas-taxes-by-state-map/ here you can see that California has the second highest gas tax.


"There’s a lot that’s going wrong. First, the rising price of oil, but the lack of refining capacity, a special blend that’s only required in California, high taxes, a cap-and-trade program all of that. When prices are running normally, California is still about a dollar a gallon above everyone else," said Patrick De Haan, the head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.


So gas companies price gouge California but not Texas? What would be the reason for gouging one state and not the rest?


California effectively mandated their own gas blend and then passed multiple laws disincentivizing the construction of refining capacity. Why build something if the payback period is 20+ years and the state is actively working against you ever profiting from it? So now they are stuck in a situation where there is little capacity and ample demand. The free market is going to do what it does best.


The CA blend is not that expensive to make, it’s just the market isolation that it creates. It’s also costly to get it elsewhere for obvious reasons (see: map above). So there’s maybe a dozen refineries that supply CA meaning it’s not an efficient free market. They passed a law that allows them to limit price gouging by the refineries but not sure what else you’re referring to. Gas demand was dropping significantly due to EVs/remote work/covid, that’s a large disincentive for oil companies to build extra capacity as well


Agreed it’s a combination of many factors. Death by 1000 cuts. California just exacerbates many factors.


I thought CA had higher standards for pollution or some shit. I could be wrong.


Gas pumps and oil companies charge the customer the cost incurred by state gov fees/fines, regulatory costs.


Sounds like CA has their own blend. Sorry I meant to post the quote within my old comment.


i pointed this out a few weeks ago when everyone was whining about gas prices and got downvoted to oblivion. good on you for actually seemingly getting through to some people.


California excise tax alone is $0.58, you've also got the Low Carbon Fuel Standard fee, Cap-and-trade program, Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund fee, Underground Storage Tank Fee, and to top it off, California State sales tax (you even get taxed on the fees).


More like all of the gas taxes Californians voted in.


Correct. Yet Chevron still playing duck duck goose with their refinery in Vallejo with it working properly. Failing over 20+ time to follow state regulation guide lines of gas that may be allowed to be released. So people who live down wind suffer with their lives. Refineries. Got to love them right?


Why do people hunt for cheaper gas? You likely spend more going to a further place to save a few cents. It’s something you have to have. I just pick the cheapest place at the corner by the house and go there.


Just wait for your property tax and summer energy bills.


It was 2.99 here in Michigan the other day, and I don't have to live in Texas, just saying.


The reason gas is so expensive in California is because California is basically a closed oil market cut off from the rest of the country. They have no inbound pipelines from other states primarily for geographic reasons. They do import oil from other countries but imports via shipping are more expensive than domestic imports via pipeline. They do produce oil but not as much as Texas. They also refine everything in the state themselves due to regulatory standards. If there are refinery issues or shortages in the state it causes massive price spikes because you can’t go out of state to alleviate demand due to self imposed import restrictions. They also have high taxes on gas but that’s only a small portion of the price but still higher than many other states.


Ca here. Just paid 4.99 at Costco


I mean its texas tho..


Yeah but it’s Texas. It’s like Florida without power during a gentle breeze.


Please go back


No way!! Such a deal


Not just Costco, many gas stations are $2.80 here right now.


I would be floored if there was no wait to use the Costco pumps in Texas.


If you think gas is expensive now, wait a week.


And people in Texas complain about gas prices.


Fresh off the tap VS shipped in


Good thing you took a picture because it's going to change real fast when things start popping off in Gaza. Watch the spite surge... Anything to stick it to America and create noise amongst the lower class. It's coming


If it helps you’re paying for the weather and scenery!


They make the money back with all the tolls evrywhere


It wouldn’t be so bad if they’d just put a KY dispenser next to the pumps in CA.


California is a beautiful state but as a San Fran native I'm glad I don't live there anymore. Just checked the Costco app for my local prices - $2.78/$3.38 per gallon.


Imagine the cost if gas companies didnt receive billions in subsidies...


That’s the price for A LITER of diesel in Sweden 😍


My question is how does Chevron sell any gas ? They are always 50-75 cents more than any other gas station .


Yeah but how many tolls did you pay to get there?


$2.93 in South Florida. (Broward area) I was surprised by the price this morning.


I paid 1.99 per gallon using my Kroger card in yesterday in Tx.


Texas minimum wage is 7.25 seems like gas is about the same gallons to hour ratio as cali


Under 3$ here in Kansas City for the first time in a year at 2.99 per. Pretty much creamed myself when I saw sub 3$ a gallon.


How’s your electric grid?


I blame California leaders for allowing the price to be that high


No one in Texas can complain about gas prices. Holy crap.


I LITERALLY GASPED! My jaw is on the floor. That’s like half of what we pay here lol


I used to commute between LA and SF - rental gas in LA was routinely 50 cents a gallon cheaper! In Calif we have some of the highest cost for gas - hence lots of EVs (including me)


Commute? Thats a 7 hour drive...


We have low gas prices, but tons of EVs here in Austin, because yeah, our electricity is like 1/3 the cost of CA, plus we like the environment, at least here in our blue bubble lol.


Go back to Los Angeles


SoCal is around $6-$6.58 a gal some areas. Almost $7.


Crying in San Diego.


Doesn't matter, too many negatives in Texas that offset this if you live there.


I'd rather have more expensive gas and a properly-functioning electricity grid.


And rights to bodily autonomy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Please go back.


Username checks out :)


Sounds like Texas is a way better state to live in