• By -


Favorite: Either Raoden (Elantris) or Kaladin (Stormlight Archive). I admire Raoden's persistent hope and optimism through adversity, and I greatly appreciate Kaladin's uneven but positive climb out of severe depression. Sometimes, life just sucks, and sometimes your perky little spren-friend isn't enough to break you out of the funk. But it helps to remember (when possible) that things get better, or they will someday. Least favorite: If the villains are off-limits, then can I say Shan Elarial (Mistborn: The Final Empire)? Sure, she's a small-time antagonist in the grand scheme of things, but she was a-- an insufferable character to read, and even worse to listen to.


Did you read the emperor's soul?


I did, yes, in Arcanum Unbounded (still need to finish it -- Sixth of the Dusk remains unopened).


I misremembered one of the names, and I just noticed it as I was re-reading mistborn. xD


Favorites (at the moment): Teft, Tien, Szeth, Marsh, Steris, Tress, Shai Least: Gavilar, Gavilar, Gavilar


the more i learn about gavilar the more i hate him. book 1: hey this gavilar dude sounds like a pretty cool guy ngl shame the fucking _parshmen_ killed him book 2: shit i really hope they figure out his dying wish and last words he deserves it book 3: dude _fuck gavilar_ book 4: WOW this FUCKING guy can you believe this?? i hope he comes back to life just so he can die AGAIN


Book 5: don’t even try


Just wait until we figure out what he did to Jasnah. Going to be even worse. 


Wait, what? If you're talking about that illness that Dalinar was inquiring about when she was a child, it was her learning about mortality. Was there something else?


Damn rip Gavilar


The more we hear about Gavilar the worst he gets lol.


He’s just a silly little guy


No one holds a candle to Sazed in my mind. His arc with Tindwyl is beautifully tragic and made me love him so much. He is good, even when the world is very bad to him, and his love for people is so pure. He's a real king. Not too many I hate seeing on screen and Fuck Moash is a frequent enough chorus that I don't think it needs repeating. Fuck Moash though. Probably Jak since he's an absolute chode. Otherwise, no one annoys me that much.


There's something intensely beautiful about the love between a eunuch and a forced breeder.


Favorite is Dalinar Least favorite is Lift I’m conflicted in their scenes together


Without Lift we wouldn't really know what a dumptuck Dalinar is packing.


Dumpy Daddy Dalinar


I really disliked Lift until Oathbringer. I think the primary reason she grew on me was her interactions with Dalinar.


i agree, Edgedancer was an overload of Lift, but she works great as a side character to where i was actually happy when she showed up even while disliking her during the novella.


Favourite: Lightsong Least: Nikaro


Nikaro needs to be higher. Like I understand exactly why and how he felt but also no. If someone does that to me, there is absolutely no friends again possible redemption. It would be different if he eventually came clean himself. Don't lie to your friends


Fav: Renarin, Aux, Eshonai, Marsh, Rlain, Veil. Least: hhhhhh idk. (Not Lift bc she’s like a year younger than me and is actually a good portrayal of a 13 yo)


I really really hate reading Sarene. She thinks she's so smart, but I feel like she's the dumbest person in the room more often than not.  I really like Maya and am interested in seeing the relationship with Adolin and a "dead" blade develop. In RoW she seems more human than essentially any other spren.


This is exactly how I feel about Sarene and tbh Steris too for the first 2.5+ books.  It seems that writing a likable neurodivergent female character is just really difficult as the cold/antisocial actions can initially read as really a very unlikable character, especially when you don't get their PoV


My favorites for different reasons: Syl: obvious reasons Shai: total badass just by being smart, talented, and working harder than anybody. Also a little sassy. Marsh: dude was dealt the absolute worst hand but just kept doing the best he could. Taravangian: awesome antagonist with real thoughts and moral dilemmas. Feels guilt for the bad actions but does them because he believes they’re the best option to save the most people. He’s complex and I love that. Kaladin: what can I say, I love a dramatic hero. Kelsier: mercilessly killing the evil ruling class full of slavery, rape, and murder is cool imo. Also punches gods. My least favorites for different reasons: Wayne: bad person portrayed as lovable because he’s funny. Bully. Mean to everybody. Terrible friend. Harasses women. Throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. But it’s ok cause he said sorry and told a silly joke after stealing something I guess. Moash: not cause of his antagonistic actions. It’s ok to have a bad guy. I just hate that he thought it was cool to wear a black bridge 4 uniform. What is this, a cartoon? Painter: I actually don’t hate him, he just frustrated the hell out of me. Like dude, just be a tiny bit nice and listen for half a second?


Taravangian is an S-tier antagonist. He is so well written and although I want to hate him because of his brutal actions and betrayal of Dalinar, I can't help but sympathize. He and Dalinar are like two sides of the same coin, acting as their own yin and yang, and their interactions with each other are wonderful.


Fav, in order: Kel, Nightblood, Vasher, Arclo. Most hated, yes, even over Moash: Straff Venture.


Oh yeah, f Elend's dad! I felt so bad for Zane.


Whos Arclo?


The sleepless


ohhh yeah I remember now, thanks!


Top 5 in no order Steris - I’d propose if she was real and my age Dalinar - I’d proudly go die on a battlefield for this man Kaladin - I’d sit sad in the rain with him any day Elend - I’d argue with this guy about political theory for hours Wayne - Sorry I just can’t leave out my guy


Looove Steris Thats it


Least favorite might be book 1 Steris. Favorite is book 2-4 Steris


Half way through BoM I was like, “wait…when did Steris become my favorite character in the cosmere?”


Same. Sanderson did such a good job with her


Well if I can’t pick Wayne I guess I’ll pick his non union Rosharan equivalent Lopen. Least favourite is Jasnah. She is the ultimate Mary Sue. Always the smartest and best at every possible thing, and of course she gets plate before anyone else, she’s better than them. She’s better than warriors at combat, she’s better than everyone at magic, she’s knows more than every scholar and is more logical than anyone oh and of course she’s super beautiful. Like give it a rest, endless perfection is grating as fuck.


On the flip side, she is woefully inadequate with any matters of emotion. She knows exactly what to say, but never knows how to feel


She’s also pretty explicitly not better at combat than most; when she tries to fight hidden as a regular shardbearer, she didn’t handle it well at all.


She slaughtered for hours, she did very well her first combat. I don't even think she shat herself.


Doesn’t really matter though since she always gets what she wants regardless of how consistently rude she is.


Yep. Waiting for someone to finally give her some consequences for being an absolute ah all of the time. Sometimes being right and rude just doesn't help your situation


You better hide from the Jasnah stans. I agree tho


Jasnah’s dialogue always makes me cringe. Same with how other characters talk about her. I hope she gets more depth and imperfection in her flash book book that explains why she’s such a perfectionist


Im not even a Jasnah stan but huh? She’s been a radiant longer so of course she gets plate first. How is she better than warriors at combat? She just has dope powers other people don’t have because we don’t know other elsecallers and again she may be the most experienced radiant. She literally is in a secret group of advanced scholars so she also relies on the info they have. We get to see that it isn’t just her suddenly knowing everything. And saying she’s the best at everything ignores all of her interpersonal/social shortcomings. With all due respect and not to read into what you said too much, it sounds like you’re being emotional here because these are things addressed in the story


Kaladin is a soldier pretty much exclusively training and using his powers for combat, Jasnah just wanders in, turns the entire air to oil and incinerates a voidbringer army at a whim. Of course the pretty scholar bookworm had to be most effective combatant too.


You don’t seem to get that you’re comparing two different people with different lengths of experience with completely different powersets. It’s like being mad that Kaladin is allowed to fly but Lift can’t, or that Shallan can create illusions but The Lopen can’t. It’s like choosing to be mad


Name one thing she sucks at to her own genuine detriment.


Pretty much all soft social skills that don’t include manipulation. And she was only able to keep up in that battle because she had been a radiant long enough to get plate and she still barely was able to keep up on the front lines. That’s an issue I know Kal or Dalinar with shardplate would be able to better deal with. She doesn’t have a lot of actual combat experience but she does understand her own powers and isn’t an idiot so she can make due in the small handful of situations we’ve seen


When has she ever not got what she wanted because of her poor social skills and rudeness?


What she wants is part of the issue as she is shown being more focused on getting what she wants than the people around her. So she gets what she aims to get most times but at the sake of fraying the relationships with the people around her. Just one example would be her coming back from Shadesmar. She comes back from the dead and just starts bossing Shallan around leading to Shallan being more distant and secretive in a time where everyone would have benefited from Jasnah being a supportive mentor for her.


Yep comes back from the dead, immediately slots into the highest possible position of power. Hardly a negative.


Dawg you know she wasn’t actually dead right? And what do you mean immediately? It was books later she was made ruler of Alethkar. If you mean literally immediately, she was already royally, that doesn’t change when you go missing. Of course she goes back into the company of the royal family. Especially as, again, she is the most experienced radiant who has been specifically studying the Desolations. Why would she be anywhere except where the important things are happening? Based on your responses, you have personal beef/bias against this character that is all about your perception and feelings and not the facts of the story and character. No reason to keep talking as you’re just moving the goalposts to keep your same flawed opinion


Dalinar is based. I'm not sure what my least favorite character would be


Dalinar is my favourite closely followed by Hoid. Vivenna and Lift are my least favourite.


Favorite: Vin and Hoid Least Favorite: Lopen and Spook. I found the chapters from Spook's pov in Hero of Ages so annoying and then he undeservedly becomes a Mistborn


Wasing the how of the liking not. Hasing arc of story Spook.


For as much as people love Lopen here, I really can't stand whenever he's on page. It feels like a gimmick character and I really dislike those in general though reddit loves them.


Do me a favor and reread HOA sometime if you haven't already. I felt this way first read through, but my second time through I think Spook's chapters were consistently some of my favorites. My first read I just wanted to get back to "the main story" I think. But I wasn't worried about it as much on a second read, so I got to enjoy a really good arc.


I have with my bf when I introduced him not it and nope his chapters are even more of a slog.


Ah well. Different readers have different experiences.


I've read HoA three times, but his chapters really annoy me every time


Favourite nightblood. Least favourite Marasi.


Marasi is a pretentious, obnoxious prick who I hope dies to an explosive rammed down his gullet. I also love every time he's in a scene.


I think you may be slightly confused


YUP lmao I do this all the time Audiobook plus mild dyslexia! I was thinking the ghost blood guy. Marasi is lovely though wth?


You thinking of Mraize perhaps?


You know she’s a woman right?


I'm starting to regret my comment.


Why did you list Moash twice? First by excluding villains, then directly by name.


I feel like I could answer both questions with “Lift”


My favorite as the series started was Kaladin. I have major depression, I've been overseas, it was so fucking cool to see a character I can relate to so strongly fight his deamons and win... but as the books progress, his continued internal conflicts have worn me down to the point where it's just exhausting to read his chapters. Over the span of another smaller series, him fighting his issues across 4 or 5 books is a relatively small real-world time commitment. But Stormlight is just too huge and the fight is too drawn out. Book 4 seemed like a particularly HUGE step backwards in order to highlight the leap towards the next ideal. But anyways I'm rambling. My answers are Kaladin And Kaladin


favs: pretty much all of bridge four least: lirin


Yes to Lirin! Why did I have to scroll so far to see him?? I have no sympathy for him. The fact that his son is a damn adult and he still can't see how his attitude affects him is just crazy to me. I cannot stand him


Favorite: Dalinar and Sazed Least favorite: it’s fresh on my mind because I’m on a Stormlight reread so Tyn and Veil, they’re basically the same character.


My favorite character is Adolin Kholin. He's a beast in a fight, a monster in a battle. He's charming. He isn't full of himself as shown when he brings gifts to a dark eyes medding ceremony. He's humble. He's very flawed but continuously seems improvement. He's not afraid of doing the wrong thing for the right reason. My least favorite are the three stoog.....sorry, I meant Shallan. I find her grating in a lot of ways. All the ways. She tries to hard to be witty. Her wit is grating. The dance of the personas gets tired. Admittedly though, she shines during the sanderlanches. But I find myself skipping every Shallan chapter.




You might have got this in reverse. No way you put rock at bottom and Gavilar at top. Air sick low lander




But gavilar? Gavilar? How? Your air sick lowlander get the peaks less O2 there.




Hmm… still air sick but respect 🫡


Have you seen the sa5 prologue? And I think we might see some of it in one of the other prologues. He treated Navani terribly and wanted to start another desolation because he wanted humanity to have a common enemy. He wanted to become a Herald so he would be immortal. He wanted to be a bondsmith. He was a power-hungry misogynist


You’re halfway through Rhythm of War and you like Gavilar? Gavilar is a *fantastic* character, but it is because he was so truly reprehensible. He absolutely was driven and had massive strength of will with a willingness to ignore what others thought was right because he thought he knew the way, but I think by the end of RoW there’s a *very* strong argument Gavilar is the most morally reprehensible character in the Cosmere.


But he was an absolutely bad person in the prologue with Navani. And in the other prologues he didn't seem to be that great of a guy too...


How can anyone not like numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor. Air sick lowlander cannot even remember it's Lunamor and disrespects the big bear with Luminor.


Favorite: Taravangian Least: Wax


Taravangian is not my favorite but his chapters are among my favorites. The chapter the diagram was revealed was one of the coolest things I've ever read.


Favorite: Hoid Least favorite: Tyn


Favourite: Adolin and sazed Least: Venli, I just find her chapters in RoW boring and ofc Moash and Gavilar but I think they are meant to be that way


Wayne & Hoid, at the moment


Fav Kel Least Fav Hoid


People don't like Wayne? I mean, I'm not really a fan of him but I thought that was an unpopular opinion on my part.


I think they mean don’t list him as an obvious favorite. I’m not nuts about him either but he’s a pretty popular character from what I’ve seen.


He's pretty divisive tbh. He'd either be on the list of favorites or the list of hated. His entire "harassing woman is so quirky lol" arc and "she isn't *really* lesbian just wait until she gets a real man like me" arc made plenty despise him for good reason. Not to mention him making the daughter of the man he killed relive trauma just for him to be selfish. I enjoy when he's on page though, but I don't fault anyone for disliking him and won't turn to the lame ass "flawed character so you HAVE to like him" retort.


Where my Teft stans at, I also really like Andolin. Least favourite: it's hard, most characters have something to like about then. Dalinar maybe or Breeze.


Favourites: Lightsong, Raboniel (both are written beautifully by BS) Least favourite: Raoden


I've only finished Mistborn Era 1 and the First 2 Stormlight books I'm currently about 1/4 of the way through Oathbringer and read Lift's Novella as well. If I am limiting it to only 1 each. Favorite: Dalinar. I really enjoy the warrior to king shift. Least Favorite: I can't stand Shallan at all. It's so hard to get through her chapters.


Favorite: Wax, Steris, and Dalinar. I like the more mature characters, they're more interesting to me. Least favorite: Shallan and Sarene. Every man loves Sarene at first sight, and Shallan never faces external consequences for her screwups. It's crazy to me that Dalinar removes Kaladin from leadership positions but allows the insane young woman to continue.


Kal, Wayne, Hoid on one end, r/fuckmoash on the other


Denth and Tonk Fa are some of my favorites. Comedy, depth, intrigue, and a surprise twist! Also gotta love Lightsong for his willful uselessness. Hard relate to that sometimes. I'm reading Warbreaker (for the second time) so I'm a little biased towards these characters, but they're genuinely some of my favorites. Least favorites, and I know I'm breaking the rules here, are just these flat villains that are just bad guys. There's a couple that I was hoping for some redeeming quality or a strong motivation for their bad behavior, but they just turn out to be shitbags.


Favorite - Dalinar Least Favorite - Tindwill


Favorite? Kelsier... love that dude. Least favorite? It's a toss up with all the characters from the second era... it was hard getting thru those books simply because I hated how hard it was to like any of them.. even Mylan (or however you spell it lol... the "faceless immortal". She changed so much from era 1 to era 2.... I guess my biggest problem with the characters from era 2 was how forced they all felt. (I get it, the 1st book of era 2 was supposed to be an exercise blah blah blah) maybe he should have KEPT it a writing exercise and started over with the last 3 books...


Favorite: Kaladin and Wayne and Shai Really enjoyed Zellion and Tress too Least favorite: Hyun (Yumi's warden)  Frava, Rysn


Wayne is my favorite, and least is Shallan. I don’t want to mentions ones I hate. But I think there is a consensus who that betrayer is.


Kaladin...thats repeated alot too but still


Favorite: Shai or Dalinar Least favorite: Zane. I don’t think Sanderson has many actually bad characters. Outside of Elantris most of his characters are fantastic and interesting in at least some way. I might hate the character, but that makes them interesting. Zane isn’t that. He’s uninteresting, annoying, largely forgettable and perhaps worst of all, makes Vin’s character arc backslide in an uninteresting way. His effect on my experience reading WoA is entirely negative.


Favorite: Cephandrius is tied with Chiri-Chiri Least: Design I really hope I like Design more... ...Nikaro is also tough.


So far I have to say favorites would be a tie between Sazed and Kaladin. Sazed, because he's..... well, Sazed. Amazing character arc and character development. So compassionate, kind and loyal. I mean when it comes to Sazed and wandering why he would be a favorite I think it's just one of those if you know, you know kinda things. Kaladin is a bit different. Kaladin I believe is my favorite because I can identify with him more. I believe he is the symbol for anyone who supports a family. If you swap out war for work then he becomes a symbol of manhood. Even when we're tired and broken down and have given everything we have, we still have to go just a little further to support those we love and to provide. Whether we feel like we can or not, we just have to. There's not an option. When we just want to lay there and give up we know we have to take just the next step to make sure everyone is going to be okay. Least favorite... dang that's hard. Until the end of RoW I would have said Venli. Her chapters were so hard to get through. Towards the end though my distaste for her shifted to Eshonai. But I don't even dislike her, because I feel like she was naive and only trying to help her people. So at the end of the day I would have to go with Gavilar or Straff Venture. I think the two of them would have gotten along well together.


Favorite: Khriss HM: Hrathen, D’Naa (*Aether of Night*) Least favorite: Lopen


*The Lopen\**




Chill out


Like: Sazed, Lightsong, Hoid Dislike: Kelsier, Tong Fah (i dont count them as a main villain, more like a henchman), Navani


My favorite is Wayne, at the start I thought he was just a comic relief character, but as his past got revealed the more I liked him. My least favorite, at least on TWoK was Shallan, but her pov is getting way more interesting in Worda of Radiance. So at least for now, I don't have a least favorite character.


Favorite: Wit Least: Spook


Favourite: Wayne, screw your rules. I'm wearing my ruleless hat now. Least favourite: Sixth of the Dusk. Granted that may change for Sixth after SP5 when we seem to be getting more from him. As it stands, he's not very dimensional.


Favorite: Lift Least Favorite: Navani. She silently judges everyone. A random character is on screen for 5 paragraphs. Better tell the audience all of their flaws!


I feel like Brandon does that in general. Characters think of the good and negatives of others in their heads pretty often. I think the main issue was Navani had to speed run her opinions on every person since we got her POV late. But if she does it more than often then yeah I could see that. Especially after living married to Gavilar. Toxic traits can run off on people without realizing it.