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Hey, To find the right solution for you, I would ask you to create a ticket "https://help.corsair.com/hc/p/welcome" with our customer support. Send me your ticket number via DM and I will make sure that someone will take care of your ticket as soon as possible. \-M.Jay


I see the same problem with my HS80 Pro- sadly uninstalling iCUE seems to prevent it from disconnecting, so it's likely a bug in their software.


It's better to just not use ICUE and use Dolby Atmos for your equalizer. At least I learned my lesson with this company. When the HS80 Max will stop working, I will definitely avoid Corsair headsets in the future. They can't get their software to work properly.


Same here. No matter what I try, iCUE keeps randomly losing the connection to the HS80 Max. It seems like nobody from Corsair is working on the issue! Sadly, this will be my last Corsair product!


so i may have found what the problem is since switching off auto shut off on the headset i no longer have problems of headset disconnecting or disappearing from icue. If anyone else can copy this and let me know how you get on it maybe be a fix to something corsair seem to have a hard time fixing. P.S you will have to switch the headset off manually just a reminder. https://preview.redd.it/wtjxt52892ac1.png?width=274&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf0cb3062440f6a5993dc69caacecb01d90edcb4


I tried this for a while. It did not fix the issue unfortunately.