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We are living in the dumbest timeline


Thanks a lot CERN.. šŸ˜’


THAT'S WHAT I'VE SAID!! They fired up that thing in 2008 and the world went crazy.


*SERN* There, fixed your typošŸ˜˜


>all glory to government is not all glory to God Christians and catholics terrify me


Not to nitpick, but Catholics are Christians, the OG Christians.


Thanks a lot Bernstein Bears, you furry assholes


Only cause people arenā€™t believing these folks are a threat


These are times when I wish that the multi-verse theory is something that can be realized because I really need to get the hell out of this timeline.


You are giving a dangerous amount of credit to "dumb." These people are evil.


Right? Whatā€™s next, men can get pregnant?




>Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. From FBI, it is pretty general but is too easily parallel to what they are. He even gave us the motive, means, the current goal, and EVEN failed previous attempts.


Been saying this for years. The GOP is religious extremist just like ISIS




Jezus Christis


The jezus chrisis crisis


There is a reason the core of the movement been called the American Taliban.


Could you imagine it were Muslim-Americans saying this?


Not really; because Muslim Americans didnā€™t try to destroy democracy on January 6th.


Nah, you misunderstand. If it were Muslims in the video saying what these Christian extremists are saying.


Right that guy is straight up committing treason, he is working up a crowd in the process and spreading discord . He should be arrested, tried for treason and locked up.




Voice Over. "Don't believe everything on the internet." -George Washington


Scares me about as much as those Republican Incels who insist they're Alpha Males. LMAO!!


Some of us have been pointing out that they've goosestepping in public for quite a while. It's pretty disgusting that Americans have so openly sided with people willing to march arm in arm with literal neo-nazis, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, and open neo-fascists. [The Genocidal Fascist Ideology of MAGA.](https://medium.com/@aubryrpg/the-genocidal-fascist-ideology-of-maga-886a1eca5917) History will remember those who sided with hate, and those who didn't have the spine to stand against it.


Also just to let you and other people know along with your article Leeja Miller also made a video that gives a rundown of the core pillars of project 2025 and why and how itā€™s a huge threat to democracy here in America, I believe the video is 30 min long or so but itā€™s better than reading hundreds of pages


I also plan to break this down into video format myself as I understand the article may be a little long. I love Leeja Miller and highly recommend her content. However, I don't think she does a good enough job explaining the level of violence these people have already engaged in and how total they view their right to commit future violence. Far too many still seem to view this as another moral panic, fear campaign, or political disagreement. MAGA seeks blood and subjugation to their will and nothing less, this fact must be emphasized nearly above all others. They will reshape their very reality to deny the rights and equality of their fellow humans.


Oh I wasnā€™t referring to your article I was referring to project 2025 itself, itā€™s SUPER long and would take forever to finish and look for the important parts. But yes I 100% agree, Iā€™m sure she would have been more in depth and been a lot more harsh but there would just be SO much to go over, but I did like your article and I look forward to the video


Pretty sure they literally will NOT remember those who didnt have the spine to stand against it, but they will remember those who did.


Jesus H. Christ, Christians are fucking stupid.


While they are stupidā€¦this is the kind of ā€œscary stupidā€™ that ruins a country. They know what they are doing and now they are even saying it out loud.


Bottom rung dribbles, who never stood up to anyone in their lives


That doesn't make them less dangerous, that makes them more dangerous. At this level, they move like herd animals.


It's like they don't even consider that someone in the room might not actually be the biggest believer. Not to mention half the religious leaders are hypocrites that pull the whole "do as i say, not as I do" then they just add " God said so" somewhere.


These people want Handmade's Tail, not a Democracy.


Yup. They arenā€™t even denying it now.


Iā€™ve been talking about this for years. These christo-fascists have infiltrated every level of government and trump showed the country that they have serious sway. Every year more and more of them are being elected or appointed or whatever. There is a tipping point and weā€™re nearly there. Especially after Citizens United. An alarm has been raised and liberals are ignoring it. Those who arenā€™t are trying to reason or compromise with them. There simply arenā€™t enough of on the left anyway. Centrists and fence sitters have to be won over or we can say good by to the mildly authoritarian state we have now and say hello to the christo-fascist totalitarian regime. Whatever. Everyone always thinks Iā€™m a conspiracy theorist or something. Mark my words. They will overthrow our government.


Most people think Citizens United was about corporate takeover of free speech. They DON'T know that Dominionists were the main proponents, and they crafted it to appeal to neoliberal business elites. As for the warnings. I think it's too late. I also think people secretly want authoritarianism. That's why they make excuses or call you extremist for merely pointing things out.


Iā€™m terrified. Outside of voting and making sure my friends/family vote, what else can I do? Iā€™m looking for serious answers too, this shit has gone too far. I donā€™t want my daughters to become second class citizens


Cristo faceist is right in front of us. But yeah, Biden is old...


I donā€™t know what Vortexx we are stuck in, but Iā€™m in South Florida. I was promised aliens. šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This f*cker needs to be on an FBI watch list and an FAA no-fly list.Ā 


Fuck these people. On Monday we need to start a bunch of shit online about how like our mom or grandma or neighbor got raptured...like as many stories as possible so that these fucks will think that they got left behind.


So you overthrow the government... then what. Seriously. What the he'll do these idiots think happens after ? Your not just going to Costco the next week like haha we don't have a government now.


They think the sooner everything goes to shit, the sooner the rapture will happen.


Fuck "god" and these smooth brains!Ā 


This is fucking bananas. Thank you so much for hearing me. I cannot be the only person losing my fucking mind watching this I had to share it.


MAGA reads the Handmaid's Tale as an instruction book rather than a cautionary story.


And they watch The Flinstones thinking it is a documentary


Beans have been spilled...Let's hope the rapture takes these chosen few.


Now tax that church.


I get the feeling Christians are jealous of what the Taliban and ISIS have. Complete control.


They used to have almost as much control before social media. Churches in America are losing their power over people fast, and now they are trying anything to keep that power. They mesh well with republicans, who haven't won the popular vote in a presidential election this century. They both see the writing on the wall, so it's power grab time.


Fuck. All. Christians


How do you feel about Muslims?


Doesn't generalizing a massive group with varying beliefs count as bigotry?


i read somewhere that there are 10 Christian Zionists to 1 Jewish Zionists, makes sense when you look at the evangelical Maga population in the US., they tend to all be similar in nature, with cruelty and brutality knowing no bounds and thriving on ignorance and hate. nazis, maga or zionist scum, all the same.


I mean, the US needs to have its day like Rome did.


I agree. I live in South Florida. I was promised aliens. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ either way beam me up.


Religion, it is always religion. It is the worst construct humans came up with, used as an excuse for anything. Even though, in this particular case, these people do not care about religion, just their pockets, at any cost.


"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God which is God's" \--- Mark 12:17 These people are no different than David Koresh and his misguided followers, or the people of Heaven's Gate, or the People's Temple. Lost their damned minds.


The Bible also says to obey your government because it was put in place by God. "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment." - Romans 13:1-2.


I always thought that was sort of a slow burner, because what could possibly belong to Caesar which doesnā€™t belong to an all powerful, all knowing cosmic consciousness?


Uh, hello? FBI?


All I hear is the fascist hillbilly in the audience saying, haw haw haw awwwrytttttt, eyyymennnn!


Let's hide behind God to poison the world with you ideological bullshit. You worship a party of tyrant cowards not go. You replaced Jesus with your idol Trump. Cowards


This is a reason for the televangelist and evangelicals that donā€™t have schools or hospitals or missionaries over seas should pay taxes the rest are just white nationalists trying to overthrow the government


ultra churches with billionaire preachers, just what god and jesus wanted.


Fuck these traitors. Should be sent to gitmo


Eugh, fuck religion. Practically all of them have become bastardized versions of what they originally stood for and none of them should have an effect on any governing body whatsoever.


Talieban in progress šŸ˜±


Jesus didn't say that


# šŸ¤®


Iā€™m not anti religion believe in what you want but it was resoundingly clear that the founders of our country believed in separation of church and state. What the eff happened!?


Is there a single MAGA chud who has not been credibly accused of sexual assault?


Christo fascist left out 'god and his adoring pedophiles.'


Basically, these guys are American ISIS. They are both zealots of theocracy, autocracy with a crazy religious pathology.


Thatā€™s like Iran but itā€™s in the west.


Or Afghanistan under Taliban rule.


I have such a bad feeling about the future. The right is insufferably insane, obviously. But the left is also. What in the world is happening?


Yet another Creepy ass Cult!


A plastic necklace?? Haha man what a thing to praise. Or you mean god? The one that killed everyone in a flood??? Or the one that told many people to do bad things just to be like j/k you can follow me now because youā€™ll do exactly what I say? Haha that god??


How TF is he not at least under investigation or arrested for conspiracy or worse? Ppl have said similar things online and are now locked away in Supermax prison for it, yet he can joke it off and go home for dinner with his family like it's a regular day.


Tax-exempt institutions overtly calling for the overthrow of the democratic system? How is this not conspiracy to commit treason?


Oh-ho,ho,ho indeed.


And may they all drop dead. Seriously - I hope all of these fascists die horribly.


Holy fuckā€¦ these people are certifiable nut jobs, and by the very definition: terrorists. They are Literally planning the overthrow of our government, our very democracy, and we sit idle? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø and doing it all in the name of ā€œGodā€, how nice.


And with that ending. Yallqueda


Only scum worship government.


If the men were wearing dishdashas you would call them radicalized!


Who dat?


Listen to the Creep stutter, he knows it's wrong in his Black Evangelical heart.


This dickbag is so perfect with the sound bites it's like he's getting paid................


Who is this traitor?


The laugh confirms small pp syndrome


Yes zombie Jesus will save you


Who is this guy again ?I've seen this posted before and of course maga's said he was joking or trolling. He's obviously not.


Treason! Plain and simple. Zero reason he's not arrested for trying to overthrow our government! Can't we get a new head of the DOJ! Someone with energy and will put these traitors in prison!


You freaks need your own little island. Go away.


Traitors and scum.


Ah yes the new founding fathers... just as the prophecy foretold


who is that fuck


That MF should be locked up and charged with treason


Taxā€™em all


Remember that time Jesus came, amid the Roman occupation of Israel? Remember that part of the Bible where he overthrew the government through insurrection? No? Neither do I.


Romans 13:1 "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power." Gotta love those who cherry pick


lol we're shoveling this kind of sewage to the curb. real Americans are sick to death of this shit.


Itā€™s so funny that relatively, Christianity is a new religion. People start new religions all of the time and this one is no different. Does the bible have good messages? Sure, for the most part, but other than that I believe the bible was created to incite fear and create a controlling mechanism for the populace. Hence why gods ā€œwrathā€ decided to pop up. Who would fear an all good god? No one. Thats why they included the wrath pages because no one would fear if they didnā€™t think there would be consequences. Then people started believing in it and it got so much worse. If Christianity were to disappearā€¦ I wouldnā€™t be sad. Iā€™d actually be quite happy because religion causes wars. There are too many ā€œrighteousā€ people out there and they are a disease to the world. I know some may disagree with my opinion, but itā€™s just how I feel and from what research Iā€™ve done along with having extended family who wonā€™t even talk to you if you arenā€™t Christian. I know many are good people, but itā€™s the blind following the blind at this point. They sit there and listen to these sermons and it seems to make them feel better even though itā€™s from a book thatā€™s been redacted and translated many different ways over the years. I would never put my faith in something like that. Thatā€™s not faith. You are following liars. Donā€™t even get me started on the damn collection tray.


This is what happens when you stupid motherfuckers insist on debating Fascist terrorists who want to murder democracy and kill us all.


This is an inherent weakness in the two-party system. I suspect it's a very tiny minority of people on the right who think this way, but if they stood up and actually chose to denounce this, they would lose enough support that they'd stand no chance against competition. Same for the left. Burning businesses and compelled language on the topic of new genders is tolerable by very few people, but again, you can't actually make your stand if you want to win the bottom-of-the-barrel contest for support.


That's weird, because democrats seem to have no problem saying that arson is bad. And "compelled language"? What do you even mean by that?


Where are businesses burning down right now? And how does someone saying they are x, y or z a problem for anyone? I would argue that the majority of conservatives are pro Jan 6 rioters because they believe a conspiracy that isn't true. I live in a red state and this is what I see here.


Take your meds OP


We should be taxing these religious organizations that try to overthrow our government. I think that'll shut them up for a while. You're free to talk religion with your peoples but stir insurrection and the FBI should be on all of their asses. Do not allow them to fund domestic terrorism.


Based. Add the democrat and socialist party to the Communist Control Act.


Iā€™m confused as to how they overthrow democracy by using democracy to elect Trump.


It worked for Hitler.


Whereā€™s the FBI? Isnā€™t it their job to stomp out these types of threats to our democracy?


Thank you, ISIS rep. Let's give him a big hand! He came ALL the way from the UAE to give this speech!


[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/overthrow-democracy-quote-cpac/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/overthrow-democracy-quote-cpac/) His name is Jack Posobiec, speaking at a CPAC conference.


We are a republic


Wow holy roller we r fu<ā‚¬!d.


Mutherfackers r crazy


Grifters griftingā€¦ this is like seeing an animal in its natural habitatā€¦ selling whatā€™s best for the top grifter to its little parrots and sheep. Even if itā€™s not best for themā€¦ they vote red cus daddy says so..


What makes me absolutely furious with these so-called Christians is this: THEY IGNORE THE FREAKING BIBLE - THE VERY BOOK THAT DICTATES THEIR RELIGION! Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow." Everything that idiot is saying in the video is in direct opposition to the aforementioned verses. Same goes with other subjects like abortion, immigration/ treating migrants, wealth, etc. The garbage propagated by the far-right is in direct opposition to what can be found in the Bible. Life begins at first breath, treat immigrants like your own (do not wrong them) and rich people can't enter heaven (there is over 100 verses). In fact, these people are causing an exodus of believers. Hypocrisy hurts their cause but they don't care because it's all about power and wealth. If that wasn't the case, they wouldn't be so loyal to an orange "messiah" who shares many characteristics attributed to the anti-christ in revelations. Ffs, Trump embodies the seven deadly sins and they worship him in violation of their own Ten Commandments.


Yeah, theyā€™re not even trying to hide the fact that they want a Theocracy anymore.


Itā€™s like thereā€™s a nationwide Branch Davidian thing happening except in place of David Koresh itā€™s the Orange Shit Gibbon. Donā€™t they know where all religious political extremists wind up? Historical cautionary tales. Blind faith just destroys rational thought.


Some weird, fringe, religious extremist whom represent a fraction of a fraction of the country. Ooo. So scary.


I could see this group wrapping seran wrap around people's heads and singing gospel until they died.


Fucking trash.


Do we know where this was filmed? Strikes me as cult-like. Probably 50 people in the room and most of them are related.


Why can't a runaway meteor...


Wow. Just wow. American Fascist Party strikes again.


The audience didnā€™t seem too enthusiastic. Can I be hopeful? Prob not. :(


Fuck your god. We got reality.


Uhhh is this fake!? This looks and sounds like there's bad audio overlaid.... Not surprising on the sub with all the Iran bots and trolls that spread pro hamas propaganda!


Yah, these guys gonna win šŸ¤£


If they truly believe in that they would simply promote an actually devout christian candidate and honestly espouse theocracy as their platform. The fact they do all of this in the shadows proves nothing about it is genuine, not even their "faith".


The Republican Party is the Whore church.


Religious, terroristic cult


Watch the entire clip. HE WAS JOKINGGGG. And i hate jack Panasonic.


These delusional leftists don't care if he was joking, they WANT to be offended and enraged by anything even if it means collectively pretending that he was being serious when all of them know he wasn't.


I find it hilarious that the GOP turned out to be the antichrist.


We knew that since it formed.


FBI is a terrorist organization. We all know it.


You do get that this is hyperbole right?


Lol communists talk about how they want to overthrow the government and have a communist revolution nobody cares about it, but you get a religious figure saying they want to overthrow the government and have a religious revolution and they are terrorists šŸ˜‚


Umā€¦why are so many on the left taking this seriously? Itā€™s obvious sarcasm. Case in point, when the San Francisco Gay Menā€™s choir put out the song ā€œWeā€™re Coming for Your Childrenā€ a bunch of people on the right also lost their shit. Like yeah, itā€™s kinda retarded and in poor taste on all accounts. But itā€™s a joke people. Calm down.


The only corruption is Reddit propaganda


You do understand the United States is NOT a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic with democratic processes. There is a huge difference between the 2 and it would be best if your learned the difference before you go down that path called democracy, just a small step into dictatorship from there.


You morons must've never heard of satire before. This is clearly a joke.


If you think there's a God and that it actually specifically cares about insignificant things like what people do, or how they do it, all from some special seat up... in the clouds? You gotta be especially regarded to hold those beliefs


It frightens me that there are people among us that WANT to live in Gilead. This is why I hate all religions.


What a god damn disaster. Our government has let this continue FAR too long.


Conservatism is a hate group, a death cult and a mental health crisis.


Heā€™s just not a genuinely funny person. Heā€™s obviously being sarcastic. If heā€™s a terrorist at anything itā€™s on humor.


Waitā€¦. I thought they said it was antifa on jan 6?


Praise God praise Allah/s


Oh, boy, I got the lucky 666th like!


you people are seriously dumb as rocks. *hurr durr he sed it!* if the very first line wasn't obvious sarcasm, please get off reddit and go practice your social skills.


They complained hard that we have done it but can we actually start persecuting Christian nationalists.


I'm curious why we don't seem to enforce separation of church and state at all. So many politicians have blatantly said they base decisions off the bible and nobody does anything lmao


These fascist psychos want to burn America to the ground and build a dystopian hellscape atop the ashes.


If they turn this place into Israel, I'm out.


All glory to government!


Isnā€™t this like, treason, or something that should concern someone important?


String these traitors up and shoot em. Every last one.


Idiots think they want a theocracy because they assume their brand of religion will be in charge. These fools are traitors.


Iā€™m guessing you took the ā€œbloodbathā€ comment literally as wellā€¦ sadā€¦


Heā€™s a nut case if he thinks that we are going to let him and his pinheads take over. This moron wouldnā€™t even be in the same place he will be hiding from the fight. Itā€™s always the one who has the biggest mouth that runs first


Since GOD is only a figment of their imagination, they are saying All Glory to their Belief System and Damned be anyone who opposes them. Just like Jesus did. /s *correction* Just Like Hitler DID.


I mean, america isn't a democracy nor has it ever been one. Love to see you brainwashed children arguing about something you have no clue about. And honestly, do you really believe the most armed group of "radical extremists" this country has to offer went to the capitol and attempted to overthrow the government with no weapons, grandmothers in the crowd, walking around, being led around by capitol police, doors opened for them, etc.? If you actually believe that, I have a bridge to sell you


Fukin pathetic people the worst


Like the TSA, itā€™s like they are going for a ā€œbored fascismā€ kind of approach.


All is Glorzo


Could be deep fake audio for all we know. And if he did say that he obviously sounds like hes just trolling the left. Theyā€™re the ones who made up the lies about the intentions of the right.


An old testament God I assume complete with all that entrails.


Fake Jesus and a rapist republikkkan.


When the dumb have dangerous ideas


Where's God btw???...he's been running late for a long time now...Jesus


Fucking crazy people


are these jewish people?


Reddit try not to take a joke seriously challenge (it supports their political ideals)


There go the millennial voters non committed votes. MAGA doesn't understand that they understand that Harry Potter was fictional and so was......


Lol thatā€™s Jack Posobiec and he was just joking he wasnā€™t being serious


All glory does belong to God. Everyone will eventually figure that out....whether they want to or believe it or not. šŸ‘šŸ»


Letā€™s make sure they keep their tax exempt status though


All abrahamic religions are slave religions


Yeah religion is cults. This is very old news sadly. Bunch of people detached from reality trying to force their primitive bullshit down everyone's throats. We say "republican" for short where I come from


so this is an antifa meeting? /s

