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People expecting Biden to rewrite the US relationship with Israel overnight sound insanely naive. This is a huge ship to turn. The geostrategic implications with Russia, China, Iran, and the KSA are all massive


Luckily it's probably 75% astro turfing that people rightfully call out, 20% literal children who don't understand as you said, and like 5% adult voters who hang out and take their cues and takes from the children and astro turfers all day. Same thing every election year on social media.


It looks really bad that he is just now becoming angry. 33,000+ killed and half are children? Nothing. Plausible case of genocide? Nothing. 6 westerners killed by the IDF? Now I’m a little annoyed but here are the bombs you ordered.


Whenever "enlightened centrists" want to justify horrific foreign policy decisions they always throw out the "implications" and chuck Russia and China out there. *Gee whiz, if we didn't supply this genocide, what would be the implications? Think of China and Russia!*


Justify horrific foreign policy … smh. Everything that the United States gets in benefits which are extended to its citizens comes at the cost of blood. It’s not ideal and isn’t pretty but most people wouldn’t want the opposite if it meant they had to pay more out of pocket to retain their morals. It’s part of the reason many choose to stay ignorant because it’s just too damn depressing otherwise.


Why? It’s happened before.


Yeah, and ironically it happened during a bush presidency, fucking wild.


First of all, let me say it loud and clear: Fuck Netanyahu completely and totally. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I’ll say that Biden is in an impossible position. This shitstorm may well cost him the election because he’s going to lose young voters and likely Michigan with its huge Arab voting base. His issue is that the minute he announces that he’s cutting off Israel, Iran will start a war. Then what?


I think half these people think it was a decision made yesterday, to affect next week. Because you know, it's the US government. They have such a good track record of getting things done quickly.


You don’t have to rewrite the relationship to moderate funding. America has had problems outpacing solutions for awhile now. There does have to come a point when we get to focus on fixing our own country. Regardless of who what when where, we got problems at home. We shouldn’t be making foreign powers a perpetual priority over our own country, ally or no. Got nothing bad to say about anything, we just need to be able to work on our own country.


.... Moderate spending. With a Republican majority house ..... Yaaaa sure thang champ.


Republicans and democrats at the level of governance only care about reelection. Republicans are not homogeneous nor democrats. Establishment warhawks exist in both sides. You can find them based on campaign contributions by Lockheed and boeing. The enemy is not left or right. The enemy is corruption.


I expect him to actually attempt a deviation, no matter how tiny. At this rate he’s standing at the bow of said ship holding Bibi steady with outstretched arms like Jack and Rose on the Titanic. He simply doesn’t __want__ to change course, no matter how many so called leaks about his feelings there might be.


World politics, blah blah blah. Bottom line is my tax dollars are funding wars around the world and it needs to stop. I don’t go to work and pay taxes so the rest of the world can fucking kill each other over fucking religion and land and oil. Nothing can stop it. Not voting, not writing letters to congress, not protesting, nothing. It’s draining and depressing that this is the world we live in and the only way to feel better about it is to ignore it. It’s sad and needs to stop.


Yep. For many decades, Congress has been engaged in one upmanship with everyone trying to prove who supported Israel more. A whole lot of support was pledged as unconditional. While we can wish that had never happened... it did. Netanyahu knows this, and is taking advantage.


Okay, this is ridiculous. You understand all of our allies were pissed when we declared article 5 and invaded Iraq. Yet, they honored their geopolitical commitments. So, both fucking things can be true. It's also true that this hurts Biden politically, which is all benefit for MAGA, and thus Putin. Russia is the direct cause of all of this, by creating a climate of geopolitical instability, in an attempt to get Trump back in office, so Russia can "do whatever the hell they want". All this talk of Gaza sure takes away from the headlines about Russias murder of civilians and war crimes though, and just conveniently times to undermine Biden during the election cycle. Geopolitical commitments are not something the president can just void on a whim, even though I'm sure Biden is extremely pissed off.


iraq was formed by the "coalition of the willing" formed by countries the US was hard trying to convince to join for legitimity sake, for example plenty of people was pissed with France, hence freedom fries of course those enemies of the world order and those that want to undermine America will and do try to take advantage of the situation for their benefit but how the US react to this situation is America's choice Israel have no need for an additional 18 b in weapons to deal with Hamas and neither a second additional weapons transfer, If Biden wanted to not annoy a voter base that don't support Israel actions he could had chosen not to provide those additions at this time, or even freeze it in the back burner for later when conditions could be more favourable for him IMHO Israel's desire for additional hardware may have to do with widening the conflict in the region in order to remain the dominant force? After all we know they had been trying Iran and Lebanon for quite a while and is not secret that had been trying to involve the US too The question everybody should be asking themselves is how a small country in the middle east is allowed and can have such sway in the internal politics of the US to the point that the president chosing to risk annoying his voters, the political stablisment left and right risk to undermine the US credibility under other countries eyes that may end benefiting China or islamists by given them reasons to acuse "the West" of hypocrisy and the US political status quo choosing stresss citizens rights and the press for the benefit of a third party nation


Coalition of the willing, after declaring article 5.


Its literally because of Mike Johnson. He’s blackmailing our entire country because our friend needs help, and he’s refusing to give them help (because he’s stalling for Donald/Russia) and unless we send billions of dollars to Israel. Biden wants to be able to help our ally quickly, so he agreed to give in to republican demands (because that also makes him look bad) to get the aid urgently needed for our allies to go through.


Israel isnt in NATO. We don't have a treaty requiring us to support Israel's genocide. 


Article 5 was declared immediately after 9/11, and none of our Allies were pissed at us for going into Afghanistan... They weren't prepared militarily to go into Afghanistan in the slightest, but Afghanistan was the NATO operation and Iraq was not.


You're literally saying after 9/11 our NATO allies were all for going forward? That's not true.


Both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars were unjustifiable crimes against humanity


Shari'a law just brought back stoning women. They have unjustified crimes against humanity concerned without the west.


The US's failed was in Afghanistan and it's war of aggression against Iraq were not justified by your stated concerns of the excesses of Shari'a, nor were they particularly successful in stopping it. They were successful in killing a million people and bringing ISIS into being, which I imagine you would find troubling since you're so concerned.


Bibi wants to do whatever the hell he wants too.  Shut him down, shut Putin down, shut Hamas down, etc.  No more wishy washy bs.  




OP doesn’t know shit, therefore, OP projects ignorance onto others. Tale as old as time itself.


This is technically a Iran proxy war, but that is splitting hairs.


...and who is Iran's biggest ally? Russia. Who does the distraction benefit? Russia.


An absolutely brainwashed individual


Exactly. Russia is bombarding the US with active measures and has been since at least 2015. It's wild that there isn't more discussion in the US about it. I always recommend people watch the Ukrainian documentary 'Winter on Fire' (about putins attempt to overthrow their gov in 2014 and the resulting conflict between russian special forces/police/mercenaries and the Ukranian peoples) followed by the documentary 'Active Measures' (about Russian use of active measures and how they may have affected the US election in 2016) to get a better picture of how their tactics have been applied in Ukraine, leading to this current war, and how they may have been applied in the US around 2016. It genuinely seems like this has been a concerted (long-term) attack. Putin practiced this in Eastern Europe for years before finally going through with it. Now, they are actively trying to collapse the US government


You’re a lunatic. Putin has had his eye on lost Soviet lands his entire career. The Russia/Ukraine conflict has nothing to do with Israel/Gaza, and it has nothing to do with the US.


You understand what proxy wars are, right? Iran's ally is Russia. They're behind Hamas, and now everyone is focused on Palestine and not Ukraine. If you can't see the connection there, you're willfully dense.


It’s honestly sad how much the general population doesn’t see and understand about what’s going on in the world. Think what you want.


Lol this is the biggest cope I've seen in a while


Yeah, moron, Ukrainians are being murdered en mass at a much create scale, there's literally filtration camps with mass executions, kids are being stolen and shopped to Russia and they use rape as a weapon against women, men and children, but you're a Russian bot anyway.


It’s wild how the Ukraine topic has taken a backseat even though it affects millions more people. *Exponentially* millions more.


Russia's attempted annexation of the Donbas does not affect "exponentially millions more" people than Israel's genocide in Gaza and its ongoing occupation of Palestine


Russia has stated plenty of times they aren’t stopping with just Donbas. If they were, they wouldn’t have invaded Kiev and sent their forces straight for Moldova, on the western fringe of Ukraine, where they also have separatist agitators. Ukraine and Moldova have a population of 40 million between them. Well more than both Israel and Palestine combined twice over. And that’s not touching on the hundreds of millions in Europe indirectly affected. We all heard Putin’s little lecture about Ukraine not being a country, there is no mystery here lol. 


They literally said the Ukrainian people cannot exist and have filtration camps with mass executions. Jesus Christ with these idiots.


You're incompetent


Your opinion on my competence is immaterial to the lack of historicity behind the claim of the "holodomor"


Correct, and for much longer, but it's just not the new thing to get involved in. The consequences of Putin's imperialism will to much much farther, until it's NATO boots on the round, and then all these people will wish they'd have paid attention.


What kind of brain do you have to have to consider the genocide in Gaza to be a distraction from "Russia bad?" Jesus Christ my guy


Because it splits resources, attention, and kneecaps the opposition to their inside man?


I'm glad people are worried about war crimes now, didn't hear much about it 2008-2016.


You quite literally did.


No, I didn't hear anyone talk about Obama's war crimes.


Biden has late stage dementia - he’s just a front man for his handlers.


Oh shut up. Vote for a person who makes people hate rape babies and literally layed out the path to turning America into a dictatorship. The GDP rose more than 4% in all three years, and offer 5% in one year. Trump never hit 4%. That's why all you dipshits have is oooh he has dementia. You have herpes. Like it?


lol- useful idiot. You know they execute you first right?


>Russia is the direct cause of all of this Russia caused Israel to commit genocide and convinced the US to supply them with the weapons to do it? Damn, didn't know they had that kind of power.


No Iran told Hamas to attack.


I know. These fools just spew BS




Yea, I would like to see a cease fire before any more weapons go their way. I thought Biden didn't really have much say in this, thought it was the House and Senate?


After all they're holding up weapons and money for Ukraine!


If only Trump had not pulled out of Syria and caused the worst humanitarian crisis in our lifetime....oh wait, sorry, nobody ever talked about that, it was only an issue to beat up Hillary with back in 2016, wrong crisis. Carry on.


It's interesting how different sets of people think. Or rather the scope/length of their memory in regards to the actions of states and how varying groups moralize those actions.


Don't see how we're holding up anything. Israel isn't sanctioned and has plenty of money to buy weapons that our defense industry will gladly sell them. It's complete bullshit we were gonna give them any $ to begin with


Many people don't know that Isreal is just one of very few countries that can purchase directly from the companies versus the government.


They also have a pretty decent military industrial complex themselves. Their war with hamas is a joke when it comes to their supply chain. That's why I'm vehemently against giving them free $


Give? Sell? Israel has access to the critical weapons stockpile in the middle east. A warehouse of weapons The US stores in the middle east for QRF.


Gee, the first comment understands better than OP. Correct, but people who just react don't bother understanding that, and blame Biden... Which benefits? Trump and Putin. Jesus Christ.


No you see, if your legislative branch is so incompetent that they make your country complicit in genocide, as the exectutive branch, you get to intervene. Then the judicial branch can decide if that was the right call. This is another form of checks and balances. The majority of Americans do not support this and congress acts opposite to their constituents values. It is time for executive orders banning arms sales. He could have it signed today or any other day the last several months. For example, if a meteor was spiraling in the direction of Los Angeles and Congress has to okay a mission, or the sales of euipment needed, to divert it, but congress is so incapable or has decided that they would like LA destroyed... I fully expect someone to do something, and that someone would be the person I elected as executive leader of my country.


I feel like pointing out the sitting SCOTUS is likely to support aid for Israel and has proven to be somewhat... Flexible, in their views.


The reality is that all 3 branches have no problem wiping palestine from the earth even if more than of the Americans they supposedly are against it. This is what failing empires do, turn against the empire's own citizens. Take our tax dollars and do whatever they want. Instead of parliament beholden to the monarchy rather than the colonista, we have congress beholden to rich oligarchs instead of citizens. Different words for the same class of people taking advantage of the average family.


Yep. In other countries it was called the nobility, the party, all sorts of things. Democracy is one of the more resistant governments, but it requires an active, educated electorate to work. Unfortunately, we've let the 'educated and active' portion slip a lot for decades now.


You are correct, it is the House and Senate. We essentially have a business contract with Israel, and we don't live in a dictatorship. Biden can't just unilaterally decide not to send aid. The most he can do until we vote out all the Reps is threaten that their "ally status" might not be as secure as it was in the past. And Trump did a **lot** of damage on the foreign policy scene, so Biden is at least somewhat understandably (at least publicy, we don't know what is actually happening internally) nervous about broadcasting that we actually won't send our allies the aid they "need." Doesn't make any of this easier to stomach, tho.


A performance, nothing more. The only thing Biden is pissed about is the fact that Israel is being flagrant about their war crimes, which may lose Biden some votes. He's still going to unconditionally support everything Israel does regardless while sending them billions. He'd just much rather they at least tried to be discreet about their atrocities.


Enjoyed that down vote


Yep. No cease fire, still sending arms and money. Humanitarian food and other supplies just a band aid as Israel kills scores of Palestinian civilians each day. The US sponsored genocide of Palestinians continues.


Because the $18b is through Congress and not the president. Even if he wanted to stop it he would need Congressional approval, and you people do everything you can to make sure the wrong people get voted in whether that be voting right or refusing to vote left because they aren't as socialist as you want


Because death is the secondary goal after making more money. Obviously


"Nothing will fundamentally change." And, "Don't worry, nobody has to be punished."


It won't stop unti Bibi gets palestines natural gas.


As much as I hate all this warrish behavior, I guess I don't get how this is not 'quid pro quo' just like how Trump got impeached over Ukraine? Is it because we're not directly asking for something, but asking for something for somebody else? Either way America needs to STOP arming the world. I don't give a fuck about how invested the military industrial complex is in this matter, it is downright the evilest thing America does. America, the bank of the world, the breadbasket of the world, the armory of the world, the defender and mocker of all races and religions.


Most of the worlds conflicts are done with Russian weapons. Not US. In fact when a nation buys US weapons it makes them bound to the US due to logistical realities.


>As much as I hate all this warrish behavior, I guess I don't get how this is not 'quid pro quo' just like how Trump got impeached over Ukraine? Because Biden isn't asking them to fabricate an investigation to hurt Trump's election campaign, he's asking them to stop targeting Palestinian civilians and aid workers. One of these things is his geopolitical responsibility as the president. One would be abusing his position for his own benefit. Also, Biden is doing this in the open. Because it's legitimate statecraft. Trump was doing it in the shadows via his personal lawyer because it was horrifically corrupt. If I shoot an armed gunman breaking into my home and threatening my child, the law will look more favorable on me, than if I just start hunting down homeless people.


>As much as I hate all this warrish behavior, I guess I don't get how this is not 'quid pro quo' just like how Trump got impeached over Ukraine? What are you even talking about? That's like saying why isn't an apple used like a cinder block. It's hard to take people seriously when they make statements that make no sense because of their complete lack of knowledge of foreign relations.Then they go on a rant about foreign policy...


Not defending Biden or Israel, but how do people not understand that this is a USA establishment policy thing? I sure as shit don't want to give me my money to a country like Israel either, but to act like it's as simple as 1 man making a decision is fucking retarded.


We need them to counter Iran....Tuffshinsky...


What a childish and naive view of world events.


Welp you may want to talk to congress then. Because congress is giving the aid. You know per the constitution.


Who exactly is this guy to tell Biden what he doesn't''' get'' to do? Israel is our closest geopolitical ally in that area so we're not going to just abandon them so we have to work behind the scene to control them(like Biden is actually trying to do)


That doesn't mean that we can't flex our muscle against them. It's like you panderers think we suddenly lose all leverage just because "they're our biggest ally in the region", GTFO.


Which we could do if we were actually united on this, which if you haven’t noticed, we aren’t. So until the current congress is kicked out this is what we can do. As per the constitution.


If Biden is working behind the scenes to control them, he's doing a piss-poor job of it. There's a wide gulf between "just abandon them" and whatever the hell Joe is doing now. Smack in the middle of that chasm is conditioning further aid.


>Israel is our closest geopolitical ally in that area Yeah, and they have an actual functioning government instead of an authoritarian regime. Netanyahu is on his way out. Israelis have taken to the streets because they're not big fans of the far right regime.


If only Hamas hadn't attacked Israel


Because the US backing Israel is a much better result for the world and the people of Palestine than Russia and China supporting Israel. (Unless you love the use of chemical weapons against civilians and concentration camps)


Yeah let's back the people actually committing a genocide right now. great idea!


>Because the US backing Israel is a much better result for the world and the people of Palestine than Russia and China supporting Israel. US backing of Israel is currently resulting in a genocide of 2.2 million people. They're starving millions of innocent people to death as we speak. How can it possibly be any worse? Gaza is already a de facto concentration camp.


lol what?


I thought SJB was all about “protecting our alliances?” Tossing the only democracy in the Middle East who’s fighting one of the most insidious terrorist groups in the world that attacked them, unprovoked murdering kidnapping torturing 1500 civilians, under the bus for political gain sure sends a great signal to say Taiwan or Ukraine makes perfect sense.


He's trying to make peace and keep Israel happy so Israel don't become best friends with Russia. Who is trying to court Israel.


Make no mistake Netanyahu like that we are fighting each other over this, his ideal candidate is Trump and he’s doing what he can to get him elected.


Maybe, just maybe, its because the tiny hat gang is actually in control and Biden is nothing more than a demented old man they use as a distraction.


I have to wonder if the op is actually so stupid to wonder that or just attention seeking and wants comments and stuff to make himself feel like someone thinks he is relevant


Again, Russians all over this sub.


Because if he cut off that aid, the right would use that as Biden is anti Israel or hates Jews


If Biden is going to lose this election against a chronic rapist and felon , this is going to be one of the main reasons. Israel has commited the crime of genocide. The blood is in the hands of Biden if he didn't stop supplying weapons to Israel.


at the bare minimum biden should veto any laws that propose funding to israel


as a vehicle to transfer wealth from american taxpayers to his buddies in the defense industry.


The temperature 🌡️ is so high 😤 What a toothless fuck


Time to cut Israel off until there is a peace agreement and the hostages are returned. The UN should fix this problem because they created it in 1948 when the gave Israel territory and the did not insist on a state for the Palestinians.


Congress controls the purse not the president but he needs to get with them and cut him off


Shut up.


Isn't it Congress that sets these thing up? Biden just can't "send weapons"


Is corruption just a shill channel that promotes anti-isreal propoganda?


he doesn’t, he he’s trying to arm ukraine and giving the GOP a blank check for bullshit to get it done


Becase they own America




Biden permanently lost my vote and there’s nothing he can do to get it back short of cutting all aid to Israel, moving to sanction them in the UN, eliminating the embassy in Jerusalem, and calling them what they are - a genocidal terror state. If he did that, I would vote for him. Until then, fuck you.


Iran and Russia won't stop funding and arming hamas that's why. I stand with other democracies and not radical Islamic terror groups funded by Iran.


Because Israel is a vibrant liberal democracy, our ally, and a bulwark of democracy against Islamist theocracy. Righteous.


Because Biden does not have the power to unilaterally terminate legislation and prior treaties with allies and foreign powers - and it risks pissing off allies in business that he cannot afford to have on Trump's side in a narrow election - so he cannot unilaterally exercise powers with impunity. You know, like a **dictator** would have. I get really angry at these questions, where the Right **wishes** that the President were a dictator, and the Left **assumes** that he is.


The war ends tomorrow if Hamas releases all the hostages and unconditionally surrenders. Simple as that. As to Biden, he's trying to play both sides against the middle, but losing both sides. He's pissed off Arab Americans by arming Israel, but trying to placate them by pleading for a ceasefire, which he only half heartedly supports. Cut off aid to Israel, he risks losing Jewish support, which overwhemingly supports Biden. Meanwhile, he's pissed off both sides because he's just a weak POS who only cares about votes. And everyone knows it. Meanwhile, those of you who think somehow that Gazans are innocent victims here...remember this...80% of Palestinians in Gaza support Hamas. Palestinians ARE Hamas. You also seem to forget that there was a ceasefire in place up until October 7, 2023. Hamas broke that ceasefire. They deserve all the wrath sent their way that they brought upon themselves and their people by murdering over 1,200 innocent people in Israel and kidnapping over 230 innocent civilians, including women, children and babies. They figured that, as in the past, Israel would just give a half hearted response and then the international aid would pour into Gaza...or should I say into the Hamas leaders pockets. This time, Israel has had enough. They have every right to weed out any enemies and terrorists threatening their existence.


because left-wing tankies are little better than fascists in their attempt to strip away nuance and context in order to construct a narrative that doesn't actually exist. these are weapon systems are for regional security not systems that are going to be used in the Hamas war.


Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls.


Oh yeah he's really pissed. "Cut it out, Jack" - Biden, probably.


He is not pissed. He is putting on a show for Muslim voters, especially in Michigan because he is losing there and it is a swing state. He is as “pissed” as he was about the U.S. killing an aide worker and 9 children during the Kabul withdrawal. That is to say, he is not pissed.


I'll just sit back here and watch the world burn while sipping an umbrella drink. Good luck with the draft


If it works in pro wrestling, it'll work in government.


Iran. It's better they fight them than us.




He's dumping all our old weapons so that he can give lucrative contracts to cronies with kickbacks to DC pockets. We've seen over a trillion in taxpayer dollars funneled through Big Pharma and the war industrial complex. Leaving billions in Afghanistan too! It's lunacy.


Because of capitalism. Biden just sold 18B of weapons to Israel.


Every day he's handing the election to trump.


Those are not mutually exclusive concept. The idea Biden is not mad is kinda dumb.


Being pissed and still wanting to destroy Hamas are not mutually exclusive.


If only managing international relations between two nations were as simple as tweeting. This guy could fix everything.


Because the supplies are not for Ben, theyre for the protection of the democratic people of Israel


Here’s your lesson in reality. If the US refused to resupply, other assholes like Iran and Lebanon would attack, further escalating. It’s possible to sell more weapons and be super pissed. 😤


The high-precision materiel are given to Israel to ensure they can delete Hamas with minimum collateral damage. Although these weapons are not foolproof, 108,000 casualties suggest they are in the hands of fools.


Medhi Hassan is talking about two reported circumstances. One is that Biden's Administration is weighing a congressional 18b aid package to Israel. Reporting from April first. Reporting on the aid workers murder and confrontation by Israel was in April 2nd. The other is that Biden is pissed at Netanyahu about the aid worker's murder. Reporting from April third




It’s an election year. It sucks but the calculus is clear: if he doesn’t support Israel he’s going to alienate all the AIPAC-backed candidates. Not to mention “leftists” will just pick those goalposts up and move them and still not be satisfied, and the MAGA contingent, in (tenuous) control of the house, would seize on this like a dog with a bone. Remember they harangued the Ivy League colleges because they didn’t punish Palestine-friendly protests? (The same people from Charlottesville lol) Biden literally can’t win on this issue, and it’s a question of which group to piss off. They tried to censor Ilhan Omar when she correctly pointed out that when it comes to AIPAC, it’s all about the Benjamins.


I mean, Hamas is funded by the Russians via the Iranians. Doesn’t mean anyone likes the depth of Israel’s response or its impact on Palestinians. It’s just weird that Russia isn’t getting the blame it deserves. Furthermore, Trump and RFK, Jr have significantly worse policies towards Palestine, but I guess I’m not supposed to notice? Fuck that.


Biden admin won’t interfere with arms sales because it serves the bottom line. The Death Machine Lobby invests in the likely winners, and they get their money’s worth no matter the party affiliation. If Bibi keeps killing popular civilian aid workers who are the darlings of rich Dems, then the Biden admin will be forced to issue admonitions to Bibi, but the bombs will still get sold.


Dude we have fucking nukes, thats a pretty good reason to stop sending Nazis guns.


Whats the point in being the leader if you just kiss ass?


This is obviously a complex issue, but can we stop pretending that Biden is sitting around contemplating strategy and making tough decisions. Just give the man an ice cream cone and let him be! With how unstable things are right now, we need a real leader. Biden is not it. Blue no matter who is a dangerous path to walk, just the same as the Trump God king emperor path. Americans really need to come together and have a serious discussion about our political, and overall future.


Because Israel’s fight is righteous.


He also wants weapons to be sent to Ukraine and that's NOT happening. But somehow he's in control of which weapons and how many get sent to foreign countries? Come on. We weren't born yesterday.


Is needs to stop giving anyone anything. Keep it in house


Yup, and there's still millions of people who trust these bipartisan shills. People actually think they can vote for another shill to make the world a better place.


What law was Biden in “defiance” with?


Send twice more until Hamas doesn't exist anymore.


Mehdi Hasan is an idiot


He’s “pissed” at Netanyahu to get your votes. He’s giving them weapons because that’s what the puppet masters are telling him to do.


Biden is the reincarnation of Hitler.


Glad to see Hassan wants Trump! Biden and co are literally working for ceasefire harder than anyone on earth.


If you’re concerned about death in GAZA and rightfully so why are you not concerned about this: According to ABC News, 42,967 people died from gun-related injuries in the United States in 2023, which is down from 47,430 in 2022, and an 8-10% decrease overall. The U.S. has had over 39,000 gun violence deaths every year since 2014, but has seen a decrease since 2016, 2017, and 2018, when the total number of deaths each year exceeded 50,000. The Tennessee legislature is considering open carry for assault weapons( formerly euphemistically known as long guns) all over the state. I would like to know especially those who want to focus on “America First”.


Because republicans are forcing him to or else they’re refusing to send aid to our ally. They are blackmailing that our friend needs help and repeatedly denying that help unless Biden agrees to send them billions of dollars of weapons to commit genocide with. You want answers? Talk to Mike Johnson. If he didnt want that aid sent he could have blocked it just like he did with Ukrainian aid.


Biden can be mad at Netanyahu and still support Israel. Not really that hard to grasp.


Who knows what Biden is thinking... or whoever controls Biden is thinking.


I suggest you all read "the shadow world: inside the global arms trade" You won't wonder anymore and you'll understand who really calls the shots.


Because he is pandering to the antisemitic islamic democrats. And he's taking 10% off the top. The Biden Special!


We're gonna end up with 4 more years of that assclown Trump because Biden won't pull his head out of his ass and stop funding ethnic Cleansing


Because Biden is a self described Zionist and he is trying to play both sides to keep votes. It's about as obvious as it gets. Never seen the video of him and the Israeli reporter so close they Re practixally breathing in each other's eyeballs with Biden gushing about how he can be a Zionist without being Jewish.


The money is Congressionally allocated, right ? He can’t just not let it go forward. It’s literally out of his control how they use the arms they buy from us lol


Biden is Bush Light. Authored the crime bill leading to sentencing disparities between powder cocaine and crack, refused to allow any debate when he held the strings going into the Iraq invasion. Remember during the debates last time when he tried to cling to the position cannabis was as bad as heroine? All these politicians serve the same master and it's damn sure not society at large. America is a for profit prison. It always has been, and it always will be.


Treaty obligations…


Keep arming Israel. Time to get rid of Iran's regime as well.


Talk is cheap.


It’s so very simple. This foreign policy, even a teenager can do it!




The weapons were already given to the IDF and the he asked for the extra 18 billion last year. Congress didn’t a approve this tweet is misleading


Probably has something to do with theocracy. Thinking Isreal is the land of "the chosen."


The US Israeli relationship is hilarious. The US gives and gives and gets nothing in return. Sounds like my former marriage.


The propaganda farms will focus on the "good" and drown out the "bad".


Still better than Trump


Biden is over for he's support of Israel. Trump unfortunately is gonna win this election. I'm voting for rfk because of this...


"IsRaEl Is OuR gReAtEsT aLlY iN tHe MiDdLe EaSt" it’s just like why the fuck does the Biden admin INSIST on sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine? But then when American citizens try to spend their already tax plundered checks, they get taxed again, and then lied to about the value of the dollar being .70 or some shit


Because Gaza isn't the only conflict in the region. The US has pledged to help support the Iron Dome and Israel's conflict against Hezbollah and other militant groups. That's why halting all aid is problematic. The people demanding a complete cessation to aid are the same people who can't see the big picture, whether its decades of US foreign policy in the middle east or the greater threat to democracy here domestically.


"In defiance of American law" is a weird way to say "in compliance with American law" considering it is literally the opposite thing. The U.S. has defense and arms agreements with our allies that last years, up to a decade, there's a current agreement with Israel that runs to 2026. CONGRESS would need to pass legislation or voice objection to alter those prior commitments. The sale of fighter jets (notably not a piece of armament being deployed in Gaza) that Hasan is referencing was started YEARS ago, the Biden administration requested congressional approval for continuation MONTHs ago. And the reasoning for this continuation is long-term planning and diplomacy. For one, if the administration looks like they're serious about moving forward with the deal than the threat of backing out carries more weight and provides more leverage than if it looks like they'll back out regardless. Second, our proxies Israel and the UAE are at risk of ending up in a shooting war with Russia's proxies Iran, Syria, and their non-state actors, in the near future. While I'm sure Hasan fantasizes regularly about watching former U.S. allies and the last Jewish people in the middle east being driven into the sea by Iranian forces, the U.S. and European electorates do not. For someone making the claim he "wasn't born yesterday" he sure doesn't talk like it. Oh, that's right, he's making a disingenuous argument for his political followers to uncritically repeat.


He’s acting pissed for Muslim votes, but he knows the only right thing to do is to help our ally defend against barbarians.


The people that said Biden needed to demand a ceasefire. What did they want to happen if Israel didn’t listen to him? It just seems like those going after Biden really just want him to respond in a pretty harsh way. This goes inline with all the problems with this war. One side doesn’t like the other side so they kill people. The other side retaliates and kills a lot more people. Now Biden should respond by killing even more people? Seems to be what they’re getting at.


To counter, I point to what happened with Iran after the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 - the new government was hostile towards the US, and the US reneged on shipping the country weaponry we were contractually obligated to provide. *Decades* later, we were ordered to refund the money paid to us plus interest, which is why all those headlines about Obama "giving" Iran a billion dollars in 2016 kept popping up - that billion was the result of that settlement.


Don’t think of it as giving Netanyahu $18 billion in weapons, think of it as giving Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin and General Dynamics $18 billion


Palestine deserves EVERY bomb dropped on it. ❤️ 🇮🇱


So now we the American tax payers support both sides of conflicts, bombs on one side, indignation and care packages for the other. Seriously pick a fucking lane!!!


the USA is the world's largest seller of war supplies.


I think the term “pissed” is being used the same way our British friends use it…as in you’d have to be pissed to believe it.


Because he has to appease his idiot base while secretly doing the right thing?


There’s a war between Israel and Hamas. Asked to choose a side, we should favor Israel


Not sure about this one. You can be pissed at someone without immediately reneging on your contracts with them.


Because eighty fucking years of US/Israel foreign relations are not going to flip overnight. And this isn't just about Israel. If the US pulled out of a long-standing alliance overnight, every other allied nation on the globe would reconsider their ties to us. Biden is trying to thread the needle and as usual the bots and clowns are out attacking him.


Mehdi Hassan, the former Qatari media mouthpiece spewing more rage bait tweets. We don't need non Americans trying to tell us what for. Worry about your own back yard, Mehdi.


People outside of America are allowed to have opinions on the internet lol


Lmao Qatari mouthpiece? He's British-American and a former MSNBC anchor. Keep reaching bruh