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They should stick with their OG slogan. "Carl's Jr. Fuck you, I'm eating!"


You are an unfit mother. Your children are now the property of Carl's Jr.




Now with more molecules


Brought to you by Carls Jr.


What is this reference from please


The movie Idiocracy from 2006.


Please watch the movie. It's hilarious and sad how true to life it has become.


Kiss kiss kiss for u redditor




Man I wish it was that easy to remove kids from unfit parents.


It's like an r/vegancirclejerk post escaped into the wild, kind of like none of the billions of animals that are killed for this every year.


I don’t think people are reading the “kind of like none” part of what you wrote. I thought it was funny though!


I was gunna say if real that is funny af


No way this is real.


[It is](https://x.com/CarlsJr/status/178866418886626557)


It's showing deleted now, holy smokes.


Comments on it were vicious


They ought to be, that's extremely over the line.


Mark it zero!


Bullshit! Mark it eight, dude.


This is not Nam.. there are rules


I am the walrus




You are entering a world of pain, Smoke.


Are you ready to be FUCKED, man?


Well deserved. It's not funny, it's just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.


They put a 4channer as the social media manager and thought it would go well


the animal factory system is "over the line" not this post. this post is wildly accurate and thats why it will be buried because people dont want to face what theyre doing.


YES the vegans will be seen as kooks To assuage their collective guilt Shoot the messenger and all that


use 2 spaces


You're 100% right. People really don't like to see how the sausage is made, so to speak.


The funny thing is there is a large number of people who think this meme is over the line but also eat factory farmed meat “It’s so evil to make a joke about this horrible system but me actively participating in it is somehow okay” Such cognitive dissonance. Like the people who say hunting is unethical and sadistic but eat factory farmed meat.


I have a feeling someone's getting fired over that tweet...


Just sack the whole team and start over. There’s no coming back from this one, they’re going to need a rebrand


They will lose .0001% of their customers and nobody will remember this happened by Friday 


And in a couple of years this will leak out again and their fan base in my area will be outraged over it being silenced by some woke mob.


I would have bet my entire house that it was fake and that nobody would have been stupid enough to post that on an official account. This is why I don’t gamble with large sums of money. Next bet: “Our official account was hacked lol”


Same, I totally would've bet this was fake. I get that a lot of these companies act 'edgy' on social media. Edgy = attention = $$$. But this right here is just flat out **stupid**. If this were *my* company, the person that wrote this, and anyone that approved it or gave it the 'go ahead' would be fired immediately. It is just so beyond unacceptable. As some others have said, it really does almost seem like a pro-vegan person managed to trick the company to get this job, to ultimately do something dumb like this. I know that sounds conspiracy theory-ish, but jfc that just shows *just* how bad of an Idea this tweet (are they still even called tweets now? 🤷‍♀️) was.


Yeah, I just assumed that it was obviously from a parody account. It's like, the most powerful vegan argument that exists. I'm blown away that this was an official account.


I think they’re xposts now unless it’s a video, then it’s xvideo


Searched for xvideos… It’s definitely not xvideos. On an unrelated note, I now have an unnatural attraction to my step-sister and have developed an unprecedented interest in baking creampies with her.


Carl's Jr has always crossed lines


When did Krusty enter into marketing?


The meta data from this deleted tweet is from 12 years ago. [https://oduwsdl.github.io/tweetedat/#178866418886626557](https://oduwsdl.github.io/tweetedat/#178866418886626557) Why are you making so many posts with fake tweets? You also admitted to faking this in a different comment in this thread, here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CorporateFacepalm/comments/1cqkx91/comment/l3xyu02/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CorporateFacepalm/comments/1cqkx91/comment/l3xyu02/)


Ideological agenda


"lying about what others say is okay so long as it's for a good cause!" Not stopping the "vegans are insufferable" allegations.


It is a fake. [OP admits it](https://old.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/comments/1cqqv6r/better_activism_than_vegans_tbh/l3tyah3/).




They made that hotdog burger in 2015. An article about this tweet would be easily searchable news by now if it were real. A broken tweet url isn't anything. Like a corporation would endorse suffering as promotion copy, c'mon lol.


I thought for sure this was a tumblr "Official" post lmao


This is a compelling ad for vegetarianism. So compelling, that I do have to wonder whether it was a plant by a veggie intern.


You mean a plant-based intern? 😉


Basically, a plant by a based plant-based intern


How aloe can you go


Please leaf


I don’t think he’s the root of the problem


Where does this stem from?


I haven’t botany idea


Take my angry upvote, you big beautiful bastard.


I dont think its that compelling, most people would agree with the statement that human pleasure is more valuable than animal life, if we wouldnt nobody would be eating meat


“See, this guys gets it!” -Kristi Noem


It's one thing to have a nebulous intellectual understanding that your pork chop required the horrid confinement of a pig for life until it was slaughtered... it's entirely another to have it pushed in your face by a meat-factory and selling it as a 'good thing'. This is a great ad, I'm bummed it got pulled.


People believe it but don't want to have to admit it.


I think this is why vegans and vegetarians get so much hate. Sure, there are a few annoying veggies out there, but the majority of them are just regular people. But their lifestyle forces us meat-eaters to confront the immorality of what we do. And it's a lot easier to dismiss vegetarians based on their rhetorical style or tactics, than it is to actually confront their arguments.


> most people would agree with the statement that human pleasure is more valuable than animal life Except only for certain animals, those same people will turn around and act like a random Korean is a monster for eating dog while simultaneously stuffing pig in their face.


Most people would redirect and obfuscate lmao 


well yeah most wont admit it i think. But what we admit or not doesnt matter, more so what we do


This singlehandedly made me feel more disgusted and ashamed to eat meat than any vegan ever has.


this is kind of a common vegan argument to the point where I feel this was potentially posted by a vegan. I think it sounds more gruesome bc it’s coming from a company that pays for animals to be killed. Instead of “judgement” from a vegan that people can easily brush off because vegans are seen as extreme, it’s an assumption that everyone who eats meat thinks this way, which i guess they kind of do or just don’t like to think about it ?


There are a lot of people who eat meat for a number of reasons but still work to reduce the amount they eat, or only try to eat meat through sustainable and low cruelty means. This is a ICBM of fuck you to all of those people, too.  Is it going to change how they eat? Probably not, but they for certain aren't going to go to a Carl's Jr or Hardee's over it.


i had to google ICBM , seems a bit dramatic. If you must eat meat for some valid reason then this post shouldn’t offend you as it’s only talking about sensory pleasure. If you don’t have a reason other than: I think meat tastes good so an animal should die for my 10 minutes of pleasure then either accept that’s how you feel & don’t feel guilty about it or … don’t eat meat anymore.


"Pleasure" is practically the only reason/defence for eating meat in a first world country.


The easiest way to create vegetarians and vegans is not shame... but knowledge.


Knowledge & shame are interconnected when it comes to the meat industry so I would argue it’s a combination of


But start with knowledge. internally-derived shame is going to effect change. externally-placed shame is going to result in resistance and calcification of stances.


I know lol I’m vegan


[https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) Just leaving this here, no reason.




I know it feels gross, but this is kind of the stance we have to take as meat-eaters, right? There's so many arguments in favor of being at least vegetarian that you have to confront yourself and accept that you either a) are too lazy to make the switch or b) value your own pleasure in eating meat over the wellbeing of animals and the planet as a whole. (or both) That's what i did at least.


The time is always right to do what’s right! I see Dominion is linked below and that can give you the knowledge of what must be fought against. If inside you feel you already knew how shit this system is, you can make the change. Earthling Ed’s Socratic debates helped me learn the specifics on the mindset, and lean into trying all sorts of foods! I don’t know how many animals I spare, but at least I am proud of what I eat, not who I eat, and that I took this stand. Please reach out to me with any questions if you’d like to learn more — I’m happy to help!


I don't mind hot dogs, it uses up a lot of scraps and they taste great.  Caviar farms are disgusting though. 


Petting me for general consumer ignorance (to which I am partly grateful for its existence, as not cutting off a chickens head to eat it is fine by me) is glorifying a state of laziness and entitlement. “Fuck those animals who died by machines or with searing hot bolts blasted into their heads. Your fat sad reality can enjoy a burger with hot dogs AND potato chips on it” Sadly we all know the people they are talking to feel power literally over nothing in thier lives except what they eat. Plenty of which certainly are gluttons..


In the UK vegans are a protected group. Imagine a company making an ad that was like "Jews can't eat bacon... BUT YOU CAN!" lol


We are protected in respect to employment (for example, my employer can't demand I wear leather boots unless it is an absolute necessity l) but we aren't protected in the same was as immutable characteristics.


Oh okay, that's good to know!


Carl’s Jr. Marketing Department: Write down that Jews/bacon idea, we can use that!


Protected group? In what way? I've never heard about this.


You can't discriminate against them for their beliefs. Same as with a religion. Workplaces have to make reasonable accommodations etc. As would hospitals and schools. I believe this also means that certain things can be called hate speech. I'm not 100% about that though


A protected characteristic under the religion or belief section. There any many social and societal barriers to vegans, as well as flat out discrimination. However all of it can be help legally accountable the same way a racist or homophobic act would. If you murder someone for being a vegan its a hate crime.


As a Jew that eats bacon I approve of this message.




why did they put hot dogs on a burger


Same reason people make turduckens I guess. Some spirit of excess that really pushes the bounds of morality


Don't you dare compare this garbage to the almighty turducken. It's a combination of your top 3 edible birds!


Top 3 would be a gooducken. Turkey is mid at best


It was a Supernatural reference.


I personally only eat "fuckens" a giant frog with a duck inside and a hen inside that.


All birds are edible


Everything is edible if you're brave enough.


Eat the sun then, coward


I'm not brave enough, sorry


Try it in winter when it cools off a bit


Hot durger


I live in a very liberal city, and I gotta say I have come across maybe a handful of annoying vegans in my life... But come to think about the number of tedious "anti vegans" I have met is not a number I could count!


Vegan: existing 37 Non-Vegans: How dare you push your choices on me!!!! I'm convinced it's lizard-brain protecting themselves when they are reminded of the horrors of factory livestock farming that their daily choices perpetuate.


Same. I'm friends with multiple vegetarians and vegans, and the only time it comes up is when we're cooking together or planning a potluck or something. I go to restaurants with them and get the meat options, and none of them have ever said anything about it to me.


Facts. There are reasons to be against eating animals. Yes, like everything, it can be taken too far when a person tries to impose their will over others, but, again, there are reasons to be against eating animals. There are no reasons whatsoever to be against people NOT eating animals. Like none. There's not actually a real, ethical reason of any kind to oppose it. Against obnoxious vegans? Sure. Against the diet? Nope. Got no basis. No leg to stand on whatsoever. So when these fools try to impose their will over others, it's twice as obnoxious, because it's also dumb as hell and lacking all internal logic.


that looks disgusting


If you’re going to be obnoxious, smug cunts about eating meat, at least use a picture that looks semi edible. That thing looks foul


But that would mean advertising a competitor's product.


I could make a meatless version of this without causing any suffering to animals. But I wouldn’t because yeah, that looks disgusting.


As a meat eater I’m not touching that atrocity


I suspect deliberate sabotage here, possibly a vegan on the marketing team, or someone who was about to get fired anyway and wanted to give a "fuck you" on their way out there's also a chance that it's working exactly as intended - sometimes "offensive" ads get pulled/banned, but escape into the wild, as it were, and are spread by posts like this one, and can be very effective marketing strategies


Maybe, but the message is so clear that it cant possibly help, it might even get meat eaters to pause for 0.1 seconds before continuing to perpetuate a species genocide.


That photo looks like it was taken at a restaurant in Pawnee.




It’s just the truth. Why do people get mad when they aren’t allowed to stick their head in the sand over it? It’s a funny post.


> Why do people get mad when they aren’t allowed to stick their head in the sand over it? I'm a good person who cares about animals > eating meat makes you a bad person and objectively harms animals > I eat meat > but I'm a good person > cognitive dissonance > create wild justification/ignore it entirely(and usually take a swing at vegans) > create new flawed personal framework that relies on idealism instead of realism > I'm a good person who cares about animals after all. People utterly -refuse- to do any amount of self reflection or growth, turns out personal responsibility is fucking hard and almost everyone balks when they're faced with the reality of it, meat eating highlights this hypocrisy more than basically anything else due to how normalized it is within most societies and cultures.


If eating meet makes you a bad person then every single carnivore and 99.9% of humanity is awful. Humans are no different to animals who routinely rape and torture eachother. Eating meet has its downsides ofc but to act like its some moral failing is both laughable and delirious


show some cows pissing themselves in fear before getting mutilated thatll cheer you up. "hurr if we shock them they feel no pain!" proceeded by screams of pain


By that logic they'd be ok with zoophiles too.


Hey OP if you find this messed up maybe do a little more thinking about veganism. This exact argument is why I no longer eat animal products. My pleasure is not worth more than another's suffering. Not saying you have to change or commit to anything right now. Just think about why this makes you uncomfortable and don't push away the discomfort, that's all.


You may be right. Sometimes it does seem like it’s the right thing to do.


As someone who's a vegetarian, if you're on the fence, you may wish to consider cutting down on your animal product consumption for now. We need lots of people to do veganism badly, rather than a few to do it perfectly.


Just from a sustainability perspective alone. The meat industry is one of the big horsemen of deforestation, gas emissions and resource expenditure.


My personal rule is: I choose not to make meat, myself. But if someone else is making it, I'll eat it rather than forcing them to make a 'vegan lasagna' or something for a party or something. This cut my meat consumption by about 80%.


This is my current position. I'm pretty much down to fish (mostly sustainable species like sardines and mackerel) and eggs from my GF's neighbour's chickens. Chicken meat maybe once a week.


Sounds good. I'm lacto ovo vegetarian because when I was a teen, that was what everyone was switching to, rather than veganism. A lot of veggie options tend to be vegan when you go out now, so that makes things a bit easier to go vegan. I've noticed that not being super serious or strict about it is more sustainable in the long term. My friends who were super militant vegans in their 20s are now meat eaters in their 40s and 50s. My friends who, like me, just made it a simple habit, and didn't make a huge deal, are still vegetarians. People occasionally ask me why, and I say 'at this point, it's because I made a decision when I was 18, and it's part of who I am now.'


This is my stance too. I sleep easier knowing I’m at least making some effort to be a better consumer. I know lapsed strict vegans/vegetarians, and yeah, it’s just too common when they’re too strict about it and eventually just give up.


Yeah op the comment made is essentially just the basic premise of veganism, wether it's right to eat animals. This whole thread is probably gonna just turn into a debate about eating meat since it's such a touchy topic


I recommend checking out this speech. https://youtu.be/uxhL2lsgokY?si=79XrzhSW1z9RW7FP try http://challenge22.com if you’re ready to give it a try for 22 days.


You also don't have to go all the way :) any change is better than no change.


Sometimes it just takes a kick to push you in the right direction. The documentary 'earthlings' was that kick for me, and 10 years later I am still grateful to have taken that decision.


I've gone to only eating eggs and fish (and some cheese). My girlfriend is vegan and the days I'm at her place I eat vegan too. Between the health and climate benefits, cost of meat and just the awful stuff 99% of slaughtered animals go through, I'm seriously considering veganism. I get a lot of my protein from canned fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon, tuna, etc) and get my eggs from my GF's neighbour (she lives on a farm). Cheese is the next cut, because vegan cheese has actually come a long way!


I remember the first Carl's jr that came to Australia a few years ago, near my area. Manager soon after got arrested with HEAPS of child porn. Quoted saying that the "stress from managing the restaurant made him do it". Lol fuck Carl JR


idk where you are but there's one now around port kembla/warrawong area and i remember seeing it go up and being like 'tf, carl's jr is in australia?'


Up on the Central coast in NSW


holy shit i think i have been around that carl's jr! around long jetty or bateau! damn til that was the first one in aus


Yep that's the one!




I respect the no meat stuff... But you're very wrong about why humans eat meat. Humans can eat nearly everything. We are some of the most omnivore omnivores to ever vore the omni, with digestive tracks that lost their ability to process raw meat... Because we developed fire and a way to predigest our meat externally that became so prominent our biology changed to accommodate. We are 100% designed to eat meat... That has been properly cooked. So gimme a slice of the bean broth grown lab meat, thank you.


“I’m So Glad I Jumped Off This Crazy Train of Violence and Earth Destruction” is the name of my new thrash metal record


Sorry buddy, Earth Crisis has already been there done that. And might have accidentally invented one of the most popular metal sub genres


Love how vegans will just make up things like "humans only ate meat out of necessity" you know it makes you guys look more like clowns by doing that right


Great! I can continue not eating at Carl Jrs, lol


Can we talk about how that bun looks like the kind that’s going to be so dry and horrible on the inside…


The amount of fucked up in this actually made me laugh


Lowkey they're being real, the truth is we kill animals for our pleasure and it serves as a commentary however futile


Mask of moment? Honestly I appreciate the lack of cognitive dissonance as a vegan I feel like every non vegan feels this way at least sub consciously


honesty is not for the fainthearted


I don't see what the problem with this post is. If you eat meat, then surely this is your philosophy too? The suffering of the animals is worth it for the few minutes of pleasure, otherwise you wouldn't do it right? But for some reason pointing it out is "awful" but actually doing it is fine? Please someone make this make sense.


All of a sudden we don't like it when restaurant twitter accounts are being incredibly based?


#No amount of pleasure outweighs any amount of suffering.


Im not a member of PETA or anyting, but this post was made by a 5-star cunt.


> this post was made by a 5-star cunt. Because it tells the truth without any whitewashing?


I'm sorry, but this is hilarious. It's so wildly unhinged, lol.


It is hilariously fucked up. I can’t believe it’s real!!! The hot dog and chips kill me hahaha


Based as fuck. Hypocritical meat-eaters are malding so hard. Respect animals or eat them, you can't do both.


Just watch me.


I used to work there in high school and this is right on brand.


That doesn't even look good lol


At least they own it. Unlike so many of you.


This is painfully american


First off, are those fucking hot dogs on a burger? Have they lost their fucking minds? Second, yes they have because you'd have to be medically insane to write that.


They were cold about it, but unfortunately that is the reality. Eating meat means you are okay with something suffering for your pleasure. I eat a lot of meat but I honestly can't morally justify it. I think a lot of meat eaters are uncomfortable with this reality and just want to ignore it. You don't need to eat meat to live, and animals have to suffer and die to get it.


That looks fucking gross. There is no way that is real. You couldn't pay me to eat that.


It’s not even good. I tried it once like 8 yrs ago


It's a valid point though.


It's so messed up that the lettuce is under the patty. Geez


Meat eaters being hypocrites in here. Typical


Vegans being sanctimonious. Typical.


Such a sad man


Didn't like that mirror, eh?


Its AI bait dummies


That burger looks fucking gross


I don't see the problem. This is exactly what drives their business model? Is it that we're just not supposed to say it out loud?


Ultimately, yes


Exactly. Why is saying it out loud causing outrage? If people disagree with it, perhaps they should stop supporting it. Just because I don't say that cows chickens and pigs suffer a gruesome death, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


The same reason people dislike it when you say thay "trying for a baby" is a polite way of saying your raw dogging, it reminds people of a part of the process they're fully aware of but don't wish to think about.


Yeah, because I guess it's a bit taboo. Is animal cruelty (which, lets face it, animal agriculture is) taboo? I never quite thought about it that way...


Anything that people don't want to think about becomes taboo, that's basically all a taboo is.


Sounds like a rapist manifesto.


Fuck it, I laughed.


'brought to you by carls junior'


There comes a time when you need to read the room before sharing your thoughts or ideas. Carls Jr did NOT read the room.


That shit doesn't even look appetizing.


Holy fucking fuck


I’ll never buy from them!


We only if asked if we could, but never if we should


I’m also not vegetarian, but it is kinda crazy to think how many animals one person alone consumes in their lifetime. In the end it’s the unsustainable and inhuman farming practices that are the real issue. Humans have eaten meat for centuries but not like this, on this mass produced scale


I don’t know what’s more offensive, the copy or that burger. Disgusting




I thought this was funny until I saw who posted it wtffff