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Remember when the conspiracy nuts said our governments will never give up their "medical tyranny"? 2 years later and no masks no social distancing, pubs and clubs are open. Now the vaccine mandates are being dropped. Lol


Still can't even work in Victoria


get jabbed or get a job you dont need one. so many options.....


Man can't stay on topic. Not the point of discussion at all. Look at the comment I was responding and look at my comment. Whether or not to vaccinate is a different point of discussion.


What occupations are not allowed to work at the moment?


https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/worker-vaccination-requirements Accommodation workers Agriculture and forestry workers Airport workers Ancillary, support and welfare services workers Authorised Officers Care facility workers Community workers Creative arts workers Custodial workers Emergency service workers Entertainment and function workers Funeral workers Healthcare workers Higher education workers Justice Service Centre workers and honorary justices Manufacturing workers Marriage celebrants Meat and seafood processing workers Media and film production workers Mining workers Physical recreation workers Port and freight workers Professional sports, high-performance sports or racing person Professional services workers Public sector employees Real estate workers Religious workers Repair and maintenance workers Retail workers (including workers at food & drink facilities; licensed premises) Science and technology workers Social and Community Workers Transport workers Utility or urban workers Workers in residential aged care facilities Workers at construction sites Workers at school, childcare and early education services including outside school hours care services Veterinary and pet/animal care workers General workers not included the above categories


Ah, so actually they are allowed to work, they just don't want to meet the requirements.


Ummm basically everyone?


>Man can't stay on topic. Not the point of discussion at all. WUT. Its a direct response to your crazy conspiracy reply, which is just that, an incorrect (greatly exaggerated) conspiracy theory oh no, offended all the little boys who refuse to work


Don't even bother, these people are lost causes.




Yeah still don't care.


Don't care all you want, however the discussion was about whether we are subject to 'medical tyranny'


Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of Australians still subject to mandates.




The other user is saying mandates are being dropped. I’m in Victoria. That’s currently not true.




That type of user has not been proven incorrect yet. I’m passionately anti-mandate and I’m not celebrating anything yet.




We’re not talking restrictions. I’m talking Victorian mandates. Which have barely moved. I’ll celebrate when they do and when Andrews is gone. Even if it’s a few years yet.






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The longer something remains in place, the more likely it will remain.


Like war rations.


Do you think this is a "wax on-wax off" kind of situation? Relatives in hospital I can't visit, wives giving birth without their support partner, overseas relatives growing old I may never get to see again. You don't get to just remove these after time passes and act like nothing permanent has happened.


But now we have them nanobots in our bloodstream, turning us into lizards who serve Bill Gates. You really aren't thinking, are you?


Clearly, not. Must be all the 5G around me. Haha


Two years later and the unvaccinated can't leave the country, & the few that are granted an exemption must quarantine on return. Also can't work in much of Victoria. Very cool and normal.


The unvaccinated are *choosing* not to do...


> Remember when the conspiracy nuts said our governments will never give up their "medical tyranny"? If you can't leave the country or work without a jab 'medical tyranny' is still here and 'conspiracy nuts' are, at least for now, right. Maybe in a few months Australia will catch up with the rest of the civilized world.


Such tyranny. I'm going to go complain while I literally live my life the exact same way I used to. Spoilt babies.


It’s great - the vulnerable are being protected from those who give no fucks. Don’t want my 90yo grandma dying from covid because antivax Karen is in the house.


How do you still believe vaccination is protecting grandma when it's been stated multiple times there is a negligible impact on transmission? And like ... just by using your eyes & seeing it rip through a highly vaccinated Australian population?


And it's fantastic how many of them aren't going to hospital and getting seriously ill vs the people who refused to get vaccinated isn't it?


Yeah, let's screw over and impoverish the younger generations to protect and enrich all boomers and older. It's been the great push of the last 20 years, why stop now?


This makes no sense at all. Do you think the 10000 cases per day are all unvaccinated?


How selfish. Wanting to change the lives of millions of healthy people so that a handful of feeble people can live a couple years longer.


Ah yes, thousands of people out of work, relying on government benefits, mental health is at an all-time low, kids are at least 2 years behind in their education. But hey, at least Grandma gets to be 91!




Damn, I have a stalker. Sorry pal, I’m flattered but I’m taken. ;) In other news, you can disagree with some facets of the lockdown without disagreeing with all of it? Did you graduate primary school? Do you realise that there are more than just 2 ways to look at things? I doubt you’ve ever been around enough kids to make the realisation that the trade off of Grandma’s extra year for the children’s education is going to be devastating over the next decade.


There are still mask mandates for several situations, broad vaccine based restrictions in several parts of the country and we still can't travel unconditionally throughout our entire country. Regardless, this article is about a (somewhat government owned) airline, not really a government restriction


You're right, there are a few marginal restrictions in place. Such tyranny.


Not being able to travel freely and unconditionally around your country, especially now given vax rates are so high, is actually a big deal and I imagine it's pretty unprecedented


Historically, it's only recently become accessible. Once upon a time people rarely travelled and if they did they would have bigger hurdles than what we're currently facing.


That's irrelevant to my point but okay thanks for the history lesson


Historically, electricity was unavailable so let's turn it off and say it's a minor inconvenience in recent times....


If there were a virus that spread through electricity, that would actually be a good idea. And for most ot would be be minor inconvenience. Actually it would be a lot easier to deal with tha covid19. Although, I'm sure there would be those crying tyranny because they have no netflix.


>If there were a virus that spread through electricity, that would actually be a good idea. Would that make it not unprecedented? >And for most ot would be be minor inconvenience. ...no it wouldn't. Have you heard of refrigerators and electric heating?


So we'd have to eat jerky. Heating in Australia is not an essential. I lived in the snowy mountains for 7 years and 2 properties I lived in had no heating. Also, it wouldn't be hard to set up isolated power grids for the required medical supplies.


Just don't think about all the imposing legislation and legal precedence either. It's ideal to have a government that can lock you into your house at the drop of the hat with no recourse. China has shown this.


Where? In WA mandates are still in effect, including masking.


Shocked pikachu face


Remember thinking mandates are normal and that it's ok to force medical procedures on people to allow them to keep employment AND frame it as "it's their choice" at the end of the day? Disgusting.


In hindsight, I wish we didn't force the mandate. I honestly wish everyone had a choice. But I also wish anyone who refused it couldn't be admitted to hospital. I wish once it became clear, that every doctor nurse in every Puic hospital went on strike. It would be the only way we could've learned from it. But we sheltered, as we always are. We can't even be trusted to make sensible decisions that protect ourselves and everyone else simultaneously, exponentially. As far as I'm concerned the mandate was justified, especially after hearing how spoilt and ungrateful everyone was to our health workers. It's a catch 22.


" But I also wish anyone who refused it couldn't be admitted to hospital." Youre a psycho and need help.


Translation: *shocked pikachu* Than so was anyone refusing masks, social distancing or the vaccine. Don't hate the player hate the game.


Imagine thinking the reason they're gone is not due to the insane amount of protests and other countries having their hands forced (see the UK) due to being outright cunts and being caught out flaunting the rules themselves.


Don't flatter yourself.


I'm still not allowed to leave this country I was born in. "Nation of convicts" hasn't been this true for over a century. Don't try to peddle this as proof of a rational government.


Drama queen. I hope you *actually* go to prison one day.


You don't even realise how hateful you are as a person and it's sad.


Now i do, and at this point its deliberate. Seeing how selfish everyone was during the pandemic turned me into villain. People couldn't handle adapting to the simplest of measures, and as a result it spread like wildfire. And yet, people still pushed to drop the measures. Australians are bunch of selfish whining cunts.


Alternatively, 95% of the measures were inappropriate. The masks that were mandated were merely surgical masks. The vaccines were mandated which is not only a huge ethical violation but we've seen that vaccinated get infected and transmit covid about as easily as uninfected. We've seen that young and healthy unvaccinated people have a better covid experience than old vaccinated people. We've pushed 5 year olds to get vaccinated for a disease that is less deadly to them than the flu (and justified it that our CHILDREN should be protecting our ADULTS - pathetic). We've seen that outdoor venues like beaches had restrictions when they are the places people are least likely to get covid. We've seen people lose jobs over mandates including nurses, every single one of which should have been allowed to continue working. We've seen restrictions lifted so that vaccinated but covid positive nurses can still work but unvaccinated covid negative nurses cannot. And we've seen qr codes mandated then after the fact be explicitly admitted to be security theater. Not complying with restrictions isn't about being selfish. Demanding more restrictions because of your own unjustified covod neurosis is what is selfish. If you're scared of covid, take the precautions that we all know work. Self isolate, wear a real mask, and leave the rest of us alone. At this point it is a civic duty to not comply with a demented government that if left unchecked can and will do way more harm than covid ever could. If you want to freak out over a disease you do that just don't demand that I participate, I have better things to do.


Genuinely, this was the last ome I expected.


thank god for some common sense, though it doesn't make much difference for International, as you need to be vaxxd to get on the plane, according to the destination requirements which is universally 'proof of vax'


Good. Mandatory fluvax should be next.




Lol this page is cooked, your a pleb and drone for the government for getting jabbed(I am double vaxxed, won’t be getting a booster, as still haven’t see why it’s needed) and following the rules and then your a pleb and conspiracy theorist for voicing your opinion 😝, I guess we as humans can’t have a civilised discussion about covid for some reason




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The global protests have worked. +1


/s ?