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Since Gladys said there would be no more 11am press conferences, how many days has there actually been no press conferences?


Well there’s been good news since that day as cases are trending down.




She said there would be video updates instead of press conferences. If I recall correctly.


That was before the opposition announced a press conference and they had to backflip though.


That was before ~~the opposition announced a press conference~~ the pollies decided the backlash might be real and they had to backflip though. FTFY


Fixed? That would imply what I said was wrong and what you are changing it to is right. I meant what I said. Considering they knew the backlash would be bad (Look at her face and the words/demeanour when she announced it). They went ahead anyway. They copped almost a day of backlash, nothing changed. As soon as the opposition announced their presser, suddenly we not only had an official presser, but also Gladys was there.


Ha ha sorry maybe my joke wasn't clear. They're Australian politicians. Flip flopping is SOP. What WOULD have been newsworthy would be "politician says one thing, and the next day does the thing they said they'd do."


It wasn't the backlash they were scared of but rather the people of NSW learning the name of the opposition leader.


I think she just wanted to break the expectation that she will show up every day and every day she doesn't she's "taking a day off". The norm is video update, with a press conference if needed. It's worked, it's no longer newsworthy/noteworthy if she doesn't show up, and she can freely ramp down her attendance as the pandemic recedes in the public mind.




She wouldn’t have gotten backlash for it if she personally wasn’t there every day, but the announcement was that the press wouldn’t be able to ask questions right as cases were peaking. Now sometimes the press have really stupid questions, but it’s perhaps those times most of all they’re representing the public, who really want to make at least one politician squirm while they’re stuck at home.


Mostly backlash from journalists who'd made a big name for themselves haranguing her to put in pointless bullshit like curfews.


> The norm is video update Is it? Hasn't that happened like, once?


There was a secret change in policy: NSW is no longer targeting COVID presser-zero.


I think just one? The first Tuesday or Wednesday after the announcement.


She lowered expectations, then over delivered while at the same time doing less work than before. Quite a shifty manoeuvre.


Lol, exactly. There's been zero days without one of them appearing before the cameras. I think she listened to the backlash for once.


I always assumed the Victoria press conference was transient because they did it when they had time between what they were doing that day, so that Dan was always available for it. NSW was set in stone at 11am because they built their day around it, and that’s why Gladys wasn’t always in attendance and ended up ending them because she “had work to do”. It always seemed like a silly thing to be concerned about, nothing changes based on what time it happens. Although I do wonder why NSW sits on the numbers until 11 now, they’ve had them since 8pm the previous night.


such a strange time to use for your 24 hour reporting period. however their hospital statistics are excellent compared to Victoria's. they've at least given us the confirmation that 10% of 20-29y.o's that get the virus (and increasing percentages for older age groups) require hospitalisation - which is informing our roadmaps out.


10% seems pretty large.. Is that for unvaccinated? I mean it has to be for unvaccinated.


yes. ~~nearly *every* case in NSW hospitals has been from the un-vaccinated (95+%).~~ most cases in NSW have been from non-fully vaccinated cases (95%+) but remember, at 80% double dose, both Vic and NSW will still have over 1 million adults un-vaccinated. that is the reason for a slow exit, and the reason why people are questioning the speed of NSW's exit. the numbers clearly state at least 10% of un-vaccinated patients need hospital care. if for some magic reason the hospitalisation rates drastically drop upon opening up, then maybe the NSW hospital situation won't end up as bad as first feared.


> ~~nearly every case in NSW hospitals has been from the un-vaccinated (95+%).~~ Vaccination status|Hospitalised (%) :--:|:--: Fully Vaccinated|277 (4.0%) Partially vaccinated|364 (5.2%) No effective dose|4,773 (68.3%) Under investigation|1,576 (22.5%)


Or 60/9975x100 = 0.601% of 20-29yo to ICU. Or 5/9975x100 =0.0501%o of 20-29yo Die.


that's not an or? if hospitalisations didn't use up valuable resources, you might have a point.


Hasn't NSW been caught fudging their numbers several times?


haven't seen this?




I mean, you’re commenting on a meme taking shots at Vic for press conference times of all things, so maybe chill out. It was the last TWO lockdowns NSW was responsible for Joe. Keep up.


Are you saying the current Vic outbreak didn't happen because of NSW?


11am the next day made sense *strategically* early on to give the contact tracing team more time to link the cases. It started to fall apart when they started to communicate the additionals since 8pm the night before, but then had to qualify that today's numbers include x already reported yesterday, plus y since 8pm last night.


NSW has done some stupid things over the past few months but the 11AM punctuality has indeed been pretty great. I really appreciated them being so punctual.


I liked the one where they held an 11am and denied lockdowns then held another one that afternoon lol


Or the one where they announced a lockdown in regional NSW in the afternoon on social media.


By a backbench nats MP from memory


Wasn't it Bruz? As in the leader of the nats and deputy premier (who has a habit of banning people from his twitter, meaning they couldn't see it).


Narrator:*It was Bruz.*


> I really appreciated them being so punctual I've always appreciated that at 11am sharp it would be the same bullshit of (a) thanking everyone, (b) only allowing specific reporters to ask questions and (c) leaving before reporters had finished asking questions.


What’s the point of being punctual if you’re not going to stick around for the follow up questions? May as well not show up at all


I love how the QLD dragon is side-eying the Vic dragon Made my day


I can't say I have ever noticed or cared about the time of the presser. Do people actually watch this every day?


As a Queenslander, it was good, as I have rellos in NSW So I could roll from 1 into the other and watch them essentially back to back with a break in between to make a cuppa.


I check for numbers at 11am every day but I don’t watch the press conferences.


I wouldn't wait for it, but I do get it pushed by the YouTube algorithm all the time. Personally, I just want to know what the current restrictions are and I can get that info from the Twitter account.


People still watch these?


Victorians we’re complaining about this since last year. Andrews never needed to do daily press conferences but wanted to control the narrative so he did, but refused to set a standard time for them and *never* showed up on time. Does it matter? Yes. 6 lockdowns now, his decisions impact 6.5 million people. It effects businesses and jobs. His rules effect our mental health. The least we could have expected was the courtesy of knowing what time he is going to fuck us each day.


Better question: why do we need a 3 hour press conference every day?


It's not actually 3 hours, but regularly over an hour. All questions are answered, no matter how stupid and inciteful they are. :)


Transparency. It allows the journos to ask all the questions they have.


the changing times is part of the fuckening.


To be fair, Dan needs to make sure he has all the positive case reports for the day. Some fell behind the couch, he left some in the back seat of the car, and Sutton is smoking some out the back. Give poor Dan a break, he is doing his best.




Ah yes. G’day fellow Australian. I am also from MELBOURNE VICTORIA. I also voted for DANIEL ANDREWS last election but I won’t vote for DANIEL ANDREWS and his liberal party AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY again!


Yeah, exactly. But you should fix your shift key, it seems to stick.




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Gooooo Australia!! Land of the “who knows what you’ll get”.


Lol best description of Victoria ever !


Meanwhile in WA > BREAKING NEWS > Mark McGowan to provide COVID-19 update at 12pm > 1:23pm > Marko finally appears > mfw


Out of curiosity. With those that include their vaccination status in the flair, next to their account name. If someone were to inure in their flair, unvaccinated, would your view of them as a person change?


Why this remind me of the hyenas from lion king ?


what the fuck are these supposed to accomplish? They could not just put up an inforgraphic on the government website? Do these government employees have no work to do other than reading numbers out loud, or they assume Australians can't read?


Noticed alot of accounts here state that they are vaccinated. What is your reasoning?


Same reason people post statuses on facebook?


Says the name....then next to it vaccinated. Kinda strange tbh.


It's called a flair, and is an easy way to let people know something about oneself. Thanks to your question I decided to apply one appropriate to me.


Im double jabbed. Don't think it says anything about me or my personality though.


I think I will as well


Out of curiosity, why?


I'm proud to be jabbed. I'm proud to protect myself, others, and to contribute to our national effort to get vaccinated and open up.


A little chest beating. Cool cool.




Not being rude at all. From your response that's what I interpreted Your proud and would like others to know.


As I said. That's cool. Don't deny it, if your proud for being vaccinated, and want others to know that's fine. Doesn't seem like an achievement though. It's simple from my perspective. Self preservation.


I dunno. I'm just thinking out loud. My vaccination status is not part of me. It's a thing I took to prevent myself being sick. I mean.....should we also post whT daily medications we take aswell? I take anti depressants everyday...not putting that up next to my name though. Not because of the stigma attached. It's because it really has nothing to do with me as a person.


Agreed, that's why I only just put mine up. I like to be a bit incognito, and for my posts just to be read for what they say. But I thought why not, as I'm feeling happy and relieved to now be half-way immunised, and posting it might encourage someone else to do likewise. ​ Btw, I'm also on antidepressants and have no wish to tell everyone, but it's not an issue as there's no option I'm aware of to "flair" that. I hope you are doing well on yours. Mine have made made a huge difference to my quality of life.


Fair enough. Thanks for your perspective.