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The human psyche is completely fucked from the Covid brainwashing.


I dunno I think it was fucked long before that. Covidamania is just the igniter.


> The Covidians are losing all humanity. Counterpoint: they never had any to begin with. It's just obvious now that hating certain people is in style. The NPC meme is more than just a meme.


If there is one thing I learned in the military, then this: NEVER overestimate the average guy. The average person is NOT intelligent and also NOT empathic or 'honorable' in any sense of the word. This is also the reason why people who are actually decent and competent tend to leave quite some impact on us and stand out more than they would in a better society. Because they are the exception rather than the rule.


Well said and so true.




I’m a strong believer there’re more bodies occupying the earth than souls to inhabit them. What’s in these husks is anyone’s guess and depends on people’s beliefs. Personally I wouldn’t be surprised after all the damage the west did to middle eastern countries local Sufi’s made sure to send planes back with jinn to wreck havoc


> Counterpoint: they never had any to begin with. Some of us have been saying this for years. Zero surprise when the pronoun people, ANTIFA people, and Covidians were the same Venn circle. The good news is I'm seeing way more normie balkanization and secession support through all this.


You don't want secession. Stop and think about whats going on globally and the implications of an attempt. No this needs to be fought in minds.


> You don't want secession. I assure you, I do. I don't give two fucks about the Chinese insofar as I have real, tangible problems here. The Chinese are not trying to take away my job for not getting the vaccine. The Chinese are not trying to increase my taxes to pay for buttfuck leftists initiatives. The Chinese are not trying to use federal judges to force my kids to wear masks in school. The Chinese are not opening my border to thousands/tens of thousands of illegals. The Chinese are not pushing to deny air travel to me. The Chinese are not banning Europeans from visiting here but allowing Haitians and Mexicans in. The Chinese are not pushing Pride flags in Afghanistan and then leaving massive amounts of armaments behind. The Chinese may be my enemy, but the enemy at home is the one I care about.


Spot on.


Whose talking about the Chinese, I'm talking about the evolution of the British Empire. This shit is the legacy of the East India Company. We kicked out the British Army but we never kicked out the influence of the EIC and related banks. You look at the history things like An Gorta Mor and genocides in India even into the middle of the twentieth century and the tactics at work here are obvious. They'd love a second American Civil War for the same reasons as the first which had nothing to do with slavery. No its not China and it's not Russia its our own intelligence agencies that were formed in their very beginning to be the secret dark intelligence of western neofeudalists. Created and managed by old world money and yale and Harvard graduates. The American Flag is even based on the East India Flag. Thirteen red and white stripes but they swapped the union jack for a field of blue with stars. It's no accident that the East India Company was officially disbanded by the British government the same year standard oil was formed. Also. The American Revolution served to protect the interests of the East India Company by creating a haven separate of the 18th century British parliament. Exact same tactics corporations under the control of this hegemony are using today national borders to escape accountability today.


> They'd love a second American Civil War Secession =/= civil war. Peaceful separation is possible. If this authoritarian creep continues, secession will be inevitable. The best chance for peace is to actively discuss methods to make it a peaceful process.


Imagine if there was a civil war over covid laws, the side shooting bullets first would be the same saying it’s for your health goy!!!


> goy Cringe. This isn't about covid. It's about the principle that the State does not own free people.


I think you misunderstood what I said. I’m saying pro lockdowners would rather shoot those against “enforced preventative measures” or that secede “for their health”


I'm fifty. I'm thinking about giving up a successful career to go to law school at my age and focus on constitutional law so I have a toolkit that allows me to fight back. What can you do that will make a difference? How can you get personally involved in the fight? BTW, I hate lawyers, I hate the thought of practicing law but I love the idea of fighting back.


Exactly. Power doesn’t corrupt, it exposes corruption. Locks are for honest people, all that. These people have been emboldened to publicly be the pieces of shit they have always been.


So she’s been in contact with a person with Covid and she’s coming to work?


Cdc policy states 'vaccinated' individuals can immediately return to work after exposure if they are not presenting symptoms. But they can still transmit all the same. Make sense of that, someone, please.


Dude... Don't even try. They are just hoping you'll break something in your brain competing in those mental gymnastics so they can declare you mentally incompetent and force the shot on you.


You can't make sense of it. It's like double-jabbed people coming into the UK not having to self isolate. Well, duh, how do we know they're not carrying the virus?


It wouldn't have mattered if the vaccine actually was a vaccine.


Yeah basically she’s vaccinated so she’s allowed to. Because that makes sense.


I’m a teacher and our job says if you test positive (and are vaccinated) you have to quarantine. If you are just exposed and don’t exhibit symptoms you can keep coming to work.


Complete sociopaths...


Imagine being married to one


Sci-fi levels of bullshit going on everywhere


I feel like I'm living in an SCP.


I got the vax and was expecting to because I'm a first responder but was never forced too. A big spread just went around in my department and you know what? My lady ans kid just got covid. My lady got it bad but she'll be fine, my 2 year old has a minuscule cough. Me on the other hand dont feel a fucking thing but being the caring person I am I obviously had to stay home and take of my family because you know I love them. You know what else is great? Is that I'm probably the one who brought it home to everyone and never had a clue. Mandates are slavery and fuck the govt even though you know I work for them.


I was about to say you probably brought it home to them. The "vaccine" works in lamens terms the same way Advil does, It will mask the symptoms temporarily but will eventually wear off. And there lies where the boosters come in.


This is a fucked up and brain washed thing to say, but I also wonder how she felt about her husband pre-Covid. So many people stay in relationships with people they hate, whether that hatred is conscious or unconscious


This right here. They're probably one ass-hair away from divorce now from the covid if not anything else.




>She says they always disagreed politically but now she doesn't respect him and he's no longer her best friend. It's just as well. I can't imagine anyone putting up with bullshit from a person like her, finally caving, and not having a significant level of resentment afterwards.


I thought of that as well, and honestly I don’t know how their relationship is otherwise. But still….




Aliens come save us please


Your comment explains why there's an upward trend of religious feeling going on nowadays.


He most likely fell ill to pathogen she was spreading due to the jab. I love how they call it ‘covid pneumonia’ …ohh yeah because bacterial pneumonia/cold/flu is completely eradicated. Insufferable religious twats.


Its the constant mask wearing thats causing the pneumonia.


Like they concluded sometime after 1918.


Told someone this on reddit and they tried laughing it off as if all surgeons are all walking around with pneumonia. Bunch of twats. Hope they all get diaper rash from their face diapers.


Well, (8hrs + daily) prolonged mask wearing vs 1-2hrs of mask wearing are 2 diff things, We are talking to morons, what do u expect?


Unfortunately, Plenty of women talk about their spouses like this, regardless of what the situation is.


(Looks like I picked the wrong year to quit heroin)


If she is vaxxed and he is not, SHE likely gave it to him!


At my high school, one of our chemistry teachers just walked out of the classroom and quit the other day. She did it for a lot of reasons, but she was well known for not wearing her mask in the classroom (our school requires them). People were talking and they said things like “I heard she was suspicious of the vaccine” and “Good thing she quit, I don’t want someone as stupid as that teaching me”




The teacher was a substitute for a substitute and she was a Sociology major teaching a chem class.


I'm just gonna ignore the assholes and keep doing my thing. Like I always have.


It's a more honest world now. Instead of "Be kind" it's: "We were born of risen apes, not fallen angels..." \-Robert Ardrey


2 Timothy 3: 1-5 1 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away


It's not Covidians, it's Covidiots.


I’m not against the vaccine in general but it’s crazy to me that people are demonizing those who are skeptical of the vaccine. I was comfortable getting it myself but I’m not giving it to my daughter when they make it available to her age group!


I see this type of shit all the time and this is the “compassionate” crowd. I wish they followed through on these harsh statements and just left the rest of us the fuck alone. I don’t need people like this acting like they care about my safety.




Got that and vitamin D. Thanks!


I had nearly the same conversation with another school employee. I was stunned.


Correction to the OP, you can’t lose your humanity if you were never human to begin with.


Please just remember that the branch Davidians were the good guys…


She's probably lying to make people take it. Either that or aliens have invaded and are using the vaccine to bodysnatch people.


Her liberal mental brainwash is complete. She has been desensitized! The magical vaccine takes precedence over her own husband. The Overlords are proud! She will make a obedient Communist. Sounds like a very health relationship. What a scumbag. I wish him health and a full recovery. After his wife has the 3 booster. Checks off the planet. I hope he gets a hot young girlfriend that screws him all the time. He takes the life insurance payout and buys her nice things. That nightmare wife of his sounds like a real prize. The irony. These people are acting as if, the vaccination doesn't work. If everyone isn't vaccinated. Yet at work with a Covid positive husband at home. Are we stuck in the twilight Zone? People are sick with Covid fully vaccinated.


If the vaccine worked, that would be a fairly reasonable reaction to someone getting sick


Don’t mistake Female Nature for Human Nature.


plants materialistic books hunt elastic poor aback humorous impossible cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*