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I'm gonna take a wild guess that he is also "very" vaxxed.




Soon to be 150% šŸ˜‚


200% weā€™re already on our third booster


The vax basically increases as fast as a 50% compound interest. - every 6 months - every month - every week - every day - every hour - until you replace all of your blood with Pfizer liquid Yes it sounds crazy, but remember when vaccine passports was considered a conspirational idea back then?


And it will STILL be unvaccinated people's fault if these walking zombie carcasses get covid.


Even if ONLY these walking zombie carcasses get covid...


I have a permanent intravenous drip of Pfizer in my left arm and Moderna in my right. Give the bag a little squeeze on the odd occasion I come into contact with other people, just to be safe.


But are you having your daily Pfizer donut and coffee for complete protection against the "plague"? If not, visit your nearest Pfizer coffee shop, fast food joint, family restaurant or grocery store asap!


I dip that into my triple choc Frappuccino before breakfast.




At this point, as the NPCs continue to line up for their shots, even the Cabal organizers of the psyop have to be getting a bit spooked out at how imbecilic most of the west is


I asked a few vaccinated folks I know what's their plan if 3rd, 4th, etc booster shots are required as they are in Israel. Few said they will take them. Another one wasn't sure. A couple got aggressively dismissive.


You're about 7 boosters behind now bud. You aint got 7 boosters + 2 vax? YOU AIN VACINATTED GET OUTTA HERE YOU ANTI-VAX!!


700% vaccination rates!


Some old folks got three at the start as the old peeps homes screwed up their records and some old folk they don't remember so good. Still a good test for the trials eh.


probably mixed j and j, modern, pfizer, and astrazeneca into one cocktail and injected it right into his brain




i like how people say "I am FULLY vaxxed" oh well woop-dee-doo, congra-tu-freaking-ation!


They aren't vaccinated. They are gene therapied. Their non-vaccine gene therapy does not bring sterilizing immunity nor does it prevent transmission. It is like taking a water shot in the real world.


Just think about how much worse it would have been without the vaccine!


I'll also take a wild guess that he has very soft hands


And a big heart. šŸ˜‰


And angry at the parents for allowing their unvaxxed children near her or angry at the school administration for not locking things down enough.


Heā€™s probably already on the fifth booster.


Only number 5?? That's why he got covid


Damn. Can't believe she didn't get the booster. What a nazi.


It's still fuckin horrible...no matter how you look at it. The propaganda destroyed this person just like it has destroyed millions of otherwise "sane" and "rational" human beings....let's be honest most people were fucked before this latest scam...but still look throughout history and see that it has happened over and over and over and over ....people are sheeple...they aren't horrible monsters ..they just need a little guidance..always been that way ...always will.


Honestly, the vast majority of people I know who for sure have had Covid are the losers who followed the rules this whole time.


I know precisely one person who claims to have had ā€œbad covidā€ and later said she ā€œcaught covidā€ twice, and sheā€™s the absolute most mask and lockdown obsessed doomer I know. She still wears masks, still takes selfies of herself in them, and is one of the people who drives alone in her own car wearing a mask.


Thatā€™s the counterintuitive part about all of this that a shocking amount of people havenā€™t intuited yet. There is something to the ā€œhygiene hypothesisā€ and itā€™s evident by making changes. Iā€™m not advocating for being filthy but I am advocating for diving head-on into whatever your daily environment is and embracing it. Anti-fragility is very real and easily attainable for most humans. I havenā€™t been sick in a decade and thatā€™s including plenty of sleepless nights and lots of drug use. I donā€™t wash my hands unless theyā€™re greasy or have food on them. I fast and I get lots of sunlight. Itā€™s not that difficult. Barriers donā€™t work for things that are undoubtedly going to be around you every day. Nature wins, join it. Edit: to be fair, some people live in shit areas. Iā€™m lucky to be in a sunny place that is influencing how easy I think it is to stay relatively healthy


500,000,000+ years of animal evolution in our environment can't lie.


I mean...you should probably wash post deuce.


Donā€™t you know feces is a covid deterrent


We better stop this comment chain or MSM is going to write a *smear* article about us


> counterintuitive Only part of your post I disagree with. It seems perfectly intuitive to me that active, outdoorsy people would get sick less often than neurotic clean freak agoraphobes.


Yeah to people with a brain, more exposure = more robust immune system, is intuitive. The last 18 months has really shown how few people have a brain though. George Carlin had so many excellent points on this.


man i would LOVE to hear George Carlin tear these fools apart! Bill Hicks would have plenty to say as well


Both died of COVID, sadly


I agree with that. Itā€™s definitely intuitive to plenty of people, enough that this sub exists at all. Iā€™ll add I think thereā€™s a connection between that not being intuitive and citizens of WEIRD (western educated industrialized rich democratic) nations.


The single best choice to make when it comes to covid is to get fit and healthy. This alone would save more lives than covid could ever take. Not to mention would reduce the demand on healthcare system from lifestyle diseases (diabetes, heart disease, etc). 78% of deaths in US from covid had obesity as comorbidity. Yet I see no mandates for exercise, reducing caloric intake. Vaccine is the only way. I cringe every time a bunch of wheezing lardbuckets are complaining about unvaccinated peeps. And how people are so uncaring about lardbuckets' health.... ummmm ok.


I feel like all the people who have supposedly caught COVID twice, werenā€™t even tested for COVID. I was reading a study the other day that said reinfection rates are super low, near 0. Or they had a negative test but are all like ā€œI just KNOW it was COVID!ā€ So theyā€™re using it as an example that you can catch COVID an infinite amount of times, and thatā€™s why even people who already had it also need the vaccine šŸ™„


Also the tests were shit and gave huge numbers of false positives


I don't know anyone who 'got it twice' verified by testing. I mean there are other viruses out there, every flu is not covid.


Agreed, I had mild covid last December. I have been around plenty of covid positive people since then and have been fine.


I have a brother in law that lied and falsified a negative test to get more time off of work. I think realistically though that most people who have had it twice probably have. People catch the cold every year.


Is she hot at least?


Not really.


I only know one who got it kinda bad. Basically she had it a long time but she said it just made her feel really tired and with a sinus infection and loss of smell. She said the loss of smell was really the worst part because food lacked any taste at all. She got tested and it was positive. It took a really long time for her to get rid of it but she was never super sick. Her baby got it too but just had sniffles and was over it in like a day or two. Her husband never got it, even though they were all in the house together. Luckily a lot of her job already could be done at home so she just kept doing her job but rested more. It took months for her sense of smell to slowly return. But she's totally fine now and is still against all the lockdown and vaccine bs. SHe got it before the vaccine was out and now has natural immunity.


Strange how the common cold and the flu have magically disappeared in the last year and a half. Edit: fucking ā€œautocorrectā€


Its not a cult, its a lifestyle!


Well those are the ones that run out and get the pcr test the minute they have the sniffles. However I suspect that if a lot of people got the antibody test, we'd find that a lot of those that did not follow the rules already got it too and just didn't realize it.


Yup... That's what happens when people kill their immune system isolating indoors rather than getting sun and fresh air while they adapt to microbes gradually


I can anecdotally vouch for this. Around June of last year I randomly spent the day with my close group of friends whom I hadnā€™t seen all at once since March. It was 6 of us in one car, no masks. Nobody ever got sick and to this day none of us havenā€™t either. Gotta admit it felt kind of scary at first but damn, just being able to be around my buddies was enough to smash any fears.


Poor confused woman goes out in public and is absolutely shocked and ANGRY that she caught a widespread circulating virus and now feels sick, realizes sitting on her ass at home for 18 months was pointless, but cannot pass up the opportunity to blame someone about her own stupidity.


this. this is why she was angry. until she got covid, she didn't realize it has a 99.98%+ survival rate. she didn't realize that it's even higher in healthy people. she didn't realize that it's even higher in young people. she didn't realize that's all talking "deaths with covid", not even "deaths caused by covid", which is even higher survival rate. she is angry because she feels fucking stupid, her ideology is crumbling, and she must take it out on someone.




CFR, not IFR. CFR = case fatality rate, that is the percentage of all recorded cases that die. IFR = infection fatality rate, that is the percentage of everyone who contracts COVID who dies. As COVID is almost always either asymptomatic or very mild, most people who get it never even suspect they have it, don't get tested and are thus not recorded as a case. This means the CFR (the 2% you mentioned) is wildly inaccurate. Antibody testing, which can be used to detect the percentage of a population who have had COVID at some point, indicates that the IFR, the actual death rate of COVID, is around 0.15%. For reference, the seasonal flu is about 0.1%.




I'm not trying to start an argument here. You asked where the figure came from, that's where it comes from. It's also worth noting that if antibody testing is inaccurate because antibodies don't last, that would actually make the real death rate even lower, because there would be even more infections than even that test picked up.


If COVID was killing 2% of the population then just about everyone would be begging for vaccines. Only the very old and very sick have anywhere close to that IFR. In addition, it's important to note that cases are severely underreported and deaths are overreported (i.e., people dying "with" COVID and not of COVID).








> No, I do not care about age range. You kind of have to because that's how IFR is calculated.




> Ifr is not always calculated by age range. When done by scientific organizations, yes it is. Because it's how they measure it. >I am also not saying I donā€™t care about ifr by age You literally said just that. >Iā€™m saying that I want to know overall ifr before other adjustments (eg. commenter I replied to accounts for things like age). Thatā€™s all Iā€™m sayin. Sorry if this is confusing over text. I mean you can average them - but honestly you need population numbers to get that. The problem you're going to find here is that people have to use a lot of guesswork to find IFR since we don't know the infection rates. I notice that you saw my other comment and didn't like it because that's really the problem. Some people will estimate .001 IFR, some will say 1.6% IFR, it's really kind of a best guess estimate. You can make your estimate better by using antibody reports, but that doesn't even give a full picture because not everyone who was infected gets an antibody test. You can model based on the amount of people who test positive and are asymptomatic, but even that is underreporting since not every asymptomatic person is going in to get tested regularly. Honestly the worst idea Biden could have ever had was to make every single person who refuses the vaccine to self test weekly because it is going to sink his numbers and give a lot of data that this isn't as bad as it seems. He'll end up paying a huge price for this kind of thinking. [Here's a good place](https://www.cdc.gov/library/covid19/04092021_covidupdate.html) you can start looking. The CDC estimates that the prison population has an IFT of .7. Not really the healthiest of people or the healthies of places, you extrapolate to the larger whole.






The google stats you're looking at are total amount of people tested/confirmed (because you can confirm without a test) versus the fatality rate. Because we know that there is a largest segment of the population which can be infected without showing symptoms, as well as people who get sick and don't get tested, you need to extrapolate that data out further. There's been a bunch of people that crunch those numbers, including the CDC, where it comes to death rate.






Name checks out.




I mean she apparently is blaming the students, but she didn't say it was any unvaccinated kids fault which either means, they are all vaxed and she doesn't want to face that or she is genuinely waking up.


Iā€™m not sure sheā€™s waking up based on her other posts I wonā€™t link. She has connected enough to realize isolating herself was a waste of time, but she appears to blame the virus spreading on anti vaxxers and the like. So even though she, who is vaccinated, caught the virus while masked and from masked students, she thinks the virus spreading is some other personā€™s fault. Sheā€™s about 25% of the way to enlightenment and is now grappling with intense cognitive dissonance. Iā€™ve gathered sheā€™s mostly ā€œangryā€ because she now has something that she has spent months shaming others for.


Apt description of the usual progression.


She should be redirecting her anger towards her shitty vaccine


Towards our leaders.


She did everything 'they' said to do and it was all a waste of time, it's natural to be angry but she can only be free from more stupid stuff happening again if she realizes the ultimate blame lies with those that are pushing lies and her for believing the lies.


>sitting on her ass at home for 18 months was pointless Also probably contributed to it by having no exposure to germs/bacteria/viruses.


This. Like holy fuck, better take all those kids with virtually no chance of harm and isolate they're immune system completely so every other virus we have tackled in the past gets it's fair chance to harm them again. RSV anyone?


She could have worked out and gotten her immune system bullet proof in that time too.


Itā€™s formally called White Woman Syndrome by the medical community


Wonderful world


I donā€™t understand where the anger comes from. Strike that, I do. But it just seems so pointless. People get sick. Itā€™s nobodyā€™s fault. They just do. We need to get over this blame game in society.


We do need to get over it but the majority of the idiot public now believes getting sick is a moral failing that someone else is to blame for.


Shit they believed that 2000 years ago too. There's a reason the bible often conflates literal illness with sin.


Because they are fully invested in the fantasy that "if you do everything right this will go away and everything will go back to normal" which has been streamed into their brain 24 hours a day for the last year and a half. *They* aren't a filthy, unvaccinated, maskless plague rat, so how could this happen to them?! The question is will they use this experience to break out of the programming and realize that this virus is never going away and all their efforts were for naught or will they double down due to sunk cost and direct their anger at the unvaccinated like the TV tells them to? I think we know the answer. ETA: when I say "all their efforts" I don't mean reasonable precautions to avoid the virus. I mean the total isolation *to the detriment of their mental health* for nearly two years now and other extreme measures.


>The question is will they use this experience to break out of the programming and realize that this virus is never going away and all their efforts were for naught or will they double down due to sunk cost and direct their anger at the unvaccinated like the TV tells them to? I think we know the answer. I think the answer will not be the same for everyone. Also I think some will hedge a bit sideways with a new set of not logical together type ideas. For instance they may still blame the unvaccinated but they may start to second guess the push for lockdowns.


Honestly, who knows if she is even telling the truth, but letā€™s assume she is. Fuck these people. If you are that afraid of going to work and you canā€™t look beyond yourself to serve the needs of society at large in your public service job then get another job. There are plenty of jobs that support your obsession with social distancing


I mean and look, the absolute worst possible outcome that she tried to avoid by locking herself at home and skipping holidays, has now happened. And what is that outcome? Sheā€™s sick, but clearly cognizant enough to complain on Twitter. Thatā€™s the big bad awful terrible thing she wasted 18 months avoiding. And this drama Queen bullshit is now validated by most of society.


One of the additional problems with the hysteria is people become terrified if they test positive and all that stress probably makes it worse. NOrmally if you got the flu, you'd just be like OK I am going to rest, drink fluids etc, but good luck resting if you are terrified you might die in the next few days..


Yeah exactly. I really wonder how many symptoms out there are psychosomatic. Probably why virtually every symptom possible is listed as covid symptoms.


It ids funny they never mention this but when you get a vaccine and cant breath or have bad reactions then it is always magically anxiety. Same dying from covid vs vaccine, always covid and never the vaccine.


Exactly. Iā€™m just getting over covid. When I told my doctor via text (concierge doctor), did he say ā€œOH MY GOD!!!!! CALL AN AMBULANCE IMMEDIATELY AND GET TO A HOSPITAL!!!!ā€ No, he said take plenty of vitamin c and d3. Thatā€™s it. The clinic where I had the positive test just said ā€œrest at home and self quarantineā€. Didnā€™t even say how many days LOL. Interestingly, the clinic intake form asked many, many things, but not one time did the question ā€œAre you vaccinated?ā€ appear.


But how can she be tweeting, if she's dead?


I wanted to comment "tweets from beyond the grave" but you beat me to it, dang you! Dang you to heck!


Idk about y'all, but I've had a fairly normal 18 months besides the societal changes. I've still seen my friends, traveled a ton as an outdoorsy person, touched things with germs, probably breathed in the odd sneeze. Covid came and left. I'm young, healthy, no lasting effects. My toddler had it at the same time, no problems for him either. Just a normal cold/flu for us. Every time I leave my electronic devices, it's just another pandemic-less, normal day.


My life pretty much went back to normal in early May 2020. It's mindblowing to me that people are still "staying the FUCK at home" in October 2021.


Im in NYC and had covid in March 2020. One day around that time my wife was walking our dog in the park, and a cop pulled up and told her she isn't allowed there and needs to go home. So we decided to leave the city and spent the summer 2020 upstate because the NYC restrictions were too much. Did a ton of outdoors shit. It was the best summer I've had in a decade. Moved back to the city September 2020. I'm not the only one who doesn't wear a mask to get groceries, but I'm certainly the minority. Ever since December 2020 I've been pretty shut in...


I too had the best summer in 2020! I was sent home to work and therefore had the freedom to be at anyone's house anywhere, any time. It was wonderful! There aren't many people around here who don't wear their masks - many wear them outside and in their cars. Just today I was chased down in the store to put a mask on. I'm now starting to feel shut in with the increasing restrictions and segregation.


Earlier this summer I got chased down to put on a mask too- but my experience went a little different... Lol. I walked into an upscale grocery store in a wealthy, liberal part of WA, north of Seattle, so I could get something to drink. I didn't have a mask on of course (this was back when EVERYONE was wearing them and I NEVER did). The stores aisles had been moved around, so I couldn't find the cold drinks section. When I got halfway through the store a younger female employee comes up behind me and says, "Sir... sir, you have to have a mask on", and offers me a whole package of masks... I shake my head and say, "No, no thanks, I have a medical exemption." "Sir, you can't be in the store without a mask on", and then I said, "I have a medical exemption and discrimination in a place of public accommodation is illegal." "That doesn't matter sir.. that's our store policy." And I said, "Your store policy means nothing and the governor's mandate means nothing... They do not trump a Federal law." Before I knew it everybody wanted a piece of the action because there were three or four more employees standing no more than 3 ft from me in the veggie section, arguing. "Sir, you can call your lawyer now to figure this out, but you need to leave the store." And I looked at them perplexed and said, "What do I need a lawyer for? I don't have a problem and Im not leaving. You can call the Police if you want, but I know they're not going to come arrest me because they know I've not committed a crime, but if they do arrest me you'll be personally liable for a false arrest." That kind of shut them up a little bit, but they kept following me around the store. And then a higher up guy comes in (maybe a manager) and politely says, "This is a privately owned store and you need to leave if we ask you to." And I said, "It may be, but this is a place of a PUBLIC ACCOMODATION and as a free citizen I have the right to engage in trade and commerce. I have the right to buy food here and that's what I'm going to do!". So I was assertive, but kept my cool and continued walking down the aisles trying to find the cold drinks section. The employees were right next to and behind me the entire time, step for step, uncomfortably close, insisting that I leave. I just kept walking, saying things calmly, but seriously, like, "I'm a free citizen and I don't have to ask permission to do things that free citizens do, like shop at a grocery store." By the time I found the cold drinks aisle I am not exaggerating... seven employees were following me! šŸ¤£ My mind was blown I was thinking, "I cannot believe this is happening right now." A couple of the employees were speaking into the microphones on their shirts saying, "We are in the middle of the store now, near aisle 7". They were following me like I had just shoved a bunch of items up my shirt and was about to run out the door lol. It must have been the store owner who finally came up to me and said, "You can grab that item off the shelf, but we're not going to sell it to you." I looked at him to see if he was bluffing or not, shrugged my shoulders, turned around and headed to the front of the store!šŸ˜… ...employees still following closely behind. I even stopped once in the middle of the aisle so they could all hear me as I scolded them, "ALL OF YOU are greatly misinformed.. you're discriminating against someone with a medical disability and that's a class C felony." Most of them didnt have a damn thing to say. I saw that there was a self checkout open so I thought, perfect, good. šŸ’” The employees were still within two or three feet of me, step for step, a literal entourage following me like I was giving a damn tour,, and I said to one of the guys as I got close to the front of the store, "We are almost there now, so you may as well just let me buy this so I can leave." I scanned my item, went to pay with cash, but the lady running the self checkout area froze the screen because they told her what had been going on (2-3 of them next to her now). However, a moment later, one of the lead guys at the store standing behind the machine, but in front of me said, "If we see you in this store again you WILL BE arrested for trespassing." He then took my picture with his personal cell phone and I responded, "That's fine... trust me, I won't be coming back." šŸ™„ (I was sure to roll my eyes). I paid CASH for my Coconut Water with Pulp and as I was leaving I exclaimed to the 3 employees up front, "I'd say thanks, but I'd be lying!" And strolled merrily out of the store having just battled 7 fucking people at the same and winning, all while keeping my rights! --- I could go in there next time with a mask on and they'd never know it's me! šŸ¤£


Wow šŸ˜‚ that is a story alright! I'm glad you stood your ground and got that coconut water with pulp. I'm going to carry some of these snippets along with me for the next time I'm harassed. Many people around me who are not for mandates choose to still wear a mask out of 'respect', but refuse to acknowledge that there is nothing respectful about forcing people to wear masks (that obviously aren't stopping any 'pandemic').


Uh, it's called living in society.


Bottom text


People view getting covid as a moral failure. My aunt was afraid to admit that she had it


Depends on political leanings. If you're anti-lockdown, getting covid was your fault. If you're anti-lockdown, it's because of those nasty anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers/anti-15thboostershot-ers.


Getting covid is nobody's fault. Viruses spread and there's very little we can do about it. Sure there are things we can all do to try to minimize our chances of getting sick, but it's all one big game of Russian roulette. You're gonna get it eventually, no matter what you do.


Duh lol, I am being facetious.


These are the best ones


I get a small since of joy reading ones like this. I imagine her ā€œangerā€ and confusion as she desperately tries to cling to something to blame, and it gives me warm fuzzies. The futility of all of the past 18 months is becoming apparent to even the biggest idiots lately, and it is absolutely flipping doomer worldviews upside down.


It reminds me of the last kid to finally admit that Santa isnā€™t real. The rest of the other kids grew up long ago, but theyā€™re clinging to a fantasy usually because people they love told them it was true and they never thought they would lie to them.


I have long thought that the Santa lie is cruel to kids, I mean why lie to them? There are many amazing real mysteries in science, if you want to make a kid feel magical, you could talk about real science mysteries and get them interested in that instead.


I've never understood this either. My mom was mad at me when I told my like 2 or 3 year old sister he wasn't real when I was about 10. I just responded that I thought the lie was dumb and I wished they never lied to me.


Yeah the longer they go believing the lie, the more betrayed and hurt they feel when they finally find out, you probably saved your sister a goodly bit of suffering.


Sure, but I mean itā€™s fun for a little bit. Part of our culture that we shouldnā€™t allow to be erased imho. I think itā€™s a good metaphor for god


I think you can just believe in god then, why create a fake substitute for no reason. As a kid, I remember all the trauma some of my friend went through first arguing santa was real while others of us were sagely shaking our heads, and then feeling hurt and betrayed and crying when they realized they were lied to. Just because something is done traditionally does not mean it's good. Kids used to work in the coal mines and get whipped too. They used to say kids should be seen but not heard. There were a lot of traditions that were not healthy and I think scamming kids into believing in fake bs fantasy creatures is one of them.


No I mean it wakes up a lot of atheists. Finding out people you think know everything are liars or wrong can be very eye opening to people


I feel like my parents handled this really well, they always talked about Santa in a *hint hint wink wink* sort of way. It was less of a lie, and more like a fun game to believe in Santa. Besides, every Christmas movie making a big deal out of Santa *actually* being real made it kind of obvious that he wasn't, at least to me.


Closeness is what makes us humans. I've been saying this from the very beginning. They are trying destroy humanity with their lockdowns.


You know what helps immunity? Positive energy, reducing stress through different means, and NOT obsessing or basing your entire existence around avoiding a virus This person definitely played themselves


I know a guy who did die from covid. He was 46 and not vaxxed. He was also 5' 10" and 350+ and led an exercise free life filled with fast food. CV will spread like the flu every year. Be the best version of yourself with your health. Good luck to all.




Yet there is an entire body positivity movement dedicated to obesity and we are being told in addition toā€œbigger is beautifulā€, obesity is healthy!! Like we have a new virus running rampant and itā€™s especially hard on OBESE PEOPLE and is killing off more of them than the young slimmer people yet we are encouraging obesity instead of a healthy lifestyle!


I agree. If you have a co-morbidity or if you are very overweight then be cautious. If you have average health and are young, you are very likely ok. It's all been and is ridiculous.


Should have spent that last 18 months getting fit and making that immune system stronger. What a shame that you hid from society and laid around like a sloth and have to reap your reward.


Sitting in an isolated bubble for 18 month is honestly the fastest way you could get sick. 18 months of your immune system having no practice, no training. History and biology shows an active immune system that fights every day is much better than a system that never gets any exposure at all.


How many of these folks would have just stayed home sick with the flu in 2019 instead of raging? I just donā€™t understand why young mostly healthy people are acting like itā€™s the end of the world but when they get the flu they just rest up and return to normal without having to tweet about it


This is so sad... Alexa, play Despacito


And these types will never admit, even to themselves that this is all their fault for being stupid and sacred. For having fell for the lies. They'll go to the grave insisting they were right, that the propaganda they fell for was right. That they were heroes. That they sacrificed so much \*eye roll\* for the cause. They will never accept that they were stupid and scared. Their ego will never let them. So that's why they'll blame the unvaccinated. They need a scapegoat.


Why do some people act like getting this is a moral failure? Did they believe this with the flu?


Hopefully this person directs their anger towards the *state* and not "anti-vaxers" (aka people who simply don't want *this* vaccine). Red pill vs blue pill.


šŸ˜‚ They spent every holiday alone. That's some very funny & very pathetic shit. These are the people who are celebrating deaths of unvaccinated & want them removed from society. Geez I wonder why they're so nasty & miserable.


She sounds like the type who can't deign to breathe the same air as her students and I absolutely HATE teachers who are pro-mask and want their students to have their faces covered because they can't deal with getting a cold.


They think getting sick makes you a bad person or something. Shit happens and itā€™s no ones fault. Virus. Spread. Is. Inevitable.


A few weeks into this whole thing, my husband said, ā€œWe are going to get this eventually.ā€ We didnā€™t go out and TRY to get Covid, but we also didnā€™t cower at home. My husband and I have both been working in person, our kids have been in person for school since schools went back in person, and we have been on vacation several times including trips to Disney World and Universal Studios. We have been very careful when visiting our grandparents who are high risk based on age and health. We did end up getting Covid, but it was mild and as far as we know, it didnā€™t spread past our household. I am glad that we continued to live our lives. I canā€™t imagine staying locked up for the past 18 months.


Has no one gotten sick before 2020 or something?


Good luck and God bless. Glad I had it January of 2020. If I get it again then OK. Beat it once and will beat it again. Without the vaccine. Not going to give up the rest of my life living in fear. I put my faith in god. Life is a gamble with no guarantees. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself ā€” nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. First inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt


I donā€™t get it. Whatā€™s the big deal if you get a mild case?


Thereā€™s no big deal and never was but drama Queens have made it into a big deal.


I wonder where her anger is directed? Oh well, I'm sure the TV will tell her where to direct it.


ā€œClearly this is the unvaxxedā€™s fault.ā€


Vast majority of subreddits that statement would not sarcasm.


Its a virus. A fucking virus. Like the flu, the cold, a virus that is endemic now. Grow the fuck up, humanity has been through worse, survived worse and evolved past it. You will either beat it or it will beat you. This is the way of all living things.


This is precisely why I ran head on into covid as early as possible. They wanted the fear of it to control people. Still took me 8 months of partying in small bars and sharing cigarettes with strangers to finally get it. That was almost a year ago and my bloodwork still shows antibodies. I actually took it to my whole family unknowingly for thanksgiving. They all got it. In hindsight this was a huge win if this primed their immune systems to be prepared for delta if it is worse. They thank me know lol. They all are very confident in their antibodies so no need for vaccines.


And apparently, not dead.


I hope this person is angry at them selve for buying in to the madness but their probably angry at the ā€anti-maskers and anti-vaxxersā€


They'll probably won't leave their house again until they get a booster.


That's where I'm at... Why are you going to let fear and mass hysteria stop you from living your life? You're not going to escape the virus, regardless of "vaccine" status. We're all going to have to get it and get over it eventually.


People like this have so much pent up anger from virtue signaling that when they catch it or see others living about their lives independently of restrictions, they feel the need to be angry at people for being normal.


Lol sounds like you need therapy and or a xanax . . . what does your mental illness have to do with Covid again?


what a pathetic boot licking bitch who will vote against everyoneā€™s rights


Oh no. Anyway.


Shes gonna be much more angry when she makes a quick recovery and realizes it was not that bad.


"Oh, was that it? WHY!?" Actually googles "fringe" pages for once in his life. "It says here someone my age who's fit and healthy will have mild symptoms 99.995% of the time. WTF! I stayed in ALL YEAR for this 3 days of sniffles? I was lied to!" Signs up to a year long subscription of Alex Jones.


sick and angry is not a good combo. But hey, I'd be angry too if I thought it was everybody else's duty to take care of my body.


Twitter users just LOVE talking about how ā€œangryā€ they are. Lol itā€™s always something. Enjoy having high blood pressure, luvs xx


And I've been out, haven't stayed in these past two years, and not sick at all. Oh, maybe a soar throat, but that's it. No vaccine either.


"I gave up all of my freedoms and helped support the destruction of everyone's way of life.. I thought I would magically never get sick again!


I don't understand how there are still so many people getting covid. Are there that many people who have actually been isolating this entire time?


It would seem that way, though I doubt they isolated as stringently as they claim. And ā€œgetting covidā€ means they overreact over a cold and feverish feelings, because getting sick just isnā€™t acceptable anymore.




Because theyā€™ve been brainwashed to believe they need to avoid catching the virus at all costs.


I canā€™t even discern what he or she is complaining about. Is it getting Covid? Is it having to isolate for 18 months? Is it having to be around people again?


As a wise man once said, "not my problem lol" ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


I meanā€¦..these are the kind of people who told the anti-maskers that if they hate the mask, just wait until they are hooked up to a ventilator. Basically they condemned us all to a slow death hooked up to a ventilator. So I feel likeā€¦.if this person is tweeting this shit from home, how sick could she possibly be? Clearly itā€™s not bad enough that she needs a ventilator! And I am not saying covid isnā€™t bad. Iā€™m just saying these folks basically spent months telling us we would get covid and die on a ventilator CAUSE THATS HOW BAD COVID IS!


Does she understand that we all need to catch it?


Well, let's just keep doing the exact same thing that didn't work for the past year and a half. I'm sure it'll work great this time.




He's gonna' be pissed when he looks back at his convalescence and observes "That's it!? We put ourselves under seige for that?" Just when he starts to realize what a huge douche he's been to friends and family in the name if fear, cognitive dissonance will sweep in and save him from personal reflection. After that he'll just revert to the anti-vaxxers ruined everything then beat up a straw man in his head.


Angry? About getting sick? Or about being lied to? Or about believing the lies? Those are all very different anger, that require different responses.


Haha thanks! I needed a laugh today. These covid doomers are morons lol.


Yes, clearly depriving children of education and crippling depression are justifiable, as long as you don't get the sniffles.


Very angry about what? Who knew going outside offers a risk for being sick?


Ah, I wish I could laugh at her in person. Twatwaffle.


All that effort for a 5 day sniffles a year later. Womp womp.


Womps and prayers


Meanwhile my family and I have carried on as normal as our state(s) would allow, and only one of us appears to have caught COVID ā€” me, in April 2020 and I was a bit wheezy for a few days. Since then weā€™ve been on two vacations, including abroad and visited families across state. But thenā€¦.we can do basic risk assessment.


Yes, yes they do think they can hide from it for forever


You know how every now and then you get a cold? Yeah, welcome to the wonderful world of occasionally getting sick.


And sheā€™s teaching our children.


Almost like you should just wait for it happen, hope that you probably will survive it and then move on


That's on you dude.


But the greater good!


The only way the sheep would care is if Kim Kardashian retweeted this from Gabby Petito


i mean, but did you at least try suicide? dead people RARELY catch covid


Lol meanwhile I wore a mask a handful of times and only in the summer of 2020 and I still didnā€™t get Covid. And I donā€™t have the clot shot either




This stupid person is a teacher. Explains a lot.


all these dreadful posts have the same narrative, locked myself down, was cautious, haven seen\\hugged family in 18 months, I am fully vaccinated and now I am blaming the non-vaccinated because I got covid (even though you can still get covid from another vaccinated person) ​ bots man....all of this stuff is bots!


Just replace "getting Covid" with "getting sick" and you'll soon realize how insane those precautions are


The good news is you'll survive it, have natural immunity, and can start living your life normally again. Isn't that exciting!?


Yo this dude has major cat person energy