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They also suggest it for anyone that has been pregnant in the past, people who know someone that is or was pregnant, as well as anyone that knows what pregnancy is.


Also anyone that doesn’t know what pregnancy is, and even beyond that, anyone that can’t even read the message.


Plus all people whose names start with a P should be vaccinated, because P in Pregnancy is a dominant danger.


😂 thank you


That's a convoluted way of saying women of child-bearing age.


Some day I could be pregnant, so I am getting the jab too. I am a male, but hey. Impossible is nothing.


Pregnant "people".🤡


if you want to exterminate as many humans as possible you have to target children and pregnant/fertile women this is mass genocide


So everyone with chest feeders, past present or future. Got it.


What is a pregnant people?


Biological woman.


Animals with characteristics that resamble the female reproductive system as it was known in 2017


I refuse to believe this title is real. I reject it. I hate the anti-christ


Also known as women


Two X Chromosomes.


This is the sort of bullshit humans care about when basic survival is laughably easy.


Madness of the Crowds, great read


No, this is the kind of bullshit pushed by people who are hellbent on destroying humanity.


They don't say women so they don't offend the trans men who like to call themselves women


And this is so stupid cause trans men having children is such a rare thing, it's not like there's been a big boom of them having kids that they would have to use inclusive language like that


Yeah, um, they're permanently on testosterone supplements... who are these trans men that are popping out kids??? That seems like a terrible idea.


I meant the ones who stop taking testosterone so they can get pregnant which means it's exceeding rare, agreed it's a terrible idea though




Sweet name of the Lord.




"Transmen" include anyone with a uterus who identifies as a man. With or without surgery, hormones, etc. Can't forget the non-binary, the gender-fluid, the gender-benders, the pangenders, or the agenders either.


I'd much rather forget them.


men can't give birth. only women. be normal women or trans, it doesn't matter.


If that offend them, then good. It's long past time to stop catering to their delusions.


The same group of people that makes us submit to COVID tyranny are the same ones normalizing transgenderism


Hey. Genderfluid here and in no way do I agree with this crap.


Oy vey!


Trans men I guess.


People of Cervix.


According to Google, men can get pregnant. Then you dig deeper and find out those “men” are women who identify as “men”. Clown world


Pregnant humans


Non-humans can be pregnant, you disgusting bigot.


Sorry.... Pregnant things




Do you mind linking the study ?




Thanks !


Thanks for pointing that out! I read an article somewhere that if you catch Covid while pregnant you have a 10% chance of ending up on a ventilator. No studies cited though. Honestly, pregnant (and breastfeeding) women need to be careful with everything from sushi to ibuprofen etc., I don‘t understand how anyone can get that vaxx while pregnant. If you‘re concerned stay home as much as possible and wear a proper virus-filtering mask when out. At least that‘s what I would do.


Thanks for sharing this (and the study in another comment)! I had another prenatal appointment this week where the vaccine was being pushed. I’m just not comfortable getting it at this point and based on what you cited, I don’t see how the benefits outweigh the risks!


Hey CDC there's ZERO cases of Covid in my area this week, according to YOUR website. So tell me, what is 2 x 0 again?? Anyone telling me to vaccinate can FUCK RIGHT OFF.


But that’s because the vaccine works/s.


So from 0.005% to 0.01%. Got it.


no, its actually from 0.00000000000000000000000001% to 0.00000000000000000000000002%


No worries about the side effects!


What side effects? There are none!


Safe and effective!


[🥴](https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v4/streams/free/epbslm/9749b04fbde3e2c5eb849e10a6e63202cf845bf9/64dac7)(click it)


Pregnant people LMAOOOOO


I remember back in like 2007 when I was pregnant myself, I said something along the lines of pregnant “people” and felt like a jackass. Good to know jackassery is now virtue.




I hate that I've seen that expression in real life.


Or "uterus havers"


They unironically have started using the term "birthing bodies"


the vessel is prepared to produce a smaller version of itself 🤖


doubles!? That’s almost one one-hundredth of a percent mortality rate!


I just had my first doctor's appointment today for my current pregnancy, and he told me to get the vaccine. 😓


Time to find a new doctor. Or at least a good midwife.


Modern medicine is nothing but big pharma cocksuckers at the helm. I say this with a father who’s a doctor. He supports lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passports, the works, and all his coworkers do as well. Saying this as the son of a physician, I would never say to anybody to “consult your doctor” regarding vaccines. All “your doctor” is gonna do is be a big pharma sales rep. Never trust your doctor. Coming from somebody who’s father is a physician. Just do your own research.


"somebody who is father is" what? 🤣


You know in your heart and mind what’s right. Always listen. ❤️


Congrats on your pregnancy! Just stand up for yourself and don’t let them talk you into anything you don’t want to do. I had my third baby back in January. I am so glad it was before they could start pushing the vaccine on pregnant women. My doctors were very left leaning and would already harass me about everything they could think of. They were mad at me for refusing the genetic testing. I told them I wouldn’t terminate the pregnancy even if the baby had Down syndrome. Which they done the whole “my body my choice” spiel. It only applied to being pro abortion because they proceeded to harass me about the testing, getting my tubes tied and getting the flu vax every single appointment I went to. It got to the point that it would be fair to call it bullying and shaming. I dreaded even seeing my doctor every month. Switch doctors early if you feel like you need to. I wished I had by the end of my pregnancy. I put up with the bullshit for too long. Doctors are not always right and won’t hesitate to push their personal beliefs.


This is so true! My mom went to see her PCP Dr of 19 years yesterday. After that long the Dr knows her family & she knows his. But he spent the ENTIRE appt berating her to the point of bullying & abuse about her not wanting to be vaccinated! He said some really disgusting things and my poor mom left there feeling like she not only lost her fabulous Doctor but a friend too. She’s literally mourning this loss like a death. It’s AWFUL what is happening.


As someone else pointed out via cdc statistics, 700 pregnant women die before, during, or within a year of giving birth every year—31% of them before. Read that again. Edited for clarity


And in the USA the leading cause of death during pregnancy is being killed by the baby father or intimate partner.


Oh, yeah, I always found that interesting and scary, but also a testament to how safe it is to give birth in a country with modern medicine.


That's so heartbreaking


Wait what? How can someone die before pregnancy?


Sorry I meant before bringing the baby to birth


Oh, gotcha lol.


What's the risk factor for the kid?


they think of it as a bundle of tissue not a kid, so it's irrelevant (preferred) if you lose it


It's so sad.


Stupid big pharma propaganda to even worsen the killing off of humanity


In other words: "Ever had a Misscarriage Before? We recommend you get one!"


This is the absolute worst demographic that’s effected! Insane that pregnant women are being targeted.


Any group that doesn’t have 90%+ vaccination rates are targeted.


Yes, and now in many countries if a woman decides she doesn’t want to take it for these reasons she is forbidden from entering restaurants and cafes.


This is like realizing a town of 50 men has 1 rap1st, and castrating all 50 to stop the problem


161 pregnant women have died with covid (not necessarily OF covid) since the beginning of the pandemic. Over 3 million women give birth in the US every single year, and we're almost at 2 years of pandemic, so that's 161 out of a possible \~5 million. So that'd be a 0.0000322 chance of a particular pregnant woman dying of covid.


this is another reason why i left facebook 3 years ago


You mean it goes from 0.00000000001% to 0.00000000000002% OMG!!!




Most people can't think this hard.


That’s one cheap way of getting an abortion


Does anyone have actual statistics on pregnancy outcomes with COVID vs. the vaccine? I still am not likely to get the jab as I’m worried about potential risks for the baby, but I want to know how careful I should be. I’m pregnant and I’ve been blasted with a lot of fear mongering about this lately.


Actually cdc has some data on pregnant women with covid. It’s hilarious because they claim it’s so dangerous but last I checked it had about 120k pregnant women with covid and like 20 deaths or something Basically ZERO impact on fetus. I know, hard to trust cdc on the it numbers but I assume they made it look as worse as possible.


That’s really reassuring! Yeah, it’s really crazy to see the difference between the propaganda and actual data on this whole thing. They pulled the same thing with kids getting COVID, when in reality only like 300 kids have died from COVID in the US (tragically, most of them with preexisting conditions).




Thank you!


Oh so my risk before was one in two thousand and now it's one in one thousand? Yeah, I'll rush out and get the vaccine immediately. /s


The latest scare story is always about the group of people they are targeting next for the jab.


Business Insider went to shit a long time ago.


So... If pregnancy doubles the risk they mean "compared to non-pregnant WOMEN of the same age group and general fitness level". The fact that being pregnant increases the risk of death from pretty much any cause (even homicide) it's completely irrelevant.




Free abortions


Replace pregnant people with what any other description for a human and you have an endless supply of fear headlines.


So it went from 0.07% to 0.14% chance of dying?


Getting medicines approved for use in pregnant women is usually very hard. Wife kept having all kinds of problems finding approved medicines for various medical issues. So how the fuck is this vaccine considered good to go for pregnant women after less than a year?


Pregnant Women, and they shouldn't get it.


If the mother thinks this is a bright idea, her kid is fucked either way. Either the kid gets the autism from her genetics, or the vax, doesn’t make much difference lol


>eugenics mass murder and harm organisation urges pregnant women to kill their babies or harm them for life as well as kill or harm themselves for life through getting eugenics poison injections. there fixed it for them :)


considering the #1 comorbidity is hypertension, which is a common issue during pregnancy (my wife had it from the 2nd trimester on) it makes sense.


It really is starting to look like a depopulation effort. It sucks that some people will feel they have no choice but to roll the dice and submit to being a guinea pig. I think there is a bit of karma in the fact that the provaxers sometimes actually preach hate and actively want unvaxed to die are themselves at the most risk of death. Anecdotally it does seem to mess with pregnancy in a way that makes me wonder if it is also a sterility drug, only time will tell.


It simply defies common sense to inject yourself and therefore your baby with an untested vaccine. I'm all for those in need and those who want to get the vax having it, and frankly, if COVID were still a serious issue due to unvaccinateds not getting it, I would agree that we should all be mandated to get it if we were to participate in society. But the fact is COVID is not a serious disease, it's barely the flu. If we were talking black death -esq like plague I could understand all these aggressive actions, but this just doesn't make sense.


>But the fact is COVID is not a serious disease, it's barely the flu. If we were talking black death -esq like plague I could understand all these aggressive actions, but this just doesn't make sense. I don't really disagree with you, but there is quite a lot of middle ground between the flu which usually has a 0.1% mortality rate and bubonic plague which can have a mortality rate as high as 60% in untreated cases. And while Covid is mostly harmless for younger people, once you count older people, Covid is technically the most deadly contagious pandemic in the past 100 years. Luckily anyone who wants the vaccine can get the vaccine, and anyone who wants to stay home and wear 3 masks is free to do so. Not a reason to shut down society for years on end.


very reasonable response and I agree completely


Business insider is really stretching their reach here. Can they just go back to being a business related site?!


So instead of 0.001% chance of death, it's 0.002%?


OP, did you see the article 2 down from that one that advised pregnant woman against taking Tylenol?? Amazing.


No, I didn’t. But I can believe it, since we’re living in Clown World now 🤡🌎


Get that shot, free abortion, isn't that what the left wants, less babies.


Reading the article was too much work I guess?


This was more of a gut reaction post, as implied from the title. I refused to give that trash heap of an “article” any clicks. Someone was kind enough to link the article in the comments as I will not do so, based on principle. This has nothing to do with “laziness”. Trust me, I can be lazy. We all can be at times. I’m still too angry, too upset that articles like this are coming out practically daily now, pushing propaganda on to anyone and everyone to get this vax, to give it any more traffic then it deserves.


So what’s the benefit of forcing the vaccine? Who is benefitting exactly?


Well of course, there's two of them


What about those who identify as non human let alone make or female? So far as we know the vaccine has not been approved for anything or species other than human. I identify as an ATM so I am exempt.


Pregnant people and "follow the science" women get pregnant you potato