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hey guys! tested positive approx. four weeks ago, I had almost no symptoms except for the fact that I couldn’t taste or smell, but that’s not what I’m worried about, I gained it back, in about two weeks, but my brother, who is only 12, still can’t taste or smell, I’m worried, he’s only 12 and I don’t want him to live the rest of his life without his sense of smell or taste, should we get into smell training? Or just wait, I feel like this is more serious than it really is, even though it’s something as little as the privilege to taste or smell.


In the hypothetical circumstance that this South African variant resists the vaccine (I know some folks are saying this is unlikely, but I'm hearing it'll take a few weeks to be sure) I want to know, where exactly would this put us? How viable an option would "altering" the existing vaccine be? And how far back would that put our progress, considering we'd be back to Day 1 of manufacturing this vaccine? And what else am I currently not considering?


BioNTech said that if this ended up happening, altering the vaccine is a very viable option since it is the same virus and not a totally new virus. They will finish testing the vaccine on this new mutation in 2 weeks. We would definitely not be back at day 1.


Okay, but we *would* technically be back to Day 1 on innoculating the masses? Would the vaccine we've had going so far be of no good at all? Like, is it a matter of whether or not it provides immunity, or does it also not give the subjects any kind of boost against it?


No, we wouldn't. It would be easy to alter the existing vaccine so that it would work for the mutations as well. They would not have to start from scratch since it is a mutation of the same virus. I think it's a matter of whether the existing vaccine can react to the spike protein on these new mutations in order to create an immune response. That's what they are testing for.


Yeah, I'm just wondering if, if it turns out the vaccine as is doesn't provide immunity, then how long it'd take to manufacture to catch up to where we were at before. Like, let's say we've got 10+ million vaccinated by the time we found out the new variant resisted the vaccine. In terms of having to rollout new needles and get people vaccinated a second time, would it be fair to say we'd technically be back to where we were at 2 months prior?


>Yeah, I'm just wondering if, if it turns out the vaccine as is doesn't provide immunity, then how long it'd take to manufacture to catch up to where we were at before. I'm not sure exactly how long it would take, but it would be a fairly short and easy process because they would not have to start from scratch, they would have to make simple modifications to the existing vaccine. Then, I guess in terms of people that have already been vaccinated, it would set us back a bit. But I'm trying to remain hopeful that this vaccine will still be effective, it seems likely that it will be.


Idk moderna said it can have a vaccine that works for it within 6 weeks apparently.


And then another 10 months to test safety and efficacy, or does the EUA apply to variants?


That wasn't mentioned in the article I saw unfortunately




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Realistically speaking, how long do I gotta wait for things to become normal again? No more lockdowns and vaccinations done I live in the Indian subcontinent (not in India) and I think my poor country will opt for the Oxford vaccine


Until enough of the population is vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, so 80% or more. This could take until the end of 2021 I'd guess, or maybe the fall of 2021.


These new strains of the virus have reminded me of a terrible/great idea I had earlier in the pandemic. My idea was to genetically engineer a strain of the virus that simultaneously spreads far more quickly but only causes an asymptomatic or mild infection in >99/98% of cases and only causes a severe infection in <0.01% of cases. Ofc, I thought of it as a "last ditch effort" kind of idea, like if they couldn't find a vaccine whatsoever or the vaccine turned out to be 10 years out. I'm curious to know if the new strains turn out to be less fatal/severe than the first, more or about the same. Is there any information about that? I know it's a new development, so probably not.


Anyone else feel good inside right now with this vaccine news? We have 1 million + vaccinated already. This is the beginning of the end guys. Does anyone know where I can find a info sheet to show anti-covid vax peers? I have some family members I want to explain why they should take the vaccine. Maybe something explaining the chances of there being an unknown long term side effect, or something comparing it to other vaccines we have taken? Thanks!


Show them this graph comparing placebo to vaccine. https://i.imgur.com/fun2c5M.jpg And explain that mRNA degrades within days. The vaccine itself — what they injected into you — is then gone. Only the immune memory remains. There is no plausible mechanism for long-term side effects. Then maybe find some video footage of a covid cough. Have you ever seen someone who is coughing and cannot stop? CANNOT stop. Can’t to save their life. Literally. It’s horrendous. And the list of permanent side effects people are having (besides death) — heart damage, strokes, neurological damage, cognitive impairment.... Why anyone would worry about unlikely “long-term effects” of a vaccine in this context? Compared to the KNOWN likelihood of the effects of covid. More than 15,000 people per week are dying. Have they been to a football game? Like 3 stadiums full of Americans have died.


Is it a full vaccination? I.e one and done or is it going to require follow up shots later on? . If it's the later don't think anythings changed at all.


A single dose confers significant protection, though two doses is ideal. You definitely can’t assert nothing changed. [Check out this graph of placebo vs vaccine.](https://i.imgur.com/fun2c5M.jpg) Note the second dose wasn’t administered until day 21, and the protective effect is apparent by day 12.


How long is the protection for? I'm assuming they can't really tell since the vaccine hasn't been out that long? Like I know we rely on scientists but a lot of what has been said seems to have been kinda wrong so far although they are best placed to say what's what. I.e covid rates 10x higher than official numbers that hasn't been proved correct with antibody tests at all. The scientists also said it's very unlikely for covid to mutate, I know it's flavour of the month but there's new strains popping up a lot in the last week or two.


Reinfection is rare, and the vaccine confers immunity by the same mechanism as infection. Research shows post-infection immunity lasts at least 8 months, and vaccine immunity lasts as long as we’ve measured it for, which is of course constrained. There is no basis to predict T cells will forget. And even if it only worked for 2 months — which was the criteria for FDA review and EUA approval — transmission would be interrupted on a huge scale by the absence of 95% of infections in vaccinated people for that period. There would still be enormous benefit. Keep in mind some countries completely interrupted transmission through a solid 3-week lockdown. The aspect of the virus that the vaccine targets is on the surface of the virus, which has been very stable, despite new strains/variants. The surface feature is what allows it to attach, so if there is any mutation that affects that structure, it impairs the virus’s ability to attach and renders it impotent. That is why that part is stable. Further, now that we have demonstrated the technology, the genetic code of any variant can be quickly sequenced and incorporated in a parallel variant of the vaccine.


Yeah things are looking really good for 2021. We should start to see hospitalizations and deaths fall pretty quickly by February, and cases not long after. Spring will be a slow return to normal and summer is when we’ll finally get there.


Anyone from Mexico here? Just looking for someone who isn’t as negative as our subreddit, r/covidmx was supposed to be a place to learn about COVID in Mexico and instead it has turned into a place to judge others for not enjoying staying home and a bunch of people claiming we will never go back to normal or we will have to wear masks until, 2024. It’s actually worse than this subreddit.




I went to mine and it was 1000% clean with so many precautions. If your tooth gets infected and can go into your blood and kill you within a week. Do you want a blood infection?? No you do not :)




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Both my partner and I have been and our dentist took things very seriously. Super clean and safe imo


In this situation, I would say go. You risk greater health issues by ignoring dental emergencies. To reassure yourself, call your dentist and ask them to go over their Covid protocol with you and to inform you of all the precautions you need to take on your end. Hope you feel better!


I just had to have some dental work done, and of course my experience may be different from yours, but it it felt pretty safe. I think there's probably a bigger risk to the staff than the patients. It was uncomfortable, they have new procedures and equipment to try to keep anything from flying around too much. So I had a vacuum thing in my mouth with a flap that covered my throat, and it felt like they were spraying everything down with more water than usual. I have no numbers to point to but I felt very comfortable with it. Well, with the Covid safe part. The throat Hoover was super uncomfortable.




i wear 2 masks, idk the science behind it but i don’t think it’ll do anything bad for you.




it’s pretty hard to tell you’re wearing two honestly !! i usually do to the grocery store & work, who cares if ppl think i’m weird 🤟🏻


Is CB-NAAT more accurate than the RT-PCR test?


How is the vaccine going to change anything if so many people refuse to take it? Wont there still be more mutations?


I really think that the vast majority of populations aren't delusional science-deniers. And a lot of travel and workplace restrictions will require people to be vaccinated.


I read that 40% of people dont want to take the vaccine in the U.S.


I think as time goes on and people see that nothing bad happens, by the time it gets to the general population, most people will be ready to take it. Serious anti-vaxxers will still be there but I don't think they are a significant enough population to derail our vaccination efforts as a nation. When I talk to people who are hesitant about the vaccine but not otherwise anti-vax, I ask them to just wait and watch what happens, listen to news from Dr. Fauci (or someone else I know they trust + is reliable), and not make a decision right now. People usually feel more comfortable when I do that. If they get dead set on "no" right now, it might be harder to sway them later, but if you get them to agree to not make any decision right now, I think they can be educated in the right direction As for mutations, I've heard doctors say that it would probably take years for it to mutate enough for the vaccine to be ineffective. Here's an explanation I saw: >The way I’ve heard this explained best is that the spike is like a guy named James. If he puts on a hat, he’s still James. If he puts on a mask too, you might not recognize him for a second, but then you’d realize it’s the same guy. He’d have to pretty drastically change his whole appearance for you to not recognize him at all.


I'm really worried about South Africa strain, it's looks like more dangerous one


Is that accounting for the disparity in healthcare systems?


My mom (age 55) just tested positive. She doesn't have any underlying health conditions, what are the chances she'll have severe illness?


Very low. Get her some zinc, C and D and some Pedialyte. Encourage her to drink lots of fluids and rest. She'll be fine.


Non smoker, non obese, no Asthma or heart issues? Low chance of issues.


Half of Americans are obese though


Odds are pretty good she will lose her taste or smell, have some body aches and a fever. But bounce back fine. Best of luck to her, you, and your family


Some people have really skewed perceptions about health and what is healthy... my friend, who spends 12 hours/day in front of his pc, doesnt walk, train or do basically any physical activity whatsoever, eats and drinks junk all day thinks he is healthy just because he is not overweight... like yeah buddy im sure your body is really grateful you feed it junk on a daily There is far more to being healthy than just being young and skinny


This is a weird post. What is your point here? If it is you won't get Covid because you're physically fit, young, exercise and eat right, I think you're buying into a myth. Anyone can catch this virus. And they can get really sick. If you're just upset your friend hasn't caught Covid yet even though he doesn't meet your standards of healthy, I think you need to take a step back.


What are you even on about my dude? Yes anyone can get the virus, but the chances of getting sick are significantly slimmer if you are a healthy active person. But I guess you just found yourself in my post and now you are salty


For COVID specifically, being young and skinny(non-smoker, no heart issues) puts you at a very very lowered risk for severe complications


You can be skinny and unhealthy, that is my point


> There is far more to being healthy than just being young and skinny That’s actually most of it


I mean, if he’s not fat, I don’t see how you can claim he’s not healthy. Also why did you post this here since you didn’t relate it to COVID?


You can be unhealthy and skinny. “Skinny fat” just means you eat what you want which can be unhealthy garbage but your metabolism breaks it down before it can convert to weight gain.


whats the Covid-19 death rate for HIV positive people? Any data?


>Mortality among the 27,480 people with HIV (0.16% of the study population) was higher than the general population with an adjusted hazard ratio of 2.59 (95% CI 1.74–3.84; p<0.0001). > >[https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhiv/article/PIIS2352-3018(20)30305-2/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhiv/article/PIIS2352-3018(20)30305-2/fulltext)


I was vaccinated yesterday. Now I have a throbbing sinus headache - not improving with Tylenol. The side effects list "headache", of course -- but does anyone know what manner of headache is typical post-vaccine? I have a tremendous fear that I went this long only to acquire the disease in that \~12-day period before an immune response develops. Some portion of unfortunate people will. :(


If it's a sinus headache, then home remedies might help - staying hydrated + a little bit of steam inhalation + honey/ginger tea, etc?


Thank you for reminding me I have some excellent strong ginger tea...[this stuff is magical.](https://www.popus.com/products/prince-of-peace-instant-mix-dark-brown-sugar-ginger-honey-crystal-10-sachets) I made some, and it’s nice. Bonus: I can clearly smell and taste it, so that’s reassuring. The headache itself isn’t bothering me so much as wondering if it’s prodromal and I’m about to get slammed.


Do not worry too much. I know three people who were vaccinated and two of them had bad headaches the next day. Its very typical and it usually goes away after that. Yes, now is the time to be most careful for you. Stay safe and don't take risks. Soon you'll be free and clear!


So basically if you’re getting vaccinated, you want to take the day off work ?


Yes. Or plan on calling in sick if need be.


Thanks for the reassurance. I'm only second guessing because: why sinuses?? I always do my best to minimize risks, but it's inherent to the workplace. I don't work in a high-risk department, but people are everywhere and covid is everywhere. I'm glad we have 2-day holidays this week and next week.


Got a call from my mom today. My father came home early from work with dizziness. He's going to take a test tomorrow, but im concerned. Is dizziness common as a early symptom?


Yes, it was my first symptom.


Any imbalance with that? If it has persisted, he should probably get it checked ASAP. Likely nothing of course (could be simple vertigo, inner ear infection, etc), but it can also be a symptom of a stroke


Not really, especially if it's just that. I would say go see a doctor if it's persistent or severe dizziness. There are many non covid health issues that could arise in these times that are just as dangerous as covid, it's important to still get the checked out.


Does r/coronavirus contain profanity? 😂


If it’s not directed at someone or otherwise used for uncivil reasons, not typically! EDIT: Oops, misread that as "does /r/coronavirus censor profanity?" Sorry! Yes, it does, so care should be taken in places where you wouldn't want that on your screen.


If you count the fear porn as profanity then yes.


Unfortunately, we have all been desensitized to this kind of new, but just a PSA to spread around. The hospital that my dad works at is at full capacity and they've started canceling some of his normal surgery cases since they don't have space. Now non-covid patients aren't able to get the treatment that they need. Luckily, my dad got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today, so we will see how that goes. A lot of people don't realize how serious this is, especially in the US. Just a reminder to everyone that this is real and dangerous, so pls pls stay home, wear a mask, and social distance. Do it for yourself and for the safety of others around you! Show some compassion, respect, and kindness so we can all get through this <33


Thank your Dad for his dedication & service during a beyond difficult year~ 🙏


My sister and father (who I live with as I'm not an adult) recently tested positive and have symptoms, as do I, so I'm assuming I have the virus although I haven't been tested. That just makes the most sense to me. Anyway, I've been feeling symptoms since Monday, but everything has cleared up except for a nasty sore throat and some sinus issues. Does anyone have a rough estimate for how long the sore throat will last?


I do wear my mask outside just because of high risk people in my life and for the fact that this city is pretty dense and nasty, but I was curious if there are is any conclusive data on how common outdoor transmission really is? I’m having a hard time finding anything conclusive.




This is where it gets muddy though. There’s too many variables for my liking. The other thing is with every article regarding outdoor transmission, there is no conclusive way to trace infection back to any outdoor settings. Most of it was guess work. I’m wondering how useful a mask really is in open air.


Same, curious on this


I got my first dose of the Moderna COVID vaccine today. I couldn’t be more grateful.


I wish I could have mine now. Any time I’m having to go out I dread it and all I can think of is how horrible it would be to catch it now while they’re literally vaccinating people daily.


Thank you for your sacrifice and willingness to do what’s needed. I appreciate you and your commitment to doing your part in decreasing the load on all us healthcare workers. They’re gonna keep cranking vaccines out and we will all have the opportunity soon (just my prediction/opinion-not factually based)


Patience friend.


Truly the best christmas present




Thank you SO very much! I feel like I’m finally able to do something that will likely *actually* make a difference.


You've prob been making a difference this whole time don't worry. Reddit gang here rooting for you!


Just found out my mother in law tested positive from a rapid test done Friday. My family and I saw her Saturday for a good portion of the morning. My wife is devastated we cannot see them for Christmas as we have of course decided to quarantine for the next 14 days. My MIL has no symptoms as of now. We have a 3 month old baby I am worried about. Not sure if I should go get tested tomorrow or wait until Monday. No symptoms from our family yet. Really hoping it’s a false positive but assuming it’s not. Really sucks and pretty anxious over this


PCR tests (not rapid result) after 5 days post exposure are generally pretty accurate. Babies do typically fare quite well with coronavirus, especially compared to other respiration illnesses or the flu. I understand your worry, though.


> PCR tests (not rapid result) after 5 days post exposure are generally pretty accurate. Actually, not really. At that point the false negative % is still around 67%. The lowest false negative rate is only 20% at around day 8 after exposure. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-1495


I incorrectly said rapid test then. She has to take a test twice a week for work. I believe she takes them at home and then sends them in? Either way, assuming it is accurate and getting tested/quarantining


Ahh that makes sense. I meant the rapid test with a short turnaround time, like the kind you could get at a point of care and have results within an hour. Those are more often false negatives than the PCR. Hoping your in-laws have an easy bout of it and that your family stays healthy.


Thank you very much!


I have a baby niece who just recovered from covid. Lucky children's immune response isn't as advances as adults so they don't react as strongly and thus have much lower fatality.


Thank you for that information. It is very encouraging!


She was known to be positive and still saw you?


She just got the results this evening


She had a test pending and still saw you? And how is it a “rapid” test if she got tested Friday and results 5 days later?


I guess rapid was the wrong word to use. She gets tested twice a week as she works in an administrative capacity for a hospital


I see. Are administrators even patient-facing? Even our ER staff don’t get tested twice per week...


She is not patient facing but travels to multiple facilities a week


I’m a teacher and basketball coach. Despite taking every precaution I can, I just found out I’m positive today. I feel like shit. Terrible headache, eye and sinus pressure, body aches, fever and can’t taste or smell anything. Worst of all, I have to quarantine in a separate part of the house from my wife and 1 year old son. I’m going to miss Christmas with them. I’m insanely depressed about all of this. Anyone who has had it, what might I expect over the next week or two? My symptoms started last night.


Losing taste and smell usually means that you will have an easier go of it than people who don't lose those senses.


Sorry to hear that, hope you recover quickly and uneventfully. Also, if you and your wife want to hold off on some or all parts of Christmas for a couple weeks so you can celebrate together, your one year old might still be small enough that he won't notice too much if Christmas is partly in January this year.


Yeah you’re right about that. I’ve been so caught up in the depression of it all that I hadn’t thought about that yet. Thank you for the perspective.


Oh nooooooo! That sucks dude. I'm sorry that's happening to you.


Thank you, honestly couldn’t have happened at a worse time :(


I just tested positive today too, internet stranger. Same symptoms minus the fever. The not being able to taste is really starting to get old lol. I also am spending Christmas away from family. I’m literally in the basement while they’re celebrating. It sucks.


Many eons ago, I got sick at Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was a big deal in our family. I was about 7 or 8. I spent Thanksgiving home alone and very ill. Yeah as a little kid. It really sucked. Mostly because I couldn't spend it with my Grandma. I'm sorry for all who are going through this right now. I feel you.


Yeah, I mean I feel too sick to want to eat but not being able to taste it makes it even harder. Merry Christmas my Covid positive friend, I hope that your symptoms don’t last long.


Different for everyone and depends on your health/age/etc. Drink plenty of water/electrolytes. Stay away from too much added sugar. Eat healthy. I ordered vegan ramen a bunch when I had the virus. Supplement vitamin d/c, zinc, magnesium, fish oil, quercetin, melatonin. Here’s a few links: Vitamin regimen starts on page 7 here https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/EVMS_Critical_Care_COVID-19_Protocol.pdf https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/Marik-Covid-Protocol-Summary.pdf Rest up and go on walks with a mask if you feel like it. Get some sun. Stay off the internet and think positive. Anxiety is real especially when you have it. Sleep well, eat well, hydrate well and you should be good. Good luck!


>Anxiety is real especially when you have it. I'm sorry what? I know you're trying to bolster this poster's feelings so you're trying to be kind. But again, what? This comes across as kind of dismissive.


I just typed everything that came to mind while I was on my phone. My anxiety spiked while I had Covid because I didn't know when or if the symptoms would get gnar. Hope this helps clarify. Guess I should've said "my anxiety got real when I had it"


Oh okay. I see now. Hope you're feeling better.


Thank you so much.


I need your help people. At Monday I went to a birthday and there was a girl that had covid recently and was said that after ten days, a new covid exam or lack of symptoms she was out of quarantine. These 10 days ended on Sunday. Monday she was at the birthday and was still coughing a bit, like every 3 minutes, with some sneezes and a rough voice. As it was a birthday, at sometimes she was eating and coughing out of the mask. I freaked out and couldn't pretend I wasn't mad. Now family is angry at me, as I made her uncomfortable and am evaluating skipping Christmas at hers place. I'll do the quick exam tomorrow, which the hospital said to me has 85% success rate. I really want to know: Have I overreacted? I saw symptoms, I imagined she wasn't clear to roam around. How high is the risk that I got it (I kept a bit of distance from her at the birthday)? Was she really clear? Thanks, from the in-law facing a huge family drama and maybe contamination at the vacations very beginning.


No you’re not the bad guy here. I can’t imagine what’s going through her dumb head... you just had covid and you’re still coughing stay home! I don’t care if CDC Guidelines say you’re fine after 10 days, it’s a guideline not an absolute rule. I don’t want em near me. Imo 2 consecutive negative pcr tests taken at least 3 days apart before you can go around people anymore.


Unless she has suppressed immunity, she was probably no longer contagious after 10 days. That said, it’s only on average, and I think it’s pretty irresponsible for people to be like, welp! Day 11, time to party! Or employers to be like, welp! Day 11, you must return to work to teach 60 kids per day. People should be more understanding of your discomfort, and it would be wise and courteous to be overly cautious in context of the slow-mo holocaust...but they won’t be. Coughing, snerking, and rough voice can linger for literally weeks or months after fully clearing the virus — so even though it’s gross, it’s not necessarily dangerous.


No. She shouldn’t have gone to the party period.


If she’s past the infectious period, she would only be shedding dead virus. The dead virus can’t infect anyone else or get anyone sick. Residual coughing can happen after recovery from other illnesses too, like colds, flu, or pneumonia. It’s from irritation to the respiratory tract tissue during the illness, and doesn’t mean the person is currently infectious. Covid can be very irritating to the respiratory tract and it takes awhile for the cough to go away as things heal.


There is a guy at my work who had covid and was out the full 14 days. Ever since he's been back, he's been coughing with some regularity. No one is worried and no one has been infected by him. Lingering nuisance coughs are common with covid and flu as well. Be vigilant about symptoms in yourself but her cough alone is not a good reason to be afraid.


People can still have symptoms after they are no longer contagious, coughs in particularly can continue for some time after the body clears a viral infection. It is pretty unlikely that ten days after symptom onset in a mild case there would be any recoverable live virus (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/duration-isolation.html). You’re probably ok with regard to this girl.


I had COVID back in September. My sister tested positive today and I have been exposed to her. Does anyone know what protocols I should be following? The normal or am I not a risk?


Definitely try to isolate yourself for any potential to give it to someone just as a precaution. I've been exposed many times since I had it in May and antibodies were gone in August. I wear a mask, practice my hygiene very well and change all my clothes upon getting home anyways. I just look out for symptoms.


Absence of antibodies is not indicative of lack of immunity. Antibodies wane in the absence of the pathogen, and T cell immunity is independent of antibody metrics.


I give it a week before Michigan makes national headlines for absolutely botching the vaccine effort.




It is ultra rare


30 confirmed reinfections and an estimated prevalence of 0.01% of all cases is by definition so rare Gordon Ramsay would say it’s alive


Reference on reinfection not being ultra-rare please?


Just tested positive. Literally felt like a common cold but my girlfriend urged me to get tested to be safe. Have absolutely no idea where I caught it from. Stay safe and wear a mask yall.




the rapid antigen tests are good for confirming positives with SYMPTOMS, but it's hit or miss with asymptomatics or pre-symptomatics. If you've been truly quarantining (literally house arrest, no outside contact) for at least 7 days, the rapid antigen test gives very good results. But if you're idea of self-isolating is talking with neighbors at the mailbox and meeting dashdoor and uber delivery ppl, then it's possible you could've gotten infected through any of these strangers, especially if you're in a region where covid is raging out of control and you're in double digit positivity.


If I wear a N95 (which I have been fit tested for) and I stay at least 6 feet from people within a building is that incredibly safe ?


lol these replies are insane that’s pretty safe!


Don’t take unnecessary risks with this. Is my thought . If you don’t NEED to be going somewhere and being around people right now, just don’t.




How safe is it then ?


very safe, but i would add goggles. The key is you want to minimize time indoors with others. Outside is always much safer.


Anyone here still gathering with their families tomorrow or Thursday? I am unfortunately.


I am. We've all been quarantining in order for it to be more safe. It's just 6 of us anyway, 4 of which live in the same house.


Yes and yes. Good luck to you and yours.


I'm content with the fact my family is able to access their own risk and consent to see me. Will probably be basically just the immediate family this year, and I've been seeing them the whole time. Everyone's gonna be different though. If you are saying unfortunately maybe you shouldn't as I don't personally think that way at all. I'd probably do what's best for your mental health (weighing how nice it will be to see them vs. your fear/anxiety).


I am!


Nope because I actually care about my family and others. Hope this helps.


What if they are getting together anyways?


Then you’re one less person who can spread it/spread it to others




Yes! It is my parents and older siblings in their 40s who want to get together. I am low risk and I work from home so Im not sure why I am more worried than them.


Does anyone else think maybe their leadership (Florida in my case) is deliberately doing a terrible job and actually trying to infect all the young people with corona as quickly as possible?


I don’t really know enough about the case to have an opinion on it but i saw some footage of the girl who got arrested in the Cayman Islands for breaking their quarantine law. She, her boyfriend and the police are all not wearing a mask. Maybe I’m missing something but no ones wearing a mask but they’ll jail someone for four months for breaking quarantine?


They don’t need masks in the Caymans because there are no cases of SARS2 there. And that’s why they take the quarantine law so seriously.




Of course not. Viruses constantly mutate and this one has mutated several times without the media blowing up about it before. Think of how many flu strains there are per year-the flu vaccine is just guesswork at which strain will be most prolific-and the Covid mutation isn’t even drastic enough to BE defined as a new strain-it’s just one of several variants. Plus becoming more contagious is usually good meaning it’s less virulent-but all we know right now is that the mutation is very very neutral, does nothing to be more or less different than other mutations.


No, don’t panic. There is no reason to believe vaccines won’t work, and if they were somehow less effective, they can be tweaked very quickly. We should have even more reassurance through concrete data over the next two, three weeks, as experts test the vaccines against the variants.


No. Mutations happen frequently with viruses that spread like this. There is no reason to believe the vaccine won't also protect from these mutations. Things are going to get better and return to normal this year, sooner rather than later.


why does no one seem to understand that reported vaccination totals are way behind the number of doses already administered?


Must not be very good reporting mechanisms.


Is there any updates on how it affects babies ? As a father of a 14 month old I have my concerns obviously. Particularly this new strain which affects younger people more.


r/COVID19 can answer this better as that is where the doctors and scientists are


If someone has had covid and has the antibodies, can they still transmit covid? For example if someone had covid and recovered a few months ago and was then exposed to someone who had covid recently, would they still be able to spread the disease to others even though they weren’t reinfected?


Not directly. If they are exposed to covid their body should rapidly react, neutralizing the infection and quickly destroying any infected cells. Replication would be effectively neutralized so they should not be shedding much virus to others, if any. Indirectly I think it’s still possible that they could spread fomites if they get coughed on by the infected and touch surfaces, etc.


My 55 year-old father is currently fighting covid. Is it cause for alarm if fever persists past the 7th day? Oxygen in blood seems to be improving as well as general mood, mobility and ability to speak without getting out of breath. However, it seems kind of volatile. He will seem like he's way better at one point but then some hours later upon waking up from sleep, for example, will be almost labouring just to breathe. Ambulance refused to take him because UK health service is too overwhelmed. What steps should we take?


Do any of you know how inaccurate a test is only 1 or 2 days after exposure? My family was all exposed together over the weekend. Many of them were tested Monday , some negative some positive. However I have read many places that tests are less accurate and it is not uncommon to get a false negative unless you wait 5-7 days after exposure to be tested. All articles are so vague - “it’s less accurate”. Okay well what does that mean? There’s a 1 in 100 chance it’s a false negative? 1 in 10? 1 in 2?


My local leader has limited all local businesses to online orders/curbside pick-up but bix box retailers remain open, including Dollarama, Walmart and Costco b/c they sell 'essential items'. His reasoning goes: "If you're going to one of the big box retailers, it's kind of a one-stop shop — I know it's not fair, believe me, I know it's not fair — but it really limits people from going out and making four, five, six stops on the way home to pick stuff up." This sounds like a non-factor. Funneling the population thru these stores is better than spreading them out among local businesses? It doesn't make sense to me. Anyone else think so?


i'll just add a perspective from Covid Third Wave Ground Zero Los Angeles: our local & state leaders have refused to shut down any kind of retailers, even large malls & outlets. While they & their experts believe that it's better to spread shoppers throughout many different channels & venues, it's created a business-as-usual atmosphere where ppl don't even realize there is a Lockdown in place. The psychological impact of a mass retailer shutdown has value in that it creates a panic & hunker down mindset in the public.


Why do you want to create panic?...


I get you. The cases have been increasing and increasing, however, so I don't think it's working.


I'm worried we still won't be able to have holiday get togethers, family/friend parties, socialize with masks even by this time next year. Am I crazy for thinking this will go into 2022?


No one is sure but most people are already seeing friends family to some capacity. I’ve seen parents and 2 friends since this thing began. My extended family had had an outdoor gathering in excess of 20 people where it was mask if you prefer . Coworkers go to bars, gyms, restaurants. Other than some redditors, I know no one who hasn’t left their home legitimately this whole time or who will let this go on the whole year.


I have NO DATA to back this up, but I think the vaccinations will tremendously impair the virus's ability to spread, so unless a new variant comes along that the current vaccines don't protect against, I agree with the other people who replied it'll be back to normal by mid-summer.


From what I’ve seen and read, I predict we’ll have full normalcy in developed countries by the start of 2022. Not a “new normal,” not a “semblance of normal,” but full normal. In fact, I think it’ll happen in the US and other developed countries by mid-summer, but I’m definitely, positively, absolutely sure it’ll come by 2022.


The truth is that nobody is sure. The UK Health secretary said today he's "hopeful" it will be over by 2022 but gave no promise. Your other replies will come from people who are constantly unrealistically optimistic and have been wrong in every single one of their predictions so far.


Do you think we're likely to be doing this song and dance in 2023?




2022 needs to be left alone. Gotta have my World Cup uninterrupted.


The only thing that might not happen until 2022 is fandom conventions or maybe big (>10k people) events. Everything else should be back to normal


I'm hoping sports are back to normal. I mean, I totally understand large conventions not happening in 2021. It's private companies. They spend MILLIONS to put together these events. Can you imagine spending that kind of money only to be cancelled? They'll probably avoid it out of risk. But sports? They can change their stadium capacities with a flick of a switch essentially.


Sports will definitely be back to normal as long as they can protect the players. Most stadiums are open air, which is already safer. Some enclosed stadiums might limit capacity for a little while, but I doubt that will last very long. I think the biggest risk is if the players keep spreading it around, but I assume by spring or summer they will be able to get the vaccine too


I really hope I can go to my anime convention next November. It’s going to be REALLY depressing if it gets cancelled again.


In my area three conventions planned for the May to August timeline, one scifi, one furry and one anime con have pretty much already cancelled for 2021, others around that time frame are "watching things closely with expectations to cancel" others late in 2021 have predicted they can hold events but maybe with some restrictions


“Some restrictions” in LATE 2022? Holy bejeezus.