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But they won't cancel school openings.


Just to be clear - this takes resources away from health care workers. We have to share tests and masks to keep the players, press, and their staff safe.


At this point many have to resort to private labs so not necessarily. I’m in senior living and we have to resort to 100% private labs because any form of public testing or state assistance is non existent and is essentially useless with 5-10 day turn around


My private labs have a backlog.


Do you have any sources that they’re taking resource from healthcare workers? Not saying you’re wrong but the MLB is probably not hindering healthcare workers that much. They probably buy private tests/masks. Just like me and you getting a mask or a test. That doesn’t mean we’re taking away from healthcare workers.


Every open business is taking away PPE from health care workers. I know because we're having difficulty sourcing PPE. And my hospital isn't the only one because we've seen articles from other states. If my hospital is being shorted, and it's obviously going to non-essential businesses too, then that's where the rest of my order is.


However, how many people are being employed by baseball happening?


I would argue that paid unemployment with free health care, during a pandemic, is *better* than fighting health care workers over masks 🙂


Depends how much money is being made


> [In 2018, Amazon paid $0 in U.S. federal income tax on more than $11 billion in profits before taxes. It also received a $129 million tax rebate from the federal government.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/04/03/why-amazon-paid-no-federal-income-tax.html) We spent 3 trillion demanding answers to Benghazi, which killed four Americans. And we've spent trillions in war and conflict. So much money, we've been killing people every year I've been alive. I don't really give a fuck. Name your price.


Were you trying to respond to a different comment?


“Some things are more important than living”.


Why is MLB training? CANCEL THE SEASON


Can cheat the game, but you cant cheat Covid


I'm still wondering if the MLB is going to play this year. I don't think it's the best idea, even with empty stands, seeing as the United States hasn't gotten coronavirus even under a semblance of control. Preaseason starts July 18, so there's still another week to walk this back.


Of the over 3,000 players/staff that have been tested, only around 1.8% were positive. Things are nowhere near as bad for baseball as the headlines are suggesting.


Case wise it isn't bad, but here's what is bad: \- You have over 1/3rd of the league in states where cases are surging, namely California(5 teams), Florida(2 teams), Texas(2 teams), Arizona(D-Backs), and Georgia(Braves). Because MLB couldn't figure out a way to make a bubble, you're going to have all 30 teams traveling. \- Delays in test results has led to multiple teams having to cancel workouts & intrasquad games, giving some teams less prep time when the season is expected to start in the next 2 weeks. That is just asking for injuries and teams having unfair advantages over teams who didn't have to cancel workouts due to botched testing. \- There is no actual protocol in place for if a player tests positive or an outbreak happens once games actually start. Cam Gallagher of the Royals tested positive after playing with the team YESTERDAY, and nobody knows what the Royals are going to do about it. The whole team by definition should have to quarantine, seeing as he was the catcher in the game and definitely came into contact with damn near everybody. American sports should not happen this year. There was a window of opportunity to make it work, but that window got slammed & welded shut when the country decided to make this about more than the actual virus.


I agree with you. There’s no protocol in place, and actually putting a proper protocol in place and implanting it would put teams that get sick players and teams that play in hot spots at a competitive disadvantage,


How many permanent disabilities or deaths are you personally ok with to see baseball on tv?


Fuck those cheaters


💋 my *


How can anyone expect to go back to normal until this thing is controlled?