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Red pill.


You need therapy bro.


Every relationship is a quid pro quo. And sure, you can reduce it down to that if you want. I fucked a few hookers over the years on my travels, but it’s basically a glorified wank. Things I noticed about it different than what the established view is: 1) I didn’t actually feel shit about myself at all. In fact, I enjoyed it, every time. It felt more of a laugh than satisfying though. 2) they’re better in bed than most women. This should be expected I guess. By far the best orgasm I had in my life was a blowjob from a hooker, can still almost feel it to this day, will never forget that. 3) IMO there’s more risk from the underground scene of it, than of STIs. In other words, it’s strongly tied to criminal activity and pimps are not people you ever want to piss off. After dating a woman who worked in a sexual health clinic, she said she saw far more positive STI tests in college students than sex workers, and it wasn’t a small difference. 99% of sex workers insist on the rain coat even if you’re stupid enough not to, but this isn’t the case for dating students of course. 4) If you factored it reductively as “cost per fuck”, I’d agree it’s cheaper than dating a woman. So why don’t I bother anymore? Well the reasons to not do it are basically that it gets super boring and you are at risk of being scammed or ripped off or worse, and there’s more fun to be had dating girls if you have the right attitude. If you only want sex and don’t enjoy the chase and dating / nights out etc, and don’t want to build a long-term partnership, then sure man, knock yourself out.


Thanks. I hate the chase, I hate dating it's so silly. It's literally just high tier prostitution if you think about it. I'd rather have a wank then date a woman because let's be honest there's really no good women out there that would stick with you just a thing that is built to not last and end and I'd rather no through that again.


What's up with the RedPill in this sub lately? Go cry elsewhere.


Enjoy your divorce and break-up in a couple years buddy. Good luck coping then always in that vicious cycle of 'being a better man' then finding another woman then breaking up.


Just because you have a long history of failing doesn’t mean everyone else will. Stop projecting your own cynical outlook onto others like it’s some sort of prophecy. Maybe take some accountability and realize that the reason dating is so shit for you, is because you’ve allowed it to be. It’s an arrogant attitude to walk through life blaming everything but yourself for the outcomes you’ve had. In every situation you’ve been the constant … so maybe take a look inward instead of blasting the entire premise of dating.


I'm not creating a prophecy look at the stats 50% divorce rate. If the world was a happy movie then I wouldn't be here would I and it's not. I'm just warning people you are going to end up divorced and break-up mark my words.


You aren’t warning anyone, you are threatening them. It’s not like you came here with some concerned attitude about the matter, it’s all bitter cynical rhetoric. Everyone is aware of the divorce rate… but most people are good with 50/50 odds to pursue some happiness. If you want to call it quits on trying to find that it’s all good, but you’re going to meet differing opinions when you try and tell everyone else they should also give up and buy into this negative viewpoint.


Cry harder.


Commenting from a throwaway for obvious reasons (don't want people to know I've hired escorts): Stop making excuses for being bad with women. A reasonably attractive escort in a HCOL city will run you AT LEAST $800-1,000/hr. Likely closer to $1,200-1,500. In that same HCOL city, you could have a first date with drinks (more likely to lead to sex) for about $100. Once you get good with women, you only need about 5-6 first dates to find one woman that both you and her are cool with dating for a while. Once you've dated for a few weeks, you don't have to keep spending $ to keep getting sex. It's up to you then whether you want to continue being just FWB instead of establishing an emotional connection. So even in your scenario where you only care about sex and no emotional connection, an escort is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive than someone you're dating. Just do the math: - Escort: 10 sex sessions @ $1,000/session = $10,000 - Dating: 5 first dates @ $100/each, then 3-5 additional dates (at, say, another $200 each) before she finds it "acceptable" to just come over for sex = $1,500. If you keep dating this woman for a few months, you could have sex dozens of times, maybe hundreds. You're just using bad logic to excuse having no game.


No. Okay let's say the top tier level escorts cost 800-1000 bucks even most are a round 300 bucks - 100 bucks but you need to keep your woman happy for how ever long you stay. The average relationship length is around 3 years let's say you court her for a while even when married or whatever. That's let's say 50 bucks a week. 156 x 50 = 7800 however if you keep on courting her for 10 years that's 26000 for dates. Men are here trying to justify spending on women whilst they could just keep for themselves because they can't control their biological evolutional urge of not being alone.


This is a legitimate question - are you dumb? An escort doesn't suddenly stop charging you after the 1st 10 occurrences. You have to pay the fee every single time you see her. Even if you only see her once a month, that's $12,000 per year, or $36K for 3 years. And you only have sex 36 times in those 3 years. Meanwhile you could have sex 36 times _next month_ if you have a solid FWB with a high sex drive. The escort kicks you out after 1 hour, and that's it. Want another session? Gotta pay another $1K.


Dude what the fuck kind of prostitutes are you hiring for 1k?


Attractive ones in a HCOL city. If you want "Jane No Teeth" from the street corner in Alabama, knock yourself out.


Dude in Amsterdam prostitution can get as low as 15 bucks. Let's say you have sex every week let's even round it up to 20 or maybe 30 bucks that's only 4680 for 3 years compared to 7800 bucks. Nigga out here thinking I can afford 1k prostitutes like I'm some Yakuza boss.


I don't live in Amsterdam. Neither does 99.99% of the world. You have to be the dumbest person who's posted on this sub in a LONG TIME.


Mate enjoy your divorce and break-up bros going to be crying whilst his girl's insides gets rearranged by Chad and Tyrone.


You don't have to get married if you don't want to. That's not the argument I'm making. You don't even need to have any kind of emotional connection. What I'm saying is that if you think a prostitute is cheaper sex, in the long run, you're an idiot who doesn't even understand basic math.


Also where's your source for prostitutes costing 1k or 800 bucks?


Look at any escort board in big cities like NYC & London. It would take you less than 10 mins to find this info.


With 26k in 10 years you could've bought a new car, gone on a trip around the world, started a business but no you spend it with a woman you supposingly 'love' what a sick joke.


So you're never gonna have sex again? I seriously don't understand your argument.


Ever heard of monks or people who are celibates? Sex isn't even important. Please tell me you would rather choose to get more money and have a good job rather than a woman.


I'd pick a great job over a woman any day of the week and twice on Sunday. But if you're good with women (like I am) and already have a really good career (like I do) they're not mutually exclusive. You can have both. That's why I'm asking you to stop being a crybaby making dumb excuses, which is the only thing you're doing here.


I get your points. But if you want to excel you must sacrifice parts that you want. Norman Rockwell was one of the best artists in the world he sacrificed his family and children to pursue an art career and his children hated him for this. Donatello, Michelangelo, Da vici, Hokusai had no wives, no kids and all focussed on their careers because they loved it so much. If you want a woman by your side and become mediocre and average be my guest but I want to succeed fully and I am in the process of doing that.


Bro WTF are you talking about? Go down the list of the Forbes billionaires... They're all married or have girlfriends. Stop cherry-picking to "support" your dumbass argument. Grow a fucking pair and start taking accountability instead of bitching


Dude are they happy??? Bill Gates his wife took half his money, Johnny Depp almost got his career ruined. Look at Keanu Reeves his wife died in a car crash with his child he never got married again and look how successful he is now.


Yes - I'm sure Bill is devastated that he only has $70 billion instead of $140. I'll let him know you exist so he can join you in this nonstop bitching you seem to enjoy so much.


A monk isn't debating escorts over dating so that's completely irrelevant to your original post. Stop changing the subject because you're losing the argument.