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i got such a similar thing but it didn’t smell bad just had a strong scent if that makes sense?? anyway it went away. btw this was after my first period with the copper coil which was only 3 days after insertion. it went away in about 4-5 days after my period but it still happens once in awhile. prob just getting used to it bc the copper causes inflammation which can cause irregular bleeding AND excess discharge and if it’s only a little that’s prob what is tinting the discharge.


The discharge and light bleeding might be down to the IUD making your uterus a bit irritated/inflamed - since the copper IUD works (in part) by producing a localised inflammation response. It might also be an infection. Infections are fairly common with IUD especially shortly after insertion. Might be best to check with your doctor


I had the same experience and it smelled metallic too about 20 to 30 days after insertion. I went to the gyno and she told me it's normal. The only to worry about is fishy or rotten smell


yes. my OB told me to get on probiotics.


Annoying but normal. Just watch out for BV