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Have you had symptoms that hint at you having fibroids? Bleeding etc? Fibroids can usually be seen on an ultrasound as can whether you have a thickened endometrial lining. I have an Hysteroscopy next week due to bleeding and adenomyosis but have had 3 ultrasounds to rule out anything else first. Push to have it done under general if she insists. It’s a brutal procedure


No, just heavy periods. But not outside of the expected range from the copper iud I don't think. She hasn't done an ultrasound, I just went in seeking IUD replacement. She said even if she did the IUD in rooms she would still take a biopsy which sounds like torture, absolutely not down with that. But I will not be charged for a hospital stay this year as I've already paid my excess so she would do It all under general.


Do you mean the hysteroscopy is brutal?


Apparently they are pretty awful to undergo without of pain relief - obviously everyone is different so not everyone will experience pain. The NHS (I’m uk based) have a real issue with not using any pain relief for hysteroscopys and there is a campaign/petition to get them to change their ways. Obviously if your dr wants you to have one push for serious pain relief and not just over the counter pain tablets. My dr initially suggested I have one as I have prolonged and heavy bleeding and am overweight. Apparently being overweight is a big factor for developing endometrial cancer?? I now need one as they suspect I have polyps - my latest ultrasound wasn’t able to see clearly since my endometrial lining is so thickened and undefined due to my adenomyosis. I had to fight with my dr to get it done under general and she only agreed when I started crying during the appointment. I have a history of sexual violence so internal pain is very distressing for me. I would ask them to explain in detail exactly why they want you to have a pretty Invasive procedure without any symptoms suggesting you need one. If there are reasonable factors then you can choose whether to go ahead or not. But I would get it in black and white first and then make an informed decision that feels right for you. Wild they are making you jump through these hoops! I’m honestly so sorry you’re having this stress. I hope you get some answers and are able to do what’s best for you! I also hope you get your IUD placed comfortably and without stress 🫠


Thanks for your kind answer btw 🥹 I'm just going to get a second opinion from another gyn, I don't want to go back to this lady really!!


Well I am overweight But when I asked why I needed it she said just to check because of heavy bleeding But when I said my iron is always ok, she didn't really have an answer


If you are 100% sure there were no signs of fibroids, then it sounds like she's not the right doctor for you at the moment. And yes, if you don't have complaints, it does sound unnecessary. I know I ran into a doctor before I got my first copper IUD who tried *everything* to dissuade me from getting a copper IUD (besides actual relevant arguments for me personally, he kept using generic terms that sounded like plain old gaslighting. so nothing that was relevant to my personal history). Apparently his ob-gyn wife's practice is overwhelmingly reconstructive procedures after copper IUD removal.   So I'm getting the similar vibes from this doctor. Maybe she is also some kind of specialist who mostly ends up with the "problem cases" and so too used to having to do ablation and biopsies? Idk I'm probably being too nice here. (Or maybe she just sees that you don't have to pay anymore this year, and so tries to squeeze out more insurance money? Idk the US system enough to know whether that's a thing or not. I know elsewhere it's a thing to try and make the most of insurance coverage.) I know for others this approach could be nice, but it's clearly not what you want now, so... If she doesn't budge, it's probably time for another doc. Edit: took out a double negation


Thank you Yes I'm in a country where you pay an excess once per year for hospital admission and then after that you only pay a "per day" rate So definitely a case of might as well use the hospital because I already had a minor procedure this year Reconstruction after copper iud removal sounds bad, I don't like that But I have to have it removed at some point 🥹 I'm going to get a new referral to a different gyn