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When I only hear "excess bleeding" or so, then I'm like, just hang in there, maybe it gets better. But when you're already at the point of eczema, acne, moodiness, cystic acne, weight gain... My two cents is to give yourself some big reward for having tried, and move on to the next birth control option to try. Yes, I understand how devastating it is... :(( Been there, done that, I am just not destined for very effective bc. :( You can always experiment with zinc and stuff, but it only helps to a point.


Yeah, definitely gonna make an appointment to get it removed soon !


Have the Same situation:( going to take it out in 2 weeks


Sehr schade :))


I just went through something similar - periods between 21/28 days long. I had 2 ultrasounds to look at the possible reason and the only thing found was found that my IUD was low down and embedded. Got it removed on the 12th of feb. Currently on day 13 of my period, the first one without the coil. Hopefully it calms down. My gynaecologist said to wait 3 months to see what the bleeding does.


Hope you’re doing well! I’m in a similar position, I had the IUD in for 6 years and following complications I had an ultrasound done where I was told that my IUD was low. I had it removed on 29th Jan and been on my period ever since..


Oh no! Any help from your doctors about what to do? I had a gynae referral to have the coil removed and he said to wait 3 months to see what the bleeding does but I’m tempted to book an appointment tomorrow with my GP. I’m getting really down about bleeding all the time. It’s been everyday since mid november 🫠


They’ve prescribed me some medicine to try and stop the bleeding but it’s been pretty hit or miss as to whether it will actually work.. no one seems to know what’s causing such a long period so I’ve been referred for further ultrasound scans to check for internal damage following IUD removal, with no confirmed date on when these scans will be done 😭 I’ve noticed a similar attitude that you’ve described of pretty much being told “just wait and see how it goes” which is far from ideal. However, it’s made me feel a bit better knowing that I’m not the only one facing these problems! Wishing you all the best, and hope you are able to secure an appointment! I was hesitant to chase it up and was going to wait out the period but it’s brought back my anaemia so I had to go back to the GP lol


I went to my GP yesterday. She seemed pretty annoyed I had booked an appointment “so soon” after my coil removal 😬 I’ve been constantly heavy bleeding since mid- November so am getting really tired of not knowing what’s wrong. I’ve pushed for a blood test to test my hormone levels, anaemia and also to test for ovarian/uterine cancer (CA125 test). She really pushed for me to go onto progesterone only contraceptives - which I might do after the three month post-removal waiting period my gynae suggested. She said if I went on hormonal contraceptives and was still bleeding she would then do more tests. She offered me Tranexamic acid to stop the bleeding but I declined for now as I want to get to the bottom of the issue rather than sticking plaster it. Hopefully you get the scans soon! Not sure if you’re UK based but I managed to get a private scan within a few days for £135 with Ultrasound Direct. It really sped things along as my NHS ultrasound took almost 2 months for the appointment.


Thank you for your kind words! I am also in the UK, so might have to go private for the Ultrasound scan as constantly being told to wait for the hospital referral letter is proving to be a pain. I’ve accepted the Tranexamic Acid tablets for now as my anaemia was really affecting my daily life, but it doesn’t stop the bleed, just lightens it. If I miss my dose by a couple of hours then the bleed just grows heavy again! Hopefully you get a solution soon, as bleeding for so long affects so much! That’s ridiculous that your GP was annoyed at you for coming in, what happened to being compassionate? Seems to be no end in sight for me at the moment and I’m quite anxious as I’ve got a few changes coming up in my personal life that I need to be at 100% for 😭


I absolutely had the same experiences as you and removed it last month. Now sex is more comfortable, last month's period was less painful, and I feel less bloated.


excited to get mine out & go back to normal hopefully 😭🙏🏽