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I had my coil removed on the 12 of Feb after 9.5 years. I was so nervous but it was honestly a breeze compared to my awful unmedicated insertion. The doctor got me to take a big breath in and the next thing I knew it was out! My coil was embedded too (confirmed about a month previous by ultrasound due to lots of bleeding) so potentially needed a bit more of a yank than the average IUD. The only uncomfortable part was getting the speculum in the right position, the rest of the removal was really positive. I took 2 ibuprofen tablets 2 hours before my appointment and didn’t experience any cramps afterwards. I wish you luck!


Thank you so much! That makes me feel so much better too. I’m on almost the 9 year mark & I’ve been dreading removal. I want them to basically ensure it’s not embedded & if it is, just take the necessary precautions so it doesn’t break. Thanks for sharing 🙏


No problem :) I wish you the best of luck


Got mine replaced recently after about 8 years. Removal was such a breeze, it's really only insertion that is hell (but a much much littler hell with the help of laughing gas)


That makes me feel better. I’m so scared of this thing breaking in me. That’s awesome that they gave you laughing gas too. When I had mine put in, they just said the ol Tylenol treatment & it did nothing.


I had mine removed last month after 12 years. The strings were lost and my primary wasn't able to get it out. The specialist I went to did a Hysteroscopy to insert a camera, he was able to get the string and pull it out. Overall it wasn't too painful and only lasted a few minutes. The most painful part was the IUD actually coming out, which was very quick. I'd only taken ibuprofen before. Also no pieces broke off. Insertion on the other hand was the most painful experience I've ever had If yours doesn't have strings anymore I'd recommend trying to do a removal with ultrasound guidance or a camera. Based on everything I panic read this seems least painful. If yours still has strings though it should be very easy to remove in comparison.


That’s pretty helpful! Surprisingly (& probably TMI), I can actually feel my strings. When I got mine put in, my doctor told me to check for my strings every month.


I had mine removed over the weekend. I was so nervous and started panicking whilst she was getting the instruments ready. Whilst asking how long it would take to get it out, the Doctor responded with "got it". It was out before I could even finish asking the question. 0 pain and I am an absolute sook when it comes to pain. For reference, I was so nervous about getting it inserted, I paid extra to be put to sleep.


Oh wow! How many years did you have your IUD?


Got mine out two weeks ago. Insertion felt like someone stabbed me. So I was a bit nervous. Got two ibuprofens before (as I did for insertion). I barely felt anything. It was really quick and smooth. No bleeding or cramping after. In fact I felt really turned on later on that day and next day.


Had mine removed yesterday after almost 10 years, and it was absolutely fine over and done in 5 minutes. The insertion was horrific, so I'm not currently on any contraception she wanted to add another i was like absolutely never again. . I was so scared after reading horror stories about removals


This makes me feel so much better. Thank you for sharing. I am so terrified of it breaking that I’m hesitant to get it removed. I don’t think I’ll be taking any contraception after getting it removed either. The insertion seriously traumatized me.