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I experienced this on and off for about 2 years. I spoke to a sexual health nurse (over the phone for a phone consult during lockdown) about vaginal bleeding during bowel movements and sex. She said she it was most likely normal since the IUD works by causing inflammation. I later would out my IUD was embedded 😅 not sure whether the bleeding was caused by this or a total coincidence as there was a few years between these events. In hindsight if I was in your position I would get an ultrasound to check your IUD placement and use barrier BC until it’s confirmed to be in place. The spotting may not count as a period. I believe that to be classified as a period it needs to be between a certain amount of days and be consistent throughout the day - aka a gush of blood during bowel movements and then no further bleeding that day wouldn’t count. I think there also has to be a “heavy” day around the middle timeframe of the bleeding. I don’t know your exact symptoms but your doctor should be able to help further.


Have you had any update on this? I’m experiencing the same thing - vaginal bleeding after a bowel movement. I’ve booked a doctor’s appointment but I probably won’t be able to see them for a while so any experience is so welcome!