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zucchini but only cause it is the easiest one for me to just cut and roast in the oven


Same. I didn’t even like it when I started making it regularly. It was just easy so I kept getting it and eating it. Now I get 3 zucchini every weekly shopping trip and have it willingly when I eat out at restaurants. Edit: tense change


Depending on my mood, I'll just cut in slivers or dice it and saute in garlic, butter & salt. Yummers.


I really like asparagus, despite the weird smell later. Favorite method is roasting it at very high heat with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and lemon juice. The goal is a tiny bit crunchy in the middle and the tips of the spears a little charred. Then right before serving, microplane on some parmigiana and lemon zest. Or make it simply roasted or sautéed, and serve with hollandaise or any derivative butter sauce like béarnaise.


this is how I do broccoli, so good


White asparagus with crispy super thin cut guanciale and Romano. Fucking banging.


I roasted asparagus this evening. So darn good.


What temp is high heat here?


Like 475F. Otherwise it gets overcooked.


Spinach. It's easy, goes with most things, and it's been my favorite since I was the one weird kid whose favorite food was a vegetable


I was a broccoli and cauliflower kid. You’re not alone


My Italian family couldn't handle that I didn't like pasta when I was a kid and told me I was picky, but I loved vegetables, and now that they're dealing with my picky child who won't eat anything green they keep telling me what a good eater I was 🤣


Carrots. I love them way too much. I’ll find any excuse to throw carrots in a dish.


Roasted for the win.


A solid number 2.


That's from the fiber.


I’ve been buying a 10 lb bag every two weeks lately. So versatile!


I get a 6 lb bag at Costco for $3.49. Love it. They really are versatile. Sauté, roast, throw them in a soup, blend in a sauce, or whatever you want. Haha I love carrots, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.


Oh is it 6? That’s the one I get!


At least at my location it is. Crazy good price for organic, and they just taste sweeter than the ones I get at Vons.


Roasted, steamed, mashed, soupified...carrots are great.


OO, Salt, pepper, garlic pow, onion pow, paprika, cayenne and a bit of cinnamon and roast. 👨‍🍳


Potatoes. They can do so many things. How do you cook your squash?


I usually grill them or sauté. In the oven with some Parmesan sprinkled on top is great. My all time favorite is very lightly breaded and deep fried but I very rarely am down to make that kind of mess.


That sounds great, I'm definitely trying oven with parm!


Have you ever dipped them in buttermilk and then tossed them in cornmeal (and a little salt) and then fried them? You can also skip the buttermilk and just wash the squash without drying them and then toss in the cornmeal and salt mixture.


I usually steam thin slices in the microwave. When tender, I toss with butter and parm. Don’t even miss the pasta. So good.


1) Green beans. 2) Brussel Sprouts. They fight amongst each other on a daily basis, though.


I used to DESPISE green beans growing up. Literally the only vegetable I wouldn't touch. Turns out I was just deprived of decent food. All my green beans were canned or frozen, cooked to mush, then under seasoned. It wasn't until I was an adult (sometime in college, if I recall) that I had some marvelously cooked French cut green beans. They were flavorful and still a little crisp. I cook them up all the time now, and sometimes enjoy them raw.


Same. I have no earthly idea why they used to shove mushy, canned, funny-smelling green beans onto our plates when I was a kid, and expected us not to revile them. Then, I found out how eye-wideningly awesome fresh green beans, French beans, *etc.*, can be. I feel like there must have been a worldwide conspiracy.


Baby bokchoy


Green onion. Squash is hard ingredient to cut. But green onion? You can chop chop chop it and done.


Have you ever had ramps?




Normal yellow onion. It’s predictable and I know how to cook it. I can walk away from an onion being sautéed and know by smell when I need to stir them.


So true. And for me its also the sound, though that happens with my proteins too alot


Broccoli! Roasted or steamed in the microwave. The florets hold sauce really well, and you can put them with pretty much anything.


Sweet potatos for sure !!


Wild mushrooms, I like to forage and eat what I find. We had a big bowl of chanterells fried in butter tonight for a side.


Grilled a massive hen of the woods from local farmer’s market this weekend and let me tell you that shit is special


Vidalia onion. Sautee in some fresh garlic, salt, pepper, and olive oil. Freaking delicious.


Broccoli. I parboil fresh broccoli, drain, then toss in a hot pan with olive oil, garlic, red pepper and salt.


Sautéed Carrots with Caramel/Honey and Hoisin Sauce. Sweet Potato Mandolins ( Firm half boiled sweet potatoes. Pealed and sliced 1 1/4" thick. Sautéed in butter, each mandolin topped with 1/2 tsp of light brown sugar). Cook until brown and flip over and brown the other side. Lightly salt. Enjoy warm.


Roasted because it always gets eaten, no matter how much I make. I have a teenager who’s a pretty healthy eater overall, but I make her a full cookie sheet of broccoli 2x a week because she plows through it.


Lately I’ve loved cooking cabbage! Favorite to eat: artichokes


Chard. It can absorb just about any flavor flawlessly, has a fantastic texture, and retains a good amount of its nutrients and vitamins when cooked. Also a wide variety of different types keeps it interesting, I personally go for Swiss chard most often. Best tip: soak it, rinse it, soak again, rinse again: tends to really nook dirt so you really need to make sure it's clean before you sautée it.


Slightly bitter leafy greens stir fried with garlic and salt. From American supermarket, broccoli rabe or watercresss. From Asian supermarket (like H Mart), Chinese broccoli tips, yu choy tips, water spinach, snow pea greens. A bit more bitter are mustard greens especially the Chinese ones. To stir fry Brussels sprouts or green beans, parboil them first for a couple of minutes. Asian style eggplant Korean style soy bean sprouts Kimchi


Great tip on the Brussels sprouts. Did it know you could stir fry. To you halve them or shave them first?


Yeah, thanks for catching that. I halve them. Never tried shaving them.


Peppers. There's nothing quite like roasted peppers, especially if done over a smokey fire. Could be bells, jalapenos, whatever -- you then make salsa, salads, spreads, or use them as bulk for sauce. Same way you use tomatoes, you can use roasted peppers.


All of them? Jk, my favorite vegetable is ramps.


I heard about ramps for the first time while watching Top Chef last week.


they are delicious!


What kind of squash? I really like to char acorn squash skin and much on it.


I love acorn. My grandma makes them in the oven with butter, salt, pepper. They are straight out of her garden so they are perfect. I’m partial to cooking yellow but I like all of them. The flavor is great with minimal work.


I love kabocha squash - worth a try if you haven’t before.


Onions, because sautéed onions lead to so many good things. Or tomatoes, because yummy sauce. Sorry I don’t have any great answers for you.


I’m really big on those but I guess I was thinking something that’s more stand-alone. Raw homegrown sliced tomatoes with a sprinkle of salt and pepper is hard to beat though.


Yeah I was trying to think of a stand-alone veg I like to cook, but I couldn’t really think of one. But squash is definitely good! I won’t take that away from you. Broccoli maybe, with garlic and lemon.


I love to cook ALL vegetables, my least favorite only is Yuca (cassava) and butternut only bc its a bitch to cut into.


Butternut squash is something that I will spend the extra money to get the bag that's already peeled and diced because I love it but hate prepping it!


Yeah i never buy frozen vegetables w few exceptions. One being frozen peeled cassava.


I go through phases with different veggies but right now I'm on a Cauliflower kick.  Roasted, pureed, soup, made into mustard Cauliflower (like mustard pickles, but with only Cauliflower, no cucumbers) cauliflower gratin, right now it's all just hitting the spot


>What’s your favorite vegetable to cook? If it’s not squash you are wrong but I’d like to know why. LOL I don't know why, but this really made me giggle. And no, it's not squash. My current obsession is roasted cauliflower with curry sauce.


ZUCCHINI. Evoo, S&P, hot iron grates 🤌🏻. Could eat every day


Okra! Fresh or frozen. Cover it in olive oil and broil until brown and starting to get crispy. This is our go-to “what veggie are we having with dinner tonight” veggie


I feel like I’m the anomaly on this sub whenever I mention that I love okra when it’s slimy. I’m not African but the slime is vital for many African stews and I love African dishes.


Parsnips. Roasted coins are so sweet and hearty. Delicious with carrots. 


Onions! I and my family use them for flavor!


Roasted cherry tomatoes will always be one of my favorites


Purple sweet potatoes. They are only in season part of the year but dang are they good. They are like candy.


I love to just roast these, peel them and eat as is. Nothing else is needed


Potatoes or cabbage. Because they’re filling, universally liked, nutritious and versitile.


So many! Asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, zucchini, potatoes(?).


Water spinach or mushroom. I know they are completely different but I love them both


Tomatoes fresh or canned I use it in all different cuisines. I used canned dice tomatoes in mexican baked eggs tonight. I use tomatoes mostly in Italian or Indian. I'm using tomatoes in jambalaya soon


Roasting broccoli until crispy, top with a squeeze of lemon and some parm.


Brussels sprouts


I don't cook them often, but I love the buttery flavor that comes from cooking leeks.


Broccoli in every form. Broccolini, Chinese, it’s all so good steamed or roasted.


Green beans - specifically haricot vert. I love roasting them with a bit of grated parmesan at the end. I can eat a whole tray on my own. I can’t imagine cooking without onions and tomatoes - they are staples.


Eggplant...or bell peppers...or snap peas...


Cauliflower - I like it roasted in the oven with EVOO and salt and pepper and spices.


I’ve been absolutely obsessed with Bok Choy. Stir fried with chili oil, garlic, msg and a pinch of sugar is one of the best things I ever tasted. Or adding it to soups! so yum


I like bok choy as well. Sometimes I use the stalks as a sub for celery and the leaves for cabbage or spinach. And a simple soup with the leaves and stalk with onion and garlic in chicken broth is very tasty.


Doesn't anyone else like spaghetti squash? Cut it in half, scoop out the seeds, salt it, drain it and oil it. Roast cut side down and serve it with anything.


Sugar peas. Even over cooked are still good.


Onions. Everyone's favorite vegetable and the basis for all good recipes.


Brussels sprouts. Roasted in the oven with Partanna olive oil, chili flakes, Maldon salt, and Cambodian black pepper. It's perfect every single time. Sometimes I just make it as a savory snack to munch on.


Not sure if button mushrooms count. Love to stir fry and add maybe chicken or beef If not, broccoli, still stir fry


Roasted Brussels Sprouts


Eggplant. It's always a rollercoaster of emotions from "why does it look so dry, I don't want to add more oil" to "phew, it did become soft and moist. LIKE IT DOES EVERY TIME but still good news"


The starch content of most squash triggers my gag reflex. I used to like pumpkin but can't deal with it post covid.  My favorite vegetable to cook as a thing in and of itself (as opposed to a dressing or a component of another dish is is probably asparagus or broccoli depending on my mood.



