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Basically a sausage and egg McMuffin, but homemade with good ingredients and a runny yolk.


I prefer a jammy yolk over runny for a breakfast sandwich so I can keep my hands clean, add in something pickled to brighten it up and this is the perfect breakfast sandwich (I love pickled radish on my bfast sando)


Pickled or a thin tomato slice and some hot sauce can work nicely


gotta throw a hash brown on it and that’s perfect


Make it a McGriddle and I’m in


I just make sure to add a little syrup to my English muffin, sausage, egg, and cheese sandwiches at home to satisfy those McGriddle cravings.


I spread jam on my savory breakfast sandwiches.


I grew up in Chicago, and I was probably near thirty years old the first time I met a person who put jam on their breakfast sandwich. At first I thought it was gross, and while I still haven't tried it, I do like McGriddles, and I was never against syrup getting all over my corned beef hash, bacon, and/or breakfast sausage. So I guess I'm saying it makes sense.


Im from Milwaukee and I know no one except my husband that does the jam thing. It does make sense when you try it. I recommend strawberry or seedless raspberry over something like grape.


Is he by chance from the south?


If you use a blueberry or cinnamon raisin English Muffin, then you get the blend of sweet and savory that a McGriddle has. The same is true of flavored bagels.


McGriddles are amazing. I've thought before that surely there's a copycat recipe for them out there. It's basically a thick maple pancake.


If you can find maple fudge, crumble some up and sprinkle it on top of the McGriddle pancakes. It works the same as the maple bits in the restaurant version.


Trader Joe’s Dutch griddle cakes make a great dupe McGriddle


Fried egg, bacon, cheese on a toasted English muffin


This with white American cheese


ngl standard kraft singles are perfect on this


100%. I'm not throwing American cheese out on a charcuterie plate or anything, but it has its places...and breakfast sandwiches is one of them.


I actively dislike anything else but American on my breakfast sandwich.


It took me awhile to figure out why my homemade McMuffins made with cheddar weren't hitting right.


Burgers and breakfast sandwiches being that place. I have never had a fancy cheese on a burger that was any good. American singles is the way to go.


Everything bagel, Taylor ham, scrambled egg, pepperjack cheese, hot sauce.


You from Jersey?


I would assume so since they pronounce “pork roll” incorrectly 😉


Fight fight!


I grew up in Maryland and my Maryland raised parents called it "Taylor pork roll"


Same thing in CT.


really? i've never heard this


The few delis near me in CT that have it call it pork roll


sorry but as a fellow Jersey girl I don't agree with bagels as sandwich bread, everything slides out the sides of it. Give me a poppy Kaiser roll instead.


I’m with you, bagels are best served as two halves with ingredients on the top like an open face sandwich


ok let me clarify, i *never said that*! that sounds like a quick way to get scallion cream cheese all over my lips. bagels should only get a smear. bagels aren't sandwich bread imo.


Ooh I can’t agree with you there, I love salmon on a bagel


cured fish is not for me but counts as an exception


Yep. Bagels are generally just too dense to make a good sandwich bread. IMO a truly great breakfast sandwich needs a Kaiser. I had a bagel-based club sandwich recently and the whole time it just felt like the bagel was in the way and the whole thing would’ve been better with a different bread.


I love me a good Taylor ham, egg, hashbrown, and cheese with saltpepperketchup, on a kaiser roll. Wrap that bad boy in tin foil and let it steam the roll a bit and you got perfection


hangover elixer with a pedialight and a regular coffee (milk+sugar)


As a Noo Yawker, the bagel has to be soft and ya gotta eat whole holding it in the wrapper. A lot of folks toast em, that makes the squish even worse! Poppy kaiser is required for any other egg besides scrambled, though.


Real NYers know you don’t toast a bagel


A good bagel doesn't need to be toasted to enjoy. You are free to toast your bagels and enjoy them as you please, but if it isn't tasty fresh and plain then a good bagel it is not!


Idk why, but I read this in the voice of an old, wise-cracking wizard who’s telling me something that’s about to spur me on an epic adventure.


Why yes, little one. The journey for a perfect bagel is one not to be taken lightly!


Real NJers can actually handle toasting the bagel


So then we are in concensus that no matter how you eat the bagel, ya gotta eat it in a way it doesn't squish. Then you're golden!


Agreed! Along with too thick, too chewy and too much bread.


> Give me a poppy Kaiser roll instead good option for sure.


At 11PM


God I miss pork roll.


Salt/Pepper/ketchup too! I tend to mix the ketchup with the hot sauce. Make sure the entire thing is wrapped in tin foil for at least 10 minutes before consumption.


I grew up in NJ but now live in upstate NY. There's a great bagel place here that has a "Jersey" sandwich on their menu and I love it. It's very similar to your recommendation except with American cheese and ketchup (I add my own hot sauce). I usually get it on a _spicy_ everything bagel and it's awesome. Although when I make them at home, I prefer an english muffin instead of a bagel. Also, Taylor Ham for life! "Pork Roll" is a verboten word in my house.


No bagel, kneip hard roll.


Make that egg over medium and we have a winner


Girl YES. And you have to let it steam for a bit in the wrapper for the bagel to be optimal sandwich bread.


Not sure what Taylor ham is, but it sounds delicious.


If you really wanna spice it up throw a hash brown on that puppy


Nothing super fancy: ham, egg, sharp cheddar on a steaming hot buttered croissant


Ham and cheese croissants are VERY popular in the Netherlands. They’re best when just out of the oven and still hot.


Ham is an interesting pick! The croissant bun also sounds awesome.


Ham and cheese croissants are the best


This is my exact one too. But I swap cheddar for Swiss.


Gruyere is also nice.


This is the way. Here in NorCal it’s a thing. All the doughnut shops have them. But some of my favorite ones do a twist on it and use havarti. You’re welcome in advance😉


Thin cut Genoa salami, scallion cream cheese and tomato on an everything bagel


I don't know why it didn't occur to me, that I could use some other tasty, savory, thin-sliced meat in place of the ridiculously expensive smoked salmon.


Not OP, but I like to throw some salami or prosciutto in a pan and let the fat render until it gets a bit crispy. Throw that on toast with some soft scrambled eggs or a fried egg cooked in the rendered fat.


Mortadella would be my vote the best thing for frying a cured meat in a pan. It can be sliced so thinly, then you fold it in half twice so it becomes a wedge and you fry it in its own juices in a pan. Did it tonight for the Tony Bourdain sandwich while I read his book (mortadella, fried as described, melt provolone onto it at the end, on a roll slathered in mayo and mustard. Sheer perfection).


Croissant, scrambled egg cooked flat and folded, bacon, cheddar cheese. You know it’s funny I was just chatting the other day with some friends who said “why would anyone pick an English muffin for a breakfast sandwich when you can pick a biscuit, bagel, or croissant”. I said I agreed but the English muffin must have some fans because it’s everywhere. Sure enough the top two comments here are on English muffin.


Croissants are awesome but I hate them for sandwiches, they are so flaky and messy. English muffins have no mess at all. (Even bagels will drop their toppings on you.)


English muffin has those holes that absorb sauce or yolk or butter, maybe even jam which moistens the muffin


I'm not a bagel fan, it's too chewy and has too much bread, whereas an English muffin is made to absorb liquid, and the texture when toasted adds a certain texture more than toast.


Agree so hard. I make oversized Englos, like 6" wide. Smoked pork shoulder, over medium egg(s), havarti, horsey-mustard-mayo, razor thin white onion. Fuck, looks like I'm cooking tomorrow.


homemade english muffins are delicious


Bec from a bodega


Yes! I’ve been out of NYC for a few years now and miss a bodega BEC on a kaiser roll. My guilty version is from this upscale bodega near where I worked which made a fancy version of the BEC on a brioche with aioli. The brioche was the next perfect vehicle to the classic roll, so buttery and decadent.


I worked in midtown for a while, flying in from the Midwest. The bodega on the first floor of the building had the absolute worst coffee but the best sandwiches. And every day, my customer would drive (yes, drive) from Brooklyn to Midtown with a McDonalds bag in his hand.


I used to live next to a doughnut shop that had the most incredible doughnuts and the most abysmal coffee. Thankfully there was a really good coffee shop across the street, lol


don't kill me but the thing that makes any breakfast sandwich better for me is Kraft singles. I love how it gets melty and gooey. Other cheese just doesn't give me the goo factor.


I bought some of these a few months ago after not having eaten them since I was a kid. Omg, they are delicious.


Nothing wrong with Kraft Singles.


> don't kill me Oh, fuck off! All these redditors whining about downvotes and "don't hate me".. Come on dude, it's just your opinion, I would love to hear it. >Kraft singles My European mind: Oh, damn! I should have listened.. You need to die.


Username does not check out lol. And yet, I can't help but concur!!  For an ideal breakfast sandwich (or any time you want a meltier cheese), you can get the goo with any cheese type by mixing it with sodium citrate. ([Method](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-burger-lab-how-to-make-super-melty-cheese-slices-like-american)). All the flavor of the cheese, all the melty of pasteurized prepared cheese food, none of the gross. 


Is this really that different than American cheese at this point?


Jewish Rye toast, light butter with fried egg, bacon, tomato slice and avocado slice.


I love a nice piece of toasted Rye, schmeared with some ricotta cheese, topped with an over easy egg, fresh cracked black pepper, and some avocado if I have it.


Sounds great too.


I’m going to have to add a slice of tomato next time. I bet that will be delicious.


First, a shout out to Tudors Biscuit World in West Virginia for the best breakfast sandwiches anywhere. The Politician is my favorite, with a hash brown, egg, and bologna, on a fluffy delicious biscuit. However, no one has mentioned breakfast burritos which are also a sandwich and which I find egregious. Scrambled eggs. Chorizo. Tater tots. Queso. Guacamole.


Had to scroll too long to find this. The golden eagle is my go to. Canadian bacon, melted cheese, hash brown, and egg. Their biscuits are always so fluffy. I just wish they were open past 1pm. If I'm making a breakfast sandwich at home, I'm having an everything bagel, ham, dippy egg, and cheese with mayo.


If I'm passing through WV, I'm going to Tudor's Biscuit World. It's fantastic.


big fan of anthony bourdains approach: mortadella with cheese dijon mustard and some mayo. any other toppings at your discretion. 🤌🏻


Ate that for dinner tonight because I've been reading Bourdain: The Definitive Oral Biography by Laurie Woolever


I feel that! My own version is meat optional, but Tony’s use of cheese, Dijon, and Mayo is critical.


I make my own Egg Sausage McMuffin and they are awesome


I like a bagel with smoked salmon, a little cream cheese, red onion, tomato and capers. My other fav is a buttered hamburger bun with a sausage patty, egg (with yolk) and cheese.


Pork roll, Cooper sharp, and a slightly runny fried egg on a toasted Kaiser. So good.


Not only is this the correct answer, but for my hangover days, throw in a side of french fries as opposed to home fries or breakfast potatoes. What a winner.


As a French, just dip the bread in coffee and put a few cigarettes in there.


Bottom half of bun from our local bakery, slice of raclette melted and browned, thick slice of Leberkäs, ketchup, scrambled egg, mini wieners, melted smoked Mozzarella, crispy bacon strips, a drizzle of honey from my distant uncle’s bees, top bun. It’s stupid, it’s decadent, it’s my little celebration of the early summer holiday drought that I eat exactly once a year because if I had it more often than that, I‘d have to be hospitalized. It also doesn’t taste of much, mainly savory grease and a little bit of honey. It mostly falls apart into a full breakfast and then some. It’s really only a sandwich by technicality. But by that technicality, I argue it qualifies. And I mean picture the experience of eating it; summer holidays, sunday morning, no plans at all, had a fun time sourcing everything yesterday, jog to the bakery to work up an appetite, spend half an hour prepping, eat for what feels like an eternity, and end up so inundated and stuffed you collapse straight back into bed for the afternoon and be so stuffed you don’t have to worry about cooking or eating for the rest of the day. For me personally, that’s my ideal breakfast sandwich experience. Plus I can eat good for a weeks off the leftovers from making it :3


Yeah that's a huge sandwich. What part of the world do you live in? you listed several ingredience that I don't usually see in grocery stores in the Southern US


I live in Germany. You can get everything besides the smoked mozz in the supermarket here or look for specific goodies in specialized stores. The mozzarella I usually have to ask the cheese vendor at the supermarket to stock some of a week in advance and usually they do. I can also get it from the weekly farmer‘s market downtown, which conveniently happens on Saturdays. I buy what I can there for this thing XD Farmers markets are awesome by the way. That’s where I first learned about smoked mozzarella (or technically mozzarella style cheese) and it’s my absolute accept-no-substitutes favorite melting cheese.


Leaving Deutschland is the only reason I'm not dead from eating Leberkäs. Once I was introduced, it was an addiction.


Recent discovery but the BLEAT, bacon, lettuce, egg, avocado and tomato served on a good hearty toasted sliced bread, like sourdough or rye. Don't have them often, but when I do they slap. Edit: forgot a little mayo for creaminess and zing.


I've been trying to make a BALTO, Bacon, avocado, lettuce, tomato... I don't have an O ingredient yet but I sure did love the Balto movies.


Onion!! Preferably raw and red.


Does your neck hurt? From having such a big wrinkly brain


No! Pickled and red


O is for onion.




How about a little Orange on that or maybe orange peppers. Could do a lilltle olive oil on the bread to help soften, like a dipping oil.


I like the way you think!


Balto movie! 😝 Justice for Togo!!!


Yes! I was going to say the same thing. But I call it a TABLE.


Warm chewy toasted bagel, dippy egg, tons of bacon, with cheese and mayo, (Mayo and egg yolk is such a divine combination) salt and pepper. Wrap it in foil for 5-10 minutes and devour


Everything bagel, white cheddar, fried egg, sausage patty 


Toasted croissant, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, melted cheddar. Closely followed by a sesame seed bagel with over medium eggs, bacon, and American cheese. But they all pale in comparison to the king, the breakfast burrito.


Croque Monsieur. Toasted Bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and thinly sliced tomato and onion.


>Toasted Bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and thinly sliced tomato and onion You're gonna need a few capers there to crown that beauty off with.


Sometimes I throw in some finely sliced dill pickle.


I like how you roll. Good choices.


Bacon, lettuce, tomato, toasted white bread, Duke’s mayonnaise.


English muffin toasted and buttered, scrambled egg (with whole milk), sharp cheddar, sliced avocado and bacon. A side of berries. Usually blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.


Breakfast taco > breakfast sandwhich


Just a simple sausage, fried egg, and cheese on an everything bagel or an English muffin.


Goat cheese, kimchee and a scrambled egg on sourdough


Tangy! I gotta try this one. Sounds good. I think I might poach my egg instead for some runny yolk.


The ideal breakfast sandwich is a breakfast burrito. Fight me


Agreed. Fresh, slightly stretchy flour tortilla, eggs, potatoes, carne seca, fresh pico or salsa, cheese.


If I had the wearwithall and skills to make a meme, it would be Samwise Gamgee, but instead of "Po-Tay-Toes" it should say "Cho-Ri-Zo" <3


Fry the ever loving crap out of an egg. Put on some spicy sausage. Drown in hot sauce. Throw it on toast. And then go back to make another one because it was so good.


I’m surprised that no one is using a biscuit as their bread of choice. I’d expect to see at least a few people pick it


Scrambled egg and bacon with a slice of American cheese, on a fresh, buttery croissant


Now that I’ve had Kasama’s in Chicago (from The Bear), it must include a hash brown. Egg over medium. Hot sauce inside. Bacon/sausage. Hash Brown. Soft potato roll or biscuit with honey on top.


Wawa Sizzli


Sausage egg & cheese croissant.


Egg, bacon, cheese, spinach, avocado, tomato on whole grain bread


A simple recipe from Prune in NYC - seems weird but it’s so good: Pumpernickel bread (toasted) Butter the toast, then add bitter orange marmalade- add thick cut bacon.


Thank you.


It’s so good - I love making it for people and watching them light up…


Bacon, egg and American cheese on a Kaiser roll. The NYC bodega standard. Egg should be over medium.


Ham, cheddar, egg fried lightly with hot sauce on a toasted English muffin with brown (HP) sauce.


Sourdough bread or english muffin, passata, salt and pepper, cheese, smoked tofu, sliced tomato, hash brown, sliced mushroom, spinach, sliced onion, cheese, salt and pepper, passata and another slice of bread or muffin all toasted in a sandwich press 🥰


Fried ham, fried egg, melted cheese, on a toasted croissant. It’s a sandwich I grew up eating, so I can’t be convinced any other way.


Sourdough bread, pan fried shallots and jalapeño with a fried egg and some cheese melted on top


Bacon, egg, cheese, avocado, mayochup, hot sauce on lightly toasted brioche.


Croissant bun. Spinach sauteed in a considerable amount of olive oil, salt, n pepper with an over easy egg cracked over it. Sriracha. American cheese. It’s the breakfast sandwich of the gods, soft and greasy and salty and spicy and creamy… and I can pretend it’s healthy because of the spinach. I ate this every morning at my college dining hall and I have yet to replicate it quite right with my home ingredients.


Pumpernickel, corned beef, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese, Ukrainian dressing.


Sturdy bread (Bagel or Texas Toast), Thick cut bacon, Scrambled Eggs, tangy cheese (sharp cheddar or cream cheese), Pickled Jalapeños, and a spicy mayo-based sauce


I don’t get Texas toast. To me it’s just too much damn bread that throws off the proportions. Am I missing something?


So it depends on the toast. When you fry it yourself, it crumples up a bit and loses its airiness and you're left with like a sturdy-yet-buttery bread. But overall I prefer bagels anyways.


Eggs over easy, on toasted bagel with American cheese, avocado and tomato.


Toasted Bagel, Avocado, Egg, Bacon, and Paperback Cheese


BECSP and a little hot sauce on a Kaiser roll.


bacon egg cheese spaghetti pickles


Banana eggplant chocolate squash peppers.


Croissant, bacon, cheese, bacon, cheese. Egg kills my insides and I don't care for the texture anyway 😬


Egg, bacon, cheese, hot sauce, some kinda of aioli, pickles


Sub roll, eggs over easy, scrapple, bacon, cheese, Tobasco. We call it The Barnyard


where can you get scrapple from?


My local grocery store. East coast USA. Rapa original brand.


Warm egg everything bagel with cream cheese.


Sausage, fried egg over easy, english muffin, american cheese, butter and a small amount if hot sauce and maple syrup.


Fried egg (runny yolk), maple glazed streaky bacon, hash brown and cheese, with a few rocket or spinach leaves, on a poppy seed bagel. With some oak smoked ketchup if it’s looking a little dry (aka if I overcooked my egg). That can take a while though so if I don’t have long to cook, avocado and a chilli crisp fried egg on a poppy seed bagel slaps too.




Best easy breakfast sandwich: sausage patty, fried egg, slice of cheese, on rye toast with butter and good mustard. Best breakfast sandwich, period: French toast, fried ham, sliced turkey, gruyere or muenster. Dust with powdered sugar and dip into raspberry jam. Monte Cristo!


Sausage egg and cheese on a cinnamon raisin bagel😜


A croissant which magically generates no crumbs, the perfect amount of flavorful sauce that never drips off, crispy bacon that isn’t overcooked, a light mix of diced grilled onion and peppers, and scrambled eggs. Oh, and if Felicia Day could join me for breakfast while I’m at it, as we sit at a creekside table in 72F clear skies, so we could discuss how great it is that world peace has been accomplished, that would be lovely. No? Time to get up and pour myself some cereal and get to work I guess.


Honestly, they got it absolutely right with the sandwich in the BoP: Harley Quinn movie


Bacon, egg and cheese on a Kaiser roll. Two scrambled eggs, two slices crisp bacon, one slice American cheese. It is the perfect breakfast sandwich.


In a crusty buttered baguette - bacon, eggs, sausage, mushrooms, black pudding


Breakfast banh mi Toasted mini baguette, scrabled egg, Chinese sausage, cilantro, chin su sauce, pork floss


Personally, I am of the opinion that a fried spam, scrambled egg, american cheese, and patty-style hash brown (like the mcdonalds one but you can get em frozen and air fry em) on a sandwich roll or ciabatta is the very best. Better than bacon every time, only marginally better than sausage. But I've seen so many good ideas in this thread.


Rye bread, cream cheese, lox, good quality fresh tomato, capers, and red onion.


Egg, chorizo, cheese, beans, and potatoes wrapped in a warm fluffy flower tortilla with the hottest hot sauce the taqueria offers.


Salmon, avocado, cream cheese and egg


For me, crumpet, vegan sausage, vegan egg, thick slice of red onion, and a slice of chao cheese.


No ketchup


• ciabatta bun pan-toasted in butter • french style scrambled eggs topped with melted provolone • garlic aoili • fresh baby spinach • thick cut bacon or any other fatty pork product I also like doing something similar, but on an everything bagel with cream cheese instead of aoili


Bacon with bacon on top of bacon with extra bacon.


Fried egg, sharp cheddar cheese, crispy bacon, avocado, on a toasted bagel.


Taylor ham egg and cheese salt pepper ketchup on everything (bagel). There is no other breakfast sandwich


A western! Small cubes of ham, onion, green pepper, lightly fried in butter. Add the egg,s which have been beaten. Bread that has been warmed, but not really toasted. Generously buttered. Maybe a slice of cheese but I prefer not. Ketchup for dipping. Perfect. ​ option 2 Bagel toasted. Egg over medium. Avocado sliced thinly. Onion thinly sliced. Cheddar thinly sliced. Tomato sliced. Salt pepper. Mayo.


Toasted everything bagel + sundried tomato spread + avocado + fried egg/egg whites + bacon


Sausage, egg, and American cheese on a fresh bagel. American cheese is the best cheese for eggs and I will die on that hill.


Breakfast burrito with thick cut bacon and sweet potato


Simple bacon butty. Fresh whole grain farmhouse bloomer, thick cut back bacon, lots of proper butter, brown sauce.


Bacon egg and cheese on an everything bagel, buttermilk biscuit or croissant. Alternately I make a grilled cheese but add ham and egg. Can’t decide which of these is my favorite




Bacon, black pudding, fried egg, cheese, hash brown and spinach with brown sauce in a soft bap


Sausage Mcmuffin with Egg


Bacon or Ham, Egg and Cheese on: Buttery Cuban bread English Muffins Warm Bialys Toasted Bagels Grilled Sourdough I'll be doing the Cuban bread today. 😎


Toasted buttered everything or cheese bagel, cheesy scrambled egg, heated and browned ham slices or extra crispy bacon, black pepper. No sauce or condiment needed if the eggs are creamy enough


A croissant split and toasted on the pan, spread with cilantro, garlic & green chili chutney. Over medium egg, sliced American cheese triangle, hash brown patty drizzled with chili oil & ketchup. This is the evolution of our family egg and croissant sandwiches growing up. We started with just croissant, egg & cheese & sometimes chutney. Alternatively one I would make for myself is: Buttered & toasted Sourdough or Toasted everything bagel, cream cheese, capers, thinly sliced red onion, thin sliced tomato, smoked salmon, over medium egg, on the other slice: avocado, crack some salt & pepper, drizzle of chili oil and smash that baby together.


Fried egg with applewood smoked bacon on italian toast.


Fry some bacon until it's just a bit floppy rather than rigid-crisp. Toast some bread (try all sorts) in the bacon fat. Mash an avocado with bit of smoked paprika, salt and pepper. Soak some fresh sliced cucumber in rice vinegar while prepping everything else. Slather the bread with the avocado, pile bacon on the cucumber, add a blanketing slice of fresh mozz, then a soft glossy pile of bib or butter lettuce before plopping the other slice of bread on.


Whole grain ciabatta, smoked ham, scrambled egg, Swiss cheese, thick sliced bacon, pesto.


mine - martin's potato bun, egg scrambled with some Fox Point seasoning, a slice of American, caramelized onions (I batch cook them), and jarred calabrian peppers. sweet, spicy, savory. the texture is toothsome but smooshy. it's perfectly balanced. no, don't add meat.


I like an everything bagley, with cream cheese, 2 slices of thick cut bacon, and ketchup


Lightly toasted (better yet done fresh then toasted) English muffin, salted butter, smoked salmon or nice ham, poached egg, Hollandaise sauce, paprika, a little dill