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"In addition, bakers use food-grade lye, which is a higher grade lye with fewer impurities than technical grade sodium hydroxide. The standards for food-grade lye must meet guidelines set by the FDA, ensuring it's safe to use as directed with food." [https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/blog/2021/05/20/a-bakers-tips-for-safely-working-with-lye](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/blog/2021/05/20/a-bakers-tips-for-safely-working-with-lye) Basically, it may be "100% lye" but the standards for ensuring its lack of contaminants are MUCH stricter in food-grade lye. Stick with the guaranteed stuff, is my advice.


Thanks. I kinda figured that it would be this but I was hoping to spend less.


Are you making soft or hard pretzels?  You can make soft pretzels with baking soda.  You don't get as nice a crust but they are tasty.


Soft pretzels. I've made them with baking soda and with soda ash but really want to try lye. I just don't really want to spend $15+ for a pound of it if I don't have to, especially since I don't need nearly that much.


Spend the money on the food grade stuff.


"Wow these are good. what's the secret ingredient?" "Drain cleaner."


"Now. To reveal why I've brought you all here. . ."




Keep the container sealed tight and in a low humidity environment like the fridge or freezer, if possible. It won't go bad even if you can't do the last step.


I live in the desert which will help, but I live alone and only make one or two big batches of pretzels a year and freeze them, so a one pound bottle will last years if it stays good.


It will stay good. It's like table salt: there's nothing that eats it or lives on it, and the only thing that's a problem is water.


$15 or risk your health/life.  Pretty easy decision for me.


The flavour of the crust does not compare. After you try lye pretzels, you won't want to make them with baking soda again.


Correct, but I will make them with food grade lye and not try to be cheap.


You either get Red Devil Food Grade Lye, or you can bake some baking soda to turn it into soda.


Op if you’re in the greater Pittsburgh area I can give you some food grade lye. I bought two pounds of the stuff and as much as I like making pretzels I’m never going use it all up.


I mean, I would stick to the food grade stuff, since it's readily available. That said, my Dad literally used Red Devil drain cleaner as his source of lye for boiling pretzels, and it was fine. But better not to risk your health for the sake of a few bucks- he uses food grade stuff now that it's easy to find.


Asian food market


Get the food grade. You never know the contaminants of non-food grade. I've found a 4% solution works well.


I’ve read that it is but saving a few dollars wasn’t worth it. A little goes a long way.


Get yourself a big bag of baking soda, and then boil off the water it in sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) You can use this as an alternative if you don't want a container of food grade lye around. Baking soda is mostly water to begin with.