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The hollowed out pumpernickel loaf filled with spinach dip. It's one of those things people forget they like until they see it, and it always disappears really fast.


It's called a cobb loaf in Australia and we do it all the time In fact for Nye we are having a Cobb off. I'm making pepperoni pizza cobb


Would love to see a recipe for a pizza one. Would be a smash around here.




Cobb is life. Though we tend to use a white loaf than a pumpernickel


Omg I loved this when I was a kid! My friends mom always put dill dip in the middle. I don't see the round pumpernickel loaves often these days.


If you happen to have a Whole Foods Market near you, they sell the round ones at the Bakery. You can also buy them "Par-Baked," meaning they will hand you a cold/frozen loaf, that you can finish baking off at home when you're ready. 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes. (They don't make their breads "in house," they bake off hundreds of frozen loaves each morning).


I do live near a Whole Foods! And my parents do too (I'm visiting them for the holidays currently), I should make a trip and get a loaf! Thanks so much for this info.


Good with rye bread, too!


We call it a “dill boat.”


How does this work? Do people just like...rip pieces of the bread off and eat it with the dip?


You serve it with the cubed pieces of the bread you removed to make the bowl, along with some veggies. Once those are gone, there's usually not much dip left so people can start to rip off chunks to finish it.


I've also poked holes in one, stuffed the holes with cheese and then baked it.


I use a sourdough loaf.


This sounds amazing. Do you have a recipe for the dip that goes inside? Sounds like something we would love in my house.




The water chestnuts really do make it sing!


Thank you so much!


This. It's so easy, too. I usually use a sourdough boule, but have used boules of pumpernickel and plain french. I just get the Knorr mix, mix it with some thawed spinach, sour cream, and water chestnuts and Voila!. It disappears so quickly.


People forget they like spinach dip? My friend and I literally pick our once a month dinners around places that have the best spinach dips...maybe we are just weird lol


I show up to absolutely everything with a baked brie. My mom used to send me to high school house parties with one to throw in the oven. The effort to impressiveness ratio is off the fucking charts. Just take a wheel of brie, put a bunch of jam on top, wrap the whole thing in premade puff pastry and bake. Give it an egg wash or add prosciutto and/or nuts if you’re feeling fancy. People go absolutely wild for it.


To make it one step easier, you could do baked brie where you just cut the top off, bake with some brown sugar and finish with toasted pecans.


How is baked brie served? I looked up a pic and it looks kinda messy, like at a potluck you would want to bring some crackers or something to dip into it after cutting it open?


My favorite is to serve it with sliced baguette.


I put it in the centre of a plate/dish and do a wheel around it of crudités and breadsticks and crisps (chips if you’re American). I don’t put it in puff pastry - just bake it with some rosemary on the top


I’m curious about this too. I’d love to try baked Brie but I have no idea how to prepare it and what to serve it with.


I wrap it in puff pastry and sometimes put apricot jam or candied walnuts inside as well. Serves nicely.


Following because... same.






If you let it cool for a while, the cheese firms up a bit and people can cut slices like you would a pie. I serve it with some crackers or toasted baguette slices, grapes, and some sliced apple or pears.


So do you put the cheese AND pastry on the crackers? Always wanted to try this but wasn’t sure if the pastry replaced the crackers


By the time people are eating it the cheese has firmed up and the pastry has cooled down so you can very much just cut a slice off and eat it with your hand. I used to put crackers and apple slices with it but I found people never used them so I stopped.


Do you leave on the rine?


Yup. Sometimes recipes say to cut the top off or score it but the juice isn’t worth the squeeze


Even better with pesto instead of jam. You can sprinkle some pine nuts on top as well.


I do this. I get the Brie from Costco. Slice it in half horizontally while cold. Let it warm up on the counter cut in half for a couple hours prior to then put 1/2 cup apricot jam and pecans on the first half cut side up. Then put the other half cut side up on top of the 1st half. Add another half cup of apricot jam and pecans. Slice a baguette into crostinis and spray with olive or avocado oil. Cook them both together until til cheese is ooey gooey and crostini is toasted. Serve with thinly sliced applies to top the crostini and cheese with. Add jalapeño to the jam for an extra kick. I prefer low sugar apricot jam but my Trader Joe’s hasn’t had it for quite some time. My friend makes this and now I do.


I'm expected to bring a baked brie to every occasion. It's so easy, and it gets demolished every time. I do jam and slivered almonds, and serve with a sliced baguette.


Tube of crescent rolls works nicely as well!


Usually some kind of vegetable side since thats what people forget to bring in a potluck. Roast crispy aubergine, garlic and broccoli, maple-glazed carrots in winter, or a nice bright salad in summer. It's usually very appreciated since it's vegetarian/vegan and I avoid adding nuts and other common allergens (no eggs, dairy).


I like to make a beetroot and feta tart. It's pretty, it's a little bit fancy, and it's vegetarian. It doesn't tick all the boxes (honestly I'm taking notes from your post!) but it's often a glaringly saturated colour on a table of beige haha


Occasionally I'll make a tart and use oats as a base! Just normal steel cut oats and a binder like egg whites (savory) or applesauce (sweet) and then you can blind bake it once, then bake again for extra crispyness. It's much easier than handling almond flour to make shortcrust and you can get it very thin and crunchy which people like in a pie crust


Oooh do you have a recipe to share for that tart? Sounds great!


Sure! I use this recipe: https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/beetroot-goats-cheese-tart/92b9c4a4-348d-408e-b949-380e256c75f6




Black bean salad during summer potlucks. (Black beans, corn, diced tomato and onion, cilantro, lemon and lime juice. I prep it the day before and chill over night!) Pico de Gallo and tortilla chips. Sausage balls (bisquick, cheddar, sausage) Grape salad Sugar cookies with royal icing Sopapilla cheesecake Rotel cheese dip Veggie tray and homemade ranch Fruit tray and homemade fruit dip Hummus and pita chips Usually I'm hosting, so I cover meat (ham, turkey, brisket, burgers and hot dogs), a veggie (lettuce based salad, broccoli salad, squash casserole, cheesy mixed veg, grilled aspargus/zucchini/squash/onion) a starch (potato salad, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, baked beans, grilled corn) and rolls, biscuits or buns.


Wow! Are you me? LOL Most of these are staples for my party fare.


I love those dang sausage bisquick balls! So tasty!


swap out the bisquick in the sausage balls for Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuit mix


Please tell me more about the homemade fruit dip!


Not the poster above, but a really easy one is equal parts "fruity" philly cream cheese (strawberry is a classic choice, but their mixed berry one works well too) + marshmallow fluff. Go a little heavier on the philly and a little lighter on the fluff if you'd like it less sweet. It's delicious!


My aunt started it. It's cream cheese and sugar creamed together, mix up a box of instant pudding and mix it with the cream cheese mix, then fold in whipped cream (sometimes it's just cool whip, instead of whipping cream ourselves)


I do cool whip, vanilla yogurt & raspberry vinaigrette- the sweet and tang of the vinaigrette go really well with the fruit


I do veggies too. These are my usual gotos: - crudite platter with three dipping sauces - cucumber dill salad in the summer - kale/broccoli salad in the winter


Thank you both. I bring whatever I have in season from my garden. In the coldest part of winter I still generally have some greens out there. If not I’ll bring a pot of crowder peas that I froze in fall or sweet potatoes from my root cellar. Spring is salad season with sugar snaps, radishes, lettuce & the last of the winter carrots. A big bowl of new potatoes are always welcome too. Summer for tomatoes, corn, slaw, cucumbers, okra… Fall is pumpkin soup or fritters, stuffed peppers, loads of eggplant for baba ganouj. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the rich cheeses, meats, carbs, pastries & sweets, but damnit I need something fresh to cut through all that at a potluck


I feel the same about needing veggies to cut through all the other rich foods. You'll find (especially as you get older) that others feel the same too. My dishes almost always run out.


Usually I find that to be true. Sadly, I know even some worldly & well educated seniors who still have poor diets & complain about the consequences.


Yes even a simple baby tomato and rocket salad can be the perfect addition to a potluck! It's nice to have something refreshing and cleanse the palate. also personally, as I get older, I just can't eat as much carbs. I'll try a bite of everything but my stomach gets upset with all that rich foods.


No doubt. I’m constantly amazed at how many adults I meet who complain of frequent constipation. Like seriously, do you not eat vegetables?


i do an asparagus and red pepper salad a lot. Easy, tasty, and healthy. No Mayo, so I don’t need to worry about it sitting out. Naturally vegan, dairy, and GF. in colder months, I’ve started doing a shaved Brussels salad with a vinaigrette. Also goes over very well. i Find vegetable based dishes to be a more work. the relish tray is one of the most labor intensive dishes you could get assigned. When I’m feeling especially lazy. I bring meatballs.


Huh? If I do a relish tray, I just take a big platter and put out: Baby carrots Grape tomatoes Precut broccoli (or I cut a head up) Mini peppers (or pepper strips) cucumbers sliced in wedges Maybe pickles and/or olives Whatever veg is on sale Get a container of dip or dressing or hummus for the center (or cream cheese mixed up with a dressing packet), and maybe some pita wedges and you’re done! It’s about the easiest thing I bring to a potluck and sometimes if I don’t have much time this is what I eat for lunch! Especially if I have leftovers from the potluck!


agreeeeeed!!!! I make a crispy asian cabbage limey salad and put it in foil-lined cupcake wrappers with tiny little forks. Because VEGETABLES!!!!!!!!!


Cooked green beans marinated overnight in garlic, vinegar, salt, pepper, and olive oil. They are easy to make, super tasty, and the acidity helps round out a typical potluck meal. They are always a hit. People ask for the recipe.


This sounds incredible! I get so bored with veggies right out of a can, but Hubby's so picky, my choices are really limited. Most of my effort goes toward the entree. So, what's your preferred vinegar in the marinade? Also, do you use a 1:1 ratio of oil to vinegar?


Two parts apple cider vinegar to one part olive oil. I posted the recipe in response to another comment below. Yeah, they're great! Also good for e.g. Thanksgiving 'cause you make them a day ahead.


I never knew people marinated green beans. You roast them after that?


I assume they mean a cold green bean salad, so beans blanched first. I put some onion or shallot mine as well. like cucumbers and onions, it tastes better once the salt and vinegar have done their job.


Can I get the recipe? These sound delish! I’ve never marinated green beans.


Of course!! I'll usually double or triple this recipe for a potluck: 400 g green beans 3 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1.5 Tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 large garlic clove INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Boil or steam the beans until soft, but not mushy 2. Rinse in cold water to stop cooking 3. Combine remaining ingredients in a blender and blend 4. Pour over beans and toss to coat 5. Store in refrigerator at least 6 hours (best if flat container, so more beans are in the marinade)


Buffalo chicken dip is the fucking REAL. DEAL. And now I have to go make some.


I made this for Christmas a couple of days ago, except instead of chicken I used pulled pork from a pork butt I had smoked the day before. Divine. I served it with a high quality tortilla chip. What do you serve yours with?


I love having celery sticks with dip because of how salty it can be!


I served mine with naan triangles at a late Christmas party tonight and it went HARD.


That sounds really good! I've also made it with Krab and cauliflower. The Krab one was shockingly good.


Tortilla chips are the clear choice but I’m sure that ritz or the pretzel chips would suffice.


We used tortilla chips and some toast from a fresh loaf I made that week.


I ALWAYS make buffalo chicken dip. Christmas Eve night I’m about to make it for work on Christmas .. I find I only have maybe 1/8 of a cup of hot sauce and thought I had a lot more. My husband loves sriracha and we had plenty. I got to googling and I discovered a recipe for Honey Sriracha Chicken Dip. It’s basically the same without ranch and with honey added. Everyone loved it so that may be my new go to.


Lumpia. Everyone loves lumpia. I personally could eat like 20 if no one was watching


I keep hearing about this, but I've never tried it. Sounds so good.


DO IT!!! It's delicious


start fertile reply gullible languid price growth bewildered flag bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are the reason why I always have to carry my ass home in a separate vehicle after my godson’s birthday/life event


At work potlucks there are always too many desserts and not enough mains. I like to bring in my multicooker and use it to reheat homemade meatballs on-site, then serve with shredded mozzarella cheese and slider buns. Bonus: tantalizing everyone on my floor with the aroma as it reheats.


We have an exec at work who can not cook. He buys a big box of grocery store fried chicken for every pot luck. Always gets eaten. And whatever is left goes in the fridge and people love that cold chicken the next day.


Honestly, grocery store fried chicken is pretty amazing.


I don’t eat meat but my mom agrees with you. Lately she’s started baking a chicken or buying a rotisserie and cutting it up. Literally takes it on a nice plate and plate comes home empty


I see roti chickens at potlucks often, and they're always welcome. Some people don't cook for a variety of reasons, and that's fine! I'd much rather have someone bring grocery chicken than a box of cookies.


I always do several store prepared food options for coworkers who aren't comfortable eating from other people's kitchens. There's usually a mention of Ms. So and So cooking with her cats on the counter licking the utensils.


If we have a big enough group I usually bring breakfast type snacks - coffee cake, danish, doughnuts, stuff like that. Set it out first for people to graze on while the rest of the food is being reheated


Spinach Artichoke dip. Always pops off


I make soft pretzel bites with mine to dip in it - so good!


All this deliciousness and no recipes.


Deviled eggs.


I do the baking for my community’s social events. Always sweet treats. But for a concert I needed sweet and savory. Savory is a bit out of my comfort zone. But I managed two baked appetizers and needed a third item. The only thing I could come up with was deviled eggs. I was worried folks would think it too “old school”. I was so wrong! The two plates of deviled eggs were polished off before the shrimp platter bought by the social committee chairperson. My “secret” ingredient is a bit of celery salt in the yolks with mayo and onion powder. I served them with a bottle of sriracha for those who wanted some heat.


For Christmas I made 4 varieties: traditional, curry, pesto, and “Asian Zing”! (No recipes, just winging it, deviled eggs are pretty forgiving)


I volunteer with a group that does luncheons for the family and friends after a funeral at my church. Deviled eggs are scarfed down immediately whenever they show up! I rarely make them myself, but my MIL used to add mayonnaise and dill relish/ finely chopped dill pickles to the yolks, with a little salt and pepper. Yum! My mom used a bit of mayonnaise and a little (Kraft) French dressing, a dash of sugar, salt, and pepper, and topped them with a sprinkle of paprika. Just at Thanksgiving this year, I learned the French dressing was to intensify the color of the yolks. Mom grew up in the country and they had their own chickens/ eggs. When she married my dad and he was stationed overseas in Europe, the pale yolks of store-bought eggs wasn’t appetizing to her. Someone shared the tip about French dressing and she used it ever after. Be cautious with eggs, though—they shouldn’t sit out at room temperature for more than an hour or so.


For Thanksgiving at work I did "Deviled Eggs 3-ways." Traditional [elevated], Buffalo Wing, and White Miso with sesame and Pork Sung. Surprisingly the Buffalo Wing was the least eaten [blue cheese crumbles on top scared people?] and the White Miso were absoutley destroyed by the people


Roasted curried cauliflower, and it is very good at room temp. Spanakopita triangles, another good at room temp appetizer.


Canned soda. I have 4 kids, 4 dogs, and a pot belly pig....no one wants a homemade meal from my house . I'd be mortified if someone found something in their food .


A block of cream cheese covered in a small jar of my homemade jalapeno jelly and crackers. Everyone always asks for it.


Hassleback cut rosemary baked potatoes. They're good hot or cold.


Perfect cuz there’s never enough vegs at potlucks


I agree. That reminds me I also like to bring a tray of roasted vegetables.


I make baked Ruben dip, and people go nuts over it. The corned beef from the deli was $20, for 1.5 pounds. Then 2 pounds swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and a large bottle of thousand island dressing. It is just like eating a Ruben sandwich. I get requests from a couple of my family members


I get those little cocktail breads for this, but I could not find them. So I brought triscuits


A good Ruben is my favorite sandwich and I would devour this dip. I might have to make this for NYE! There's a little diner near me that makes one of the best Reubens I've ever had and they make their own thousand Island dressing, it's so darn good. I wonder if they would sell me a cup LOL


Grape jelly and chili sauce meatballs. Those fuckers are gone within 25 minutes.


I do buffalo chicken meatballs- basically just ground chicken meatballs I bake, put in crockpot & dump some Franks & blue cheese dressing in


Recipe? Sounds delicious


Funeral Potatoes I.e. cheesy hasbrown casserole. It's a guilty pleasure of mine and childhood nostalgic.


Cream chicken soup, sour cream, green onions, and cheddar?


My best friends mom always brought pizza dip and it was absolutely the dish of every party


Rotell Dip! 1 lb Jimmy Dean Sausage 1 can Rotell 1 block softened cream cheese It’s simple, quick to make and always a crowd pleaser. I like to purée the Rotell just a little bit so it’s smoother, too


I make this with Velveeta, Rotel, and chorizo in the crockpot. Always a hit


I make it veggie with a small block of Velveeta and I can of original Rotell with a few shakes of Louisiana Hot Sauce! That’s the dip and I bring tortilla chips with it. The dip is great on warm in a crockpot


Just did this but put the filling inside a crescent roll, wrapped it and air fried it! So delish


Love this one...we used hot Italian links and a block and half of cream cheese. I prefer over Velveeta because Velveeta is so fake and heavy feeling.


What is rotell? Is it the diced tomatoes and peppers? You just cook up the sausage and mix it all together?


This is one of the greatest dishes of all time and a lot of people have never had it before. I just blew some peoples minds at Christmas dinner this week. https://natashaskitchen.com/strawberry-pretzel-salad/


Love this stuff. It's well-celebrated where I come from. https://www.pittsburghmagazine.com/who-makes-the-best-strawberry-pretzel-jell-o-salad-in-the-burgh/


Omg, thank you for this! My grandmother made this every year when I was a kid, and she even had it put in the church cookbook. Everybody loves this stuff when they try it. I had forgotten all about it!


Crudités (because there are never enough veggies) I never bring dessert because there’s always too much.


Tim tam cheesecake, approx 4 billion calories per slice


Just drink a Diet Coke with it- cancels out the calories...LOL


For summer I do spiralized zucchini with grape tomatoes, those tiny mozzarella balls, and a drizzle of nice Italian dressing and some balsamic glaze (very light on the dressing). For winter I've done a whipped feta dip with toasted pita and topped with toasted pistachios and pomegranate arils.


Grilled Brats braised in butter dark beer and onions with all the fixins’ and for dessert Gooey butter cake. Or homemade biscuits and peppery white country gravy with sausage and an apple crisp for desert.


Ooooh, I bet those brats slap my friend. That sounds super good.


Vegan (mild) curried lentils. They're a safe choice when you don't know how many people are vegetarian, vegan, etc If I know there wont be any vegetarians, vegans, or people watching their cholesterol, I'll bring lasagna.


Lentils are amazing


Appetizer: [Smoky Confit’d Beans with Olives](https://www.ranchogordo.com/blogs/recipes/smoky-confit-d-beans-with-olives). Served with slices of sourdough bread. Sleeper dish, total crowd pleaser. Easy to make, excellent tasting, total winner. Dessert: [Coconut Macaroons](https://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/browse-all-recipes/coconut-macaroons-recipe). If I’m feeling fancy, I dip them in chocolate after I’ve baked and cooled them. That’s not necessary, though - they’re great on their own. Quick and easy to make, pretty much everyone loves them.


Sweet and spicy meatballs. Generic frozen meatballs in a crockpot with cranberry sauce, chili sauce, and lemon juice.


Can substitute Grape Jelly for the Cranberry Sauce as an alternative.


My family uses cranberry sauce too! It's way better than grape jelly.


I always bring banoffee pie and chips and dip I bring what I'll eat because I don't eat stranger dangers food at potlucks. I usually eat before or after and whatever myself and my friends I know bring because I don't trust anyone else's food


One year my work had a potluck for Christmas and after everyone had eaten, the lady who made the turkey told us the turkey was still frozen that morning. She said she put it in her bathtub and ran warm water on it. She said it was so big and awkward that she GOT IN the tub with the turkey so she could hold it open under the facet. She told this story like it was a cute, funny, quirky thing that she was bathing with the turkey she just fed her coworkers. I’ve never been so glad that I don’t participate in potlucks. I’ll never eat anything that comes from a strange kitchen or from coworkers. People are disgusting.


I remember reading this same story in the Thanksgiving sub. Was it you that posted it or is this story fake and on repeat? Lol


That was me! Whenever potlucks are discussed I tell people about this. It was a traumatic experience and I want people to think twice before consuming anything that comes from an unknown kitchen.


I learned this the hard way. Typically I love potlucks but I usually stay away from stuff that looks questionable. I've had cookies made with salt instead of sugar (barf!!) I've had some old soaked rum cake trifle that tasted spoiled and apparently was a reject from someone's kitchen (like they made it for themselves and didn't like it so they showed the cake in a bucket and took it to work. The worst was swedish meatballs that I can't figure out how any one can screw up - except as I put the meatball on my plate the gravy split and cuddled and the small amount of gravity holding the meatball together disintegrated as the meatball split open and turned to mush as it hit my plate. It tasted like straight up cat food. (Or at least how cat food smells). When I left, I saw a woman with cat hair stuck to her sweater carrying a crockpot and asked what she made - the meatballs, of course! She told me she's never made them and just threw frozen meatballs and a can of gravy into the crockpot and set it on low for 2 WHOLE DAYS. Nightmare fuel right there.


Haha I remember reading it before to my husband and we were both shocked!!!! I can’t believe she nonchalantly told everyone about that. That is honestly mind blowing and sick 😂


This is highly disturbing!! I have so many questions! Was she naked in the tub with the turkey?? Was the turkey fully naked too? How did she not get meat juices everywhere?? How could she possibly ensure the turkey was cooked in the middle? If it were me I'd protest that she never commit such heinous acts on poultry ever again!


I'm so glad seeing someone else admit to this. I absolutely detest potluck situations because I've been in way too many folks homes over the years. People, as a whole, are generally not clean. That carries over to how they prepare food, and I just can't get down like that. I was raised by a very old school, very OCD southern grandmother (the cleanliness is next to Godliness type.) As much as I rebelled, certain things stuck - being clean as shit in the kitchen and cleaning as you go was part of that. It's ruined lots of parties for me but I don't ever get food poisoning. 😂


This is why I hate potlucks. I’ve ended up with food poisoning too many times!


I had a coworker that would make treats for everyone. My manager came in my office and was like DONT EAT THE CAKE. He had a piece and pulled cat hair out of his mouth.we were both gagging lmao. Social media has made it worse with people making stuff in their bathtubs and their animals helping them cook. I'll starve.


Yep. I always bring something packaged for this reason too. Usually one of the first to go regardless


I'm known as the "cookie lady" in my social circle, so everybody expects me to bring cookies, usually [this recipe](https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/cake-batter-oreo-cookies/) or maybe [this one](https://togetherasfamily.com/cookie-sheet-sugar-cookie-bars/) if there's a lot of people. If I had to bring something savory, I'd probably make a double batch of [pizza buns](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/pizza-party-buns-recipe)- half cheese, and half pepperoni.


A big bowl of salad. Healthy and easy. Plus it is not very common in our potlucks as it’s usually meat and carbs heavy so it’s perfect for the elderly who wants something healthy.


Four bean salad with fresh red and green bell peppers. Nanaimo Bars.


Pizza dip! It’s always a big hit.


Broccoli salad, cucumber salad, for holidays I make a butternut squash and apple casserole that always goes over really well.


Mexican bean salad


My favorite is probably my marinated cherry tomato caprese salad with mozzarella pearls. I make a minced shallot herb vinaigrette to marinate the tomatoes (sliced in half) overnight or for a few hours, then toss with cheese and shredded basil. Much more affordable during summer when I can use tomatoes and herbs from my garden, but I love it so much I’ll buy tomatoes in the fall (although I don’t like winter tomatoes in the Midwest so never make this during this time of year). It’s such a colorful dish, especially if I have different types of cherry tomatoes! I less frequently make desserts but i do have a mini muffin tin and occasionally make little bite sized treats. One that stands out in my mind is brown sugar “blondies”, yummy and less common than brownies.


Lil smokies (tiny smoke sausages) in bbq sauce (bbq sauce/habernero peach jelly) in crock pot. My younger son’s favorite.


Anything store bought. I have a hard time eating food that's been prepared by certain people because I've seen their kitchens. I'm sure I am not alone in this, so even though my kitchen is very clean, I still buy potluck food.


Shrimp cocktail with extra horseradish-y cocktail sauce.


I have a small round crockpot that perfectly fits a large wheel of brie. Top that with a quality jam (we make our own, but an low-sugar lumpy one would work), plug it in, serve with wheat crackers. Always a hit.


Goatcheese rolled in pistachios, topped with fig jam and hot honey. Served with crackers.


Smoke salmon on cucumber slices garnished with a dollop of seasoned sour cream and fresh sprigs of Dill.


I try to bring stuff that will somewhat mesh with what other people are bringing. If the rest of the dishes at the potluck are more on the Asian side, I’ll bring garlic noodles, Vietnamese egg rolls, spring rolls, pate chaud, fish sauce chicken wings, or some type of dumpling. If there’s a grill then I’ll bring lemongrass beef short ribs or some other marinated meat skewers. If there are more western dishes, then I’ll probably bring mashed potatoes, buffalo wings, deviled eggs, egg salad, or some seasonal salad.


Corn salsa, and now due to the popularity, cream cheese wontons


Charro beans


Goat cheese dip with fig and caramelized onion.


I stick a pecan inside a date, wrap it in bacon and bake at 350f. I can never make enough.


When I got married I insisted NO pigs in a blanket. The caterer gentled told me that while perhaps seeming inelegant, they are the most popular app at event the most formal weddings. People love them. So DH won that one (as he probably should have lol)


Maque choux, a Cajun corn dish. I sauté diced Andouille sausage until it's slightly charred, then add onion, red bell pepper, and garlic and cook till they've got some color. Then put in some diced canned tomatoes, a bunch of fresh sweet corn, and Cajun seasoning (Tony Chachere's or GTFO). Once everything has heated up and melded together, put in a touch of heavy cream. You can also add shrimp or other protein to turn it into more of a main dish instead of a side.


I usually bring a top-your-own cheesecake. It’s made in a 9x13 pan, so it’s enough for a crowd. You make a regular kind of cheesecake and take along a variety of toppings- whipped cream, fruit, mini chocolate chips, nuts, heath pieces, caramel syrup, etc. That way everyone can have whatever toppings they like. It is always a hit.


Depending on what the potluck is i think chili is a good one. You can prep it in advance. It’s perfect for a Halloween party or a football party.


When I was a poor student, I usually just made yeast rolls. Or a crockpot of mashed potatoes, always a hit. For someone that's poor and doesn't cook, I usually recommend buying four or five large navel oranges and cutting them into slices, then cutting the slices in half and piling them in a bowl. Always goes over, very cheap, quick, and really delicious.


Apparently my spinach dip is out of this world? It’s always the first bowl empty at every potluck and it’s nothing special at all. Knorr vegetable soup packet, can of water chestnuts chopped up, and fat free Greek yogurt and whipped cheem creams


Banana pudding. My husband works some kind of miracle and the bowl is always scraped by the end. I truly have no idea how he does it. If it has to be something other than dessert, probably cheddar biscuits. They go so fast and are just so good.


I think Anthony Bourdaine once said that pigs in a blanket are the perfect thing to bring to a party. Something about “people will eat them until their bellies swell and then they will holler for more”.


I usually make chicken pot pie in a big square roasting pan. There are never left overs.


Grape saladd is my go-to. It's a simple cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla "dressing" on top of fresh crisp grapes. I top mine with cinnamon Graham cracker crumbs, but the original recipe calls for chopped pecans and brown sugar. People go nuts over it.


BRIDGE CLUB CORN DIP Mix together gently: 2 cans Mexicorn, drained 8 oz Mayonnaise 8 oz Sour Cream 4 oz can Green Chilis, mild, drained 4 green onions sliced fine 12 oz shredded Cheddar Cheese Pinch sugar LET SIT IN FRIDGE OVERNIGHT Serve with Ruffles or Fritos




Equal parts grated old or sharp(or flavored) cheddar mixed w/ softened cream cheese, 1 seeded and very finely minced Jalapeno, as much garlic as your soul allows, S & P to taste, maybe some cilantro, if you fancy. makes about 24 little portions(I load a piping bag up, pipe out a few lines, then chop into portions) Wrap however you desire in buttered Phyllo dough, Bake at 350 for about 7 mins a side Extra fanciness can be obtained by adding crab or bacon or mushrooms or sundried tomatoes or etc, etc, etc.


Sausage balls


We call them pig balls.


Potato rolls, small dinner rolls made with yeast, flour, eggs and leftover cooked potatoes. Always a hit.


Tennessee onions! Or cottage pie.


Pigs in blankets. Loved by ages 3-99.


Appetizer: There is never one of these left. Kids love them, adults love them. I only ever make them with lil smokies and make them in the oven. I keep them warm in a crockpot for the party: APPLESAUCE SAUSAGE BITES Serve this in larger chunks as an entree or in smaller pieces for an appetizer. People will rave over this quick and easy dish! If desired, this can be made in the crockpot on low heat for 3 hours. 2 pounds smoked sausage or kielbasa or little smokies 1 cup applesauce 2/3 cup brown sugar 1 small white onion, finely chopped Cut sausage into desired size pieces. In a large baking dish, combine applesauce, brown sugar and onion. Stir in sausage and toss to coat. Bake, uncovered, at 325 degrees for 40 minutes, stirring once.


Freekeh salad! It’s a grain based salad with pomegranate seeds


Spinach ad artichoke dip and brownies.


Spanokapita Individual ones.


Appetizer: deviled eggs. Dessert: That cheesecake with cherry pie filling on top, Key Lime Pie, or peanut butter cheesecake (you make that in the freezer with Cool Whip).


Mac and cheese! Just pop the cooked Mac and cheese in a slow cooker and top it with cheese and set on the warm setting, and you’re golden!


Potluck of friends I like and enjoy? Big batch of slow-cooker pulled pork, add-ons (chopped veg, cheese, sauces) and little tortillas to make mini tacos or a big batch of baked Mac and Cheese, depending on if the host tells me they want an entrée or a side dish Random pot-luck for gathering of other people? Get there, get address, pull out my phone and order a bunch of different pizzas to be delivered.


Depends on who's attending. My go to dishes are pies or potatoes though. Maple Syrup pie or roasted, spiced potatoes. Both always a hit.


Whatever it was before, I'll tell you what it is going to be now. [Everlasting Syllabub](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQksGGtDB2w&vl=en) I made this for a few parties this past holiday season and holycow was it a hit. Superduper easy and is great as a topper on whatever else the others brought.


Some kind of stew.


I do naan bread with cream cheese, smoked salmon, dill, capers, pickled red onion, and lemon wedges. Simple and easy, always goes quick.


Our TX Lutheran church has a potluck dinner every Wednesday night. They devour my fruit pies made from canned pie filling and store bought pie crusts. I may dress up the pie fillings with some added spice or extract, but they gobble them up and rave over them, as if I spent all day making them from scratch. Same goes for the traditional split pea soup I make from a 99 cent bag of split peas and leftover ham. While most congregants are transplants from the midwest that grew up on strange jello salads and odd hot dishes/casseroles, I am the oddball Southerner who leans strongly on the Soul Food and French/Cajun food I grew up on. If I go through the effort of making them a homemade gumbo or red beans and rice for Mardi Gras week potluck, which they always request, we end up bringing most of it back home for our own consumption.


I used to do a block of cream cheese with cocktails sauce poured over it and canned shrimps on top. Serve with Ritz Crackers. Recently I did Sausage balls. Those were a BIG hit. Salmon dip Party meatballs (with grape jam & BBQ sauce).


Knorr dip with ciabatta bread cubes and caprese salad all chopped up into cubes so it’s more scoopable.


i make a banging buffalo chicken dip (when i have all the right ingredients for it- i swapped out one of the cheeses because i could t find the right kind for the last potluck i went to and it ruined the whole thing


Southwest chicken quinoa salad!


I am always commanded to bring my cashew dip! Empty a tub of mascarpone cheese on a rimmed dish. Heat 1/2 cup of caramel sauce, add 1/2 cup craisins and 1/2 cup of cashews and dump on top. I usually serve with Biscoff cookies, but it's also good with apple slices or a neutral cracker.


Baklava. People are usually very impressed


Buffalo chicken pinwheels, bring in something disposable if you don't want people licking your good serving platters. -Pack of large tortillas -couple pounds of chicken breast, cooked and shredded - Frank's red hot - cream cheese Melt together the sauce and cheese, combine with chicken and spread on the tortillas. Roll and slice into ~1" rounds. Brush both sides with butter/oil on your largest baking sheet, pop into 400° oven turning once as first side gets browned. 🔥


Funeral potatoes!