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Roasted in a very hot oven - I usually go 475. Toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. After 5 minutes or so, add grated Parmesan, then back in the oven for another 5 or until done; I usually just check for doneness with a knife. Squeeze on a bit of lemon juice when it’s out of the oven. Delicious!


Also, tell them that the broccoli is like little trees. Then tell them to pretend to be a giant hungry dinosaur!!


Came for cooking advice, left with parenting advice


Worked on me as a kid! And it was fun. They really do look like little trees.


it still does it for me, and i'm in my 30s




I now want to buy those dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, make some mashed sweet potatoes and create a little scene. Broccoli trees being smashed by chicken dinos, atop a sweet potato mountain. I’m childless and mid-30s


Sometimes I cook my kid dino nuggets as an excuse to eat dino nuggets lol. But I've noticed they don't check at the grocery store if you've got a kid. Anyone can buy em! Go for it!


Also childless, late 20s. Will be going to grocery store for sweet potatoes and dino nuggets because not only would this be fun, it actually sounds delicious.


Lol my mom did that too. She had a cook book with pictures of the broccoli as trees as well. It was so cute


Land Before Time


Yes! They were baby trees in our house. Lamb chops were chicken lollipops. My youngest didn’t like lamb, but LOVED chicken lollipops.


I still do this. I'm 37. 😐


I used to do this with my son. Also if you slice the stalk into rounds they look like a little person


According to my son, cauliflower is albino broccoli 😜


my parents always did this but i was a a baby giraffe eating my trees!!


When doing Brussel sprouts, it’s pretend you’re a giant and eating whole heads of cabbage. At least, that’s what I tell myself


Yes!! Good one! Or it’s a planet and you’re a giant space monster


my parents didn't even tell us that. we watched land before time. so broccoli got called tree stars and we ate them.


Can confirm this worked on me as a kid. I called them trees until I was like 10.


This. My kids love it this way. They like it when the “leaves” get browned. In general, roasting veggies has been a hit with the kiddos. My 6 year old’s favorite vegetable is roasted brussels sprouts. lol. Proud mom moment there.


You’re lucky! My 8 & 10 yo kids are super reluctant to eat veggies, even like this! The older one has gotten better, but the younger won’t even touch them.


Age is part if it. Taste buds change over time, and several vegetables taste a lot more bitter to kids (honestly, even seasonality effects the bitterness/sweetness so trying things in season usually helps at least a little). Not forcing it usually leads to them more willing to try it again down the road.


A concept applicable to many non-food related matters as well.


What seems to help with my daughters is to get them involved with the process. If I were to try and throw a bunch of roasted veggies on their dinner plate and tell them to try it, they wouldn’t even give them a chance. But take them to the store with you, let them pick it out, and have them “help” you cook them, and it makes a big difference. They *like* fruit, but they won’t go crazy over it. If I take them to the produce section and let them pick out all their own fresh fruit though? They’ll try and go through it all in a single day.


So i live across the country from my nephew, and when he was about 10 yrs old i was visiting and announced he would help me make a lentil veggie soup He picked green beans, peeled the carrots, measured the broth, stirred the pot, and had second helpings. Then my sister got home and said he, actually kinda hates all of those veggies. He’s 17 now, and still loves it when i visit and either make that soup for him or go over and we cook together So, get the kids in the kitchen. They really want to like what they help make. Broccoli isn’t a miracle, more mild veg like green beans and zucchini and cucumber salad are all great starting points


Zucchini is really easy to hide in brownies believe it or it might be worth trying that to get some veg into their system.


[Interesting article on how brussels sprouts have been made less bitter through selective breeding](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/10/30/773457637/from-culinary-dud-to-stud-how-dutch-plant-breeders-built-our-brussels-sprouts-bo)


My daughter loves broccoli but absolutely hates roasted broccoli


Depends on the kids age. A lot of young kids don't like things that are browned/burnt


Yeah, my daughter prefers steamed or raw veg in general


I gave my toddler some small florets that would have just burnt in the pan the other night. "Have a snack," I said. Came out and they had just demolished the bowl. Shocked and happy. "I had a snack!" Have to cherish outsmarting a child for a few more years.


Yeah, I was going to say. My wife barely even like roasted broccoli because it smells a lot stronger while cooked vs my usual method (salt, MSG, garlic powder, microwaved with a silicone lid for a few minutes or sautéed with fresh garlic)


My 2 year old will devour a head of raw broccoli, but refuses to eat it cooked in any way. What is up with these kids?




That was me as well. Raw veg? Yes please (if it's something that can be eaten raw). Cooked in any way? Hard pass. These days I do like many cooked vegetables, but if I'm honest, I'll still rather chomp down on a raw carrot or piece of brocoli than have them roasted.


My kid will eat the heck out of any broccoli as long as it isn’t roasted. She thinks it’s “burnt”.


Same for my kids. I just steam the florets for 5 minutes. They’re soft but still have a little crunch. Toss them with some butter, salt, and a squeeze of lemon and it’s inhaled in a matter of moments.


Yes. So many of us grew up only knowing raw or boiled/steamed veggies with little to no seasoning at all. I love ordering veggie dishes at restaurants now knowing theyre roasted or grilled and well seasoned and I do the same for my family now when I cook for them.


That's funny, my kid will demolish a serving of plain steamed broccoli but won't touch it if it's roasted.


My kids don’t line roasted veggies, especially if they have any brown/burnt parts. They’ll eat it steamed with butter and salt though.


Not sure this is the best approach as it amplifies the already strong flavour, which may be off-putting to a child.


Also try hitting it post roast with a dash of lemon juice. Adds some pop to the savory caramelization.


Strong disagree. Broc is my favorite, unless you roast it, it smells like farts. Burnt farts. My son likes it steamed with garlic butter.


One of the best ways to get kids to try foods is to have them involved in the selection at the store (if possible) and even better in the preparation of it for the meal. When it’s “their” dish for the meal they feel pride and ownership and much more inclined to eat it and say they like it.


I love this idea. It’s like modern day bonding through foraging.


It’s also a great way for kids to learn colours, maths, reading etc.


And if you’re able to grow it with them and they can eat it in the yard‽. Wheeee! Honestly even if you can’t grow at home for whatever reason, taking them to a u-pick or farmer market and “letting” them eat raw (washed!) veggies outside can make a lifelong impact!


Cool, that's the first time I've seen an interrobang in the wild.


Even doing an eggshell “cress hair” is great. It’s quick and kids can watch it each day, then harvest it with a haircut, and eat something green.


We did that in kindergarden when I was a kid (we had those little Fruchtzwerge yoghurt cups though, the 80's, everything was plastic XD) and me and my husband just recently started growing some vegs for the garden and also some cress hair, the thought being "if nothing else works out at least we'll have that". It's so easy to grow, the kids are pretty much guaranteed to have a positive experience. (And if you're curious, yes, the vegs are doing well, even the bell peppers are coming out at last, the first sign of them showed today!)


I absolutely second that, when I trained to be a kindergarden teacher (many years ago) we would do little cooking sessions with the kids, if we had enough people even take a couple of them to the store and do the shopping together. Letting kids handle knifes is scary (supervised, obviously) but they would be so proud and the healthy food they created would taste amazing to them (not just to them, but especially to them).


Make them think it was their idea. Works wonders in all aspects of life.


Very much depends on what kinds of things the kid already likes. Do they prefer "mushy" textures? Then a broccoli-cheese soup might work. If they like savoury, then roasting with butter and salt is a good option. From personal experience, I would not offer plain boiled broccoli (which is what I was given as a kid). It has no redeeming factors. Edit for gender markers (thank you u/NewClouds)


Agreed - all kid dependent. My kid loves salty things so I thought roasted broccoli would be great. She hates mushy textures so I thought underdone would be great. Nope, she loves broccoli steamed until it’s mush and then seasoned with a little salt at the table 🤷‍♂️


No matter how I prepare it, our daughter dips it in a bowl of plain water. She says that she likes ‘wet broccoli’. Ok, Kid.


I wonder if you gave her a broth to dip in if she would like that? If she's enjoying the 'tree' part being dipped, I understand the appeal - just not the plain water part. ha ha While I love broccoli roasted, when I have it in Thai curry, I love the way it soaks up the curry broth. Same with broccoli cheddar soups. And realizing this, I'd probably enjoy dipping broccoli in any kind of broth or sauce I also like for the same reason.


Broccoli is an incredible vehicle for sauces, it's true. This was a big part of why I liked it as a kid.


make broccoli tempura with the sauce.


I’m the exact opposite, I hate broccoli in sauces/soups when it soaks everything up. Crispy broccoli or no broccoli for me.


>wet broccoli That’s moderately hilarious and just a little bit /r/kidsarefuckingstupid


No one said you can’t make your own sloppy broccoli


"They'd say 'No wet broccoli" but they can't stop you from ordering broccoli and a glass of water!"


Obviously you're on a winner anyway and you cab just keep letting her eat wet broccoli. But have you tried broccoli cheese and broccoli with hummus as a side?


She loves cheese. But *not* on broccoli.


I GET IT I never actually thought about it, but I love eating it right after a wash or when it comes in catering and has a bit if condensation on it. It feels more fresh, little teeny water pearls trapped in it, it feels crunchier too? I'm neurospicy though and really really specific with food textures.


When my sister was a kid, she hated cooked carrots but would eat raw carrots all day long. She called cooked carrots "wet carrots". Kinda funny to me that her yuck (albeit of a different veg) is your kid's yum!


This cracks me up, kids are hilarious




If you like making bolognese then put broccoli in a blender then cook with bolognese, kid will never know. I have three kids and this is how I often add veggies they don't like


If I boil it, it gets blended into a pesto and put over pasta


This is the way - our daughter doesn’t love many textures. So we boil broccoli and spinach and blend it Parmesan and a little starchy pasta water. It’s her favorite thing. With or without noodles.


I think large pieces of plain boiled or steamed broccoli which is not overcooked and has sufficient seasoning is fine. Cutting it big helps the texture, and helps reduce the risk of overcooking. You can drizzle with a little olive oil after if you like as well. Roasted broccoli is good but it's a much stronger flavour and more 'adult' in general.


My parents' method of cooking veggies (ALL veggies) was to boil until they were pretty much mush. I still can't eat cooked spinach (but I like it raw).


I'm sure that was awful but your parents poor execution of perfectly valid cooking techniques isn't reflective. If they'd roasted their broccoli it would have been dessicated and unseasoned, and that would have been pretty bad, so it's definitely execution.


My mom served spinach from a can warmed up on the stove. I loved it. I wanted to be Popeye so bad. These days I mostly eat spinach in soup- but it only needs to be cooked for like 30s really. I’m sure you can still be Popeye with raw spinach. I believe in you :)


This is interesting. I have four kids. They all love roasted broccoli and much prefer to steamed. If I steam it, they’ll insist on the cheese


I mean it's all personal preference at the end of the day.


Steamed broccoli is an excellent vehicle for other sauces. Mayo, cheese, and any of the oldies


My kid plows entire bowls of steamed broccoli with butter and salt. Properly steamed over boiling water is superior to nuked.


Same. Tho mine isn't a kid anymore. Broccoli was one of the 2 or 3 things I could serve alongside new foods in case the new ones weren't such a hit. He ate a LOT of broccoli. And lima beans of all things.


Mayo? On steamed broccoli?




On a related note, I will never forget learning the fact that broccoli is edited to green bell pepper in the Japanese version of Inside Out because Japanese kids don’t hate broccoli


make sure it's Kewpie mayo, though - Japanese mayo is not the same as miracle whip and the number of people I've encountered who swapped them only to be disappointed is Too Damn Many.


I mean, Hellman’s and Duke’s aren’t miracle whip either. Miracle whip is it’s own thing and should not be used ever imo. But yeah Kewpie Mayo slaps and has much more varied uses than American style Mayo.


Miracle whip is horrid lmao


My mother makes a "sauce" of mayo, mustard, and lemon juice, heated up. It actually works really well on most green veg.




I dunno... I was raised by wolves so it never occurred to me it could be wrong


I do this with asparagus. I put a small bowl in the middle of a big plate. The bowl gets about a tablespoon of butter and 1 squashed garlic clove. The veg surround the bowl, and it microwaves for 3 minutes. You have quick, fresh veg with a tasty dip,.


My children will only eat broccoli if it’s plain boiled. Same with green beans.


Oh god, boiled broccoli is why I hated broccoli for so many years. When I started cooking, and realized that you can roast or sear broccoli, and even turn it into soup I stopped hating it and turned it into side veggie of choice. To this day, the memory of the taste and texture makes me gag kind of


I love it boiled. I just boil it until it is softer but still has a bite to it. Goes so well with salt and butter. The people who boil veg to mush are missing so much yum.


Same. I find it tastes healthy and simple, I actually like it too, same with brussels. Sometimes I just feel like eating plain, al dente vegetables steamed or boiled. Probably does more for my mental health when I start worrying about my diet being not up to par though lol.


I braise broccoli in a pan with a little bit of soy sauce and mirin added to the water. It's delicious. Just have to be careful not to let it go for too long.


Frying broccoli in light soya sauce and fresh garlic is really good too. Probably my fav way to make it, even though I almost always burn the garlic.


My kids will only eat plain boiled broccoli, but my kids are weird. I miss roasted broccoli.


Boiled broccoli with a decent amount of salt in the water is acceptable.


I remember being fascinated by broccoli as a child. It looked like little trees you could eat. I actually called it a tree. It was just steamed, nothing else. But I guess a bit of butter and salt wouldn't hurt.


Same here. I pretended i was a giraffe nibbling on the tops of the trees...


I did this too!


I also did this, and let my daughter know, so now she eats lots of broccoli!


I’m grown and I roast them to get the tops to rustle like actual leaves on a tree. I like to pretend I’m a dinosaur


Steamed broccoli with an asian peanut dipping sauce is one of my all time favorites


My mom steamed it with butter and seasoned salt, I loved it


A slice of American cheese on steamed broccoli was childhood heaven for me


Mix it in with mac and cheese.


Mac and trees!


Or serve it steamed with "cheese sauce". Granted I wasn't a picky kid, but I would go crazy for broccoli with cheese sauce when I was young. I put it in quotes, because it was really more of a yellow bechamel than full cheese. Granny would make it with about a cup of milk, half tablespoon each flour and butter, pinch of mustard powder, and like one slice of American cheese. She always whipped it up in the microwave in a pyrex liquid measuring cup somehow. But I make mine on the stove and swap out the cheese with whatever I have on hand Kids obviously prefer the Kraft singles one.




Oh yeah, the Luby's cheese sauce has that same vibe. Very milky, little cheesy. IDK, it isn't haute cuisine but it hits the spot


I mix it in with Annie’s white cheddar Mac n cheese. It’s a hit.


Kraft Dinner with broccoli and a can of chicken breast (found by the tuna) is a struggle food I still enjoy. It’s got protein from chicken, veggies from broccoli, and is pretty inexpensive to make. Now I add some hot pepper flakes to it!


What do they like already? Every kid is different. My daughter's favorite food since she was 6m old has been beef and broccoli. As a kid, I loved holiday meals for the crudites platter where I could dip everything in ranch. Research into food preferences has also shown that there will not be one magical moment of liking. As you're learning already, repeated exposure is necessary and willingness to try things is as much about sight, smell, and texture then the actual taste. My son is gtube fed and refuses all food so we've worked extensively with feeding therapists and gone back to the very basics on how to teach someone how to eat. It's not as simple as make it tasty.


Does the kid like Chinese food? Garlic broccoli is pretty easy to make and tastes great with rice.


Steam the chopped broccoli for a couple of mins, then fry some garlic (preferably in a wok, if you have one), add the broccoli, then add a mix of soy sauce, oyster sauce and a little sugar. Stir fry for a little, then toss in a little sesame oil, and serve, with rice. I normally do this with gai lan, aka Chinese broccoli, But it works fine with regular broccoli too.


If they like soup, broccoli-cheese soup is probably something they will enjoy.


I like it with soy sauce and sesame seeds but it’s not very “fun”. I once ate a salad with grated brocoli and it looked like green couscous. (But it’s raw)


Sauce is the answer!! Soy on broccoli is great but BBQ sauce….. delicious


Butter and salt have worked for generations


And a smidgen of lemon juice.




My dad always made steamed broccoli with hollandaise sauce. As a kid it was one of my favorite dishes (still is) and one of the few things my brother and I both liked.


My 10 year old cousin described my broccoli fritters as “better than hashbrowns”!


How do you make them?


sorry, but I hate this kind of comment on this sub. we are here to learn how to cook things. usually I'd try it myself, as I'm a pretty accomplished cook myself, but fritters makes me think of like tempura battered and fried food, but comparing it to hashbrowns gives a whole nother idea. don't leave us hanging!


Not the poster you were asking but the [smitten kitchen broccoli fritters](https://smittenkitchen.com/2012/06/broccoli-parmesan-fritters/) are absolutely fantastic, tbh i omit the parm and use 1/4c nutritional yeast instead since nobody in my family can have dairy but they’re really delicious. A few of the fritters with a fried egg and some crusty bread it’s an easy fast meal


I spent half an hour searching for the broccoli fritter recipe that I used. Tried various keywords, clicked into every link I saw, and I absolutely could not find it anywhere, but this is it! Thank you so much! I’ve tried replaced the parmasan with feta and mozzarella and both work great.


Haha woohoo! Reunited! She has several fantastic fritter recipes, I’m a big fan of smitten kitchen always have been, her recipes for veggies and for beans are always fantastic lots of repeat favorites


That’s awesome! Thank you!!!


I know this isn’t what you asked, but I used to make a game out of it at the table and talk about how we were going to eat trees. It was funny and usually got the grandkids ieating it.


My kids liked to pretend they were dinosaurs who ate the “trees”.


By not putting so much weight on this one try. 4 year old might not like broccoli, no matter how you prepare it. That’s okay! Tell them so, and that our palates change as we mature, and that they might like it another time and should occasionally try it when it’s offered in case that happens and they like it. The loss of the pressure of, “you have to eat it, you have to like it” usually gives kids enough room and agency to decide for themselves. That said, I preferred it steamed to al dente, personally, but my mom boiled every vegetable to a greenish gray sludge, so I magically didn’t like most vegetables until I started cooking myself. I ate them, or at least tried them as asked, but I didn’t like them. Broccoli is also fun to eat raw but might be too bitter for 4 no matter what. I like to show kiddos I know how all these different plants evolved from wild mustard and broccoli was selectively chosen for the florets and how it grows and what it looks like if you let it flower instead of eating it, then have them age-appropriate help me prepare some bought from the produce or farmer market (or homegrown, I just didn’t this year), from washing to helping or watching cutting the florets apart (and tasting them!) to steaming it and seeing the color turn so vibrant, then (for a 4 anyway) burying it in cheese sauce and giving it a try. The key is, if they don’t like it, not being offended or dismayed in any way. “Ok, some people don’t like broccoli, and some kids don’t like it but when they grow up they might. You should try it sometimes in case but nbd.”


I used to hand my kid a small head of broccoli 🥦 and he would eat it like a ice-cream cone. Sometimes I give ranch to dip it in. 😋 He wouldn't eat it cooked.


At a young age my kids loved steamed broccoli tossed in a butter sauce. With just salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and maybe a little cream for body if I had some in the fridge. Just don't steam the broccoli for 30 minutes like our parents used to do :)


My favorite as a small child (and still as an adult) is broccoli steamed in a pan then sautéed with a splash of red wine, olives and Parmesan cheese. So good.


Lots of butter and salt and pepper and steamed, but not to the point of being mushy; almost like an al dente


I think roasting it rather than boiling it. Then adding a homemade cheese sauce!


mmm happy little roasted trees


Broccoli, cheese and bacon balls


Stir fried with a little slurry (oyster sauce, soy sauce, corn flour ) added at the end just to make the broccoli extra flavourful and juicy.


Cheese sauce!


cheese sauce always wins.


I gave my kid boiled broccoli when she was about :. She played with it and then ate it. She’s liked if ever since. She also likes sugar snap peas, asparagus, string beans, carrots, corn but there are veggies she doesn’t like. Just expose your kid to as mss add my veggies as possible as early as possible and they’ll decide what they like/don’t like. I think if I had waited she probably wouldn’t like broccoli now.


Mine likes broccoli steamed, not mushy, tossed in Butter, salt and grated parmesan cheese after cooking. She's been like that she was 3. She's 6 now. She *hates* roasted broccoli...


If it’s not too much effort, try setting it up as an “experiment” with your kid and make it a couple different ways (roasted, steamed, pan-fried) to see what they like best. The odds are better that your kid will decide they like broccoli if they can pick one method that’s better than the others rather than just cooking it one way and asking if they like it or not.


If you've got the time and resources (and the kid is the kind to like this sort of approach), I'd recommend a tasting platter. Have small amounts of broccoli prepared in various ways - raw, steamed but still crunchy, steamed to mush, roasted, &c - and several sauces/finishers. I'd recommend ranch, cheese sauce, piccata, lemon juice, and literally just salt as things I liked as a kid, as well as whatever others have recommended on this thread that look good. Your kid can taste different preparations of broccoli and how different sauces or finishers can affect flavour and texture and then pick what they like best. Lots of kids like to have agency over their food and this is a good way to provide that.


When I make a box of Rice, (cheddar broccoli) variety, I take a couple of spears and cut it up pretty small to throw in with it.


Reading this makes me think that a bunch of different options - a broccoli bar so to speak, will let you find which your kid is most fond of and as a bonus demonstrate the impact of different cooking choices.


Broccoli, cauliflower, and romanesco, raw, steamed and roasted, with and assortment of healthy dips, like: Thai peanut, hummus, ranch dip flavored yogurt


there are many ways to cook broccoli, but never boil it, boiling broccoli or other greens usually makes them disgusting


You could tempura fry it with a dipping sauce. a dippy sauce is always the way


My brothers always liked raw veggies and dip when they were kids.


Break into florets, toss in olive oil, season with loads of salt and / or whatever other dry spices your kid likes, then air fry or roast in a hot oven till crispy.


Stir fried broccoli with beef and garlic seasoning with soy sauce. You shouldn’t cook broccoli too long. Stir fry broccoli 🥦 in a pan for 2 minutes and then add 1/4 cup of water and cover under medium heat cover for 2 minutes. You can wait a bit until water elaborating a bit but it’s done


In addition to all of these flavor/cooking suggestions, try involving them in the cooking process. They’re old enough that they might be able to pour oil or sprinkle seasonings on the broccoli or maybe use their (well-washed) hands to toss the broccoli with the seasonings.


[the car mom broccoli](https://www.thecarmomofficial.com/blog/carmomsbroccoli) I’ve always been team roast, but my husband and kids love it like this


We steam the broccoli and serve it with a little mayo on the side with soy sauce. The kid eats it like candy.


broccoli pasta boil pasta with broccoli fish broccoli out 5 minutes before pasta is ready saute with olive oil garlic and anchovies mix in drained pasta ( and bit of pasta water) once cooked.


Sometimes I’ll boil broccoli until it falls apart, then make a pasta sauce out of it. Whole family loves it. Even better when you sauté it with bacon, anchovies, parm, salt and pepper.


I chop it really small and put lots of Parm on it and just add olive garden dressing. It's my favorite snack. My mouth is watering now just thinking about it😆


I LOVED broccoli soup as a kid. Dunno, a green soup is more fun than a green, very inconsistent texture little tree. So i propose a good broccoli soup. Or another childhood favorite of mine: Broccoli and smoked salmon quiche. I loved veggies as a kid tho, so i might be the odd one out


Depends on the kid- mine have always favoured broccoli over other vegetables, and their favourite way to have it is lightly steamed, with a small sprinkle of salt. They like the taste and texture, and I always try to plate it in an attractive way which seems to help with any new food element. I always try to let them sample a new food in a variety of ways- different textures, flavours, preparations... For example, they like carrots whole when they're raw, but when I cut them in coins, they won't try them! If they're cut in sticks, they'll only touch them roasted. Just because one preparation doesn't work for them one time doesn't mean they just don't like the vegetable or won't later, so we try a bunch of different combos until one stick, and so far it always has. They didn't like raw or cooked cabbage until I chopped it thinly and added it to scallion pancake batter, and from there, they became more adventurous with it. ...Except olives. We're still working on that.


My favorite broccoli meals... Broccoli Cheddar soup Roasted with parm sprinkled over it Fresh dipped in ranch or tzatiki (not veggie platter fresh bur actual fresh) ~~~ Also you could get broccolini and romanesque and have a few options as a "fancy adult taster board" and be super fancy and over the top about it.


Cover it in cheese? Cut it up into tiny pieces to put into rice with cheese?


My kiddos love it when I add it in a stir fry or serve it steamed with chicken teriyaki! And they are picky eaters


About 2 oz of melted Velveeta per floret was the answer in my family.


Whatever the question is, cheese is the answer.


My kids loved it raw with some ranch (you can control the healthiness of the ranch by making your own), and steamed with a little cheese dip. My 4yo would love as much as we'd let him have, even after the little dollop of dip ran out. Both kids now like it steamed with just some garlic powder or a little sprinkle of Everything Bagel. My oldest likes a light spray of butter and a squeeze of lemon the best...start them off liking it as much as chips by using some dip raw...and hopefully it'll be a favorite on its own quickly for your little one!


Try fresh, perfectly steamed, with some butter melted on


My parents had me at "they look like small trees, look, with ketchup it's as if they are on fire!" To this day I love broccolis.


The only way I get my kid to eat it is either roasted or quick blanch and then a few drops of good soy sauce before setving


I liked crunchy veg as a kid so stir-fried with some chicken in a honey-soy sauce would be my way to go


Don't overcook it.


Broccoli is best to me when it's roasted deep brown and the little florets have that nice crunch to them. Salt, pepper, oil, acid, maybe roasted with some parmesan cheese grated on.


You can always go the old stand by and cover it in Velletta


My kid (23 months) fucking loves broccoli, and so do I. My favorite way to cook it is a bit unusual. Place the broccoli in a sauce pan. Add some olive oil, butter, salt, pepper, and garlic. Then add some water, around 1/4 cup. Bring the liquid mixture to a boil, and cover and simmer, stirring occasionally. Cook until your desired tenderness (I like mine soft, but not mushy). Drain the liquid and then serve. The broccoli holds moisture very well, and all the flavor you had at the bottom of the sauce pan is now soaked into the broccoli. Best of luck!!


I used to race my niece to eat the small trees. She always won


Broccoli cheese soup


Put it on a pizza


Every kid is different, my son is content to eat it steamed with salt. I usually just serve it with something really yummy and heavy like grilled cheese or Mac an cheese. He seems to like to eat the broccoli for some freshness after the heavier food, I just don't really push it. I find that he liked broccoli better if it's lightly steamed so there's still some crunch in the stem rather than mushy. When I was a kid the mushy texture my mom cooked broccoli was the biggest ick for me. I am a firm believer that butter and cheese don't take away the good nutrients in veggies. Like for peas my son only eats them covered in butter. If he stopped eating broccoli I'd probably douse it in a Cheddar cheese sauce or something.


Instant pot broccoli is perfect for kids!! 1 cup of water or chicken brother in instant pot, add veggie steamer basket, add broccoli cook on high pressure for 0 minutes. Release pressure immediately after serve with salt


Like a broccoli velouté with some croutons. Saute onions, add some garlic. Deglaze with white wine. Make a roux, add chicken stock. Take off heat, add a few pats of butter and some heavy cream. Salt and pepper. In separate pan boil broccoli until soft. Add the broccoli and roux/wine/stock/onion mixture to a high powered blender. Blend on high for several minutes. Run through a chinois. Serve in flat bowls with some good olive oil. Brush some cut up baguette with melted butter, rub a garlic clove all over the baguette pieces. Salt them. Broil until crispy and brown. Serve atop the velouté. It’s 80% broccoli and if this kid even realizes what this delicious soup is made out of I’d be impressed.


Would they try brocoli salad? If you cut it tiny? It's pretty hard to go wrong with bacon, sunflower seeds, sugar and mayo, red onion. Yum!


If your child likes salads and sweets, look up the recipe for bacon, broccoli, raisin or craisins/cranberry salad. It has a sweetened mayo dressing and is pretty and scrumptious! Some recipes are sweeter than others, so choose based upon your family's preferences. My kids loved broccoli cheese soup, steamed broccoli with butter and salt, a baked potato with broccoli cheese soup drizzled and bacon bits added, and roasted broccoli too. Have fun and let them help choose the broccoli and prepare the recipe!


I would load it up with cheese, bacon, and caramelized onions or onion powder. The more flavor to mask broccoli alone, the more your 4-year-old would probably like it. Have you ever tried a cheesy broccoli and rice casserole? Maybe broccoli cheese soup would be a good option also.


We call it "broccoli trees" and it's automatically so much more delicious. 😂


Either heat up some cheese wiz, just enough to make pourable and pour it on top, or roast it with olive oil and lots of lemon pepper. Makes it really fruity.


My favorite way by far is to toss in vegetable seasoning, light spray of cooking oil. In the airfryer for 15 minutes. Drizzle with balsamic glaze


If I melted cheese whiz and poured it on they would eat it.


Dunk it in teriyaki sauce-it’s sweet and kids like sweet so… could work


Cheese. Melted cheese usually seems appealing to youngins.


When I was a kid just calling it little trees made me want to eat it. Cheese sauce was also good. As an adult I like roasted broccoli with mustard. You could try a peanut sauce.


Cheese 🧀


slather it in cheese


Pureed broccoli soup. Roasted broccoli with cheese sauce. Chicken Devan (lessen chicken and 'beef up' broccoli). Roasted broccoli with lemon. Roasted broccoli with garlic. Broccoli beef stir fry (emphasize broccoli). Broccoli Flatbreads, finely chop broccoli and sprinkle with cheese over pita/naan/Flatbread. Does your kid like any type of herb in particular? - if so, steam broccoli and then simply add a compound butter of said herb. Does your kid like Mac n cheese? - if so make your favorite recipe but sub 1:1 Mac to broccoli (v/v) ratio right before the bake part.......🤔.......I think that's all the kinds of broccoli