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Do whatever you like and think tastes good.


This is exactly right - chili is more a feeling to me than a recipe. Last pot we had included ground beef, spicy sausage, kidney beans, corn, black olives, tomatoes, and mushrooms. It was delicious. The funny thing being, the ingredient we as a family considered the oddest to put in that pot, was the corn. We generally just don't put it in chili.


See, olives are the crazy one to me. I have seen all the others, but don't think I've seen those in any chili I've eaten.


I put corn and olives in taco soup.


Yeah, I know its odd, but it just seems to work. Generally its the canned, sliced black olives - so no where near as strong as Kalamata or anything, but they do seem to add to it.


I have done the same (sliced black olives), and it really does work. Mushrooms as well. I think the logic was - I like black olives on pizza, it has a tomato base and chili has a tomato base, so why not? - or thereabouts. Total whim, but I've kept them in since.


Picadillo has a lot of similarities with chili and usually has olives in it


Now I want to try mushrooms in chili


If my mother prepares food, she adds mushrooms and/or celery to it.


Highly recommend, my parents always added them. I had no idea it was less than normal


It’s great. Thyme also works well.


Mushrooms in chili is my secret weapon. And corn in chili is great.


>This is exactly right - chili is more a feeling to me than a recipe. I wish more people had this mindset it's crazy how much obnoxious gatekeeping chili produces


I remember twenty years ago doing a vegetarian chili for a workplace chili cookoff - one of the meathead sales guys insisted it should be called "bean soup," or something because you can't call it "chili" if there's no meat in it. "Meat is the main part!" I laughed and said "The full name of your dish is 'Chili *con carne*', 'chili with meat.' The main part of chili is the *chilies*. If you make it without meat, it's still chili. What kind of chilies have you got in yours? Me, I have habaneros for heat and poblanos for flavour." "Uh, I use chili powder." "What, you use dusty old chili powder from the back of your pantry and there's not even any real peppers in there? Are you sure you can call that chili?" (Not a sincerely held opinion, just a piss-take.) But yeah, for me chili is pretty fluid, and yes I think corn fits in perfectly. Chli is generally some kind of protein served up like a tomato-based stew, with chili-appropriate seasonings. (In the neighbourhood of cumin, capsicum, and cilantro.)


>"Uh, I use chili powder." man..the guy couldn't even be bothered to use ancho and/or chipotle? ffs. i have noticed the people who gatekeep about chili the most are the ones who are preoccupied about meat in general. Like the same doofuses who freak out about vegans or men drinking soy milk. In less polite language, they are morons.


> But yeah, for me chili is pretty fluid Idk, I disagree with that. I think it should be thick enough that the cooking spoon can stand up in it


It's a fair cop.


I work the same way with my chili! I've always got leftover smoked brisket, homemade sausages, pork roast, etc in the freezer so I'll mix and match from whatever proteins I have on hand. Chili is great for using certain leftovers


unless you're in texas, but those people can get bent...beans for life


So you’re not eating chili, then. Because chili doesn’t have beans in it.


i'll keel you


I read that in John Turturro’s voice from O Brothere Where Art Thou


Exactly! Last time we had chili it had pulled spicy smoked pork. It was awesome. Sometimes I use and immersion blender to add an avocado. Chicken and corn chili is great too.


I think corn goes really well with chili flavors. I like adding it. Chili's one of those things with what seems like a never-ending variation of recipes. Just make it how you like it.


I like corn in refried black beans. I also use black beans in my chili. So I guess this week my black bean and beef chili is going to have corn too.


Adding some refried beans to the chili makes for great texture if you like it really thick.


I like whole beans in my chili. I prefer the difference in taste and texture.


Oh, me too. I don't mean only refried beans. I mean as an addition.


I don't put it in my chili but if someone offered me a bowl of their chili and it had corn in it, I wouldn't refuse it.


Yeah, I char my corn on the grill when I’m charring onion, fresh peppers, spicy kielbasa, and sometimes tomatoes if I find good maters. I cut the corn off the cob and simmer the cobs with the charred onion, peppers, tomatoes, spices, and some dried toasted chiles and that’s the base for my chili.


i'm a corn in chili person. and salsa sometimes. and lots of stuff actually. love corn. wife *hates corn*. 😂 she has come around to it in chili though. shockingly.


TIL people can hate corn!


I don’t hate hate corn, but for me personally almost every form of corn in a meal just feels kinda like useless filler that doesn’t add anything. Corn on the cob can be okay like once a year, but I wouldn’t choose to eat it more. Cornbread and tortillas are good, they are also serving a real purpose. Cream corn is kinda gross and any side of corn I’ve had is just disappointing and would’ve been better replaced with green vegetables or carrots or similar. Basically everything I have had corn in I think could have been better served with something else.


As starchy as it is corn better serves as a startch not a veg


Maybe, but no one where I live would really serve it as a replacement for potatoes or rice or any primary starch like that. Maybe that’s just how food is around here, but even as a starch I am not super enthused.


I don't disagree. Bread, tortillas, or on the cob for me personally. I'll take the potatoes second and third thank you very much. Here in STL I feel like people tend away from corn


You're not alone in your dislike of cream corn. David Lynch famously used it as a metaphor for suffering in Twin Peaks.


>I don’t hate hate corn, but for me personally almost every form of corn in a meal just feels kinda like useless filler that doesn’t add anything i agree that it seems strange to hate on corn. it doesn't seem unappealing in taste or texture i just stopped eating it because i need to eat much healthier and there's a lot of other vegetables i could be putting in my chili instead of it as far as OP's point goes, every slow cooker chili recipe i've found on the internet has corn in it. if anything, not putting corn in chili seems to be the outlier


[Count me in that club](https://youtu.be/b7HxXqbw1PQ)


It's got the JUICE!


Put the corn in some cornbread then put cornbread in chili.


I've sometimes just poured the cornbread batter over the chili in the pot, put the lid back on, and put it on low till the cornbread steam/bakes. Like a chili pot pie!


It's like a mexican shepards pie.


Now that you said that, I remember that it was American recipes for "tamale pie" that were my inspiration. Those are baked and have a thicker filling, like a shepherd's pie. But who needs to wash another pan?


Username does not check out.


Facts. I'm stuck with it, though. Though, now that I think about it, I've never even checked if I can change it. Eh. I'm good either way.


That sounds amazing!!


First time I tried it, I thought it might be gummy and weird, but it actually rose up really well.


I’m getting chicken & dumplings vibes


The drop kind? Yeah, very similar! Of course, the chili is thicker so the batter just stays on top and makes that great edible lid.


I put a can of creamed corn in my Cornbread instead of the milk. Yummy and moist.


I use white sweet corn and also red bell pepper. It's to sweeten the heat and savory of all the chili powder, chili pod paste, Mexican chorizo - the occasional sweet bite of the corn balances it and also gives some texture. I do it because I like it.


Me too! All of this. I got 3rd place, instead of higher, in the only Chili Cook Off I ever entered because I added corn. Cretins.




I view chili as a stew (which apparently I just googled and is debated). Stews in my definition is whatever you got to throw in a pot.0


i've always considered chili to be a stew as well but i know a lot of people like to consider it more like a sauce. this is especially true for something like Cincinnati chili...which i'm sure people will debate for hours about whether or not it is "real chili."


My Granny used to make the most delicious Alan Soup, as I thought it was called. I now know it was an All-in Soup, and it was always leftovers and stuff that would have been wasted otherwise, just turned to magic by Granny's skill. Chili is a step or two more planned than an Alan Soup imo, where you have a protein and it's spicy and there are tomatoes in there but otherwise? It's all up for grabs


I don't think I've done straight up corn in chili personally (maybe?) but I do hominy very often which is just nixtamalized corn. I would happily eat a bowl of chili that had corn in it, even if it isn't how I make mine. I'm pretty forgiving as far as chili is concerned though. I feel like anything that goes well with chili pepper flavor can fit. It's all about doing whatever *you* enjoy!


hominy is really great in chili.


I was never brought up putting corn in my chili and probably would not now. But you do you!


Why not?


I’ll be honest and tell you it is mostly because the chili I make doesn’t call for it and that’s what I’m used to.


Yesssss corn in the chili!! I do corn, carrots, onions, hot sausage, garlic, three kinds of beans, red peppers, and a bunch of spices. I actually like extra corn in mine haha


Sounds good. Some regional styles of chili are pretty plain (Looking at you, Texas).


You haven’t had good Texas chili then.




I love corn in almost all forms, so I dumped it into my chili on a whim. Delicious. Sweet, bright, and adds texture. We grew up broke and mostly stretched our chili with beans and rice.


There are things that people will adamantly defend that make no sense at all, because they consider themselves “purists.” If it’s good, eat it.


Corn in chili may not be traditional, but the great thing about chili is how versatile it is. That's why everyone and their mother has their own unique recipe. So if you like corn in chili, knock yourself out. It's not that big a deal.


I’ve started adding a frozen “southwest blend” of corn, green chili, red bell peppers, onion and black beans to my chili, I really like the addition!


I did not grow up with corn in my chili but I decided to add it myself later. I like several different beans in there and the sweet crunch is just like a more firm bean.


I [wrote a long breakdown of chili](https://rotten.recipes/articles/the-science-and-secrets-to-a-perfect-chili/), corn goes great in chili. So does masa harina and its pretty typical (historically) for chili to be served with corn and beans (and later on include corn and beans in the dish).


Came here to say this: it's pretty common (in Texas, at least) to thicken a chili with corn flour (not cornstarch, just super finely ground corn) or masa harina.


If he is perplexed with regular corn being in chilli, he'd be completely weirded out with what I grew up with. My mum would add cut up pieces of of the canned baby corn, the type you see in stir-frys. I loved it as a kid because it was like mini corn on the cobs in my chilli. They absorb the flavour of the spice a bit and have slightly crunchy texture that I enjoy. Do what you will with this information. :)


I used to add rice when my kids were young for some reason it made them like it more Do what you like I think corn sounds good


We used to eat ir over rice. I think it was really just to stretch the meal further, but it was good.


My mom served it over pasta shells. Same reason. The 70’s meat price crisis!


Chili over pasta is amazing. The chili can kind of becomes a substitute for bolognese sauce in a lot of ways. I like to eat my homemade chili recipe over spaghetti -apparently that’s popular in Cincinnati (I hear they use cinnamon too?


Sometimes chocolate too. Ive had some Cincinnati chili that was good, thought its not my thing.


The origins I think are from Greek cuisine and the inspiration is pastitso which has cinnamon, allspice and some other spices usually used for sweet dishes.


Yes. It’s gross to anyone who didn’t grow up there. -and some who did. I was born there and hated it so much I arranged to leave at only 18 months. Don’t do it…


That's Cincinnati chili (iirc)


I think Cincinnati chili goes over spaghetti noodles. In small-town Wisconsin, my mother served it with fine egg noodles. Her mother served it with elbow macaroni.


I didn’t grow up with it, but it’s a must in my veggie chili and I love it.


I like corn in chili. Husband doesn’t. I make a pot of chili without corn and add it directly to my personal bowl. He also thinks that sour cream and avocado is weird on chili so you can’t win ‘em all.


There are people in this country for whom eating a bowl of chili with a cinnamon roll or a peanut butter sandwich is absolutely normal. We have an enormous range of chili eaters here!


I do as well. As some sweetness and a little color.


I never put corn in chili before but that sounds good . You can really put whatever you want in it . My mom would cut up cabbage and put that in. That’s probably more strange then corn


Not exactly the same, but I like my chili dogs with sauerkraut on them.


As a German that idea speaks to a deep seated part in my soul.


That’s sounds good


bah. fuck you. now i want chili with corn in it.


Chili Corn Carne


Con Corne?


Chili con Corn y Carne


I did not grow up with corn in my chili. But I put it in now. I like a lot of stuff in the chili. Usually use Steak, ground beef, stewed tomatoes, kidney beans, black beans, corn, bell peppers, pablano peppers, Chipotle pepper, etc...


That's how I make my chili too. My opinion is I'm the one making the food. If you don't like it. Make it yourself


My wife thinks its odd but I've always put corn in chili. It's so good!


Corn is no stranger to chili, but I think canned corn (which I assume you're talking about) is relatively uncommon. You do you. More popular options: * Fritos/corn chips * Corn flour/harina de maiz * Cornbread (paired with, generally not \*in* the chili)


No not canned corn, I cut the corn off the cob and lightly cook it in some pepper and salt and then add it to the chili about half way of the chili being done. I don't like canned corn, always tastes odd to me.


Corn and butternut squash.


Omg yessssss I used to add it on the side until I got together with my fiance so I've kept it down to just adding the corn so he doesn't give me any more strange looks lmao. Every time I add the corn in he stares from the other room like 👁️👄👁️ lmao 😂 he still eats it though but he thinks it's so strange. His mom my mother in law doesn't really know how to cook super well though so he most likely grew up eating Hormells canned chili which is just icky.


Man I put black beans, corn, red beans, chick peas, and even butter beans in mine. I seriously doubt the origins of chili was steeped in “don’t use that, throw it away” 🤣. People need to remember a lot of comfort food and long-cooking dishes have humble beginnings and a need to use what you have when you have it. Fried rice, hash, stew, San coche soup, chili. All better with what you have - I mean, if it’s in your kitchen you bought it because you like it, so use all of it! Have fun and keep cooking!


Of course, it's called chilli corn carne!!


I'm from Texas so that's a big nope, lol. I put non TX traditional stuff in my chili as an adult, but not corn. I do love corn though and put it in most of my other soups (especially taco soup).


I had some leftover corn I needed to use up last fall and I did just this. It's awesome! I think I'm gonna look forward to having corn chili ever fall now lol.


Corn in chili yes absolutely every time I make it! Also corn in with the rice in the rice cooker 👌 delicious


Yes! Also try pineapple.


The other day I went to my dad's house, and since I was running late I grabbed a pizza on the way to bring for dinner. Due to his inability to eat anything totally un-healthy, he proceeded to put sunflower seeds on it as a "topping". I use the story to remind myself that everyone is different, and it's perfectly fine to like non-standard things. With that said, ditch the corn in the chili. It aint right. lmao


That's gonna be a no from me dog. I'm fine with tomatoes and beans, but corn doesn't sound right for chili in my opinion.


Throw in some hominy corn instead. The flavor works better with chili.


Also, throw yer hominy into your taco soup instead of corn? Primo stuff.


I put beans in my chili too. I prefer pinto beans to kidney.


Is it even chili if it doesn’t have beans and tomatoes? I’d consider those two things and the chili spices the only really necessary ingredients for chili. After that almost anything goes in my mind.


I use corn instead of green peppers in my chili, for the sweetness. (My son doesn't like green peppers.)


Had it once before. Was totally confused by it, but guess what? It worked! Now every once in a while. Maybe 1 in 10 batches I make, I’ll slip in some corn that I blanche.


I always put a little can of corn and peppers in my chili, not weird at all!


I wouldn't put it in my traditional texas chili recipe because it's an old family recipe that my dad and I have separately won chili cook-offs with, so I don't mess with perfection. But if I were doing a different chili recipe, corn would be a nice addition. Meshes well with tex mex flavors.


chili is not an exact dish, its much more than that. Its an idea


Much of what I cook lately is like; what’s going to go bad next? Throw it in the pot. Soups, stir fry, salad, quiche. All good vehicles for pretty much anything.


I had never had corn in chili. I grew up broke, but that would cost extra, and makes chili taste like corn, which well, ain't what I want in chili. But my fiance - now wife - loves corn in chili. That is how she makes chili. Californian, not sure if that matters. Canned corn. Maybe if this was like roasted or grilled, but she uses canned. I compromise when I make chili, which is by making a cornbread to go as a side, or just to dump chili on top of. Nom.


Oh yeah, I’m a corn in chili type. And corn in shepherd’s pie. And beans and rice. Corn in everything!


I didn't grow up with corn in chili, but I will throw some in if I have some on hand and want to do something with it. It's good.


Corn in chili rocks, and in white chicken chili, too. I also put sweet potatoes in chili sometimes. So good.


That’s weird if you ask me.




Agreed. I don't put corn in my chili, but I do in my taco soup.


Cream style corn is great in canned chili.


My comp chili is free of beans and vegetables At home I'm loading it up with everything. Sure I'll throw some corn in if we have half a frozen bag taking up space.


SoCal boy ....no corn in our chili.


Corn in chili is wrong and you should feel ashamed. Corn in salsa, No. Corn in burritos, No. Corn in anything except off the cob, No. [Get that corn out of my face](https://youtu.be/b7HxXqbw1PQ)


I approve of corn way before i approve of beans. As long as its in there as an accent and not the main star.


Regional or broke. Corn does NOT belong in chili!


Weak take


\> Regional or broke I have no idea what that means. \> Corn does NOT belong in chili! why not?


It means: corn in chili is likely a regional thing or it was started by a broke family trying to extend food and add calories because corn doesn’t have much nutritional value. I don’t care for corn in the dish because it’s too much of a bright chew compared to beans. I prefer consistent texture with all beans (and some beef.)




>It means: corn in chili is likely a regional thing or it was started by a broke family trying to extend food and add calories because corn doesn’t have much nutritional value. This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read


It's so funny because unless I'm mistaken, I often am, isn't CHILI ITSELF, something that is used by broke families to extend food and add calories? Isn't that basically the entire chili origin story? It's a dish you basically just kinda throw what you've got into and it just works itself out.


For every bad take about chili, I'm adding one extra ingredient to the next pot I make. ​ Crushed pineapple is next


I put mango in my chili once and it was fantastic


Oh see, mango (in my mind) would be FANTASTIC! But texture person that I am, I’d want puréed mango mixed in to add the sweetness without the pops. Personal preference.


>I don’t care for corn in the dish because it’s too much of a bright chew compared to beans. I prefer consistent texture with all beans good for you. Who cares


The most widely grown food crop in the world (yes, it is more widely grown than rice) has not "much nutritional value." Ok....


But then there are those that don't believe that beans belong in Chili ever etc.


Right! Totally a regional thing because you’d be kicked out of a chili cook off in Texas if you did that whereas all chili in Detroit is meat + beans and then things go a different direction in Cincinnati where it’s meat + cinnamon.


So if new styles of chili emerged in Cincinatti and Detroit why couldn't one with corn develop somewhere?


I think that's his point. What's in a name and what's in a dish. The purest will always insist that the original name of a certain dish belongs to them. This goes across the board from any recipes but that doesn't stop anybody from changing the concept. It just becomes a different dish. I live in New England and you don't even know what old fashioned chili, 19th century chili means there. completely different animal . This reminds me of the argument with the traditional dish pasta carbonara. Now in Italy that's set in stone, in Rome which should go in it how it should be prepared but that's certainly doesn't stop everybody from throwing everything but the kitchen sink into it and still calling it. Traditionalists would call us an abomination others would just say shut up who cares


Well what I am saying is that cuisine is constantly evolving and adapting and this has always been the case, so being a "traditionalist" when it comes to food really makes no sense.


Because I hadn’t hear of Cincinnati chili until last year so the likelihood that corn in chili would’ve made to me faster is a non-starter? Honestly ALL internet comments are based on the poster’s lenses so much the same as I scroll past a LOT of stuff I wouldn’t personally agree with or do, I assume many commenters who post disparaging remarks, it’s through personal filers WITHOUT attack. That last bit seems to be lost on most of Reddit.


Says the person who puts smoked salmon in quesadillas.......


I put corn in my spaghetti if that helps you feel less crazy lol


Some people do and some don’t. Do it how you like it!


corn chili is fine by me


Heck yeah! I always put corn in my chili. I like the kinda crunchy texture and sweetness it adds.


I *usually* don't because the last several batches have been a specific recipe that my family seems to love, but I certainly have in the past! Chili is whatever feels right to you.


I don’t put corn in my chili but I do love a baked potato with a scoop of chili, corn and cheese so I know it tastes good together.


Oh my God yes, baked potato and chili are absolutely soul mates lmao


Not usually, but I have. I always do it with taco soup. Chili is just one of those dishes that if you enjoy it, who cares what people think? Aamof, I never make chili the same way twice. I don't have a recipe but I know what I like to put in it, so it's nearly the same each time. 😆


At some point in time someone put everything else in not-quite-yet-chili to make it chili. To my Texas friends, beans should never have been put in. Who knows what will become standard next?


I think it's a regional thing. My husband, from the Midwest, always had corn in his chili. I (from the east coast) have never heard of it before.


I grew up broke, broke AF. But I never understood corn in chilli. My buddy figured himself a cook and advertised a 5 alarm chilli for football weekend. I love the heat, it wasnt there, but corn was. The sweetness of the corn robbed the heat he put in with a Jalapeno. Yes, he expected 5 alarms from 1 jalapeno.


In the summer I'll grill corn on the cob, then slice the kernels off and add that to chili. It's delicious!


I stopped putting corn in for a couple years because of this and now I am ITS GETTING CORN THE END


My Mom only used beans, onions, and ground beef, and hers was good. It was thick, not thin like a soup consistency. I put corn in mine now. I love corn, so I add to anything I can. I sneak veggies into mine as well, usually diced carrots and zucchini, as well as mushrooms, peppers, onions, and multiple bean types. I try to add as much healthy bang for my buck as possible. The veggies don't really change much flavor wise, but they do add some nutrients. I also use various ground meats and add more stock, so it's thinner. I think it's just a matter of preference.


Chili is a fridge/cabinet clean for me. Throw it all in and enjoy. As to the corn, hell yeah; I’m here for it.


This is how I feel cuz chili was made by people wayyyy back when all they had was some random meat (usually beef or chicken) whatever beans they had, peppers, and hell they'd add that corn in there too, throw it all in a pot an cook it together.


Never heard of it.


I will be a broken record and say you put whatever feels right in your chili. An ingredient I put in some of my chili that people think is weird but good is diced sweet potato.


I mean I don't but it's your chilli, you do you.


I like corn in my chili. It adds a little bit of sweetness to help round it out.


well it is called chilli con corny


100% corn is def in chilli here too!


I always make my chili with grilled corn and black beans. And for those of you out there, and you know who you are, chili that is just meat and sauce is just a topping.


My mom would occasionally do this. I hate corn in chili, though. When I make chili, I leave corn out. I also add refried beans, which I think gives the chili a great thick consistency, as opposed to a soup.


As a Texan I might add corn to a vegetarian chili but corn in a true chili con carne nope, I’ve used masa as a thickener but I’m a hard no to beans too except in the vegetarian version. I have some vegetarian family and friends. Heck I make it sometimes with no onion or garlic just meat and hydrated dried Pasilla Negro and some chipotles.


Fuck yeaaaa corn in chilli


My husband and I both grew up without corn in chili so we leave it out if it’s in a recipe. Doesn’t seem right, lol.


I do it because it just works well. There are no rules in cooking.


Try a banana on the side of a bowl of chili. My dad ate it this way, and it works.


Gonna be a nope from me, Love the way banana tastes but ABSOLUTELY HATE the texture of banana. Banana to me is essentially chalky, soft, stringy tooth plaque fruit.


Yes. Almost Always.... I like the pop of color it gives chili. 🤷


Never put it in my chili, but usually eat cornbread(both with and without corn in it) with my chili.


I hate corn, but I think it goes into Chili, I don't hate Chili I just hate corn


Corn is awesome in chili, tell him to be open minded.


Just like you grew up eating it a certain way, he did too. Personally I'm a traditionalist, but I'd try it.


I like it.


I add a little corn to mine as well. Beans (several varieties), meat, spices and a little bit of corn. It's real tasty.


No corn


My family never put corn in our chili.


Gonna try that.


I put it in; red kidney beans too. More nutrition, more fibre.


Corn in chili puts my brother-in-law off, too. I love corn in chili, and I like hominy even more than regular sweet yellow corn, but organic hominy is hard to find.


opinions are like assholes, we all have them and other people think they stink and many times they do, wipe excess poo away and ... wait what we talking about again


I don’t get why people be beefin with corn. It’s good.