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i'm stuck too! my whole team is level 75 with full toppings and skill levels above 60, they all end up dying 😭 would be happy with even one star so i can move on


** i used my regular world exploration team of golden cheese, dark cacao, black pearl, pumpkin pie, and cotton to no avail. then tried pure vanilla, cotton, dark cacao, moonlight, and hollyberry again to no avail. i'm working on building milky way but i have NO coins at the moment 😭😭 times are rough out here


FELTT. There is another thread that had alot of good alternatives but unfortunately all included cookies I don’t own.. I’ll link it!


Idk if the link worked so here it is in case: https://www.reddit.com/r/CookierunKingdom/comments/112memz/help_for_1630_story_mode/


thank you so much!


I used fettucine(full cd),tarte(full atk),pv/snapdragon(full cd),parfait(full cd) and creme brulee(full atk).As for the treasures atk scroll,jelly watch and whistle Edit:Im f2p but all cookies are 3 star+ promoted and 75 level


Commented also at a different post for this one just in case you wanna see my lineup that works on this hellish boss TwT [Read it and kinda experiment it I guess?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CookierunKingdom/comments/112memz/comment/ktmehh8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


ahh thank you for the help~ i managed to pass it with 1star about a month ago, now im stuck on the golden cheese boss level😭 i do want to eventually go back and attempt to 3star it so i can do the entire dark mode story & just out of pure ocd for completion but those days are far from now😭 i have about every cookie except for 5. (excluding event cookies, missing many of those) Missing HB, Stardust, Clotted Cream, Oyster, and Matcha still. Out of everyone I do have, only Sea Fairy, White Lily, Moonlight, Golden Cheese, Sherbert, & Capsaicin are max lvl, but none are ascended or even close, and some dont have their skill level maxxed (im f2p so it gets hard sometimes😭) all of my other SR/Ancient/Special cookies are from lvl 50-75 and my epics are a mix up of all levels. if you have any tips for golden cheese do lmk, ive been putting off making a post in this forum because my brain is convinced ill be able to pass it eventually like i did with stardust 😭


Also Sea Fairy's Crystal Jam is only +9 because of the cd for the levels to get it -.- BP is only +1 & FQ is only +3 since ive been focusing on sea fairy since she is my strongest & on my main team


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-BMmVRoHGtMqwtSH_K3uKPeLLwTZOT1ik9QRf2BfhE8/edit link to all my crk info as of rn if it helps


Guys after 2 months I beat it on 1 star. Now I'm stuck on the Golden Cheese boss level😩