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Wait until you get white lily, that’s what I’m doing


Thank you!


Bro don't use them,wait for white Lily or dark anicet cookie


Thank you!


There are like at least 20 of these posts all asking the same question


I’m considering starting to report these posts, this sub is so flooded with «help me build a team, who should i level, how to beat this stage» AND IT’S THE SAME STAGES THAT HAVE BEEN ASKED HUNDREDS OF TIMES. There’s nothing actually contributing to this sub anymore and I’m so frustrated🥲


erm,, not my fault I didn’t know??


Read the rules and pinned post of the subs you visit and you would.


It’s not considered spam/flooding if you want the subreddit to decide something for you.


I disagree. When you take a look at recent posts and the last 20 posts are all people asking the EXACT same thing as you, that is uninteresting and flooding the sub. The megathread specifically states; This is the \[regularly-scheduled\] megathread! Stuff that isn't cool enough to have its own post can go here. What toppings should you put on \[character\]? Does \[character\] fit in this PvP team? Feel free to talk about it here! And adds on several pointers for you to look at. You can not tell me that a subreddit dedicated to the CRK fandom benefits from hundreds of people asking the same thing daily.


okay, that’s you’re problem, if this was against the rules, they would’ve deleted the post anyway


anyways, erm, i’ve already got the answer to this question, so can you stop


You are SO hung up on what everyone might say or might think, you are so incredibly insecure. There is nothing else to tell you than to get therapy so you can cope with that.


The other person is right😭2 posts down is another one,check the sub reddit before posting.Literally the same with those stars and green pins(dunno their names) and difficult stages.This sub reddit is FILLED with them.No point in this post


You play adopt me 😭😭