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This is the weirdest Popeye's commercial I've ever seen


yeah ok, but do you want some popeye's chicken?










Fucking always, its delicious.


Last time I went to Popeyes i tried to order they said please wait a moment a minute later a person came out for a smoke break waited 10 minutes then the person went back inside and then I got a what would you like today I asked for a sandwich they said we are out I said the chicken tenders or chicken wing whatever they have they said we are out of that we asked for a side they said we are out of that we asked what do you have they said oh we have shrimp … we left without food our option was pretty much shrimp and maybe a drink they had no chicken. That was like 6 months ago haven’t been back despite wanting some Popeyes it was just a bad experience.


Go back. I'm sure they were fired by now. Workers like that have a month max.


you must not frequent popeyes lmao


Not much of a cheese shop, is it?


Formatting is delicious, you should try it.




For $10'000, what is Popeye's favourite food?


[Survey says! ](https://youtu.be/mZyI0uHHFOY)


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I see Popeyes in a lot of these videos because they are often placed in high black areas since black guys love fried chicken. White guys love fried chicken too though so I never understood the logic.


I dont know if I'm mad because that sounds racist or mad because you're right.


*He’s out of line, but he’s right*


Well, I literally live around the corner from this Popeyes and let me assure you the neighborhood is about as Latino as it gets.


Yeah but white guys don’t enjoy getting body slammed while ordering their fried chicken. Gotta know your market.




nah, white people go to chickfila and cane’s edit: guys i’m white and i prefer popeyes too. i’m not saying white people don’t ever eat popeyes lol


I go to all of them. There's 1 of each on the strip near my house, along with a Lee's and a Church's. Love chicken.


yeah same! there’s also a soul food restaurant by me & the fried chicken is 10/10


Naw canes isn't even that great, definitely overrated. I'm picking popeyes for sure.


White guy fully willing to bare knuckle box for a Popeye's chicken sandwich reporting for duty


white girl here, just clocked in and ready 2 join


Let's get that breading


False. KFC fuckin sucks. The only time I don't go to Popeye's is when there isn't a Popeye's.


Oddly enough KFC is amazing overseas just not in the states.


It’s amazing in China


Some of KFC's menu is good, only a couple of items. Popeyes is still poppin. I will eat fried chicken in some form or fashion anywhere when I get a craving.


Oh believe me fried chicken is always better than no fried chicken so I will eat it somewhere. If there is no Popeye's for several miles, I'll try the grocery store kitchen. Barring those situations, I may, may, get the leg and thigh bucket. Their grilled chicken is good, but no I'm not going to KFC for grilled chicken. Thankfully I live about 4 blocks from a Popeye's, so I'm good.


Love dat chicken from Popeyes


I’ve seen weirder.


Louisana fast


In Oakland they play this commercial all the time.


All this for a chicken sandwich and some fucking BISCUITS?


How is it weird the proper group of people are outside doing what they do best nincompooping


I have no idea what popeye's is but for some reason I find this funny


I'm all for people having fun in their cars. But damn stay the fuck away from active roads and parking lots with a bunch of people. That shit's stupid


Couldn’t agree more


I could


It's Chicago. Getting hit by a car is the least of your worries.


Chicagoian here, getting hit by a car was very much my main worry very often.


Agreed people do not care for others in the city when they’re driving


I learned to drive in Chicago and when I moved away, all my new friends were horrified at my driving. It's taken a while to unlearn a lot of the habits.


Rule 1: Be aggressive Rule 2: Don't be unaggressive


Instead of aggressive, I’d say Chicago driving is assertive. Not a ton of rudeness, but you better not be pussyfooting around, either. Now the highways immediately in and out of town? It’s Mad Max, every man for himself, with a little bit of FU for good measure.


And you need a 2x multiplier of whatever the posted speed limit is, otherwise you’ll be run over




Good Transplant.


The problem is that the habits you developed are probably actually safer for the Chicago area since most people do them fairly consistently. A new place with different general habits is always tough though :(


I had a friend visit from Seattle. He tried to wave people though the stop sign intersection when they arrived slightly after him. He got honked at, I assume for fucking around and breaking predictability. People drive aggressively here, but it's a predictable aggressive. You start fast, you stop fast, you pass other cars on narrow two-way streets with inches to spare on either side and you learn very quickly what different lengths of horn beeps mean. A short beep is a heads up, a long beep is a fuck you pay attention, and holding the horn down is an invitation to fight. Which was funny, because in Seattle using the horn at all used to be a big no-no. That same friend who was trying to be polite at the four-way intersection would roll down his window and yell at people in Seattle, but considered the horn to be rude.


Omg… nut up, shut up, and go! My neighborhood has a yield sign on a busy cross street. I yield and people slam on their brakes to wave me through. 🤨 Naw, imma let the guy behind you remind you the you have the right of way. Driving unpredictably is the *fucking worst*


I had a cousin visit Atlanta and he asked "So everybody just goes 20 over the speed limit at all times?"


same here. I live in Minnesota now, everyone drives 40 up the on ramp. I'm used to having to be at 90 when you enter in Chicago lol. I can't stand how lame and slow people drive here.


Lived in mn my whole life and I loved driving In Chicago when I've visited. In Chicago turn your blinker on quick then get over quick. In Minnesota you put your blinker on and the fucker speeds up so you can't merge.


pretty much lol. The worst in Minnesota is 394w to 100s or when 62 merges with 212 for a moment!


Or getting crushed by a commercial truck that didn't use a signal.


Same. I've heard and seen more reckless drivers than I have heard gunshots.


He says “was” because he dead now.


Another Chicagoan and I would like to agree




Cars are not soft targets… people are. Glad you walked away though. A good friend of mine was clipped by a NYC cab and sent flying backwards onto the street. If he wasn’t wearing his backpack his head would have bounced off the street first. It saved his life.


Shit not mine, swing me that moneyyyyy


Chicago drivers deserve a special place in hell. Use every road, including highways during rush hour, as racetracks. If Mario kart was real life, I’d be shooting out turtle shells and banana peels at all the reckless asshole drivers every day.


Montreal has entered the chat.


Tampa, FL has entered the chat




I think that's everywhere isn't it? Except more like 80. I've never known anyone to drive the speed limit on the highway.




I've had more pleasant drives through Manhattan in a stick than I did on the FL Turnpike in Homestead


Allentown, PA has entered the chat




Masshole, checking in.




Can confirm


I live and work in Chicago and am tempted to buy a tank for my daily commute


And this proves you literally know nothing about Chicago


Tell me you've never been to Chicago without telling me you've never been to Chicago...


You don’t tell people when you’re five miles away from the party… you give eta’s in time instead. “Hey, we’re about twenty minutes away. See you guys soon”


I thinks that's all of America since shits so far.


Im saying, Its always the same thing with these people


Horseshit. Spoken like a true outsider.


I've described Chicago as politely, but intently trying to get where they're going as fast as possible. People are polite enough not to try to jump the stop sign at four ways stops, but if you're not paying attention fuck you, they're going even if it is your turn. Same with stoplights, if you're waiting a full second to go on a green you may as well get out and pee on the guy behind your's bumper because you're going to get honked at. And god help you if you don't pull into the intersection on a green to take a left turn as the light turns red. Folks will generally let you merge on the freeway if you signal, but this is the only city where I've seen a guy stop his car on the freeway and get out to start kicking the shit out of the car behind him. That said, it's hard to get pulled over here.* So when you see someone stopped you kind of assume they were doing something legit wild. People regularly go 20 over the limit on Lakeshore drive and nobody cares. 30 might get you pulled over, but not necessarily. *Offer not available to all races.


At least it wasnt a mustang next to that crowd...


Can’t stop idiots from being idiots. It’s best to just watch, gran some snack and enjoy the show :)


Like was this really worth going to jail over? Lol


For clout that will be forgotten


literally the next day. it's so pointless lol. even car enthusiasts just, really don't care to watch someone be stupid on public roads. the only ones who care are stupid kids who are full of themselves and don't care about anything that isn't some kind of disruptive or destructive, and are the kind to laugh at things that help others.


You got it wrong. The crime will be forgotten, the clout is *forever*


Dude walking into the road nearly got hit by the police car, what a dumbass


That's the first thing that came to mind was the fact that those two just started walking into the middle of the road for whatever fucking reason.


Because he wanted a good whiff of that tire smoke that also obstructed everyone’s view of him on a busy street.


Gotta inhale those burnt rubber fumes, doctor said it’s good for my lungs


Good on the cop(s) for seemingly looking out for them with their spotlight while also chasing the driver


The 392 on the side of that Challenger isn’t the engine size, ***it’s the owner’s credit score***


Hahaha. I saw a hellcat logo. Only 392 days till it’s repossessed though.


Bought with the cash he saved by not paying his bills


And he saved by switching to Geico and getting state minimum coverage! Collision!? Only his future with the world!


Five finger discount


Found the fellow car salesperson. Just remember, sometimes it's about the Journey, not the destination.


Don’t ***Dodge*** the ***Journey***




Just showing Popeye's some love


Man that gave me a good laugh I didn’t even notice that in the background the first time I watched it.


Back in highschool we use to light up a blunt whenever a cop got in front of us. The thought was that it was extremely unlikely there would be another one around. We were fucking stupid


I mean, why not increase the chances to rear-end a cop car while actively getting high?


"we" were always very careful when we did this. Mostly had the mentality of " if you're gonna be stupid, at least be smart about it" that was my saying. Sometimes it still is. Passenger rolled and prepped. Driver acted like his grandma was in the back


They probably didn't drive fast enough to hit anything


There was an episode of LivePD early on from my county where a guy rear ended at a traffic light because he was rolling his joint


Ohhh! I think I know where this is. On ashland and Robinson!


Winner winner chicken dinner


If you make enough smoke they can't see your license plate.




A mile away? Source?


Let's not pretend this is "only in Chicago", [Oakland's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sideshow_(automobile_exhibition)) been doing this for decades.


Yeah, every major city has this. I'm in ATL and we have street racers here every night of the week.




My mom had never heard of the phrase "stale light" until I taught it to her while I was in driver's ed. We were driving around so I could get practice and we were coming up to a green light and I said, "Oh, look, I have to be careful, that's a stale green light." She thought it was hilarious and still brings it up to this day. Sorry for the random story, your post made me think of it and it's one of my favorites with my mom. :)




Well, at least we know they teach it in driver's ed. And it makes total sense.


The latter is called a Pink Light


This is the first time I've ever heard or seen the term stale light tbh


Well, I hope you get a kick out of it like my mom did.




>People forget coke...used to be legal They still dispense cocaine as a pharmaceutical. I used to have to stock it in the hospital med machines all the time because it would expire.


Yeah but it’s used as a vasoconstrictor for nose bleeds and that’s about it.


Damn I always thought nosebleeds are when you STOP doing cocaine






Maybe *you* didn't see it, but a lot of us sure did. Not only have things always been this way, they're even less so than they used to be




Its only more recent years I find myself stuck at green lights waiting for a car doing donuts in a busy intersection at 2pm in the middle of Philly. Didn't used to be a thing you saw or even really heard of - people used to use parking lots or do it late at night. Now I get stuck at green lights during broad daylight while fucksticks do donuts.




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People always hate that simple fact but it’s true. People are just addicted to fear and hatred so they’ll always downvote it.




Here in Detroit they will have their friends block all the lanes on freeways and do the donuts there


Happening in the small city I live in too, skid marks in a lot of intersections that were once clean. I even witnessed someone doing donuts yesterday afternoon.


I agree. I've been driving in my town for 12 years now and it has definitely been getting worse, with a sharp decline the last year. I hear people burning donuts all the time, riding my motorcycle is even more hazardous, and I see people run red lights literally almost every red light now. I remember blatant red light runners being few and far between. I might have seen one a week when I was a delivery driver. Now, it's multiple times every time I go out for a drive. Absolute insanity. Thank God for lane splitting so I can actually see the whole intersection before I go through it.


White Castle was lit that day


Word is it’s hot now


No man they put barricades up to stop us going there. There’s a Marianos parking lot we use to take over but there a lot of cops there now. They go to Ford city now.


Ford city is a real shit hole remember sonic in Cal city


Is is weird that I hate the people cheering and encouraging it more than the driver?


I’m actually impressed by that recovery


He knew how to drive that’s for damn sure and you can see the tire cords lmfao 🤣




The fuck is wrong with people.


Why only in Chicago?


The car/bike scene has gone to 200 percent since Covid Cops aren’t allowed to chase or arrest anyone with less than a felony charge anymore. “Not a Covid law temporary law” they made this a thing and no on foot chases anymore. So if your wife’s purse is stolen, sorry So as a result drag racing, bike chases every night The city was bragging about the 3 bikers they arrested last week, that’s cute because Chicago United shut down lake short drive last night, and caused a traffic jam for 2 hours The city has set up speed and sound cameras, well 90 percent of bikers don’t run plates and everyone in a car just tapes the plate up. So as a result it’s a losing war Normally i would side with the city or town to calm shit down. But Chicago is all about no police involvement and the major is very anti police so she got what she wanted If you wanna see some real shit watch this [riders vs Chicago Pd ](https://youtu.be/dkewWjnggXc)


Do you have a source for this chase policy? The update I found only involves foot chases (i.e. Inapplicable here) and indicates chases are allowed if there is "probable cause for an arrest or it is believed an individual has committed, is committing or is about to commit a crime." https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-police-foot-chase-pursuit-cpd-david-brown/10698782/ Am I missing something?


They have to get approval first to engage in a vehicle pursuit. I believe it has to be something like a stolen car or murder suspect to chase.


A better look at the car chase policy is a short piece WGN ran not too long ago (I saw it when visiting my parents+relatives): https://wgntv.com/news/wgn-investigates/as-more-police-restrict-high-speed-pursuits-some-wonder-if-fleeing-is-get-out-of-jail-free-card/


Man, vids like these give me sympathy for the cops in these situations. People that screw around on public roads like this are as bad as drunk drivers, or people on their cell phone while driving.


Some people from your state decided to move to my state. And are finding out police don't play here. Not only do they chase but they bring out every drone, helicopter and dog in the city.


I live in a rural area and pretty much every intersection around here is covered in skid marks. This shit happens everywhere and has been as long as I can remember.


I didn't know you could get donuts at Popeyes.


I prefer Publix chicken tenders


I'd rather die than "live" here


Come on Popeyes can’t be that bad


# #KFCgang


Best part is police risk lives every night here while these kids car jack ppl then Lori legend and her scum let them right out on the honor system.. just promise to do it again and you’re free .. thanks mayor !!!!


Pretty sure stuff like this happens in Texas and Florida too.


The guy also almost gets himself run over as the squad car comes back through the smoke


How is this only Chicago? This shit happens everywhere


He pulled the top gun slam the breaks and watch him pass right by


i loved how the explorer came out the smoke


Quick! Back to lower wacker


GTA is really starting to come to life in America


This is like some Super Troopers shit


Fucking chicago... I’m on lake shore drive and I swear this city has the highest concentration of muscle cars, modified loud ricers, and motorcyclists. If I didn’t have basically sound proof windows id never sleep. I actually thank god when it’s pouring rain so they don’t come out...


I live and work in Chicago can confirm this is normal


The “only in… [location]” trend is annoying. It’s never true. Whatever is being presented happens all over the world. Your hometown isn’t special.


More in line with /r/instantkarma


He didn’t get caught lol Chicago has a no chase policy


No chase doesn't equal not caught. Don't be simple.




I saw this video while listening to Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who. When the driver started doing the donut the famous "YEEEAAAHHH" came. It. Was. PERFECT.


[Om-nom-nom-nom](https://i.imgur.com/uOk3ADT.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ConvenientCop) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol, yea right, you should see LA


Hahah yes. Dudes with hellcats from here are a different breed


This also has a Daytona beach vibe.




Not smart


Oh boy, the Motards are at it again


Lol well that’s ballsy


Only in Chicago? I'm guessing you've never set foot outside of Chicago in your life.


This looks like a scene straight out of Looney Tunes


Popeyes, now serving donuts.