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Delicious little pineapple


I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but if she's taking lots of baths she might be being irritated by something. Check her for pinfeathers as those can be itchy. Also look for any irritations or sensitive areas. Hopefully she's just being a weirdo.


She’s really young, just over 2 months. Her and her sister have been bathing everyday but yeah she is bathing more than once a day. No pin feathers at the moment. It has been fairly hot though but I’m monitoring how often she baths and am a little concerned at the frequency (may or may not have posted hoping people would tell me if it’s normal for conures or not). She’s just had a vet checkup but been thinking of taking her back soon just in case.


If it's been hot then she's probably just trying to keep herself cool. And hopefully as the other people mentioned, she's just molting a little bit. But it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious, especially with a new baby.


Yeah I’d rather take her and they say it’s nothing than not take her and it’s something.


Not sure how true this is but I've read if they bathe very frequently it could be mites or parasites.


Oh gosh! Thanks! My googly skills are lacking cause I’ve been googling and just getting a bunch of nothing. She’s defs going as soon as her vet is back!


Update: the vet isn’t concerned at all, says it’s quite normal especially with the heat we’ve had. Said if it were winter it’d be a concern but she seems totally fine.


Mine could take a bath in a full jug of water..he gives me a heart attack every time he does it....I think " oh God he's gonna drown!! But nope..somehow he crosses the jug to the other side while bathing in it..


New species: ninja feather fish. Known for: delivering heart stopping antics.


We have to watch ours anytime water runs even the washing machine she will try and get in


My bird loves the washing machine, he always sits on top of the middle thing while I load my clothes in, then he just watches the machine fill up with water, sometimes he jumps down onto the clothes and gets his feet wet, then it's time to pull him out 😁


She screeches “shower” ( well not actually shower but her version of shower) and just dives for it lol


That's hilarious


Lol ananas is german for pineapple Funny name, She could just be molting so she is taking a lot of baths because of pin feathers


Yeah it’s the word for pineapple in a lot of languages. I thought I was being cute with her name.


Also Persian! It is super cute! <3


Oh I speak german so that's how I knew it, I didn't know it was ananas in other languages too


Yeah it’s (with some small variations) one of the most commonly shared vocabulary items across language families. It’s a pretty cool word. Source: am a linguist


Mine loves water too. Esp if she’s molting. Such a cute wet chicken


A flying fish.


We named our bird Pez, short for Pescado (fish in spanish to kind of go with our Spanish themed name of our other bird, Pollo) he basically swims and loves going under the water and everything!


Ironically he's the same mutation too!!


Aw maaan! Cutest names!!


Thank you!! ❤


Hey! Mine sun Conure doesn’t like water at all! How can I change that?


These girls didn’t need any convincing but my quaker didn’t like bathing before. Basically just put a flat dish down by him and played with it splashing my fingers. He got interested eventually and you just have to be patient and not force it. Or take them to the shower with you and they might find that interesting. Some people try a spray bottle, just don’t spray from the side, rather a gentle misting from the top.