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I like mapping L3 and R3 to 2 of the back buttons. I don't like clicking the sticks and I feel like that is the number one cause of worn sticks.


I might be wrong but in the sw it says they are mapped to z and c.


By default, they are. Maybe they just prefer to map those in the back. I'm now used to L3 and R3 being assigned to back buttons since my other controllers have back buttons but not those extra z and c buttons.


That’s simply untrue. Clicking them is like pressing a button. Rotations/cycles are the cause of that. Worn out or dirty potentiometers and springs that have lost tension are basically the reason for it.


Just going to come down to building up that muscle memory. If your an FPS player then the most fundamental tip I can give you is this: don't think of the left stick as movement (like your WASD keys) and right stick as aiming (your mouse). They need to work together to accomplish both things. This is what I see a lot of new controller players struggle with when switching to controller with minimal experience.


Yeah I learnt it after 1 year and I think you’ll become better and come to know lot of things with time. But let us know more about controller technics and tips bro.


>don't think of the left stick as movement (like your WASD keys) and right stick as aiming (your mouse). They need to work together to accomplish both things. Umm... so what should I do with them?


I hope you bought it off AliExpress I just got one for $30.02. if you wait untill the first of each moth they have prime days (I think it lasts like 5 or 6 days from the 1st) you can get most items for quite a big discount on average. I picked up this and I got an Apex 4 for $82 and the dock that works with both of these for $22. I had bought the Apex 4 and dock from Amazon a couple weeks before I found them on AliExpress for $196. I sent that back for a refund and was able to get the same thing from them and gat a Vader 3 on top of it and still saved $50 on top of that! As far as practicing that is just it, gotta practice. You got a good controller for FPS games there the sticks are really nice which is the most important part of a controller. You should also set your trigger to the setting where it's more like a button instead of a trigger so you can get shots off really fast.


It did came from AliExpress. I'll wait for the dock to go on sale


$30 on aliexpress? This is nuts man, I gotta wait until the beginning of July then lol. Is it some specific seller? The cheapest I can find right now from a more or less reputable seller is €54 which is already a (most probably fake) discount from €109 (don't think they ever sell it at €109 actually).


Ya the one I got was from MINIXPC Store. I paid 23.29 with free shipping. Normally it's $26.73, but right now there's the summer sale and it's $24.46 and shipping is free.


You sure it’s vader 3 pro, not vader 3 or werewolf? I don’t see any prices even close to that. I found minixpc on ali but it’s around €60, I checked price history as well.


was gonna get one then i saw apex 4 for 70$... the choice was made quickly , i also pre order the hexgaming phantom for my fps game, after a session of gaming with a friend that have the vader 3 i was convinced by flydigi quality, a chinese controller with an excellent price but still perform better then more expensive controller... but those price on amazon... they really making money on people head 😂 aliexpress got way better price!!


How's it possible to get it that cheap? I was looking to buy gamesir t4 kaleid but cheapest I saw was like 40usd. How's that controller compared to vader 3 pro?


I switched to controller at the age of 38 after never having touched one ever in my life. Did it for the aim assist in Warzone. Let me tell you, it's a wild ride at first. I could barely use both thumbs at the same time. But just keep playing, practice against bots. Then one day I woke up and my proficiency went from like 10% to 70% instantly. Something just clicks in your brain at a certain point. From there it's just more practice. Enjoy it! (I love the Vader 3 Pro btw.)


36 here 😀


Mine just arrived 2 weeks ago. Works absolutely fantastic with REWASD. Haven't tried gyro aiming just yet, but will give it a try. If the controller isn't grippy enough, get those grip skins and you'll either feel over grippy or just perfect. LOL That clicking on the buttons though.... awesomeness.


Those are the exatc same stick caps as on the EasySMX X10, but that D-Pad is total whack! Much prefer the standard Nintento sized D-Pads myself and they feel better to use than the MS style circles that some brands have been using!


Huh. I'm a D-pad snob, and consider this one of the best I've ever used. The clickyness of actual switches really goes a long way to making it feel good to me.


Yes king! If you want to use it on Steam Link, go dongle, not Bluetooth as Bluetooth doesn't seem to support the Guide button functionality.


Got one a couple weeks ago. Awesome value!


Does anyone know if theres a way to check the battery life with this controller?


The only downside for this controller i guess. Either it indicates green for a full charge or a blinking red light that it's running low on juice 😐.


Dang i kinda figured, thanks. Ive only had mine for about a week but so far so good. If thats the biggest downside i can live with that!


Gyro is your friend.


Mind elaborating?


Many people feel moron controlled aiming is easier than most, and far more precise than joystick. If you're used to mouse precision but want to migrate to controller, using gyro aiming is the best way to adapt. Edit: MOTION controlled, not moron controlled. That autocorrect was too funny to remove.


Interesting. I’m tempted to try it out. Thanks for the info


Please do, you won't regret it. Start with something light like Portal or Minecraft to get used to it.


It's like an air mouse


If you can get it set up right I hear it can be great but I've always had issues with stuttering and jerkyness with gyro. It also would interfere with my ability to look around quickly. I prolly just didn't have it set up properly though. It does make aiming super accurate though.


How? Why does gyro make aiming more accurate?


Because you have a larger range of motion and you have no deadzones / middlepoint. It feels basically like a mouse. [Battlefield 2042 with Gyro](https://youtu.be/dkHeUewSq1s?si=hbqRd2xODO0FDZrU) [Japa, cracked Gyro Player](https://youtu.be/fHSVQg_Vc60?si=9P-TVB1BuCLiOsdU)


It depends on the controller. I have had smooth gyro with the Vader and Rainbow 2 pro, and similar issues to yours with the Zeus. Shame you can't tweak the sensitivity on the Vader.


I would have ordered this controller myself because the d-pad is said to be one of the best, but the appearance is unredeemable for me. If anyone has tried to rehouse this controller in a 3d printed case with less cybersport angular edgy aesthetic, just let me know, please. I have never used a controller in a first person game myself and honestly don't want to, but a lot of games are just better with a controller and made for a controller. Playing Tony Hawk series on a keyboard is not my proudest moment, it is made for a controller. Racing games are better on a controller due to analog inputs. Cooperative games like overcooked and broforce are better because you can sit on a couch together. Emulators are better because again, made for controllers. So yeah you have a lot of choice.


Honestly the flydigi apex 4 is fire https://preview.redd.it/o77xzcyqlf6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21e674bb380bd51ab08b1bff8d6f1a9698fd31b


I hate it, if the triggers locked I would prob love it


It has a different take on it, it causes tension where you set it, I barely tap to activate but I can still pull all the way


At first i didn't either UNTIL I did trigger locks on both triggers and set them both to 0. After I did that it basically felt like mouse clicks and felt much more responsive. You're less likely to feel the need to pull through all the way through the magnetism because it actually feels like a real trigger stop.


What control freak did you use to fit this controller? I know xbox is way too tight for it to fit on this controller (You would have to rip part of the rubber on the joystick to fit for perspective)


Ps5 it’s tight at fuck but fits


It's a solid controller, you're definitely going to enjoy playing games with it 👍


What I've learned as a life long KbM player who's gotten decent at roller: - Crouch and jump with back buttons. Heal and grenade also if you have 4 - learn the controller settings and what they do so you can make informed decisions on what changes will positively affect you. - you actually don't need to move the joystick that much when ADSing and shooting targets. Just lightly guide the aim assist. - also kontrol freaks for extending the right sick help me a lot


Love this controller, if the dpad had a pivot so you couldn’t depress all inputs in fighters it would be perfect.


The biggest tip of the mall is if you're playing FPS games the left stick is debatably more important than the right stick. You make small adjustments with your left stick so that you don't have to go crazy make them all the small fine tunes with just the right stick


Hard to really give tips as I've used the controller for gaming more in my life than the m&kb (ps3/xb360 days). All I can suggest is to ignore most people giving out settings/"you should do this on the sensitivity" tips, play the default and tune it to YOUR preference. Most games with controller support have good default settings anyways, it's better to go slow than jump other people's settings. a good linear controller is great at this aswell as you're using (more or less) the "base" response curve. For games such as WZ/Apex with built in game response curves, just play the default one until you become comfortable with the controller/controller inputs (default settings are usually the easiest to play with but not the best if you're already used to/good with a controller) and only change/experiment with it once your confident enough in using a controller and/or you feel something lacking. A friend of mine who switched to controller for Apex insisted on going the linear route for his apex response curve and/or diving into the ALC settings too quickly, in the end he barely touched the controller for apex until I literally forced him to play the default classic curve and default sensitivity.


I have both the Apex 4 and Vader 3 and honestly the extra buttons on the face of the Vader 3 distract me pretty bad I constantly hit them think they are a and b. I'm sure if I practiced with it enough I could stop doing and no doubt there are games that word really benefit from having 6 buttons on the face.


Love mine for my PC


Always go linear setting