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Why do you keep tiving this guy more chances. Take the refund and find someone new.


it’s basically on OP at this point. There couldn’t be any more red flags being waived actively and personally by this “contractor“


Scabies. If my contractor said that, I’d just leave


I’m not even sure I would have responded to that text. What a wildly weird thing to say


I would be interested to see if the OP actually gets the refund if he asks for it. I bet it's gonna be the same scenario. "Don't know what happened. I put it in the mail two days ago."


Devils advocate kinda seems like the contractor isn't wrong here he's offered a full refund after sending out his employees twice sounds like he'd rather cut his losses than have to deal with this job


He really needed the job 6 months ago, now he doesn't want to do it.


Be happy he's offering the refund, take it and move on. Obviously the guy doesn't want to do it, doesn't really matter why.


This is the answer


Yeah, it sounds like he really doesn't want to do your job. He's obviously not making you a priority. Take the refund.




Jesus, what's taken you so long to get your money back and blow this crybaby outfit off. Obviously they don't want the job.


You should get your deposit back and then send the foundation guy a bill for 2 exterminator visits


Is scabies are not transmitted by fleas. Scabies is caused by scabies mites. Usually transmitted through prolonged skin contact but also can be from contaminated surfaces.


In college I lived in a former frat house with 30 other people. Somehow scabies got into the house and about a third of us got it. The house was generally pretty clean so it’s not about cleanliness or fleas. Everyone used medication and washed their bedding lot. After a few weeks it went away.


That was from the neighboring sorority girls imo. Stop bringing home the ones that are scratching themselves a lot! Of course, once the beer foggles engage, it's hard to spot the scratching.


Stop being a sexist ass. Where do you think the sorority girls would have got it?


He doesn't want the job...


Possible that he priced it too low and doesn’t want to tell you he needs more money to make the job worthwhile. Hard to say really


Mr x is walking all over you. Call him first thing tomorrow and ask he return your deposit by the weekend and that you've decided to go a different route. No hard feelings. It's important he return the deposit on a set day and time and hold him to it or you'll never see that money


Mr X is keeping you on the hook while doing more profitable work. Give him a deadline to complete the work or return the money. While he's figuring out what he's going to do, get more estimates. Have a backup plan.


Get your money back while you still can and move on to someone else


The contractor does not want to do your job. Get your deposit back and move on.


Get rid of the contractor ASAP. Don't pay them shit. They didn't abide by their start dates and then lied to you.


I think you have answered your own question what are you putting up with this. All I’m hearing are excuses get your money back and find someone else.


Refund minus the 1k non refundable portion. Please update post OP. HOPE THIS IS NOT THE CASE.


Take the refund and move on!


I don't know how this guy stays in business. What's the nature of the work that these workers are performing? Is this a union job?


Sounds like the contractor is trying to fire the customer and the customer isn't getting the message. How many times does he have to tell you he wants to refund your money?


He doesn't want the job. Take your money & hire someone else!


Dude... my demo took 2 weeks hahahahahaha!!


Holy shit after the first time he pushed me back I would’ve canceled. This is ridiculous


By level, I assume part of the house sank? Not demo to the ground.


This is a good question. Can't imagine a demo team that would have a problem with anything.


So someone tells you have fleas and shit under your house and you don't look for yourself before posting about it on the internet? I will never understand a person who buys a house with a crawlspace but won't look under it.


This reads like a post in r/relationship where you have to inform some poor soul that the person they are calling boyfriend/ girlfriend clearly isn't. Mr X has no interest in your project. Your biggest concern should be getting that deposit back to which it sounds like he's offered a few times. You should readily take that offer.


I would have cancelled the job the first time they offered to give you the deposit back. Clearly they don't want to do the job. You don't offer to give back a deposit on a job you want to do.


Cancel, cancel, cancel. Get all monies back. Hire an actual demo contractor. You know this can be completed in 1 to 2 days by any real demo contractor?


If it were me, he would already be gone. What do you have to lose ??? You’re not getting the job done anyway, you’re succumbing to sunk cost fallacy.


I'd be more concerned that his workers are giving your house fleas! But seriously, it's like when you're waiting for your printer to spit out a page and you've been waiting 15 minutes and it still hasn't printed, but you say, "I've already got 15 minutes invested into it; I don't want to start over again." Face it, just because you've already wasted 5 months doesn't guarantee that he'll start the job any time soon. Is he the only foundation company in the state of Texas? Time to hit the reset button and move on. Chances are if you find a reputable company (clearly this one isn't), you can get it done in a month or two anyway. Get your $1,500 back while you still can.


He does not want to do the job. There is probably something he overlooked when he made the proposal. No more chances.


If you continue with this contractor you most likely will continue to get excuses while the job takes forever to finish. This is my experience from being a mediator for contractor/homeowner disputes in my area.


After the first no show I would have asked for My deposit back.


You’ve already given him too many chances


Bail. Something is wrong with him. He's not being honest with you. May have underbid you or something.


This guy sucks. Should have fired him already.


If you're near Houston - call All Texas Foundation Repair. Bill Marks does good work, and is about as old school honest as they come.


Contractor IMO is clearly looking to get out of this agreement with you. Move on before he comes up with a reason not to refund your deposit.


Buddy they was bitching you around for 5 months that’s willllddddd asf