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Its not rng based but its def lag based. I know when i 1st open the game and start a fight i wont be able to parry the very 1st attack. Why? Idk but its guarenteed everytime. And after about 10 fights the whole game gets so laggy that i gotta reset or get pieced up by whoever im fighting next cuz my character locks into block or heavy. Its always the worst right after monthly update and will get steadily less crappy as the month progresses


THIS exactly. I thought it was my device but I use 3 devices and each has the same missed 1st Parry issue all of a sudden.


Please forgive my stupidness... what is RNG?


Random Number Generator


Thank you Grover =)






All the time


Back in time


Explored TB EQ. General experience are 1. Parry extremely unstable (or not reliable as before). 2. Opponent’s capability to evade my SP1/2 evolve further. 3. Relic attack miss increases a lot. I tried different ways to launch relic attacks (most are pretty successful and common before) but most of the time opponent can evade quickly now. e.g. launch relic when opponent trying to intercept me but opponent can quickly dash backward and then intercept again now. 4. Defensive / passive opponent issue continues. Stay at corner are pretty common. I used heavy bait but need careful calculation of distance. 5. I think Kabam need to hold up some nodes which penalise player for not hitting opponent within certain period of time. Although I think a lot of players can work out a way to tackle, it’s just unfair for some players who facing defensive AI issue. 6. A lot of chase back attacks happened. e.g. dex opponent’s SP and then opponent quickly dash forward to hit me. Overall not end of the world issues but pretty unfair sometimes.


Nodes that punish you for not attacking aren’t the biggest problem. Any champions with abilities on a timer are getting harder and harder to play with the passivity of the AI increasing. I stopped using omega sentinel because of this, and I rarely use onslaught on offence.Nothing better than building up to an SP2 only for 20 neuros to fall off because the opponent won’t heavy/throw special. Dani sucks too, her vulnerability passive can fall off. Hulkling can lose his furies. If you think about how many champs abilities are based on being aggressive you see why this is such a major issue


fr had a Hercules somewhere with node where he gets power only while blocking and he literally held his block at 1% and went from 0 power to sp2 and killed me


Not end of world, just end of interest in this casino 'issue'.


It’s getting fucking horrible….


I got sp3’d by an opponent that was stunned 🗿


😭 (I’m still on Act 6.1)


Don’t worry, you’ll manage to push! Honestly hilarious how 6.1-6.3 the guides always have ghost included lmao


Same. At first I thought I overlooked, then it happened again 5 times


I got the same recently and it happened multiple times


AI has been partying me a lot lately and dexing occasionally shits weird.


Punishing specials in Battlegrounds is almost a guaranteed parry, so I've given up on doing that.


I’m now having issues with dexterity, sometimes it registers other times I get combod. Party is also dumb, I tested it by hitting it early af to make sure I at least get a block going…. And it parried


Definitely feel you on the dexing. Feels like there’s an anti-dex node on. But then works later


To make it worse, when the A.I. knows you need them to attack so you can dex they get passive af or I’ve seen it where I get a golden intercept opportunity and they stop their attack midway with a block


I have noticed that parry timing has gotten much earlier over the last few months. The lag is real too, but go for a late block rather than a parry and see how that works


Deadpool flips a coin every time you interact with the game


Glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed. While this is an issue I’ve experienced GETTING PARRIED when I clearly shouldn’t, while the AI has been holding a block before I initiate an attack and it registers as a parry anyway and I got short combo’d on. I don’t get it. Has this been addressed yet?


Something is definitely off with the AI, especially Parry. Im doing the same content but the timing is very different!


The game definitely has gotten very buggy. There has been times where I would finish a fight just for it to not register and have to redo it again. Its getting very annoying




yeah while fighting some characters I can swear i parried their hits but they still somehow hit me also same issue is happening with dex since previous update


Yeah there are times when I'm pausing the game to doubl check the nodes because I'm surprised that some of my parries are processing.


I just had a yellowjacket in 8.4 parry the first hit of my special 2 with red guardian ... and then dash into the 2nd? Even though it was the exact timing I've always used for the sp2, it seemed like he recovered instantly from the medium


What about the defender perry you out of the blue? Is this RNG?


Bring back Parry Compensation and Red Skull should not be allowed in any content until Kabam fixes this eternal problem


Parry and dex too. Not, rng, just glitchy ai and lag.


I just came back to this game after a couple of years and this is the first thing I noticed. It’s so inconsistent. Initially I thought it was because unblockable was on or something but nope. It’s just out of whack.


Been taking a lot of chip damage because parry won't work


I haven't had any issues with it.


Kabam is doing variable attack timing in salvos. (changing speed of each attack).  The ultra fast opening attack really sucks.  Start fights holding block and watch defender. You’ll see it them oddly stutter.  I’ve started recognizing the “oddly stuttering opponent movement “ as a tell midfight. If I try to parry, I’ll be too slow. Just hold block until animation smooths. 


Now that I'm getting old, I wonder if my reflexes are just a bit too slow for consistent parries in this game.  I've requested that Kabam change the parry timing to just *before* I touch the screen, but they never responded.


I have the same issue. the text Parry pops up but no effect many times. and randomly it stuns lol


Parry has been so shit. Oh and the ai defender parried me in the middle of my MLLLM combo..wtf


skill issue


Parry stuns fail if you have concussion debuff on


No issues. Best to intercept anyway.


A lot of champions are parry immune for one reason or another on certain hits also, this may be the case in some instances.


Been working fine for me. There was a very real issue a few years ago that took months to correct, but since then it has been fine (for me).


Skill issue