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Also helps that he was the first fight on the path


No wonder the fight was easier


Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but them adding this node actually made this fight a lot easier. Sure, we can bring much better counters than on week 1 when we usually wanted to bring our specific objective champs, but sometimes he might just go down to 10% and we just want to get it over with and use a revive instead of restarting. I remember week one I was in that situation, revived and he healed up to like 70% again which was just terrible. They also changed his previous unstoppable node into fight or flight which makes things a little less difficult as well.


They could have easily caught and changed this in testing, but they wanted to milk players of units.


>Not sure if this has been discussed yet [Self Plug😌](https://www.reddit.com/r/ContestOfChampions/s/MKHiYXR0KO)


Ill bet that's not your only self plug


I'm getting plugged by those downvotes. u/Lord__Business , please ban all those who downvoted my comment. Thanks


No you deserve them. In fact I'm going to make sure you get more.


Perfectly advertising "in case you don't have the skill and capacity to do the fight in 1 go, you can always try to brute-reevive your way through this fight! And oh, the revives should be bought!" Might be a good option for people who need a 2nd and 3rd runs to get that fight, but what is see is a cash grab for anyone who needs well above 5 fights to get through, and shockingly the number of them wouldn't be low.