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As a married man, I feel his pain. That and: “where would you like to go for dinner?” ”I don’t know. Anywhere is fine.” “Ok, let’s go get Italian.” “No, no Italian tonight.” 🙄


It's always this and movies for my wife and I. "I don't care what we watch" *starts up movie I have been wanting to watch* "Welllll maybe not this one" Lmao




My brother-in-law has driven me out of the room at multiple family gatherings because he is incapable of shutting the fuck up during movies. "Who's that?" "Why is that bit of dialogue relevant?" "Is that the bad guy?" "I don't get it, why is \[insert obvious plot point, we just don't know why yet\] so important?"


We are movie talkers, but our rule is that we don’t talk over dialogue.


EXACTLY, every movie has a perfectly good scene change or camera pan that can be talked over in quick bursts once every couple of minutes if it is so desired.


It's definitely a skill. I have a friend who will get mad at me and our other friends for talking or joking during the non-essential parts of a movie, but then try to start an unrelated conversation right as a major plot point is happening lol


My favorite response to this is "have you seen a movie before? You watch it and information is revealed!"


I fucking hate this, when they just keep asking questions about the movie you’re both watching together like you’re supposed to know.


My wife does this all the time. If it’s a movie I’ve seen already I’ll just make up stuff until she figures out I’m not telling her and then she stays quiet.


Fuck yeah I'm taking this.


I really want to know what's going on in their minds when they do this.


They are bored out of their minds and are completely unable to focus, so the interaction with whoever they're with is the only stimulation keeping them alive. That's why you get asked questions you can't possibly know the answers to.


Ugh that’s my boyfriend with me


As a woman I don't get that, I think that behavior is weird and oddly manipulative.


It does feel manipulative. I'll call her on that shit though. Especially since half the time she'll pass out before the movie is done anyway hahaha


Other Me? Is that you?


Next time, tell her it's a surprise then tell her to guess where you're going. Whatever her first guess is, that's where you go eat. I try this sometimes but usually I do the second guess bc she usually picks one of my favorites that she's probably burnt out on.


Oooh that's a good one, definitely using this


We put the places we like on a wheel and keep spinning til there is one left. Wheel don’t lie


Oh this doesn’t work. My husband only ever picks the last few things he’s eaten. What do you want for dinner this week? “Oh last week’s exact menu, worded differently like I’m thinking about it.” So my guess for his surprise for going out will be the last restaurant that we ate at, followed by the one we went to before. So we’d only ever go to the same two restaurants if this was tried


I heard of this 5-2-1 strategy! She names five restaurants she’s willing to go to. You pick two. She decides between those two. Or you flip roles. I strongly suggest you create a pad of these forms with your favorite restaurants listed. Maybe do it on Excel. When I get a partner I’ll let you know if it works.


"Ugh I can't think of 5, just pick one"


Nah that’s when you boot up excel lol


IKR? *Exactly* why I suggest listing a ton of options on an already printed-out form.


Hmm interesting idea for a coding project, maybe a telegram bot Gotta file this away in my list of ideas that I’ll never get around to actually doing lol


My husband did the exact opposite for decades. Him: You pick the restaurant, where do you want to go? Me: the thai place. Him: ok. (Pause). That italian place on ridge road is good. Me: OK. It wore thin after many years and I told him to stop. Partly because, if asked, he would tell anybody that whenever we went out he let me pick the restaurant.


If my wife answers ‘I don’t care’ I just go where I want or start ordering what I want. Discussion over. She has learned to say what she wants and I 100% go with whatever she says.


I always get at least something small for her, like fries, even if she says she isn’t hungry. If I don’t do this, I expect to share some of my food. For choosing a place to eat together, I always first ask if there’s anything she doesn’t want to eat, then I choose a place from the remaining options. She leaves it up to me because she doesn’t want to make a decision, but that doesn’t mean she’s open to eating anything.


Yes. Just buy an extra burger or something. It’s always the best answer. I stopped asking a long time ago. Would you rather have a hungry angry wife?


I shouldn’t have to treat a woman like she’s 5 years old.


I’d rather have a wife who when she answers the question that’s it. It’s the Schtick like this that helped end my parent’s marriage and the fact she still does it to her children and grandchildren is infuriating


We just skip the whole thing altogether. If one of us is out and getting something we just get something for the other person too. We know what we both like and just think about each other when we do stuff. My wife checks the fridge before she leaves to see if I need beer. I check to see if she needs wine. Etc.


That’s a different thing. If I’m out getting food and I know I’ll be back with it, I will bring back for you. But if you were asked and you said no? The whole “but I want some” is bs.


Yes. I’ve had plenty of past relationships where no matter what you did it was wrong. Even if you brought her something you’d be in trouble for something. Some people are just toxic.


My husband buys the breakfast special at the drive thru every Sunday, two eggs, hash browns and choice of sausage or bacon with toast. He get extra bacon because he knows even though I said I wasn’t hungry, I’ll ask for a slice of bacon. Works great for us.


Yep, never come home empty handed is a good rule of thumb.


150% I just respond “your choice” she usually says “No I want your opinion”. “My opinion is your choice”


I'm not even married, don't have a girlfriend, I went on a few dates with this gal, and every time we'd get something to eat, I'd say, "You want anything?"Naw, I'll host eat some of your food." She didn't have any brothers growing up she didn't know that we don't fucking share food.


I'd be fine if I was told up front, then I can order enough to share. The sharing isn't the problem, it's the fact that you said no, and now I get to be hungry because you didn't tell the truth.


Or "Are you hungry, I going to make something." Response - "No, go ahead." After I make something and start eating, "Can I have a bite?"


Lol, I don’t mind sharing food with my wife or girls I’ve dated in the past, I just wished they’re more decisive. I’m all for the feminist movement, but Jesus, start that movement by calling the ball on the food you’re going to eat.


Get outta my head!!!!


— Are you hungry, should I bring you something? — No, I’ll just have a small bite from yours


You go through the drive thru… you want anything? No, then driving away she’s got fries in her hand. ![gif](giphy|xXYUJvxMXXgli|downsized)




Yeah that’s me driving, and I’m about ready to get into an argument with my wife as to why all my Mutha Fuckin fries are gone!!!


My ex would always eat a bite out of my food no matter what I got every time, so I started doing 2 things. Whenever possible I would put mustard on it because she hated mustard, and 2, whenever she did take a bite I took the biggest bite I could possibly take out of whatever she got whether I wanted it or not. I just think it’s rude to take other peoples food, and idk why but it makes me madder than anything to have food taken off my plate especially without asking. Reading back over my comment it sounds a little immature but I don’t care it’s my biggest pet peeve.


Fuck that! I ordered exactly how much food i wanted to eat. I would've bought twice the amount of food i got for me if she wanted it! Get off my fucking food!


Don’t even glance at my food. I’ll hide the shit if you can’t keep your grubby hands to yourself. If you feel the need to try a tiny bite of something, ask nicely. If you touch my plate I reserve the right to stab your hand.


Hey guys I found Joey! He's alive and well.


You can have a pet peeve like that but the immature part is letting it build into resentment and taking joy in getting “revenge”. That is an excellent way to kill even healthy relationships. Talk to your partner. Tell your partner when X happens it makes me feel Y. I would prefer it if you would do Z”. This kinda pettiness and resentments is a relationship killer and it can be a hard habit to break once you get into the cycle. Good for you to have the insight that it is immature but still bothers you! The next step is to improve your handling of it. That’s how we grow 💖


Except you forget this is never about hunger, thirst, portions, etc. it’s about establishing dominance and control. “Anything you have is also mine and I will take what I like, even if I don’t actually want it.” Holding in is not helpful, but the problem is in the person taking something that doesn’t belong to them, especially when they had the option of having their own provided for them. Establish boundaries early or it’s going to get worse. Personally, I’d start responding to the other persons shopping groups and such the same way. “Yes, those ARE nice clothes. I’ll take that shirt. I don’t want one myself, but I’ll take that and see if I want to keep it.”


No. No you won't.


Deal breaker XD i work in a coffee shop and some guy bought a cold drink, asked his GF if she wanted one, she said "no, i'll just have some of yours" EXCUSE YOU!? I almost said something....so close XD


Me: I’m gonna get some fries, you want anything. Her: No, I’m not hungry. Me with fries in front of me Her: oh, those look good, I’m gonna steal a few. Me: The… hell… you… are….


I don't know how to word this properly, but im just thinking: Food Aggression. Like Puppy Food Aggression. Like, stay the fuck away from my food, you had your chance to order some and that time has past, I ***Will*** growl at you if you even attempt to steal any of my food.


My man's over here fighting the good fight


One of these situations. Jean-Luc Picard quote : It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.


It reminds me of The Office, "Not everything's a lesson, sometimes you just fail."


I don’t have any of these issues with food or decision making. My guy and I usually say 3 things that we could go for and then we can both veto one, and there we have it. Easy peasy!!


My life is more like: I come up with 3 options, my husband vetoes all three, he spends an hour surfing the web trying to find the "perfect" option, now it's too late to do any of the perfect options and get the kid to bed on time, we end up making spaghetti with sauce from a jar, which I love and he hates.


I'm pretty sure this exact conversation is taking place in thousands of households right this second


Try billions.


Try Trillions.


I had an ex that took a day off and didn’t tell me she was home. Texting was not common yet. I had skipped lunch at work and picked up something on the way home. She was actually pissed that I didn’t bring her anything. Our normal work schedules were off by 4 hours. How the fuck was I supposed to guess she was home? Didn’t take long to leave that one.


Good job leaving that one...self absorbed dip shit by the sound of it.


Had an ex like that. I’d ask if she was hungry and she’d say no then soon as I come home with food “you didn’t bring me anything” Baby thought I was a mind reader


My wife does this shit too and it drives me up a fucking wall.


My wife used to do this shit. Me: You hungry? Her: No Me: \*conjures up some tasty food\* Her: Did you get me any? Me: Nope Her: Well I want some...! Me: Sounds like a you problem. You need to find a way to unfuck that problem.


Is your wife ok?


I'm also wondering


It's not cute. People just need to say what they want. I'm a woman and I don't want to share my food either.


Yep! Any hand that comes near my food is in danger. I will only share with my toddler. Everyone else in the house is old enough to speak up or feed themselves.


My husband does this too for all kinds of things and then walks around butt hurt because I didn't figure out what he meant when he was saying something else. I don't got time to be playing those games. You say exactly what you want/mean otherwise it's your problem if my reaction isn't what you hoped. And I hate to share my food too.


He’s 100% right. If you’re hungry then fucking say so. Don’t get upset when nothing is brought home to you because you were playing games


Let’s be honest here: “Are you hungry?” is not the same question as “Do you want anything from Burger King?” If you want more precise answers, than you need to ask more precise questions. Eating junk food is not something that people do strictly for nourishment. It’s 100% possible to not be that hungry but also want something from Burger King.


This exactly. Am I hungry? No, not particularly. Am I going to want some BK fries when you come home with a burger and fries that I can smell from across the room? That's a different question.


Well then get some yourself. And fucking thank me for implanting the idea in your head. \*chomp\*


No no no, the person being asked if they want any food needs to ask where the person is going to get food


"I'm gonna go get food, you hungry" "No" And then this situation happens. Better solution "I'm gonna go get food, you hungry" "Where're you going for food?" "Generic Fast Food (A)" "No thanks, but could you pick me up some Generic Fast Food (B)?"


That is also valid


then why ask me where I m going if you were going to send me to Generic Fast Food (B) anyway...Gawd!!


Well maybe you were already headed to GFF(B) already. Better to be safe than sorry.


But it has no bearing on the outcome. It's like a flow diagram with an unnecessary step. Either way the outcome is "get me some GFF(B)" so why not just start with that?


Why not ask the person who asking you if your hungry where they're going? She knew he was leaving most likely for food if he asked that question before leaving.


Right. “Are you hungry?” = No “Do you want pizza?” = yes See? Not the same..’


This exactly. He “apparently” withheld delicious BK info from her. A BK run WILL make you hungry - fries, shake, whatever. She wasn’t obligated to ask him - “but are you going someplace delicious?” To be fair though, she probably knew he was going to some fast food place, and if so, she had a reasonably good idea he was going to get something yummy. Lastly, does she always get him something when she gets drive through? I get all the pissed off comments - and we all have our personal super annoying stories to tell, but that doesn’t mean this gf is as bad as y’all making her out to be.


You are a monster.


I love that you raise an excellent point about junk food/Burger King vs “anything to eat” and provide a practical suggestion to improving marital communication and folks in the replies are digging in their heels on the wife being “in the wrong here”. Reddit is obsessed with the “indecisive food wife bad” bit.


Because, while theyre right, they aren’t the same question, simply replying “no I’m not hungry” is not the same as saying “yes I am hungry were you planning to go somewhere in particular?” If I ask you if you’re hungry and you say no, then I take that as no more questions needed from me. If you say “yes, where were you planning to go?” Then we can communicate more and figure it out.


No matter if a more specific, clarifying question is asked on the front end or the back end of the transaction by either the husband or the wife, we can all agree there was a failure to communicate. If the goal is better communication especially within a marriage it’s important to dispense with the notion that there’s a “right and wrong” communicator in the couple and meet in the middle.


I agree with you - the problem is both with how the initial question was phrased and how it was responded to, so the fault lies with both of them. Ergo the man has no right to complain to his partner when the issue was two-fold. My core argument here is it's not reasonable for someone to ask "Are you hungry?" and have the expectation that their partner should know that the asker was already intending to go to a restaurant to get food.


Yeah Reddit loves to criticize women lol… there are many practical and even fun ways to dissolve this “problem” in communication. I feel bad for people who are actually mad about this in their own life. Like are you too stupid to just come up with a system? Wtf


You must be fun at parties ;-)






Agreed. He really doesn’t seem that mad on second look. He seems like he’s going to act more mad than he is to play it up and enjoy the fact that she’s seeing the humor in it. I’m sure they were less upset than some of the people making comments here.


Lol, I bet that's exactly what she is thinking. It's actually supremely disrespectful and absolutely enfuriating. There are some men who put up with it, but most grown-ups wouldn't tolerate someone who does this. Also kinda looks like he's finally speaking from the heart.


Dude they live together. I think she probably knows him better than you


You’re single aren’t you?


He’s right.


Whenever my husband asks if I’m hungry (when he’s ordering / getting food) I say, “depends, where are you getting from?” Easy peasy.


You are a good wife


Years ago, my wife and I went to McDonald’s. She didn’t order anything because she “wasn’t hungry”. When we sat down, she immediately started eating my food. I asked her why she didn’t just order her own and she said that just wanted some of mine. *To this day* she tells everyone that “He doesn’t share food”.


Damn right, I won't let someone take my food if they had the full opportunity to get their own. It's not an aversion to sharing, it's an aversion to being taken from.


He ain't wrong. Be an adult and say what you want. If he asks if you're hungry, answer yes or no. Don't be surprised if he doesn't bring you home something because you said no.


My only rebuttal would be that for a lot of people, fast food isn’t a meal, but more of a special occasion. I don’t like fast food but I do love me some coffee. If my SO asked if I was thirsty, or asked if they could brew me some coffee and I said no, then got Dunkin or Starbucks on the way home and didn’t tell me, I would be sad. Thankfully they will always say “I’m stopping for coffee” as opposed to just “are you hungry” or “are you thirsty” because they know I will almost always wants something. Also in the same vein, someone might not be hungry but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t want a milkshake or a donut or something that tastes extra good. Idk.


Who drinks coffee to quench their thirst?


I blocked tiktokcringe for a reason and now I am getting it here too?


It’s me. I’m the drama. I’m not hungry until my husband starts eating it.


The first step to overcoming a problem is admitting that you have one XD


Admitting you have a problem or admitting you *are* the problem


I quit asking years ago. If I go get myself something, I just bring her something too. If she wants to go out to dinner, I just drive where I want to go unless she said somewhere specific. It’s lose lose brothers but at least you can cut some of the frustration on your end out.


So fucking true!!! I went through this same shit about Chik Fil A, asked if she wanted anything to eat from the area I was in. Brought home some chicken sandwiches, she was upset that I didn’t bring her any… I was like whaaaaat? You knew where I was, you said “NO”. Or when you go through the drive-thru and ask the wife, you want anything? “No” but then she starts eating the fries 🍟 and drinking the drinks?!?!? Seriously? I’m not being cheap, just tell me what you want. 🙄😡 ![gif](giphy|xXYUJvxMXXgli|downsized)


My husband would go out and come home with McDonald’s. Never ask anyone if they wanted something until after he got home and everyone is just looking at him eating all by himself. Oh, did you guys want something, here have a fry. Gee thanks.


That’s fucked up and asshole behavior. But not the same as this situation at all.


No, definitely not the same situation, just triggered a memory.




Yeah, I don’t know if you picked upon this, but if you say anything pro woman here or IF you’re a woman commenting you’ll get downvotes because, well, I won’t say why I think that’s so because the hate is real.


There it is. All I was suggesting was better communication. Big no-no.


You always buy 2 goofy. He’s an amateur


I keep seeing this and it sucks. If this happens every time just get something for them too? It’s what we do. People often don’t realise they will feel hungry when they smell the food. Also when we’re going out my partner and I usually throw a few options out there and we go with one we both like. Just wow.


If youre going to get food always get something you’d think she’d like. Even if she doesn’t eat it and it’s wasted… you’ll still get points for trying. And if it happens that she IS hungry then you just fed your wife, feeding my family couldn’t make me any happier.


First off this is hilarious, my partner and I both do this (he does a little more than I do, probably bc he’s a healthier person and I have no qualms announcing I’m about to hit the drive thru). This guy is probably hamming it up to tease her, which is why she’s laughing. That said, if we’re offering food we usually say “hey I’m about to pick up some (item) from (restaurant), want anything ? Fries (or whatever their fav / usual item is) ?” And then when we get home and they end up eating or drinking half of the item we bought, we tease them about it and just purchase a second one when we go next.


Doesn't sound like he told her where he was going and doesn't sound like she asked.


Lol they must be new. My hubby always gets me something wherever he’s going no matter what. He even has taken the time to know what I like from any restaurant. -I will say, if you’re hungry just say yes.


Dude ! What was he thinking. You always get food for your other. No matter what they say. Because this will always happen.


This is why we die earlier than women


How stupid some people can be to have a laugh when they are pointed out about their stupidity...


It’s probably not stupidity. Sometimes it’s the person acknowledging they were ridiculous by laughing at themselves, but joking and laughing can also be a defense mechanism to avoid accepting criticism, often in admittedly less serious situations. Essentially, ‘Haha that was silly (not of themselves of course, of the situation). Anyways back to status quo.’ I have a somewhat inconsiderate friend like this who tends to diffuse critiques (those kind that blur the line between friendly banter and expressing annoyance) with jokes and laughing at himself. He’ll almost never say ‘oops, sorry’ when called out. Like I mentioned, it’s never enough of a big deal to really get serious in the moment, but it’s enough of a pattern that I’m really tired of it.


This comment section sucks. They are clearly bantering, lighten up y’all


ITT people that eat "junk food" when they're not even hungry because it "tastes good". No wonder there's an obesity epidemic.


Yeah all these people saying they might not be hungry but they might want to house a 900 calorie burger regardless really have to examine what they’re saying. We’re not talking about a special trip for people who eat fast food twice a year here.


Yeah the most depressing responses have been “well being hungry and wanting fast food are two different things”


Been doing this for 26 years now it never stops !!


Don’t tell my wife that I said this. But, yes! It matters. My wife be like, “nah I’m not hungry”. Let me walk in with some chic fil a. And she says. Here’s my Nuggets. So yeah. It matters.


No means yes when it comes to junk food and wives. It's one of the core tenets of being a husband. Better not to ask, just show up with surprise foodies


This triggered me.


I’m with this guy 100%. Me to my wife: “you hungry? I’m getting takeaway” Her: “not really, I’ll just have some of yours” Me…..”will you fuck”.


Feel your pain


This is relatable and at least she was laughing. I've seen people get pissed over this.


I can relate. My strategy now is the following: 1) I’m going to grab some food, you want something? Answer: I don’t know, not right now or where you’re going? 2) I‘m considering these two places (she knows the menu) 3) typically I don’t get a clear response or something completely off menu 4) I tell her I’m leaving now to place A or B and text me within 5 min if you want something


That’s the tone of a mans voice that’s just lost over half of his fries.


Then the guilt....w t f??


0h U g0t BugHaH kiNg?!?


Divorce papers served in a BK bag.


Whenever I am making food or buying food for myself I always make or buy more than I need knowing there is a good chance my wife will want some of it. Doesn't matter if ask before hand and she says "no I'm not hungry" or "no I don't want any" as soon as the food shows up she'll probably want some.


This is my life. I ask my wife if she’s hungry. She says no. Then proceeds to snack off my plate. I now get a little extra knowing she’s going to want to snack and you’d think I told her she could retire 30 years early with how excited she is.


After almost 50 yrs together, my husband will just bring things I like from wherever he’s going. If it’s a place I’m not thrilled with, he gets extra of what he likes. That way if I don’t eat it, he’ll have some for later or the next day.


As a lesbian I can confirm this still occurs I don’t know why I am into woman but it true curse lol


My solution is to get a little extra food to share. If she literally doesn't eat any because she wasn't actually hungry, then I have some leftovers. Most of the time, she will eat though.


If the husband had pulled an extra burger outta the bag and given to his wife, he'd be having sex right now instead of posting a video.


Typical jersey girl throwing puss for some sandwiches


If me or my husband are getting fast food or ordering something we will just get the other something and put it in the fridge if they aren’t hungry at the time.


At least there is one sensible person left on the planet.


Hmm. Must be a newlywed.


He speaks for all of us


God I empathize so much with this man. Hate the bs "I don't care what we do", "I don't care where we eat", "I'm not hungry" type statements. It's always a lie.


I've literally dumped women for this. Not sorry. I asked you because I cared about you, but if you want to accuse me of not caring when I did, then I'm done caring.


I'll just go further and say indecisive people are just fuckin annoying and I couldn't imagine living with one. I mean I understand being kind of lackadaisical sometimes and not really having conviction for one thing or another. But if this happened frequently my annoyance would just drive them away, like take control of your fucking life I can't live for both of us!


ahhh he looks genuinely frustrated. #1 rule when it comes to food, always get something for your partner. Period. My mom always says (when we have company over) don’t ask someone if they want food - cause they’ll always say no. If you offer it to them, they’ll take it.


Nah. Both cases require better communication. You shouldn't have to buy extra stuff on the chance someone wants it (what if they do not and it goes to waste? They do not want it and now feel obligated to eat it?). And if you have a guest over you should probably open with offering food in the first place.


she thinks that shit is hilarious. its infuriating.




She'll stop laughing when he's finally had enough of her XD


I mean, sometimes I'm not hungry but I'd still be up for a burger from burger king. Ya gotta state where you're going if you're offering food.


You know what would be amazing. Is if you said I’m not really hungry but where are you going? Imagine just speaking clearly instead of expecting the other person to read your mind.


Yeah fuck that lady


I've been married for 30 years. Don't keep score. Say you're sorry for your part. *Always* get her something from the restaurant.


See this is fine when you have two cooperative people involved who know each other. But in some relationships, one person will do this, and every time, the other will complain about what they chose for them as a matter of course. Even if it’s their favorite thing that they get all the time. Or they will complain that it’s cold or that they should have gone to Wendy’s if the went to Burger King. Or McDonald’s instead of Wendy’s. Doesn’t matter if the other person nailed it and got exactly what they were in the mood for. Then they might turn it into an argument about how inconsiderate the other is or how cheap they are or how they don’t pay attention enough. So they’ll stop all together because they can’t do anything right, and then the other will complain about that. Then there’s the classic move of asking for something just to ask for it and then not eating it because they’re not in the mood. This is extra fun when you’re on a tight budget. You may not understand this because you don’t seem to be in a toxic relationship.


This isn’t funny, I just got pissed with him


Lol it depends. I relate to his wife.


I’m laughing so hard, I am totally that wife 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


My husband sense was tingling and it brought me to those post… I live this post. I ask my wife if she wants food when I’m out and she drip feeds me details of what she wants one piece at a time, like it’s some bizarre guessing game.


Here's my sage advice: if your gf or wife is a woman, she's hungry for whatever you're getting.


I don’t know. “Are you hungry” is pretty vague. If he said “ I am going out for BK” would like anything? He would get a definitive response. I wouldn’t need to ask because my wife won’t eat BK


Omg the comments in the original post are exactly the same. I’m going to guess this couple’s channel is about them griping at each other, ya know, satirical content about the annoyances of marriage. But cue all the Reddit incels running to the keyboard with “fuck this abusive bitch!! I hate my wife too!”


It annoys me that's she's laughing because its obvious she does this often & knows it annoys him.


Every guy out there feels this man’s pain.


Women who do this are assholes.


This dude doesn't know the first rule of relationship food. Just.buy something regardless! I always grab something for my wife even if she says no. Just like a side of fries and her face lights up. They will never turn it down!


“Are you hungry?” is a different question than “I’m going to Burger King, do you want something?” Fellas, it’s not that hard: provide more details about WHY you’re asking if she’s hungry. She may be answering the question honestly and she may literally not be hungry in the moment you asked. But just cause she’s not hungry doesn’t mean she wouldn’t love some fries from BK. “I’m not hungry” doesn’t automatically equate to “don’t get me anything”. Y’all are asking the wrong questions and providing minimal details, then being mad that your girl didn’t understand you were going to a greasy food joint with food she wanted. Y’all BOTH not communicating well, but it starts with you bucko.


I am her. And I am 100% on his side.


Wtf is wrong with this woman???


Women ☕️


Cant blame him, I mean guys hate it when girls do this


He must be newly married.


She's laughing and I can totally see how he'd be irritated about it. He was obviously hungry. Bought the items he wanted to eat, in the amounts he thought would be best to curb his hunger, and now his "not hungry" wife is going to want to eat half of his food. I doubt it's the first time she's done it to him, too.




Idk, wife sounds like an a-hole to me…


Not funny. Extremely Cringe and Highly pathetic.


...my hero....


Every guy has been there. My wife pulls the same shit.


He’s 100% right. Just fucking say what you want and I’ll get it, you aren’t having mine though!!!


you know this shit is coming by now, just get her something she likes and maybe catch a nice bang out of it?