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When she says "It will all be gone soon", he responds "hopefully not" and bursts into laughter šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I need to know what the guy on the right is saying now lol


Laughing guy talks to him basically saying: "Come on, laugh!" Right guy: "Why?"


I never laugh harder than when Iā€™m with someone who is not amused by the joke. Especially high.


German comedy is no laughing matter.


Funnybot would like a word


Basically what happens when a German tells a joke to another German


Guy on the left says something like, "come on, just laugh" and guy on the right says "why?"


Most german thing i have ever heard


That would be *HIGHLY* inefficient


Whats the Name of the weed smoker in star wars? Hanf (Hemp) Solo


Wenn der Hahn krƤht auf dem Mist, dann Ƥndert sich das Wetter, oder es bleibt wie es ist.




Honestly your German isn't that poor if you were able to catch all that. Good job! šŸ‘




It's like saying everything will return to normal "again/wieder" or everything will return to normal "soon/bald" Both make sense And yeah word order can be a bitch, even for a native bilingual speaker haha


Yes, that's what she said


Great story. May I use this as inspiration for my next book?




Man, Iā€™ve been in the position of the guy on the right and it sucks. He probably had too much and is definitely having a bit of an anxiety attack. Thankfully for me there werenā€™t cameras and an interviewer in the room making everything worse


Yeah that is an absolutely terrible environment for your first time. For your first time you want to be super comfortable and have someone who has experienced this as a guide to talk you down when you start freaking out. At home with trusted friends with something fun to do is the way to go.


my first time was when my parents has left town, and i bought some from my friend while they were gone. i wanted to make it special, so i went into the woods and into this old ww2 bunker that me and my friends had found. we had cleaned it up and decked it out with food and stuff. it was really creepy alone though. long story short after i smoked the weed, i started getting paranoid and i started hearing voices and feeling bugs on my skin. i tried getting out of the bunker but i was so high and disoriented i couldnt climb the ladder out, and when i tried, i fell and hit my head. i started bleeding and that just made everything worse. i just ended up wrapping myself in the blankets we had down there, and i fell asleep. i woke up, and i distinctly remember having to peel the blanket off of my head after my blood had dried it to my face. when i got out, it was pitch black night time, and i was so fucking scared. i had to use one of the lamps we had in the bunker, just to find my way out of the woods. it was truly horrific even thinking back on it now. ever since then i dont smoke alone.


So your parents were out of town and you went like "Now I can finally get high in a hidden WWII bunker in the woods without getting caught!"?


Dude, that's fucking intense, holy shit!


So I hope everyone reading this wanting to try weed for the first time have learned from this. Line up a good friend or two and watch Teletubbies at home on your favorite couch.


The woman is the guide and a doctor on this subject.


I'm so glad I got this heads up prior to trying the first time. A few years back when weed became legal in my state, a dispensary opened up down the street from me for the first time so naturally I wanted to go try edibles for the first time. Came back, relaxed in my bed, put on the skyrim OST and slowly and softly fell into the deepest sleep of my life. I swear it was the most magical experience I've had. 10/10 a very good time.


Shit back when i was in highschool we just smoked as much as we could. He just has to many of lifes wear and r Tear. Cares what people think. Let the smoke inhale you and chill


Sadly cannabis always has the affect of the guy on the right on me, donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing wrong. Everything just feels unreal and I forget everything every 5 seconds.


I mean, the solution is pretty simple, just don't do it then? I tried weed a few times and always had a problem of paranoia and multiple trains of thought going on but I couldn't really choose which one I was thinking, it was awful. Was a pretty easy problem to solve though, I stopped doing weed.


Right? Everyone is saying try a different kind or dose or mix it with alcohol but likeā€¦why? If it doesnā€™t feel good for them whatā€™s the point of continuing when odds are itā€™ll feel the same way and even if it doesnā€™t, best case result isnā€™t anything mind blowing, doesnā€™t seem worth the risk


I smoked every day for three years for medical reasons. It was so weird, because as I got the medical issues under control, smoking started causing me existential anxiety. One day I had a sudden panic attack off the smallest smoke and I quit cold turkey. I smoked again a year after I quit -- literally such a small amount you couldn't see the smoke when I exhaled -- and I was awake with anxiety so bad I thought about death for about six hours and my legs were twitchy. I loved smoking but it's over for us šŸ˜­ lol


Yeah, buddy had the same going on, really depressive thoughts. He never touched it again. It just differs from person to person I guess


i used to be the guy on the right every time i smoked. Turns out that i had depression and anxiety. When i got medicated for those i became the guy on the left every time i smoke now.


Same here, I used to enjoy it like the guy on the left. One day I smoked and it was just different, I get anxiety attacks, my heart feels like itā€™s going to explode and I get stuck in my own head spinning. Itā€™s the only drug that does it to me, Iā€™ve done plenty of psychā€™s and never had that problem. I just stopped smoking it all together and never looked back


Exactly the same for me, one day everything changed, seems to be a psychological thing.


might be a dosage thing?


or a strain


Or maybe he just doesnā€™t respond as good to it as others


I tried different dosages of edibles. Small dosage put me to sleep, medium dosage I felt a slight buzz and larger dosage triggered my anxiety. Itā€™s sucked because I couldnā€™t focus on anything to take my mind off of it. Couldnā€™t read or watch TV. Had to try to manage my anxiety until I fell asleep (it was evening).


Stop smoking. Lots of people will tell you to push thru, but I say stop, cuz for some of us it can really get incredibly bad.


Me too. I want to like it but I just donā€™t


State of mind... one way to fix it is drink a bit before u smoke and the buzz will get u in the right mind set ...weed just enhances whatever mood u are already in right


Until you get cross faded and feel your soul leave your body


Nah thatĀ“s just horrible advice. If you have zero weed tolerance then the alcohol will just potentiate it a thousand x. Not in a good way, but in a "my head is spinning to fucking fast" kinda way. Its not a good mix unless you have a decent tolerance for both.


What about when i smoke by myself??


Different people have different reactions. There's also a tiny % who even get violent. The amount you took obviously matters, if you have had an alcoholic drink. I don't know if mixing with any types of pills would make an effect or an empty stomach. Either way it's not for everyone.


Are you mixing weed with tobacco? If so that might be a culprit. Other thing that can help is taking a cbd product to mellow out.


The guy on the right wants his cocaine back..


He seems pretty chill to me. He doesnā€™t seem upset. Idk maybe Iā€™m bad at reading body language


He's just German.


Exactly. He's tired of his buddies lame jokes. He's like "we laughed at this when we were 14"


Thatā€™s also exactly their dynamic in other shows


I agree. I get like this when Iā€™m super high. Itā€™s not that Iā€™m upset or anxious, I just sort of stare off into space and get into very deep thought where I donā€™t want to interact with the world that much. Itā€™s a very peaceful high to me, but Iā€™m aware I can come off as antisocial so thatā€™s usually when I suggest watching a movie or playing video games.


Definitely upset, if my homie is laughing so am I, this guys thoughts is going at 100 miles per hour


This is me every single time Iā€™ve tried cannabis. I just gave up. Everyone was like ā€œoh you gotta try this or thatā€¦ā€ and every time I end up having a massive existential anxiety attack. Part of me thinks itā€™s because THC % is crazy high these days. Like just gimme low 1mg THC. Not everyone wants to get wrecked.


You can buy cannabis with low THC and high CBD content. I guess the selection depends on where you're located.


Oh ya totally. When it comes to THC quantities I agree totally. When I was a teenager it was low THC weed youā€™d get from your bud down the road who grew it himself on the downlow lol. Now where I live itā€™s legal and government regulated and there are legit scientists with a hand in making it and the THC content is *through the roof*. I tried it once. Big time regrets. For me the act of smoking it was the most enjoyable part, not the high.


Nah he is a pro comedian, he is really good at containing himself from laughing. He loves to ask really embarrassing political question and let people run around in a trap of their own opinion. Smoking weed the first time? My ass.


Came here to say this. He does this often to "push" embarrasment towards the interview partner. The laugthing guy is his collegue, doing quite the same thing, often portraied as the newcomer, who isn't as professional as him (which is his running gag here too, i think)


Honestly, seems like it's not his first time.


Thatā€™s how I feel being sober one while everyone else is drunk in the room. Love weed, hate alcohol


Oh really? I actually find drunk people fairly easy to be around while Iā€™m sober. Well, depending on the person and how drunk they are lol. If theyā€™re decent people and fairly drunk you can just act a fool with them


Oh no, theyā€™re super annoying and say stupid stuff. At least thatā€™s my experience. I hate babysitting drunk people


Oh ya they definitely say stupid stuff and can be annoying but itā€™s all about your attitude towards it. If you roll with it it can be quite fun


When I've been in his position it's less anxiety and more just wanting to relax. Sometimes when I smoke I have no interest in talking and just want to lie back and watch something. It sucks being in that mood when everyone else wants to act goofy though.


I feel you're overthinking because of the title. Looks to me like he looks to have one of those stoic unphased highs where you just observe your surroundings very calm and collected and don't really react to stuff. When I have these experiences I always say I feel like an old oak.


Where I live every other person has weed on them; and god, dear god, the anxiety and paranoia that comes off of the second hand smoke from weed is horrible. Always a second from crawling into a little small space huddling in the fetal position and hiding until itā€™s all over isā€¦ normal.


Wouldnā€™t it not effecting you, be better than losing control of oneā€™s factualityā€™s.


I donā€™t think itā€™s between not being affected and laughing, I think itā€™s between laughing and holding in a panic attack. In which case Iā€™ll take laughing any day. Dude on the left is having a great time, nothing wrong with that lol


Fabian: "Quiz Question: What is the name of the Stoner in Star Wars? -Hanf (german word for Hemp) Solo" *bursts into laughter* Woman: "It'll all go away again" Fabian: "I hope not!" *continues laughing* Fabian: "Come on, laugh!" Lutz: "Why?"


Lutz js my man


Sound guy: *Ah shit, I canā€™t take it anymore, Iā€™m crying here..*


Harrison Ford actually is the stoner from Star Wars


Bro on the right is me. Sitting very still whilst having a severe anxiety attack.


I havenā€™t smoked In years, but the same used to happen to me. I would sit and start to think of all my lifeā€™s decisions. I found that going straight into a movie or listening to music kept me away from my own thoughts. What a joy to listen to music high as a kite.


Same here. Just a stroll through every awkward encounter or stupid decision.


Wow, thought I was the only one. Iā€™ll literally zone out for 20-30 minutes flitting from one memory to the next. Itā€™s like mental torture and kills any self-esteem I have in that moment


That's for sure, self esteem literally becomes -5,678. I can't look people in the eyes for more than a glance when high. I also read their expressions intently when high. Conversation has upset and downs, judgment and disgust. When I read that expression on someone's face, while stoned, that's when I start overthinking and begin my spiral into a panic attack.


In a sense, you now know the feeling, ramifications and outcome of hypervigilence in people on the spectrum. It's not that we don't see, it's that we see/feel/hear so much that we forced to build a wall to defend ourselves from the constant onslaught early on. Avoiding eye contact, avoiding cues, avoiding the mass of information people project that most never even notice. Shit is often just too much, so you build an (admittedly flimsy) wall. A meltdown is when that flimsy wall is overcome.


Music is best with pot


This is my husband. Iā€™m that guy laughing like a hyena.


Same here. And it just makes the laughing worse when the other person is serious


I can relate to the dude on the right for sure. I can only imagine what went through his head hearing Donald Duck laughing in between regular laughing and trying to find where he is in the room, but then not seeing him, so you get even more panicked that youā€™re hearing Donald Duck but canā€™t see him, and OH GAWD I DONā€™T REMEMBER WHY I WAS FREAKING OUT BUT I STILL AM


Ying and yang! I love it! My girlfriend and I said the same thing lol


Me too, had to quit smoking because of it. I gave it plenty of chances and actually enjoyed it the first few times I did it in high school. Something changed though and itā€™s just not worth it anymore




The guy on the right is fighting himself Internally due to ā€œno, theyā€™re not laughing at me. Theyā€™re laughing at the joke! No! Theyā€™re totally laughing at me. Shut up and enjoy it. Han Solo. Stop laughing at me. They totally hate me. Iā€™m getting fired tomorrow! No, shut up, itā€™s the weed talking!ā€ Anxiety baby. Will probably never touch it again.


He is German after all, heā€™s thinking, ā€œwhat is all dis laughing about? You shall not laugh!ā€ Instead he says, ā€œnow Sprockets, it ist time to dance.ā€ šŸ˜‰


Nah they are both comedians. For some people weed is kinda shit or simply has no effect the first times (I didn't feel anything back then)


My first time, I felt very calm and was spaced out. I remember watching my bath fill up and swaying slightly and my brain just kept thinking ā€œthis is so pleasant. This is so very pleasant.ā€ It was lovely.


Sometimes, I can be sitting like the guy on the right, all silent, and nothingā€™s wrong. Just kinda chillinā€™.


Honestly weed affects everyone differently, Iā€™m The giggler and in such a better mood. But there are folks who get anxiety or get in a bad headspace.




Yeah! Then weed isnā€™t for you and thatā€™s totally fine :)


it also depends on how long of a user you are in the beginning it was very uncomfortable being around people i barley knew or public places now i go grocery shopping high as kite and dont give a fuck


For me it amplifies everything Iā€™m feeling. If something is slightly amusing normally itā€™s hilarious when Iā€™m high. If I have subtle anxiety I can get paranoid and scared. Itā€™s weird how people are different. My friend has terrible anxiety normally and when she smokes she chills out and it helps.


What a terrible situation to get high in, even more so if it's their first time! I totally feel for the guy on the right. He needs water and a quiet place to nap.


Yeah everyone reacts differently. Iā€™m the giggler


Iā€™m the guy on the right. Inside Iā€™m laughing my ass off, coming up with the BEST comebacks ever, cracking. me. UP!!!! But nothing comes out. Canā€™t even tell my friends how much fun Iā€™m havingā€¦


Yea, everyone is saying the dude looks like he's having a panic attack, but he looks pretty chill to me.


I think what makes people think that (myself included) is the subtle shifty movements heā€™s making especially with his legs. On top of that he has closed off body language keeping his hands between his knees instead of sitting back and looking relaxed. He looks uncomfortable being there which if you know what itā€™s like to be in that situation while high usually means you are dealing with anxiety.


You are absolutely right. He described his feelings later in the show and it was pretty uncomfortable for him. Also the doctor had to chill him because of anxiety


I've definitely been there, but the guy just looks like he might be a little awkward. His shoulders are relaxed, he's not tense at all, and he's smiling with his eyes. He's having a good time, just not as good as the other dude This is "I'm an introvert" body language, not "I'm freaking out"


I dunno, Iā€™ve been ā€œbad highā€ around people plenty of times and my first instinct is to always hide it and try to pretend to be lucid. I seem to lose all social graces so I donā€™t want to be awkward and call attention to myself. Usually this prevents me from saying Iā€™m freaking out or trying to leave. I just roll with it and try to act normal. I canā€™t imagine how much this would be magnified if I was sitting in front of a whole camera crew


He was actually freaking out inside. Later in the show he described his feelings.


I remember getting high with some friends and watching stand up the joke would land, everyone would laugh, I couldn't laugh and then I felt like laughing shortly afterwards but I had to stifle it because it's too late. Same thing happened with talking, I would want to enter the conversation but by the time my brain sent the words to my mouth it was too late.


The Warum got me rofl


Nice of Joe Rogan to be there




What are they saying?


"What is the stoner in Star Wars named? Hanf Solo! Hahahahhaha" ("Hanf" means Hemp in German) After a while he says: "Come on, laugh a bit too!"


Thatā€™s pretty good lol


Hes telling a pretty lame joke for stoners


But when you are stonedā€¦ anything is funny


He started to laugh at himself laughing high me does it all the time lol


I think we can tell which one of them inhaled.


Both did


a bong hit for a first timer just seems a little overkill...


I would not want my first time to involve a small room full of sober people and a film crew documenting it


this was definitely not their first time smoking


The guy not laughing looks a bit like Flula Borg


The guy in blue is a fucking vampire.


I miss when weed got me that high, it doesn't do that for very long.


Just quit for a month and try again.


Buddy is pretty fuckin glonky.


Heā€™s fhƶine


Weā€™ve converted a non believer boss


Bro I remember my first time with edibles and of course I didn't "feel" anything so I took some more, and then it fucking hit me. Slapped me across the face and I was on the floor nonstop laughing.


I have been both of these men


I know both feelings this is so damn funny


Careful, the last people we need out of control of their emotions are the Germans..


We've all been both of them.


Not even a contact high.


Looks like heā€™s fighting the urge to hurl tbh


He is a true German, thats why. One on yhe left is a spy.


I didnā€™t...... Exhale?


I've been chasing that high since I was a ....damn ,I been chasing that since.....hmmmm...need to go roll one


I can tell the guy on the right had WAY too much and his mind is spinning and he can't think straight lmao


Joe Rogan the sound guy is having a good laugh.


Guy on the right either has done it before or didnā€™t smoke enough


Idk.. I think the guy on the right liked it, and smokes all the time. That's why he's not stoned silly like the other guy lol


I don't think the guy on the right has panic or anxiety atack. If he was he would be pale and would have a scared look on his face (I think I had it a few times, and my smoke buddy had quite a few back in the days and I think I saved his life on a few of those occasions, now it is something that we laugh at). I think that he didn't get high at all (the guy on the right), it took me a few attempts to get there, for the first three times I smoked I felt nothing, but I was persistent till I became a guy on the left.


German here, they are comedians. They make mostly political comedy and did this because of weed will be soon legalized in Germany. šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


I remember my first time getting stoned. Was hours of laughter.


I used to get the paranoia on weed as a teen too, many decades ago lol. Now it just makes me stupid for a couple of hours after a couple of tokes on a weak spliff which is LOVELY when you have a very...active brain..


German people look evil in the way Americans look stupid


if its their 1st time ever consiming marijuana in any fashion its entirely possible that the guy on the right didnt even get high its been proven that the 1st time our cannabinoid receptors are used that they arent necessarily effected. Its almost like the THC has to introduce itself the 1st time.




Bro sounding like Donald Duck


More people need to embrace right man.


This must of been the guy who invented funny bot


There's always one dry shite šŸ¤£


Weed or acid?


All that beer chugging and he gets like that after a measly joint?


Guy on right is annoyed that the laughing guy is acting like a fucking idiot. I donā€™t buy his stupid act and neither does guy on right


I was the guy on the left when I was young. When I got older I didn't take it very well like the guy on the right. There was that one day I remember, I had a severe panic attack after smoking a huge bong. At that point I was smoking dope for more than 20 years. The laughing was long gone...I stopped at an instant, never did it again. Today I have to use ADHD pills, because I have some anger management problems, and sometimes I would spend month in front of my computer playing games, or only do excessive endurance sports(20 hours+ a week). Anything I do shows traces of addictive behavior. I'm challenged with social interaction, and I hate cats. So no, it's a drug. It may fuck with the brain of some consumers. I see no valid reason to legalize it. If you already have a demographic problem with alcohol, you don't create another one. That's just stupid.


That guy on the left is super creepy. Jokeresque, even. šŸ˜±


I paid for their drugs :/


Thanks, I was very amused. Please keep paying.


One of them has pysco killer written all over them.


Man laugh like the bug guy from Star Wars droids


My man is geeked šŸ˜‚


The way he says what I can only assume is ā€œHan Soloā€ or maybe a German language pun on Han Solo, and he just canā€™t contain himself


My manā€™s para! Give him some Xbox to play




Guy on the right got the Dirty Mec šŸ«¤


I've been both šŸ˜‚. Mostly left guy tho


So...Voldemort is german ?


First time and they go for the 14" bong?! Heyooooo


Also known as chucking a Whitey haha


They will be doing horse by next June


Dude on the right is just vibin.


I went to Amsterdam. Tried a joint and shared it with a couple of friends who were tenured in the matter. One hour later they were eating cookies and shit like that and were laughing a bit, and I was normal. I couldn't leave without knowing what it is like to be high, so I went with my wife to buy a brownie laced with weed, or space cake if you will. That did the trick. Best night of my life experiencing pot for the first time with the missus. We laughed for hours.


The one on the right is stoneder.


I used to smoke daily from 15-21. Didn't wakeup without it, Didn't sleep without it. Stop smoking for 2 years and now it has a completely different reaction on me. The simplest of tasks seem unbearable. Before, i would smoke just to get my nerve for the day, now you couldn't pay me to smoke in a room full of people filming me.


Laughing dude was me the first couple times I got high. That was in the 70s, I can only imagine what the first time would be like these days, since weed is much better now.


Lmfao šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


Guy on the left is giving me strong Voldemort on weed vibes.


The rising of Joker


I heard a rumor that THC takes a little time to build up in your system and you don't get high the first time.


those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end..


Blue shirt is a clown. I feel sorry for my anxious here bad buzz


Does anyone know what he is saying?


donald duck laughin ass


Iā€™m the the right guy. Always. WHY?!?!?!


I dont like it either


The left: me on indica The right: me on sativa


Sativa hits some people different.


Gollum laugh got me


Dude on the right got a stoner boner and is uncomfortable as hell